That night, at the most exciting part of Chu Fang's birthday party, Chen Kangjie did something that was very unmannered and made him reflect.

A total of twelve students came to Chu Fang's house to celebrate his birthday that day. Chu Fang invited everyone to eat hot pot and made a lot of dishes. The bottom of the hot pot was made by Chu Fang herself. She knows how to cook, and her parents will do small business very late. If she doesn't learn how to cook, then not only will she have nothing to eat at night, but her parents will also have nothing to eat when they come back. (⊙o⊙)...

Although the taste of this hot pot is still a little bit different from those in well-known hot pot restaurants, everyone thinks it is delicious, just like Chen Kangjie and the others went to the mountains to fight with each other. The food is very ordinary. However, due to the different environments and atmospheres, and the fact that you do it yourself, simple things can make people feel extra fragrant.

The hot pot meal didn't end until about 08:30. After the leftovers were evacuated, everyone moved the chairs into the small yard and began to tell stories.

Chu Fang's house is not that kind of building, it is a rented private one-story house, so it has a small yard, so that this kind of house can meet her family's needs for living, storing goods, and shelving two trucks. need.The big iron gate is on the west side of the yard, and there is a small vegetable field on the left after going out.Although there is a vegetable field, it does not mean that this is a suburb, no, it is an urban area, maybe the owner of the vegetable field does not want to turn it into a concrete building right away.

The storytelling lasted for half an hour, before it was Chen Kangjie's turn to tell the story, Chu Fang and Yao Yiyun came up with a big cake.

This cake was given by Yao Yiyun, and the two of them had the best relationship, so giving the cake became Yao Yiyun's monopoly.

"Stop bragging, we're going to celebrate the birthday star now, put away the cups on the table," Yao Yiyun ordered.

Just now, there was a small wooden table among everyone. When everyone was telling stories and listening to stories, the cups for drinking tea and drinks were placed on the small wooden table.

When Yao Yiyun said this, Wu Guozhang stood up first and helped clean up the table. Yao Yiyun placed the cake on the small wooden table smoothly.

As soon as Yao Yiyun and Chu Fang appeared, Chen Kangjie knew what he was going to do next, so when everyone stood up to clean up the table, Chen Kangjie's body moved towards the gate, and this guy wanted to seize a favorable retreat terrain first.

By the time Yao Yiyun untied the ribbons that bound the cake, Chen Kangjie had unconsciously moved his body 15 degrees, facing the open iron gate with his back.

After Yao Yiyun untied the lid, a very cartoonish and beautiful cream cake appeared in front of everyone.There are several colors of cream on the top to outline a lovely girl. Below the girl are two lines of eight characters, one line is "Happy Birthday" and the other line is "Friendship is Long". Around the cake, there is also a circle of strawberries fruit.

"This cake is very big, sister Yun, next time I celebrate my birthday, you have to give me one too," Wu Guozhang said playfully.

"No problem, as long as you are obedient, you will be fine," Yao Yiyun said as he touched Wu Guozhang's face like a big sister who chooses handsome men.

"Hehehe", there was a burst of laughter around.

"Wow, it's so beautiful, Yao Yiyun, you're really willing to do it!" Shi Yi praised enviously.

Shi Yi, Yao Yiyun, and Chu Fang had the best relationship in school, but Yao Yiyun had never sent such a beautiful cake for his birthday on the eleventh day before, so Shi Yi was also a little jealous.

It can be said that Yao Yiyun did this on purpose because he opposed Shi Yi and Lu Peigen's relationship. Although Shi Yi and Lu Peigen were cold for a while, she later found out that the two of them were sneaking together. I didn't hear much, so Yao Yiyun was a little unhappy, planning to use this method to express her thoughts and highlight the parallel relationship between the three of them. A small crack has appeared.

It seems that such things always happen between girls, especially when two women both like a guy. Of course, Chen Kangjie doesn't think that Yao Yiyun will like Lu Peigen. It's not a question of handsome or not, it's Chen Kangjie I don't think their personalities match at all.

"Ah Fang only celebrates her birthday once a year. I don't have enough money, otherwise I want to buy a bigger one. You know, the cake shop I went to had a big one, at least enough for one person! ", Yao Yiyun said intentionally or unintentionally.

"Hehe, anyway, you seldom eat cakes," Chen Kangjie said a true but inappropriate word.

"Cut, crow's mouth, you have the nerve to say it," Yao Yiyun glared at Chen Kangjie.

After that, Chen Kangjie could only laugh without saying a word, he was afraid that if he talked too much, he would burn the fire on himself instead.

"What are you talking about so much? Birthday boy, let's do it, come here, I'll give you a knife." Pu Gang stuffed the plastic knife used for cutting cakes next to the cake box into Chu Fang's hand.

Pu Gang celebrated his birthday some time ago, and he was attacked so badly that his face was completely invisible, so he wanted revenge today, so he couldn't wait.

"Why are you in such a hurry, you haven't sung the birthday song yet, and Ah Fang hasn't made a wish yet, have you been reincarnated as a hungry ghost?" The impatient Pu Gang couldn't please.

