rebirth of change

Chapter 79 Remaining life after catastrophe

Chapter 79 Survival

When Chen Kangjie came to his senses, it was already too late. In his brain, he was so depressed that he wanted to cry. He didn't die here in his previous life. Did he capsize in this gutter again after being reborn?That's too fucking uneconomical, I still have a lot of grand plans to complete, and my sister hasn't got one yet.

Seeing Chen Kangjie's body fall, the first reaction of the opposing sides above the pool was to roar loudly.It’s okay for everyone to be naughty, but no one can afford to kill someone. All the people ran to the bank where Chen Kangjie fell. It's a stone.

Miracles are often surprisingly similar. Chen Kangjie fell in the same position as before he was reborn. The entire pool was surrounded by big rocks, but there was a shed of thorns here, which was neither crooked nor slanted. Chen Kangjie's body fell on this place. A shed of thorns, fortunately, the shed grows densely and has a strong bearing capacity. Chen Kangjie who fell on it just crushed it tremblingly, but Chen Kangjie's back was already bloody from the thorns above. , burning pain, Chen Kangjie, who was in a cold sweat from fright, opened his eyes and saw nine figures shaking on the pool.

In fact, the nine people didn't move, it was he who was dangling on the thorny twig.Realizing that he was not dead, Chen Kangjie could only feel that God made a joke with him again, and the joy in his heart was like a porter unloading a heavy burden on the top of a mountain.

Seeing that Chen Kangjie was fine, the people above breathed a sigh of relief. Now everyone didn't have the heart to fight each other, and they all looked at each other. It seemed that there had been no fight just now. The leader of the opponent who stomped hard, also forgot the pain in his left hand at this moment. He was so frightened just now, he took a deep breath, and almost collapsed and sat down.

"***, what are you looking at, why don't you hurry up and get me down."

Seeing that they had no intention of coming down to rescue him, Chen Kangjie became very angry and opened his mouth to curse.Is this the case for people who survived the catastrophe?Chen Kangjie didn't know, he only knew that he was very hurt from being stabbed, but those people still wanted to appreciate each other, which made him very tired.

When Chen Kangjie yelled and cursed, Ma Wei was the first to realize that Chen Kangjie was trying to save him just now, otherwise he would have fallen not on a thorn, but on a large protruding boulder.He hurriedly climbed down one step at a time, and several others followed Ma Wei down.It took a lot of effort to help Chen Kangjie out of the sea of ​​suffering. It is true that it took a lot of effort, because it can't be dragged, and there are still some thorns stuck in Chen Kangjie's flesh. Several people divided the work, some were in charge of pulling down the thorn branches forcefully, some were in charge of raising their hands and feet, and they worked together for a long time before they finally got Chen Kangjie down.

After Chen Kangjie came down, he sat on the boulder, and the slippers disappeared. He didn’t know where the slipper had been thrown by the flying movement just now, and his shirt was soaked red with blood. Chen Kangjie carefully took off his shirt and looked back. You can see streaks of blood, let alone other people. Chen Kangjie's tragic situation made everyone panic.

The five opponents came to Chen Kangjie with their heads lowered at this moment. They seemed to want to apologize, but they couldn't say it. The other party had gone through such a catastrophe, how could it be so easy to just apologize? They didn't know whether Chen Kangjie would choose Gao's parents or directly Go to the security department, no matter what it is, this matter will not be resolved.

"Forget it, everyone is at a disadvantage to each other today, you go, go back and find someone to pick up your hand, otherwise you may be disabled."

Chen Kangjie didn't want to pursue anything, as he said, everyone hurt each other, and Chen Kangjie specifically told the leader to let them go with a wave of his hand. Those few also knew how powerful Chen Kangjie was, and the three of them had eaten it just now. To his fault, he received an amnesty, and the five of them ran away in despair.There is another reason why Chen Kangjie is unwilling to pursue the matter, that is, the trouble is really big, and he is not living a good life. Not only will he be criticized, but maybe Ma Wei and the others will be implicated. Chen Kangjie is not only a treasure at home, but also a neighbor around him. There, it is similar to Bao.

After those people left, Chen Kangjie had to deal with the aftermath by himself. It was impossible to just go home like this, and he might have to take political classes for a few days. For Chen Kangjie's behavior of not cherishing himself, his family would not let it go, they would definitely Criticize him.

"Ma Wei, I'll give you the money. You go to the street and buy me a pair of slippers and a shirt similar to mine today." After speaking, Chen Kangjie took out 50 yuan from his trouser pocket and handed it to him.

After getting the money, Ma Wei quickly ran to the clothing street without saying a word. Seeing his anxious appearance, he almost fell down several times.Ma Wei felt guilty that Chen Kangjie was injured for him, and wanted to make some compensation, so he ran hard and was very popular.

After Ma Wei ran away, Chen Kangjie told Chen Qiancheng: "Your mother works in the mining area hospital, so there should be Yunnan Baiyao at home? Hurry up and get some, don't make a fuss."

