rebirth of change

Chapter 80 He Wanrong's Press Conference

Chapter 80 He Wanrong's press conference

"Dear friends from the press, you are very welcome to attend the press conference of our first album held by Ms. He Wanrong of Feiyang Entertainment. This album is the most important highlight of our company this year, I hope everyone will like it, next, please ask questions from journalists.”

He Wanrong's first album press conference was held in a meeting room of the Peninsula Hotel. From this point, it can be seen that Feiyang Entertainment attaches great importance to this press conference.There was an explanatory banner on the top of the meeting room, and around the meeting room, there were promotional racks for He Wanrong's album and many promotional posters pasted up.

The press conference was hosted by Fan Wenxuan's assistant. Apart from Fan Wenxuan, He Wanrong, and He Wanrong's manager Situ Yu, it was the first time for everyone except Fan Wenxuan to appear in front of the media in their current capacity. Appear.

For today's press conference, He Wanrong specially wore the snow-white dress on the album cover photo, put on light makeup, and didn't make much changes to her hairstyle. She still has pure shawl-length hair, and He Wanrong is beautiful The shape and delicate figure make people feel fresh and refined, pure and flying.

"Ms. Fan Wenxuan, hello, I'm a reporter from "Asian Entertainment Weekly". May I ask if Mr. 'Big Potato' really created all of this album?"

After a male reporter raised his hand, he got the first chance to ask questions.

"Thank you for your question. I am here to tell you responsibly that the twelve songs on this record are all written by the talented creator of 'Big Potato'. As you all know, the previous works of Mr. 'Big Potato' They are all very classic and popular. Unfortunately, he has not written a song for almost two years. This time we have received his full support through various relationships, so we will try our best to promote it. I am also very grateful to him here For our Feiyang Entertainment and Ms. He Wanrong's support."

Fan Wenxuan answered the reporter's question from "Asian Entertainment Weekly" very solemnly, and he really thanked Chen Kangjie. After all, Chen Kangjie was the queen writer of Rolling Stone Records before, and he only wrote one song a month. Now he can Writing twelve poems at once is for a newly established company and for a newcomer.As for the relationship between Dayangyu and Feiyang Entertainment, he knew that someone would definitely ask, so he blurted it out first, since she didn't even know what was going on anyway.

"Miss He Wanrong, I am a reporter from Wen Wei Po. You have never appeared in the entertainment industry before. How did you find Mr. Dayangyu to create an entire album for you?"

Sure enough, someone immediately grasped this question, and it was a female reporter who asked this question.

"Thank you for your question. Mr. Big Potato is a friend of mine. This time he is helping out in a personal capacity."

He Wanrong answered very briefly, but her answer immediately aroused the interest of the reporters.

"Miss He, I'm a reporter from btv. What I want to ask is, are you and Mr. Dayangyu a couple? Otherwise, why would he create an entire album for you? We all know that he hasn't released any works for two years."

He Wanrong's answer to the "Wen Wei Po" reporter obviously did not satisfy everyone.This btv female reporter is more gossip at first glance, and likes to dig out porn, but it seems that the paparazzi in Hong Kong prefer to dig celebrity porn to please readers or audiences, so she asked a question that made He Wanrong feel embarrassed.

"This reporter friend, Mr. Big Potato is just my friend. I have already answered that his help is purely personal and has nothing to do with the relationship between a man and a woman."

When this question was raised, although Feiyang Entertainment did a rehearsal before the press conference, knowing that there would be many gossip reporters asking a lot of sex questions, colleagues from Feiyang Entertainment’s public relations department also trained He Wanrong on the skills of answering reporters, but He Wanrong still Her face was flushed by this question, and she answered according to the company's arrangement, but even if the company didn't arrange it that way, she couldn't have other answers.

"Ms. Fan Wenxuan, I'm a reporter from "New Weekly". What I want to ask is, why didn't you arrange for Mr. Dayang Potato to attend this press conference? This will be very helpful for the promotion of the record."

In fact, everyone wanted to insinuate this question. Of course, the key point was not where Chen Kangjie, a big potato, attended whose press conference, but that they all wanted to see the true face of this genius.

"I'm sorry, because Mr. Big Potato doesn't want to be affected by the media and the public in his normal life, so he doesn't want to appear in the public eye for the time being."

Fan Wenxuan's answer was told by He Wanrong during the rehearsal. Fan Wenxuan also wanted to know Dayangyu, but He Wanrong's mouth was very tight. Without Chen Kangjie's consent, she would not reveal it, and Chen Kangjie was in school. , that does affect him.After several confrontations, Fan Wenxuan couldn't ask for any results, so she could only acquiesce.

"Miss He Wanrong, I am a reporter from "Singapore Entertainment News". Since you are a friend of Mr. Dayangyu, can you introduce some information about him?"

This is taking a roundabout route.

