Chapter 74 alone gives 1000 million in the district

The agency fees for the two items totaled more than 300 million yuan, which shocked everyone. After the auction, many people were still silent in the thrilling experience just now, and everyone sent a lot of funds to Master Kong.

The leaders who participated in the investment promotion conference today were deeply baptized, and their understanding of business has improved several levels. Last year, the tax revenue of the entire Liushuipan was only more than 1 million. Today, a company got 5000 in front of them. The profit of more than [-] yuan is really unbelievable, unbelievable. Many leaders later used such words when introducing this investment promotion conference to their subordinates and friends.Today's investment promotion conference completely overturned many of their previous understanding and views on business, and also overturned the previous views of many Master Kong employees.

When leaving the field and shaking hands with Ouyang Zhenhua and the others, Ouyang Zhenhua was still joking and said: "Secretary He, this is Mr. Chen Kangjie's idea. Now you know why we have to spend millions of dollars to hire him. In fact, yes From his point of view, we have taken a huge advantage by paying an annual salary of one million, otherwise, it would not be an exaggeration to give him an annual salary of tens of millions."

Listening to what Ouyang Zhenhua said, although his tone was joking, he could also see his seriousness. All the leading cadres were open-mouthed. My dear, the annual salary of one million is far more than that of Qianzhou Province. If the annual salary is really tens of millions, I am afraid that there are not many people in the country. They can't help but admire and envy Chen Qigang for cultivating this genius son. At least he is an absolute first-class player in making money. After many years , Chen Kangjie's reputation as the world's richest man has spread all over the world, and leaders with this kind of thinking have more capital to brag about. Chen Kangjie's childhood deeds were almost blown into gods by them.

Chen Kangjie slipped away as soon as the auction was over. He didn't want to hear praises and looks at the little monster again. He was also hungry, so he ran back to eat by himself.

"Mr. Ouyang, although Gouzi is a bit smart, you need to give him the platform and trust. This is only Mr. Ouyang's unique vision, otherwise, who else would trust such a child?" Chen Qigang was not too sure at first. Knowing that the idea of ​​earning more than 5000 million a day was actually based on my son's head, now that I know it, I am shocked, and I really admire the courage and vision of this Hong Kong company and its president.Chen Qigang now understood. A few days ago, it was no wonder that Chen Kangjie often went to Master Kong's side. It turned out that he was there to make suggestions.

In fact, Ouyang Zhenhua was uncomfortable with Chen Qigang's evaluation in his heart, and he was also complacent. Of course, it was not because they gave Chen Kangjie this platform. This was originally Chen Kangjie's own. Courageous, he is still earning an annual salary of over [-]. How can he not only enjoy the scenery like now, but also have an annual salary of more than [-] million Hong Kong dollars.My own boss is only a million dollars, so it's kind of interesting to think of this.

In the evening, Hongyuan International and the district committee and district 'government' jointly entertained these businessmen from other places. Although only a few dozen people paid for the agency rights, they are customers from afar after all, so they must be entertained. This is an image problem. .What's more, those who didn't get agents are still some well-connected businessmen, and most of them may choose to be Master Kong's distributors in the future to help agents do distribution business.

At the dinner, on behalf of Hongyuan International and Master Kong Foods, Ouyang Zhenhua, on behalf of Hongyuan International and Master Kong Foods, gave a check of 1000 million to He Baoguo in public to express his gratitude for the support of the district committee and district government. Improve the office environment of the district committee and district government, especially departments like the Public Security Bureau, buy some police equipment, and the remaining 200 million is used to build 800 Hope Primary Schools in the whole district, and each township will have several Place.

The foreign businessmen who attended the banquet once again appreciated the generosity and wealth of this company. The donations were tens of millions. They were still competing for 1000 yuan just now. Now, as soon as they changed hands, [-] million yuan was given away. , although it is much less than their previous donation of hundreds of millions, but this time it is only donated to one district. In the past, those impoverished counties only received places and funds for ten Hope Primary Schools. Eighty schools, this matter really happened in front of him, it is not a legend.

Many county and city leaders who learned about this later envied how such an enterprise settled in six instead of their own jurisdiction?Those who are more active are already thinking of ways to see if they can get on line with Hongyuan International.

Of course, this donation was also Chen Kangjie's idea. After they donated a large sum of money to the province alone, He Baoguo and Chen Qigang took a political class when they came back. They only have places in two Hope Primary Schools. As the saying goes, the fat water doesn't flow into the fields of outsiders.Their nine-year compulsory education has not been fully popularized, especially in rural areas.

