rebirth of change

Chapter 73 Intense Bidding

Chapter 73 fierce bidding

It took He Baoguo about 15 minutes to make a small speech. There were not many empty words and big words in it. Everyone gave warm applause to such a pragmatic speech. He Baoguo smiled and bowed back to his seat.

Chen Kangjie didn't arrange for Chen Qigang to speak, that would make it look too official. To arrange for Chen Qigang, he had to arrange for the district chief to also speak, otherwise it would be against the rules. He Baoguo is considered a city leader. The secretary has already said a few words, so the district chief has to talk nonsense, otherwise, how can he justify it.The second is that Chen Qigang and He Baoguo are already very close. With the benefits of He Baoguo, Chen Qigang's interests can't escape, so there is no need to do anything more.

"Next, we will directly start today's auction. We will first auction the provincial exclusive agency right of Master Kong's brand instant noodles. Here, our company can give all customers a thorough understanding. Once our exclusive agency right is confirmed, the agreement will be signed three times. Years, without special circumstances, we will not change the agency rights you have. Of course, if you have rights, you will have tasks. We will determine a mutually acceptable task amount, but your sales increment for the next year cannot be lower than ours. 20.00% of the national average growth rate, otherwise we have the right to cancel your agency rights, this is also for the sake of everyone, if you can sell more, our company can make profits, and everyone can make more money.” After Lu Xiang finished speaking, on stage Everyone in the audience also burst into laughter. When it comes to making money, everyone likes it.

Chen Kangjie, who was standing in the corner, slandered in his heart that he chose Lu Xiang to play the role of auctioneer. It seems that he really chose the right one. His words are concise and can mobilize the atmosphere.

"Let me talk about the auction rules again." Lu Xiang waited for everyone to laugh and continued: "The base price is [-] in the province, and no less than [-] for each bid. After the auction is successful, one-tenth of the agency fee will be paid first. Deposit, the remaining money must be transferred to the designated account of our company within two days, and the first batch of goods must be paid in full within seven days, otherwise it will be regarded as a waiver, not only the agency right will be cancelled, but the deposit will not be refunded. We hope that powerful agents can establish long-term cooperative relations with us.” Everyone is listening carefully to the rules announced by Lu Xiang, including the “government” leaders on the stage. In the past, the goods were sold first. , Credit accounts, etc., which made the whole country full of triangular debts, but Master Kong Food Company not only charged agency fees, but also purchased goods in full. This is a new thing that I have never heard of.

Just because something is new doesn't mean that everyone can't accept it. If you don't believe it, it will be proved immediately.

"The first province, Eastern Guangdong Province, starts with a base price of [-]." Lu Xiang didn't hesitate, and went straight to the point.



"50", the price is rising rapidly. As the frontier of reform and opening up, Eastern Guangdong Province is also one of the most economically developed provinces. Naturally, there are many powerful businessmen, and everyone is optimistic about this market.The price was quickly called to 110 million.


"Old Zheng, it seems that you are determined to win?" A businessman joked to a potbellied boss next to him.

"That is, who will do it if I don't?" The potbellied boss is also very confident in his own strength.

"150 million", after finishing speaking, the big belly boss quoted a new price.

"170 million", a middle-aged boss on the other side immediately suppressed the previous price.

"I'll offer 200 million." The big-bellied boss obviously didn't give up. He looked at the middle-aged boss with a mocking look, and reported a number that shocked everyone.

Most of the leaders on the stage were a little stunned. It's unbelievable that the agency rights in just one province have been fired at such a high price. Is instant noodles so profitable?It's not about selling gold.But there is something even more frightening in the end. There is always a gap between the officials' thinking and the businessman's judgment.

"220 million", the middle-aged businessman added 20.

At this time, most of the agents who had some resources and channels in eastern Guangdong gave up, and only three or four people were still able to participate.

"230 million", the fat-bellied boss has raised the price again. Just now he has boasted to his colleagues next to him, but he can't lose face. For the time being, he has not lost face, but people who observe a little carefully can already feel that he is not so good at all. Confident.

"250 million", the middle-aged businessman added another 20.

At this time, another young boss who was still participating in the project hesitated for a while, and seemed to have made up his mind again: "260 million"

This is the highest price he can quote. If it exceeds this price, he can't afford it. If there is a higher price, he can only give up.In less than three seconds, he was doomed to fail.

"270 million", the big belly boss is still not convinced.

"280 million", the middle-aged businessman didn't increase the price by 20 like just now. At this price, it is already very high, and it is almost reaching the limit of everyone's tolerance.

Chen Kangjie has also been staring at the fierce bidding here, he himself did not expect such a high price to be auctioned in a single province.

"290 million", the big-bellied boss hesitated for a moment, but still gritted his teeth and quoted his own final low price.

