rebirth of change

Chapter 75 Master and Apprentice Parting

Chapter 75 Master and Apprentice Parting

Chen Kangjie no longer cared about the company's affairs, and ordered the company to send salesmen across the country to supervise the market. After explaining other things, Chen Kangjie became an obedient elementary school student studying hard in class.

Ouyang Zhenhua handed over the specific affairs of Master Kong Food Company to Liu Kai and Pan Guiren, and he also ran back to Hong Kong. Before leaving, he told them to ask Chen Kangjie for instructions when encountering major issues. During his absence, the decision made by Chen Kangjie was his. Decide.

Ouyang Zhenhua was ordered to go back by Chen Kangjie. He wanted to remotely prepare for the establishment of several investment companies in the Cayman Islands and other places. He also had to find talents who were familiar with things and relations in the Soviet Union, and the investment for Fan Wenxuan had already been completed. Well, He Wanrong has also gone to Hong Kong, and he needs to keep an eye on it. For the convenience of taking care of it, Chen Kangjie bought a similar small villa near Ouyang Zhenhua for He Wanrong to live in, and Feiyang Entertainment arranged for her Her manager and assistant were never married, so they all moved in to live with her, so that He Wanrong had someone to accompany her, and at the same time, she could get acquainted with life and work in Hong Kong as soon as possible. All of this was arranged by Ouyang Zhenhua and Fan Wenxuan Feiyang Entertainment's benefits to He Wanrong.

Anyway, Fan Wenxuan was willing to do it anyway, since she didn't have to spend her own money. Since the two escorts were dedicated to serving He Wanrong, and they lived in a sea view villa, how could they not be willing? In comparison, they were more comfortable than their previous residence There are many more, and there are swimming pools and gardens. Apart from enviing He Wanrong's good luck, they also think that He Wanrong is a nice person.In addition, it was specially arranged by Fan Wenxuan, it was impossible for her to arrange someone who was too bad or unreliable for He Wanrong, so the three of them were about the same age, after a few days, they quickly got to know each other and became friends.

Chen Kangjie is hurrying up to write the sixth part of his "Harry Potter", and spends almost all his class time on it. Of course, he has not stopped practicing martial arts, calligraphy, etc., and still insists on practicing non-stop every day. Sometimes I read those economic books and management books to change my mind.

"Xiaojie, your recent progress in martial arts is not as great as before!" Tuo Zhihan said coldly with a little displeasure after practicing a round with his apprentice this morning.

"Master, I practice every day. Maybe it's because I've been busy these days and I've been a little tired, so I didn't perform well, which made Master bother." What Chen Kangjie said was not completely making excuses. He has to make up his mind on many measures, and he has to hurry up to finish the book. It is indeed much more exhausting than before. Regardless of his mentality and physical fitness, he is only a teenager after all.

Now every morning, Tuo Zhihan has to fight Chen Kangjie a few tricks, inspect his progress, and increase his actual combat ability as much as possible, killing two birds with one stone.

After returning from Hong Kong that time, Tuo Zhihan noticed that Chen Kangjie had improved a lot when he was recruiting. He thought it was because he went to Hong Kong to study harder and practice harder. He felt very relieved. Chen Kangjie did not dare to tell Tuo Zhihan what happened. Otherwise, Tuo Zhihan would definitely judge that it was the result of his physical potential being stimulated after experiencing actual combat.However, Tuo Zhihan was a little dissatisfied when he found that Chen Kangjie's improvement was not very great these days.

"You are talented and have very good aptitude. Maybe it's because I have too high expectations of you as a teacher. In fact, your martial arts have learned a lot from mine. However, due to your age and physical development, your strength and speed are not enough. You can't break out completely. In four or five years, when you are fourteen or five years old, your bones will grow and your muscles will be strong. At that time, you will be considered a master, at least as a teacher, you may not be able to beat you." Tuo Zhihan turned his back to Chen Kangjie , crossed his hands behind his back, looked into the distance and said to himself, as if Chen Kangjie was not by his side.

Chen Kangjie felt that there was something wrong with Master today from the beginning of his opponent training with Tuo Zhihan, but he didn't know what the problem was, and he always felt that Master was restless.He was criticized just now, and now he heard Tuo Zhihan's low and sad words, thinking that he had let the master down.

"Master, my apprentice has let you down. I will work harder in the future. Please rest assured, master. Although I don't dare to say that I will succeed in success, I will try my best to overcome Jiqiu." Tuo Zhihan is very good to Chen Kangjie, Chen Kangjie Naturally, I don't want Tuo Zhihan to be disappointed and displeased by my lack of progress, and I hope that by saying this, Master can feel a little relieved.

"Hehe, that's good. You are a hardworking and kind boy. After getting along for so long, I also know that you are different from those children. You are mature, hardworking, intelligent, and stable. As a teacher, I also know that you were doing great things a while ago. I am very pleased to do something that can help my hometown get rid of poverty and become rich." Tuo Zhihan turned around with a smile, and said with satisfaction that he was indeed very satisfied with Chen Kangjie as an apprentice, but after speaking, his tone became very solemn.Practicing martial arts is only for strengthening the body and defending ourselves when necessary. As for defending the country, more advanced weapons and equipment have given way, but being able to change the people around you and the poverty of the surrounding areas make more People's lives are getting better and better, this is the way, and only then can they become the pillars of the country.

