rebirth of change

Chapter 690 Best Actress

Back at his villa in Beverly Hills, Fan Wenxuan, Li Li and Jon Gordon were all here. They didn't go to the airport to pick up Chen Kangjie, but John Jimmy and the others went to the airport to meet him. │| │Bob is not here today. A batch of funds will be transferred to the United States in April and May. In order to prepare for receiving them, he has been traveling around in New York, Philadelphia, Washington, Chicago, Seattle and many other cities during this time.

In order to ensure that the funds flowing out of Japan can enter the United States and be safe and secure, Bob needs to establish two networks, one open and one dark. Since Ouyang Zhenhua suspected that he might be under secret investigation, he gave Bob The message has been conveyed, not only must there be a clear network, but also a dark one, and those funds will be dispersed to various cities and banks in the United States.

Because of this reason, Bob personally runs the network, which is often a clear network. There will indeed be funds entering the United States along this line, but the amount will not be as large as imagined, it should be only one-tenth of the dark network. .Those who are in charge of the secret operation are the people under him and Han Geng. They are all small roles, but there are many people and large faces, so they won't attract attention.

Fan Wenxuan arrived in Los Angeles two days earlier than Chen Kangjie. He had to come to stand up for Chen Kangjie. Some preparations or ideas had to be completed by her ahead of time. Jon Gordon and Li Li were the actual executors.

"You guys are too motivated. Actually, there's no need to come here at night. Anyway, it's the awards ceremony tomorrow night. If you have something to say, you can talk about it tomorrow morning. Aren't you tired?" Chen Kangjie stretched his arms while leaning on the big sofa in the living room. Stretching, he said lazily.

Although the interior of the Global Express xrs is luxurious and the facilities are perfect, but if you stay in such a small space for more than ten hours, you will feel short-term depression even if you are not physically tired.

"We know that you are very tired after flying for more than ten hours, but there is no way to do it. Some things need to be confirmed with you first. After confirmation, we can prepare for it. Otherwise, we will be in a hurry tomorrow. It won't take long. Just an hour", Fan Wenxuan looked at Chen Kangjie and said. <The news is out, so I asked jokingly.

"Don't take nicknames randomly. It's not that he doesn't have a name. He doesn't have time to come to Los Angeles now. He's busy with the Internet company. It's rare for me to see him." After speaking, Fan Wen can be heard Xuan complained to both.

"Hehe, it's rare for you to meet each other? Don't you live together? Your big villa should be very spacious!" At this time, Chen Kangjie seemed very gossip.

"Who lives with him? He rents an apartment by himself, and he doesn't clean it all day long, making it look like a doghouse. I go there every ten days and a half months, and I have to help him clean it for half a day every time." Xuan complained to Quan, but Chen Kangjie could tell from his eyes and expression that she was still very happy and sweet. <Refused.The first reason is his own face problem. He is now running an online company. Even though he can own a part of the shares according to the contract, it is actually a part-time job. It is Chen Kangjie and the others who pay, and he contributes, and he only met because of Fan Wenxuan. Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua, if he moves to live now, it will give people a feeling that he is eating soft food, so in order to maintain his dignity as a man, he temporarily rents a high-end apartment of 7000 Hong Kong dollars a month. Living is already very good.Second, now Wenxuan Fan is a woman with status and status. If they live together without getting married, he will feel wronged Wenxuan Fan, and will also provide material for those paparazzi. Now everyone is on the rise in their careers And during the critical period, he didn't want to put pressure on Fan Wenxuan. <These two thoughts are why she can't hide her sense of happiness while complaining. Fundamentally speaking, she is also a career-oriented woman, and career-oriented women often have higher pursuits.It's also because of these two reasons that he would go to help every other day. He could spend money to hire a servant to clean, but Fan Wenxuan always had to do it himself. He felt that in the process, he could find a feeling of being a wife. That feeling is subtle, but satisfying.

"Hehe, it seems that he is very dedicated to his work. It seems that all IT men are like this. I believe you have accepted it. Okay, let's get down to business. Is there anything I need to confirm?" After the concerned question, Let's get down to business.

"There are a few things that need to be confirmed. First, what clothes are you wearing tomorrow? For such a formal occasion, there must be a dress. We have already found a designer in Los Angeles to make three sets of evening dresses for you. Wait a minute You see,..."

"I don't need this, I think the evening dresses you prepared must be suits or tuxedos, right?" Chen Kangjie waved his hand.

