Chapter 72 Investment Conference

After the work coordination meeting, these middle and high-level personnel are a little relieved now. They have been producing all the time, and there are already 1000 million packs of instant noodles in the warehouse, and several million bottles of mineral water. They didn’t sell food in the warehouse, not to mention they were in a hurry, even the workers in production were also in a hurry. They were afraid that if the products of this factory could not be sold, they would not be able to get high wages, and they might lose their jobs soon.

Well now, there are so many people who are willing to be agents, and they don’t worry about the products being sold, but they are all nervous before they feel relieved. Organizing such a large-scale auction of agency rights is a test of their organizational skills. , everyone mobilized together, acted separately, and worked hard to do a good job in the reception work.

After those agents were welcomed into the factory, they looked at such a large-scale factory area, all the factory buildings and warehouses painted in white, the dormitory building that was about to be completed, and the 12-story office building that was being renovated. They are so rich, no wonder they spend so much money on CCTV advertisements, they all know that CCTV advertisements are not cheap, and almost all of the prime time slots are booked.As for how expensive it is, few people really know the details.

Along the way, there were employees and supervisors from the sales department of Master Kong Company accompanied by the introduction, and then visited inside, and found that all the workers were also wearing neat work clothes and concentrating on their work. Against the backdrop of their uniforms, they look so majestic. They are all proud of being able to work in such a large factory. Now that so many foreign businessmen come to visit the factory, they must show their best side and not embarrass the company.

When the merchants entered the workshop, they all stood beside the insulating glass and pointed at them without affecting the production. Although they may not all be technically educated, they also know that the production lines are world-class, and the hygiene and safety requirements are extremely strict. The workers on those production lines are still wearing hats and masks, and all workshops are dust-free workshops.Some merchants have also visited other food processing factories, which are not at the same level at all.

After visiting the instant noodle factory, Master Kong seconded almost all of their minibuses and buses from the district party committee and district government and the Mining Bureau, and took these merchants to the mineral water factory not far away. The facilities and technology here are also the most advanced abroad, the production line is worth tens of millions of dollars, and the factory area is also green like a park.

After visiting the water plant, everyone walked to the nearby R&D center. Many researches in the R&D center are confidential, but they can hardly understand them. Of course, Master Kong only showed them some basic ones, and the R&D center is still open No R&D results.When I heard the introduction, the R&D center had to pay almost ten million yuan in salaries every year. Among the dozens of people, the lowest education was a master's degree from a prestigious university, and many of them were Ph.D. students who had returned from studying abroad.The merchants were even more shocked.Being able to cooperate with such a company will not only make money, but also be more secure. They are not small companies that can only hype, but have real strength. In the domestic food industry, there are all aspects If the qualifications are outstanding, the merchants are more determined to obtain the agency right in the afternoon.

Chen Kangjie didn't expect these things. He let these merchants visit the factory area to pass their time so that they wouldn't have nothing to do around the factory, and secondly, he wanted to leave a good impression on them.Who knew that this unintentional move made the auction more intense in the afternoon and allowed Master Kong to return more cash.

"Old Zhang, I think you are full of confidence, and you may be the agent of our province."

"Old Wang, you're not bad either. When I saw the equipment and production conditions just now, I saw that your eyes were straightened. Can you give me such a stable and safe piece of fat?".

"Hehe, I don't want to let it go, but it's not that the capital is not as thick as you."

"Old Wang, don't be sloppy with me. I've heard that you raised a lot of money from your cousin before you came here. Your peers all judge that you will definitely give it a go."

"Haha, if someone else comes to our province, I might give it a go. Isn't it you who came? How dare I?"

Two agents from Shonan Province shook hands at the gate of Master Kong's company and said haha, but when they turned around, their voices changed immediately.

"Boss, are we really not going to fight with Mr. Zhang?" A young man who looked like an assistant asked in a low voice.

"Don't fight? Why don't you fight? I just paralyzed him. I raised so much money and I didn't fight, so why am I here? Didn't you see the scale of this company just now? Idiots know that winning the agent can make money, Hmph," Mr. Wang said evilly, looking at Mr. Zhang's back.


After lunch, the merchants were taken to the movie theater. People on the street found that the movie theater had canceled the movie screening today. The huge banners outside clearly stated that today is the six largest foreign investment companies in the local area. Out of the minibuses and buses are all well-dressed bosses from other places. The locals have never seen so many bosses come here. With high driving costs and good benefits, even foreigners rush to do business with them. Passers-by are very proud of having such a company in their locality.