After getting along for a few years, Tuo Zhihan heard some people mention Chen Kangjie, and they gave them thumbs up. Not only did he study well, but he also helped his classmates improve and his family to get rich. Now he even advises big companies, not only changing the appearance of his hometown, but also helping himself He also earns a lot of money. When I saw Chen Kangjie recently, I found that the child often looked tired.

"Master, you know everything?" When Chen Kangjiefu raised his head, he thought that Tuo Zhihan didn't know what he was doing to make money.But after thinking about it, I feel relieved. What does Master do? He used to do this professionally.

"Shut up your small thoughts, Master doesn't have the time and effort to spy on you, don't you know that you are very famous now? Now, among the six people with a little bit of status, who has never heard of you, Master, I am not deaf and blind, Don't you know?" Tuo Zhihan pretended to be angry, and from Chen Kangjie's expression, he knew that Chen Kangjie must have guessed that he was under investigation.

"Hehe, of course the master doesn't need to spy on the disciples, who is the master, why don't I have to be seen through at a glance?" Chen Kangjie said with a flattering smirk.

"Stop flattering, I have something to tell you today," Tuo Zhihan feigned anger, and after saying this, Tuo Zhihan's expression became serious and sentimental, and he whispered something that made Chen Kangjie lose his mind, "I can no longer teach You have mastered martial arts."

"Ah? Master, did I do something that made you unhappy? Tell me, I'll change it, can't I change it? Master, you can't let me go?" Hearing what Tuo Zhihan said, Chen Kangjie seemed to be Suddenly turned into a child who had done something wrong and was abandoned by relatives, eagerly hugged Tuo Zhihan's waist and cried.

They get along almost every day, and after a few years, their relationship has long been like a kiss. Although Chen Kangjie promised not to tell others about their master-student relationship, Chen Kangjie has always respected Tuo Zhihan like his father, and Tuo Zhihan also loved his children and grandchildren. Love Chen Kangjie and teach Chen Kangjie carefully.Now that Chen Kangjie suddenly learned that Tuo Zhihan would not continue to teach him, he felt as uncomfortable as losing a relative, extremely sad, and confused.

Tuo Zhihan squatted down and held Chen Kangjie's shoulders with both hands: "Xiaojie, you are doing very well. , Sweet in my heart, this child can do this, and it is not in vain to teach him everything he has learned.

"Falling leaves return to their roots? Is Master going back to Caiyun?" Hearing that it wasn't his fault, but that he wanted to go back to his hometown, Chen Kangjie felt a little better, but he still didn't want Tuo Zhihan to leave, and asked, wiping away his tears.

"Well, actually, I've wanted to go back a long time ago. Master is getting old, and it's impossible to continue wandering outside. It's just that you haven't perfected your martial arts, so you have postponed becoming a teacher. Now you have basically mastered everything I know. As long as you persist in practicing diligently, you will achieve great success in a few years. There is nothing more for you to teach you as a teacher. In addition, as a teacher, I always dream of my hometown recently. I should go back and spend a few years in peace while I am still a little bit stronger." Tuo Zhihan spoke slowly, and it could be seen that he was not feeling well.

"Master, don't you live here with Uncle Tuo?", Chen Kangjie knew that Tuo Zhihan's son, Tuo Xirui, was working in Liuzhi, but he had never seen him. Chen Kangjie was told by Tuo Zhihan not to use his relationship to provide care for him, so Chen Kangjie never To inquire and help Tuo Xirui, he didn't want the master to misunderstand, Chen Kangjie knew that the master wanted to maintain a pure relationship between master and apprentice.

"Through some friends, I transferred him back to Caiyun Province. He majored in water conservancy, and it was difficult for him to make full use of his strengths in Liuzhou. A large reservoir is being built in his hometown, and he will be able to do some practical things when he returns. I just wanted to practice with you for a few more days, so I stayed." It turned out that Tuo Xirui had already returned to Caiyun Province, and Chen Kangjie was even more moved by Tuo Zhihan's love for him.

Qianzhou is rich in water resources, but it also often faces engineering-type water shortages, and agricultural production basically depends on the weather.There are no decent water conservancy projects and facilities in Liuzhi, but Chen Kangjie thought that the "Qianzhou Shuili Hub Project" with an investment of tens of billions in nearly 20 years will be started in Liuzhi, or he can use this facility to benefit the people It will be implemented in advance, but it will involve too many regions, involving the relocation of 10,000+ people, which cannot be done with money now, and involves coordination in all aspects.Maybe one day the conditions are ripe, and then find a way to let Uncle Tuo return to his hometown to display his talents.

"Master, since this is the case, I don't want to say any more, I just hope that Master can take care of his body, live a long and healthy life, and I will visit you in the future."

After all, Chen Kangjie is not a real child, and he understands the old man's feeling of returning to his roots.I can only say goodbye to Tuo Zhihan sadly.Before Tuo Zhihan left, Chen Kangjie knelt down and kowtowed to him three more times. After Tuo Zhihan left, Chen Kangjie was still reluctant to leave the willow tree that had accompanied them as master and apprentice for a long time.

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