Chen Qiancheng who got the order also ran away in a hurry.

"Don't stand still, both of you, go find a tool and get some water to wash me." After Chen Qiancheng ran away, Chen Kangjie weakly ordered the remaining Zhu Bala and Mazi, "If you can't find it, go down there. Buy plastic pots or something from the small store, hurry up.”

Living in Bala and Mazi was also unambiguous. Taking the five yuan given by Chen Kangjie, they ran to buy a container for water, and fetched water to clean Chen Kangjie's wound.

After giving the order, Chen Kangjie threw the bloody shirt aside, lied weakly on the rock to bask in the sun, and took a good rest.He was really scared just now, life is precious, and Chen Kangjie is also afraid of death just like normal people, or in other words, people who have died once are even more afraid of death.

After half an hour, Chen Qiancheng and Ma Wei came back.Before they arrived, Mazi had already bought a plastic jug with Zhu Bala to fetch water to clean the blood stains on Chen Kangjie's body, and after applying the Yunnan white 'medicine' brought by Chen Qiancheng, Chen Kangjie put on a new shirt and dragged Slippers are home.He suffered mainly from skin trauma, which did not affect his movement.

He didn't dare to mention the matter of going home, and the four guys also made a promise not to mention it. The reason why they asked them to promise was not because they were worried that they would tell the adults, but more because they were worried that they would tell other friends, so you know There are too many people, and sooner or later it will reach the ears of family members.

Not long after the Dashuichi incident, the school was on summer vacation. During this holiday, Chen Kangjie did not continue to make up lessons for his partners. Their studies have already been improved. Although they are not yet very excellent, most of them are basically unqualified for the junior high school entrance examination. questionable.Compared with Chen Kangjie before her rebirth, Chen Mei has undergone great changes. Under Chen Kangjie's stimulation, she changed her bad habits, studied hard, and finally passed the No. [-] Middle School of the Mining Bureau. The No. [-] Middle School of the Mining Bureau is located in Liuzhi Special Zone In the suburbs, you need to live on campus.

Several important events happened in Chen Kangjie's house during this holiday. The first was that Chen Qigang was already a member of the Standing Committee of the District Committee, so he was allocated a big house with four bedrooms and two living rooms in the district committee compound, and he lived not far from He Baoguo. The house in Dizhong Mine naturally needs to be handed over to the unit, and the whole family spent several days to move.The second thing is that Chen Kangjie, Chen Jing and Chen Mei need to transfer schools. Chen Kangjie and Chen Jing are in the special zone primary school, and Chen Mei goes to the special zone second middle school for the second year of junior high school. The school is not very far from home, and it takes more than ten minutes to walk.The third thing is that Chen Yuchang's paging station has opened to two surrounding cities, and has more than 1 customers. It can earn 30 to 70 yuan a month. The elder sister Chen Yuqiong's Renrenle Supermarket has also opened. There are already three stores in the city and a nearby county, with more than 89 employees. Only the skating rink of the second sister, Chen Yufen, is still alone, but the business is not bad, and there are hundreds of dollars in profit every day anyway.The fourth, which is also very important to Chen Kangjie, is that he has spent a whole vacation writing the sixth part of "Harry Potter", and mailed the manuscript to Hong Kong in early September. During the few months at the end of [-], Chen Kangjie's task was to launch a general attack on the last part of "Harry Potter", "Harry Potter and the Artifact of Death".

A meaningful event in the entertainment industry also happened during this holiday, that is, He Wanrong's Chapter 1 album was finally released. Originally, this was not a big deal for a newcomer, but the press conference was held on the first day. It caused a great sensation.

After getting the investment from Hongyuan International, Feiyang Entertainment has achieved great development. It has recruited a lot of talents from other companies. Several second- and third-rate singers signed before have also released their own albums, although the sales volume is not special. Okay, but because the company has a relatively generous financial support and a relatively strong promotional effort, it finally did not lose money, and it still had a slight surplus. The title songs of several albums have attracted the attention of some people in the industry and many songs' fans' likes.

The name of the album released by He Wanrong this time is called "Walk in a Smart Way", and "Walk in a Smart Way" is also the title song of this album of the same name.Originally, in this album, there were many suitable title songs, but Chen Kangjie considered He Wanrong's future path, so he recommended this very meaningful song as the title track. Of course, He Wanrong would not refuse Chen Kangjie's recommendation.

At first, Fan Wenxuan's assistant called the entertainment reporters to attend the press conference. He heard that it was a newcomer's first album release conference. There were only a dozen or so reporters who agreed to attend the press conference, but they didn't know who was the best. First, I received rumors that all the songs in this album were written by the genius and mysterious creator 'Dayao', and the music was jointly composed by 'Dayao' and 'Wanyue'. As a result, on the day of the press conference, it was originally scheduled to only accommodate There are 50 people in the press box, and there are hundreds of reporters, not only local reporters from Hong Kong, but also many entertainment reporters from Taiwan and Southeast Asia.

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