After Chen Kangjie was criticized, he had no choice but to admit his mistake and put the blame on Hongyuan, saying that they donated that way only to make a good impression on the province.Of course, in the end, they also promised to exert their influence as much as possible. It is suggested that they donate some separately to the six. This is how they have today's 1000 million. But, this is his hometown. Both his father and godfather are the parents' officials here. If he doesn't help them, he can help anyone. Anyway, money is just a symbol to Chen Kangjie now.We can only wait for the completion of the Soviet Union's affairs before expanding the scale.

"Thank you, thank you Hongyuan International and President Ouyang, thank you for your care and love for our children who cannot afford to go to school. We will also name these primary schools as Hongyuan Hope Primary School like the province. I also represent myself Colleagues, thank you for your support to our work. In the future, we will also give great support and assistance to Hongyuan International’s investment in Liushuipan and the development of Master Kong Foods.” After taking the check, he shook hands with Ouyang Zhenhua At that time, He Baoguo also thanked him repeatedly.

He Baoguo knew very well that this was a small treasury he could control, and it could be used to buy off his subordinates. Of course, this kind of buying was not about inviting everyone to do bad things together, but a kind of political support.He has the final say on which place will get more and which township will get less. He has to thank Hongyuan International for the favor. He also knows that it is all thanks to his godson.

After shaking hands with He Baoguo, Ouyang Zhenhua shook hands with the district chief and Chen Qigang again, and everyone expressed their gratitude. Although this matter was led by Secretary He, it can increase the construction of nearly a hundred high-standard primary schools, and it is also a great achievement for the district. Chang’s political achievement is not that 5 yuan can build a rural primary school that can accommodate hundreds of people, not to mention that it is built according to the standard of [-] yuan. Now the district’s universal nine work is estimated to be in the top three in the province, or even the only one completed The districts and counties where Pu Jiu works, with hard honors, will have a proper future.

Of course, Chen Qigang was also happy, proving that he bought his son's account. He took a political class last time, and he donated 1000 million today. Chen Qigang also wickedly speculated whether Ouyang Zhenhua donated the tens of millions of annual salary he said in the afternoon to his son. up.

After the banquet, everyone went their separate ways. Anyway, Master Kong Food Company and the district 'government' were extremely busy.

After those agents went back, they quickly paid the funds for the first purchase. Hundreds of thousands of packages from different customers, millions of packages of instant noodles and thousands of pieces of mineral water were all waiting in line at the train station for delivery. To all parts of the country, nearby provinces and cities can't wait for the railway to deliver goods, so they organize their own cars to go directly to the factory to pick up the goods. For these customers, Master Kong has also given a certain amount of freight subsidies.

For this reason, the district 'government' also made great efforts to help contact the railway department and coordinate wagons. The inventory in Master Kong's warehouse was almost exhausted soon, and the company's newly purchased 12 large trucks, uninterrupted Load the sorted goods to the train station. The warehouse at the train station is not big enough. Under the coordination of the district government, Master Kong invested and built two simple warehouses.

Seeing such a best-selling scene, people in the whole district are very happy, and several surrounding factories that cooperate with Master Kong are also working overtime, and some are preparing to expand their scale in advance.Those bosses are laughing from ear to ear because of their foresight. Other colleagues are looking for customers everywhere. Their supply is almost out of supply, and Master Kong never deposits. After receiving the goods, they will pay immediately after passing the inspection. Full payment, which makes their operation very smooth, without a trace of pressure.

Master Kong also sent people to their factory to give guidance, and also put forward some suggestions, such as paying attention to hygiene and safety, not delaying the wages of employees, paying overtime wages, and keeping up with benefits, etc. At first, although these bosses were not happy with Master Kong’s staff But what they said makes sense, "We don't owe you any money, and if you delay the wages of your employees, it's unreasonable. Besides, they get the money and they are motivated. Only then can you deliver more and have more money." Make more money, if you can’t supply, we can’t consider cooperating with other companies.”

Carrots and sticks, this is Chen Kangjie copying the supplier management methods of international large companies in later generations, he does not want to cooperate with those unscrupulous factories.After these bosses followed the advice, they also found that the efficiency of their factories had improved a lot, and the loyalty of employees had also increased. After the calculation at the end of the month, they made more money. In the end, they not only accepted the guidance of Master Kong, but sometimes they also took the initiative to invite their management. Personnel give lectures and do training.

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