"Yes, yes, look at my memory, hehe, Ah Fang, I'll help you insert the candles." Pu Gang touched his head in embarrassment, quickly tore open the clinker bag, took out those small colored candles, and helped Insert it on the edge of the cake, and took out the lighter to help light the candle.

"Chen Kangjie, you sing well, let's start!" Liao Min suggested that Chen Kangjie lead the singing.

"Chu Fang, congratulations on your success every year, every year, every year, becoming more and more beautiful and happier." Chen Kangjie himself was not modest, but before leading the singing of the birthday song, he said two words of congratulations, "Happy birthday to you......".

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you...", led by Chen Kangjie, everyone sang the most common birthday song in the world to Chu Fang.

"Hurry up and make a wish, blow out the candles", Yao Yiyun suggested immediately after singing.

Chu Fang clasped her hands together and closed her eyes like she was worshiping God. It took five seconds for her to make a wish. No one knew what she wished for. Anyway, she didn’t say anything when asked, and she just rejected it with a word, " It will be ineffective if you say it."

Then it's really time to divide the cake and start a war.

"Let's say it first, no one is allowed to take it first, and then take it after everything is cut." When Yao Yiyun said this, he took a special look at Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie just smiled, as if he didn't see Yao Yiyun's hint.Of course, he didn't really go to get it first, and followed everyone else, waiting for Chu Fang to cut the cake into more than ten small pieces, and divided them into the paper plates in front of him.

"Thank you everyone for coming to celebrate my birthday. I am very happy today. Thank you everyone. Let's start!" As soon as Chu Fang's voice fell, Chen Kangjie quickly pulled his plate into his hand and turned around.

When Chen Kangjie moved, all the people behind followed him, especially Pu Gang. He didn't plan to eat it. Last time Wu Guozhang was the most ruthless to him, so he is also staring at Wu Guozhang's actions today, and is determined to preemptively strike.

So as soon as Chen Kangjie turned around and ran two steps, Pu Gang covered Wu Guozhang's face so tightly that he couldn't open his mouth and eyes.

This is often the case in dogfights, especially when everyone has found their own targets to attack and guard against.This is like a pile of very dry firewood, which has the characteristics of burning. When it is not lit, it is quiet. Once a match is dropped, no matter whether it is lit on the edge or in the middle, the whole pile of firewood will burn at the fastest speed. It spreads within a certain period of time, until finally the whole pile of firewood is burned and turned into ashes.

Chen Kangjie's escape is not the match, but Pu Bin's quick attack is. Everyone understands the principle that the first mover controls others, and the second mover controls others. Anyway, if you don't attack, you will be attacked. It's better to grab it first Let's talk about it later.So in less than two seconds, everyone around the table used their cakes as weapons to attack, and even after Pu Bin ran out of his own weapons, he was able to snatch Wu Guozhang's weapons.

Today Yao Yiyun was a bit on guard against Chen Kangjie. She didn't want Chen Kangjie to stay out of the matter every time, so when Chu Fang cut the cake, she suggested that no one should be allowed first. However, Chen Kangjie's speed was too fast, even if he didn't go first, he would still be safe. escape.

It's just that for Yao Yiyun now, it doesn't matter whether Chen Kangjie escapes or not, and she can't pay attention anymore, because she herself is being attacked right now. As a conditioned reflex, what she has to do at this moment is To fight back, to fight back those who attacked him, how could he have the heart to talk to Chen Kangjie.

Standing by the vegetable field, Chen Kangjie was enjoying the melee in the yard while eating the cake with a smile. He really didn't want to get sticky on himself.

After 10 minutes, the war was over, and the people in the yard began to sit down to take stock of the results of the war, and some people also started to tidy up themselves. At this time, everyone found that Chen Kangjie had disappeared again.

Each of them was in a mess, and of course they were not reconciled to Chen Kangjie's sideline battles every time, so after whispering and secret discussions, they planned to deal with Chen Kangjie collectively.

"Chen Kangjie, what are you still doing standing there? Everyone is done, come and chat." Chu Fang opened the door and saw Chen Kangjie standing on the edge of the vegetable field five or six meters away.

"Hehe, you guys will deal with me, I know", Chen Kangjie is naturally not stupid.

"There's nothing left, how can I deal with you? Come back soon," Wu Guozhang added after running behind Chu Fang.

"You bastard, don't fool me." Chen Kangjie was still not fooled for the time being.

"Chen Kangjie, you are so boring. Everyone is waiting for you to tell the story you didn't tell just now. You have used up all the cream. What are you worried about? Don't be so out of the ordinary!" Yao Yiyun's tone of voice has always been the same as Others are different.

At this time, Chen Kangjie really had to go back. He also believed that after such a battle, there would be no cream left, but he was wrong.

The moment Chen Kangjie stepped through the door, Yao Yiyun covered Chen Kangjie's face with a lump of cream. The lump of cream was collected by everyone from the hair on his face.

At this time, there was a bucket of water beside the gate of Chu Fang's house. Without thinking about it, Chen Kangjie picked up the bucket of water and poured it on Yao Yiyun's head.

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