"Aren't the evening gowns of male guests like this? Don't you wear this?" Li Li was responsible for this matter, so he immediately asked after hearing Chen Kangjie's tone.

"It's okay in normal times. On such occasions, of course, we have to wear something with national characteristics. Although we want to combine Chinese and Western styles, what should stand out should be highlighted. At least I have to show that I am Chinese, an authentic Chinese," Chen Kangjie said. Li Li replied.

"You don't know how to wear Tang suits or robes, do you?" Fan Wenxuan asked full of doubts. If Chen Kangjie really wears that, she intends to persuade him, it doesn't match his image or the times.

"That's so troublesome. I wear a Chinese tunic suit, and I prepared it myself. This time I brought two sets, one black and one white." Chen Kangjie said what he had prepared.

Before deciding to attend the No.60 Seventh Academy Awards, Chen Kangjie had considered this issue.Although his works entered mainstream Western society, the audience and listeners he wanted to win were also mainstream Western people, but this does not mean that Chen Kangjie completely Westernized himself.He is a person with a sense of national pride, so it is an indispensable task to promote his national dignity and national culture. He hopes that through him, more Westerners will become interested in ancient Chinese culture and have an interest in this ancient Chinese culture. The nation is interested in this emerging country.

Chen Kangjie chose the Chinese tunic suit. I have to say that he was influenced by Chen Zhen in "Fist of Fury" and "Fist of Fury". When Chen Zhen defeated the Japanese, he wore a Chinese tunic suit, which looked very heroic. Both of them were surnamed Chen. That's why Chen Kangjie made this choice.Chen Kangjie is now tall and straight, with a handsome appearance. Wearing a Chinese tunic suit not only makes people feel refreshed and clean, but also makes people feel heroic.

"Okay, then wear a Chinese tunic suit. The second thing is that tomorrow's guests attending the ceremony will walk the red carpet, and according to popular practice, the red carpet is a mix of men and women. Who do you plan to find as your partner?" Fan Wenxuan asked again A second question arises.

"Hollywood female stars, I only know Curtis and Karel, but they are obviously not suitable for me, Curtis has to be with his 'husband' Schwarzenegger, and Karel, I guess With Malik, Harvey's daughter is too young, forget it, I'll be alone, it's no big deal, they won't let me in because of this, right?", Chen Kangjie has never walked by The red carpet, but he didn't regard this as a great thing, his mentality was very casual.

"Then why don't you and me, I'm going anyway, and they sent me an invitation letter," Fan Wenxuan recommended herself.

"Okay, Miss Wenxuan, a beautiful oriental beauty, will add a lot of color together with me. I hope that plague god in your family doesn't mind, haha."

"It's just not serious, really." Fan Wenxuan cast a wink and said angrily, "There is the third most important thing in the back, you may have to accept an interview, you have to think about it yourself."

"I still have to be interviewed? What kind of interview?" Chen Kangjie had never thought about this question before.

"The selection committee has announced that you will attend the ceremony tomorrow. There are already a large number of movie fans and fans flocking to Los Angeles. It will be very crowded outside the Holy Theater tomorrow, so in addition to paying attention to your safety, there may be many reporters who want to interview you. , as a courtesy, you can't refuse all of them," Jon Gordon said.

"You don't mean interviews, do you? I don't accept interviews now. Besides, I promised Streisand from HBO that I will give her the first interview. I can't break my promise." Chen Kangjie rarely promised When he can't remember, this is also a manifestation of his character.

"It would be the best if you can do an exclusive interview. If you can't, you still have to answer a few reporters' questions. Although you have your own reasons, it is not convenient to go under the spotlight, but the distance from the media is too far, so it is not necessarily true. It’s a good thing, now there are always speculations about you in the media, and these speculations will damage your image to a certain extent, so I suggest that when the time is right, you should maintain a close relationship with the media,” said Jon. Gordon suggested.

"Well, it makes sense, how about this, if a reporter asks me a question tomorrow, then I will answer some of the questions appropriately, if... If not, then hold a press conference, specifically, wait until tomorrow It depends," Chen Kangjie said in deep thought.

. . . . . .

On March'th, after Chen Kangjie had lunch, Curtis and Schwarzenegger came together. They hadn't seen Chen Kangjie for a long time. Chen Kangjie went to the Holy Cathedral together.

The two are very happy today. They never thought that the film would get three nominations, especially Curtis. She just won the Golden Globe Award (lobes, USA) for Best Actress for this film. If today If she can win the Best Actress Oscar, then her career will really reach its peak, and she will definitely become an international first-line female star.


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