"290 million, the first time, is there a higher price, 290 million the second time, if there is no higher price, the agency right of Guangdong Province will be owned, 290 million..."

"300 million", when Lu Xiang was about to drop the hammer, the middle-aged man raised his sign and shouted out this astonishing number, and everyone else let out a sigh of relief.

The moment the big-bellied boss was about to drop the hammer, the smile on his face that wanted to celebrate the victory froze. It was impossible for him to bid more than 300 million, so he could only cast a murderous look at the middle-aged businessman, sighing. He took a deep breath and gave up.

In this way, the agency right of instant noodles in eastern Guangdong Province was auctioned by the middle-aged boss at a high price of 300 million.

Although it was Chen Kangjie's idea to put Eastern Guangdong Province first, he hoped that the high price of the first province would be able to promote and exaggerate the bidding of other provinces, but he did not expect the price to reach 300 million. It seems that Chen Kangjie is also a human being and not a god, and unexpected things will happen. Fortunately, for him, this is a good thing.

"Next, Dongshan Province, please start raising placards." After the middle-aged man was guided by the staff to the backstage to pay the deposit, Lu Xiang started the auction in the second area.

Due to the fierce competition in Eastern Guangdong Province, the price in Dongshan Province is not low. After nearly 240 rounds of bidding, it was sold at [-] million yuan.

The following eastern Zhejiang provinces, Jianghuai provinces, Jianfu provinces, and Ningliao provinces all sold for more than 200 million yuan.

The three municipalities directly under the Central Government, Mingzhu City, Tianwei, Beihu Province, Shonan Province, and Nanhe Province also sold for more than 120 million yuan. The prices of Beihe Province, Xishan Province, and Xichuan Province were all around one million yuan.On the left, even Berkshire, Caiyun Province, and Bianmeng Autonomous Region all cost more than 50 yuan.Only a few places such as Qianzhou Province, Xianing Autonomous Region, and Haiqing Province have less than 50 people, but they are all more than 40.

In the end, the agency rights for the entire instant noodles actually got an agency fee of over 3000 million yuan. The people of Master Kong Company did not expect, and those leaders did not expect that these were pure profits. Before the goods were sold, they got 3000 million yuan first. pure profit.It turns out that business can still be operated like this!It was finally an eye-opener. No wonder the chief said that the reform and opening up not only requires the introduction of technology, but also management experience. This should belong to the category of management experience, business management.

"The bidding for the agency rights of instant noodles is over. On behalf of the company, I would like to thank and congratulate the partners who have obtained the agency rights. However, friends who have not obtained the agency rights should not be discouraged. We still have the agency rights for mineral water. In fact, it should be said that You have also visited our research and development center for the agency rights of our beverage series. Although we have only launched mineral water now, we will launch other types of beverages in the future, and in terms of advertising, our commercials are being shot , will be completed soon. After the commercial is completed, it will be publicized on a large scale during the prime time of CCTV every day. When the time comes, the advertisement you will see in the prime time of CCTV will not be just a single advertisement for our instant noodles. Some friends of you know , the advertising agreement we have reached with CCTV is as long as ten years. During this period, our various product advertisements will be the product advertisements that you are most likely to see during the prime time of CCTV. I hope that you have not obtained the agency rights of instant noodles Friends can seize the opportunity. Of course, we also welcome powerful friends who have obtained the agency rights of instant noodles to continue to participate. The rules are the same as before, so I won’t repeat them. Next, let’s go directly to the first province, Guangdong East Province".

After Lu Xiang finished speaking, the merchants below who had not obtained the agency rights just now became excited again. Although they have not seen the advertisement of mineral water, it must be impossible for such a big company to say falsehoods in front of everyone. Besides, some time ago, CCTV It also announced a ten-year advertising agreement with Hongyuan International. The specific price has not been announced, but everyone guesses that it will not be a low price. With such a high-density advertising, in terms of product sales, everyone's judgment will definitely not a problem.

The reason why CCTV did not reach an agreement with Master Kong Food Co., Ltd., but signed with Hongyuan International is for the propaganda of the "government". Hongyuan International is an authentic Hong Kong-funded enterprise.Moreover, Qianzhou’s donation was also donated in the name of Hongyuan International. Except for some well-informed people, ordinary people knew that the relationship between Hongyuan International and Master Kong was broadcast in the news broadcast of the first investment and construction of the factory. It's not very clear, but ordinary people don't remember so much about a piece of news, not to mention it's been a few months.

Although the auction of mineral water was not as intense as that of instant noodles, it still got 150 million yuan. During this period, people didn't know much about the sales and profits of mineral water, and most of them came for the drinks behind.The beverage agent right in eastern Guangdong Province was auctioned off by that big-bellied businessman for 2 yuan.

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