rebirth of change

Chapter 705 The Rebirth of the Heart

At this time, there was a bucket of water beside the gate of Chu Fang's house. Without thinking, Chen Kangjie picked up the bucket of water and poured it on Yao Yiyun's head.

Seeing this scene, everyone present was stunned in amazement, staring at Chen Kangjie and Yao Yiyun.

It is the end of April and the weather has turned hot. Yao Yiyun was wearing a floral shirt and a pair of gray pants that day. Now his hair is twisted together, the shirt is completely wet, and the pants are more than half wet. The accumulated water dripped continuously down the trousers onto the concrete floor.

What is even more eye-catching is that the wet clothes and body make the two fit together tightly, protruding her already developed body to the fullest, and the underwear worn inside can basically be seen clearly What color is it coming out.

"Chen Kangjie, are you a bit over the top?" Pu Gang stood up and criticized Chen Kangjie.

"Who told her to lie to me?" Chen Kangjie was embarrassed for a moment, but he didn't give up immediately.

"Everyone is just here to play with you, how can you treat a girl like this?" Liao Min stood up and stood up.

"Oh, what are you all doing! What's the fuss about this? Everyone comes out to play just to have fun. It's okay, it's okay, Ah Fang, take me to get a change of clothes." Yao Yiyun, who was still blushing just now, saw When Chen Kangjie was attacked, he said very generously as if nothing happened.

"Okay, let's go, I'll take you to change clothes." Chu Fang glanced at Chen Kangjie without saying anything.

Yao Yiyun lowered his head, pinched the water from his hair, pulled the clothes stuck to his breasts, and followed Chu Fang to the back room to change.

Chen Kangjie stood there watching them enter the house. It is impossible for everyone to be in any mood to chat and tell stories at this time, especially Chen Kangjie. He is also upset at this moment, why did he do something other than unglamorous?

Yao Yiyun himself didn't care about it, and the others couldn't say anything more. He sat down to drink tea by himself, and no one said anything. Only Wu Guozhang walked to Chen Kangjie's side, "What's wrong today? Isn't this like your usual style?".

"I don't know, you guys sit down, I'll go outside for a walk," Chen Kangjie didn't know how to tell Wu Guozhang.

"Then I'll go with you!" Wu Guozhang asked.

"No, it's fine, I'll just go for a few minutes." After Chen Kangjie finished speaking, he turned and walked out. The other students also saw Chen Kangjie's actions, but no one called him.

Chen Kangjie refused to let him go, and Wu Guozhang couldn't follow him. Seeing Chen Kangjie walk a few meters, he turned around and went to talk to other students.

Chen Kangjie walked past the vegetable field and came under a street lamp on the concrete road. He looked up at the sky, and saw the dense stars flickering, very quiet and beautiful, and there were no pedestrians on the road. Chen Kangjie could adjust quietly Go into your own mind, dig into your own personality, and find out why today is so abrupt and disrespectful.

Diagonally opposite to where Chen Kangjie was standing, there was a canteen. Chen Kangjie walked over and bought a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. At this time, he especially needed the comfort and calming effect of a cigarette.

How can my personality be so out of control and irritable now?Chen Kangjie lit a cigarette, walked slowly on the road, and kept asking himself this question.

After asking many times, Chen Kangjie did not find a reasonable explanation or answer. Just in front of him, there was an empty can standing on the floor. Chen Kangjie stepped forward and kicked the can far away like a football player. It fell to the ground and rolled several meters with a crisp clang before stopping.

This "clang" sound seemed to wake up Chen Kangjie. Chen Kangjie sat down on a stone by the roadside and began to recall his experience of the 9 years of rebirth. Successive scenes of success appeared in front of his eyes.

I have earned a lot of money, and I no longer worry about life. I have also helped my brothers and sisters achieve good career success. My father is climbing up the officialdom step by step, without encountering any obstacles. In terms of reputation, I have gained a lot The title is a world celebrity who forbears. In terms of study, I have always been No.1. The land I live in, from a district, a city, to a province, and even many provinces are under my own rebirth. Drastic changes have taken place. . . . . .

Because of my arrival, there are too many things that have changed, and they are all changed for the better. Because of these miraculous effects, all I receive are praise, praise and accommodation. The students treat me like that, the teacher treats me like that, My family members treat me that way, my subordinates treat me that way, those high-ranking official politicians treat me that way, music fans all over the world treat me that way, even the President of the United States wants to see me. . . . . .Along the way, I have been so smooth that I have hardly heard criticism and disobedience.

Has my character become lonely amidst the constant applause, praise and flowers?Become defiant and withdrawn?Is this what I really need?Chen Kangjie lit another cigarette and began to think about this question.