"My friend from the reporter, I'm sorry, it's inconvenient for me to disclose his situation without his consent, please forgive me." He Wanrong originally wanted to answer "no comment", but when she thought of such words If he would offend the reporter, even if it wasn't for himself, he would have to protect Chen Kangjie's reputation.

"Let me add, I think, many of the friends who came to our press conference today have attended many new album launches of Rolling Stone Records. Since then, they should know that Mr. Big Potato really doesn't want to be entertained. There is too much attention in the circle, so we have to respect his ideas and choices, of course, if he himself agrees in the future, we will also inform everyone of the situation."

Fan Wenxuan felt that He Wanrong's answer was too blunt, so she made a brief supplement.

"Miss He, I'm a reporter from Taiwan's "New Entertainment". Can you introduce this album to us?"

This Taiwanese male reporter asked more professional and pertinent questions. Since he couldn't find any clues about the big potato after tangling up the gossip, it might as well ask some useful questions.

This question made He Wanrong a little excited, she didn't answer right away, but seemed to be recalling something.

"The songs in this album have different styles, including graceful and lyrical slow songs, dix-style dance songs, songs that require high-pitched vocals, and difficult songs that require pub interpretation. Except for ten songs in Mandarin, the other I also like the two English songs very much. These two songs have a strong European and American style. Not only the tone is beautiful, but the lyrics are also very meaningful. I think everyone will like it if they listen to it. I really admire his changeability creative ability".

When He Wanrong introduced these songs, she remembered the hardships of recording herself, especially the song "Sister", which was rejected eight times after repeated singing. It was not until the ninth time that he succeeded after two days of rest. At the same time, he also It is very doubtful, why Chen Kangjie not only writes Mandarin songs well, but also writes English songs so well, it is really strange.

"Miss He, I'm a reporter from Hong Kong's Next Magazine. What I want to ask is why there are no Cantonese songs in it. Is it because you can't sing Cantonese songs? Judging by your accent, you shouldn't be from Hong Kong, right?"

This question is very sharp, and it has to be answered.

"Sir, let me answer this question on behalf of Ms. He. Ms. He is from the Mainland and is also a professional musician. As for Cantonese songs, it's not that Ms. He can't sing, but that this record 'Big Potato' Mr. This is the arrangement when I wrote it. In future albums, Ms. He will also present excellent Cantonese songs to everyone. As you all know, we usually follow his request to show respect for Mr. Big Potato Just like the Mandarin version and Cantonese version of his song "A Man Should Be Self-Reliant", both the Mandarin version and the Cantonese version are equally good. I heard that the soundtrack of this song was also specially made according to his requirements, and this is why this classic song comes out."

Fan Wenxuan knew that He Wanrong was inexperienced, so she didn't want her to answer, because she was afraid that she might say the wrong thing when she was excited or nervous. Before the press conference, Fan Wenxuan also expected that He Wanrong would encounter this problem, after all, her Cantonese was not very good. Well, it's easy to hear.

"Miss Ho, I'm a reporter from The Straits Times in Singapore. My question is very simple. How much do you expect your Chapter 1 album to sell?"

The Singaporean reporter’s question seems simple, but it is actually very difficult. If you say too low, you will prove that you are not confident. , and it also shows that the record is very average, neither good nor bad, which will reduce everyone's attention.

"Actually, I really don't know how much this album will sell. Of course, I hope that the more the better, but one person made a prediction, that is, Mr. Big Potato, the creator of this album. He once predicted that the sales would exceed Tens of millions of copies, of course, if there are too many pirated copies, it may be affected, so I urge everyone to buy genuine copies as much as possible, even if it is not for me, I hope this is a respect for Mr. Dayangyu."

Fan Wenxuan is very satisfied with He Wanrong's answer. This is definitely the biggest news today after the whole album of "Day Potato" has been created. Everyone will definitely pay attention to whether it can reach an astonishing [-] million copies.

Chen Kangjie did tell He Wanrong that the sales volume of this album will not be less than [-] million copies, especially since they also released it for Europe and America, the two English songs alone will do well.

"Miss He, I am a reporter from Macau Music Radio Station. There are so many record companies in Hong Kong, why did you only choose Feiyang Entertainment, which has not been established for a long time?"

The question was clearly provocative and was directed by a competitor.

"Thank you, it's actually very simple to understand, because Feiyang Entertainment is the first and only Hong Kong record company I came into contact with, so I can only choose to cooperate with them."

He Wanrong originally wanted to talk about the process of meeting Fan Wenxuan, but she saw Fan Wenxuan shaking her head slightly from the corner of the eye, so she changed her mind.

The reason why Fan Wenxuan did not want He Wanrong to answer truthfully was reasonable, because in that case he would move out of Hongyuan International, and Fan Wenxuan did not want to cause Feiyang Entertainment to recommend He Wanrong with all his strength because Hongyuan invested in it. That would have an impact on He Wanrong's image.

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