All the lights in the movie theater were turned on, and the whole body was brightly lit. He Baoguo and the leaders of the district committee and district government also came, and Chen Qigang also came. Of course, they didn't come for a meeting or a speech. They came to show these foreign businessmen a gesture to show that The local 'government' respects their arrival, which also shows that they attach great importance to foreign investors investing in the local area, and they also want to experience the real business atmosphere, which serves multiple purposes.

Several leaders, Ouyang Zhenhua, Liu Kai and other senior executives of Hongyuan International were seated on the "chairman" platform. After Chen Kangjie pointed out, Lu Xiang served as today's auctioneer. Chen Kangjie did not appear on the "chairman" platform. In the corner next to it, I smiled and admired today's auction.

"Leaders, friends, and guests, I, Lu Xiang, is the deputy director of sales of Master Kong Food Co., Ltd. First of all, on behalf of Master Kong Food Co., Ltd., I would like to extend a warm welcome to everyone."

After receiving warm applause from everyone, Lu Xiang continued: "Let me first introduce to all the respected guests from outside, the leaders of the district committee, the district government, and the company's senior management on the 'chairman' stage. Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Six Special Economic Zones Mr. He Baoguo, Deputy Secretary of the District Committee, District Mayor, Mr. Ni Guohua...Member of the Standing Committee of the District Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee of Pingzai Town Mr. Chen Qigang, the senior leaders of our company are, Hong Kong Hongyuan International Investment Co., Ltd. Mr. Ouyang Zhenhua, President of the company and general manager of Master Kong Food Co., Ltd., Mr. Liu Kai, deputy general manager of Master Kong Food Co., Ltd., and Mr. Pan Guiren, deputy general manager of Master Kong Food Co., Ltd.”

Every time Lu Xiang introduces a person, that person will stand up and say hello to the merchants below.Thanks to the introduction of Hongyuan International and Hongyuan International's education donations to the province, He Baoguo was promoted to the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, and Chen Qigang was also promoted to the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee, both entering the core of power in the city and district.

"Next, before the official start of the conference, please let our secretary He Baoguo say a few words for everyone's arrival." After Lu Xiang finished speaking, he gave up the temporary podium to He Baoguo. He Baoguo had no plan to make a speech beforehand. It's just to show your attitude and feel such a grand business atmosphere.This "interlude" is a temporary arrangement by Chen Kangjie. He wants He Baoguo to "show" his face in front of thousands of foreign merchants, and also let him practice how to deal with large-scale merchants. He will come in after Liushuipan There will be more and more foreign investors.

Although He Baoguo was unprepared, he has been a leading cadre for many years, and his level is still very high. He stepped onto the stage without much hesitation: "Dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, I sincerely welcome everyone to come to Liuzhi, not only to participate in the Hongyuan The investment promotion conference of Master Kong Foods Company, a subsidiary of the international subsidiary, also hopes that everyone can take a walk in our six, take a look, and visit various areas in Liushuipan. After the establishment of our Liushuipan economic reform pilot zone , what we have will not only be resources in all aspects, but also a good investment environment. Next, we will do more work to improve transportation and simplify the handling process..." Chen Baoguo stood at the height of a city leader , comprehensively introduced the advantages of Liushuipan City and various preferential policies for investment. This can be regarded as taking this opportunity to hold an investment promotion conference in the city, hoping that some of these economically powerful businessmen can stay and invest, even if they can’t, It is also possible to publicize Liushuipan's investment sincerity and policies to their friends and investment partners through their mouths.

There are not many such opportunities. It is almost impossible to gather so many foreign businessmen in the city at once. Although most of them are businessmen in the food industry, these businessmen also have a wide network of contacts. If they can help promote the promotion Six water trays and six, that will have the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort.

He Baoguo knew that Hongyuan International gave him such an opportunity to publicize in the city.What's more, for this investment promotion conference, the provincial TV station and the provincial newspaper sent their reporters stationed in Liushuipan, and the city TV station and the city newspaper also sent reporters to interview. After all, in the remote Qianzhou province, such a large-scale investment promotion Speaking of a single company, even the 'government' has never done it. Of course it can be regarded as important news. He Baoguo knows very well that through these reporters, his performance will be seen by the provincial and city leaders.

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