"Humility makes people progress, pride makes people lag behind", this is a sentence that I have often heard and seen since elementary school, and it contains a deep philosophy of human nature.Most people know this sentence, but few people think deeply about this sentence in combination with their own situation, because it is too common and familiar, and things and principles that are too common and familiar are often overlooked and ignored by people. forget.

In the past, Chen Kangjie would not have cared too much about this well-known saying, and he felt that he would not have made such a mistake.However, after this incident, now Chen Kangjie has to smoke a cigarette and meditate on this sentence. He has been a man for two lifetimes, and he doesn't want to be as self-righteous as those so-called celebrities and successful people. He wants to keep his authenticity as much as possible. What's more, he doesn't want his character to be distorted, but distorted by the success he has achieved.

Most people can't resist their transformation in the face of their own success. This may be the "weakness of human nature" that Carnegie said. Whoever breaks through this weakness is a strong person and has a strong heart.

There are too many people in history who had high ideals, high moral qualities, and great life pursuits when they were ordinary. However, when they changed from ordinary to extraordinary, they became officials and made money. Being famous and so on, everything is slowly fading away, the ideals are thinning, the moral quality is declining, and the pursuit of life is gradually receding. What is left is a kind of inertia, only wanting good news, not bad news, just Want to praise, don't want to criticize, just want to congratulate, don't want to make a fuss, this kind of inertia will make this person selfish, arrogant and self-interested, a tall person, only the appearance and connotation of a tall person are left in the end will become smaller. . . . . .

"A person's cleverness and wisdom do not lie in how much ready-made knowledge and energy he has already packed in his brain, the key is to see whether he can reflect and reflect." When Chen Kangjie's second cigarette was extinguished, inadvertently Running into this sentence, Chen Kangjie told himself secretly, I must be a person who knows how to reflect and reflect, I can't be that kind of selfish, self-interested, arrogant, and proud person, that is definitely not what I want.

After thinking about all this clearly, Chen Kangjie breathed a sigh of relief, and his whole spirit suddenly became enlightened.The next thing he has to do is to resolve this very ungracious matter.

"Historical Records" says that if there is something, it will be changed, and if there is none, it will be encouraged.Since Chen Kangjie felt that what he did was wrong, he had to be brave enough to correct it.Many people are aware of their mistakes, but out of face or other factors, they are not brave enough to face and correct their mistakes. People, similar mistakes may happen in the not-too-distant future.

When an egg is broken from the outside, it is food; if it is broken from the inside, it is a new life. When a person changes due to external forces, it is pressure, and because of changes in inner forces, that is rebirth.Chen Kangjie didn't want to regard it as a kind of pressure, he hoped that he could have another spiritual rebirth.

Just when Chen Kangjie patted his ass and got up from the rock, Yao Yiyun, who had changed his clothes, also walked out of Chu Fang's house with his classmates. The absence of Chen Kangjie made many people feel no mood to continue playing.

"Hey, Chen Kangjie, what are you doing down there, come up quickly, we're leaving," Wu Guozhang called Chen Kangjie standing on the edge of the vegetable field across many meters.

"Here we are," Chen Kangjie waved his hand.

"Why don't you play more?" Chen Kangjie walked up the road and came to everyone.

"It's not fun anymore, what else is there to play?" Pu Gang replied.

At this time, Chen Kangjie didn't mind what others said, even if someone criticized him now, he would be willing to accept it. At this moment, Chen Kangjie's mood has changed a lot, and he won't care about it.

"Yao Yiyun, I'm sorry, I did too much just now, please forgive me." Chen Kangjie moved a step, stood in front of the leader Yao Yiyun, and formally saluted her.

Yao Yiyun was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that Chen Kangjie, who had always been proud, would apologize to her, and soon she came back to her senses, acting as generous as before, "Chen Kangjie, there is no need to do this, and it's not a big deal, I know you are too It's not intentional, that's okay."

"Anyway, please forgive me, please forgive me, Chu Fang, I'm sorry!" Chen Kangjie not only apologized to Yao Yiyun, but also put down his airs tonight's birthday star and classmates, expressing his apology and respect. sincerity.

Chen Kangjie did this, but made everyone feel embarrassed. In fact, after ten minutes of calming down, everyone's dissatisfaction with Chen Kangjie has almost dissipated, especially when Yao Yiyun didn't care.

"no problem".

"do not think too much".

"Why are you so formal?"

. . . . . .

Everyone continued to speak modest words, just a few words, everyone's unhappiness and sorrow were taken away by countless stars in the sky.

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