rebirth of change

Chapter 8 Cockfighting

Chapter 8 Cockfighting (this chapter is free)

In the afternoon, there are calligraphy and physical education classes, both of which Chen Kangjie is relatively devoted to now.He was already practicing calligraphy, so he naturally wanted to learn from this well-known calligraphy teacher in the local area.The teacher who taught calligraphy was an old lady from the north who could not speak the local dialect. Fortunately, since the establishment of the Zidi School, almost all the teachers taught in Mandarin.

In the mining area, there are many employees who came from the north during the third-line construction period and educated youths who later went to the countryside. I remember that many of the mayor of Liushuipan City and the provincial leaders of Qianzhou Province were from the north, so the office language of the entire mining area is almost mandarin.

Chen Kangjie still remembers that the calligraphy teacher in his previous life taught calligraphy the first technique formula was "head straight, chest straight, arms open, feet safe", but few students follow her request, because few students like to learn' Chen Kangjie didn't like brush calligraphy in his previous life either.

But today Chen Kangjie studied very seriously, and wrote several sheets of paper. Most of the other students just drew talismans at random. On the contrary, Chinese class and math class are absent-minded.

In the second quarter, everyone went to the gymnasium and did two sets of gymnastics under the supervision of the physical education teacher, and then moved freely. Many girls danced rubber bands and boys smashed sandbags.Chen Kangjie also smashed sandbags with a few male classmates for a few rounds, and felt that he was not interested, so he went to the side to stretch his legs and try to do push-ups.

Ma Wei, Zhang Jiahua and a male classmate Xing Xiaokai also became interested when they saw Chen Kangjie doing these strange sports.Chen Kangjie explained to them the benefits and techniques of doing these exercises one by one according to the memory of later generations, and also told them the precautions. They found it interesting and followed Chen Kangjie to do it.Gradually, many male students put down their sandbags and ran over to do it together when they saw it.

The tall physical education teacher came out of the office next to him and felt dizzy when he saw this scene, 'Who is the physical education teacher?Depressed, but he is also happy to relax.Those female students also stopped doing rubber band jumping, and watched this group of strange male students neatly doing leapfrogs, leg presses, and push-ups.My heart is also full of yy, why haven't I seen the teacher teach these movements?Why are you learning from Chen Kangjie?As a result, besides dizziness, it was dizziness.

After the two classes in the afternoon, the happy time of the students came.Generally, after school, everyone can play at least for an hour before going home. If parents ask, they have ready-made excuses-cleaning.

During physical education class, Chen Kangjie asked who would go to cockfighting after school, and 12 students came. Many of them were very active in playing.However, there were only seven students from Chen Qiancheng's second class, and there was a clear disparity in strength.Fortunately, I heard that class two was going to fight cock with class three, and five male students from class one also came to watch the battle, but they were regarded as "volunteers" and assigned to the camp of class two.Exactly 12 vs. 12, a "vicious battle" is about to begin.

The chosen site is in a farmland behind the primary school. There is no water in the paddy field and it is full of weeds.To the east of the school is the mining area, and to the west of the school is the cultivated land and farmland of the local village. Because it is next to the school, many male students like to go home from the path in the cultivated land after school. They can also catch dragonflies and dig earthworms along the way. Fish for tadpoles or something.

Once everyone is ready, it's time to start.Chen Kangjie chose to stand on the innermost side, that is, on the edge of the last paddy field ridge.This is particular. His past life experience told him that the one standing in the middle is the most likely to be hit, and the one standing on the outermost side is likely to be thrown into the next field by a strong force. As the saying goes, the right time, the right place, and the right people, let’s not talk about the right time. Anyway, I can't control it, Renhe, the third class is already occupied, after all, they are all classmates in the same class, and they will be more united, so Chen Kangjie has to seize the advantage of the location, don't be overwhelmed by the sneak attack at the beginning, it will be a shame. sent.

From the very beginning, the "Allied Forces" of Squad [-] and Squad [-] launched a fierce attack on the "camp" of Sanben. Both Ma Wei and Zhang Jiahua stood in the middle of Squad [-] and led the crowd to launch a counterattack.Chen Kangjie pressed up with the group, but did not rush into the formation to "fight".He didn't want to rush into the enemy's formation like Sun Jian, only to be attacked and killed by a stray arrow.The general has to stand in the key position.

In the formation, Ma Wei and Chen Qiancheng faced each other, you jumped over and I jumped over, pushing each other.Zhang Jiahua also "worked" with the big man Xiong Guangxin from the second class.At this time, Qian Xiaobin from the first class saw Chen Kangjie watching the battle, so he rushed towards Chen Kangjie aggressively.Qian Xiaobin was about the same size as Chen Kangjie, but he looked stronger than Chen Kangjie.After he rushed in front of Chen Kangjie, he jumped up on one foot with his momentum, trying to knock Chen Kangjie down with one move.Chen Kangjie watched his movements carefully, and then calculated Qian Xiaobin's strength and focus.The moment Qian Xiaobin's body fell from a high height, Chen Kangjie stabilized his body and raised his right knee high. Qian Xiaobin also noticed something was wrong, but it was too late to change his posture, and he just fell and hit Chen Kangjie. On his knee, he was knocked to the ground by Chen Kangjie's rear strike.Qian Xiaobin had no choice but to withdraw from the battle.

After solving Qian Xiaobin, Chen Kangjie had the heart to observe the situation of the gang fights over there, and found that two squads from the third squad were knocked down, and the coalition forces from the first and second squads were also knocked down by two, plus Qian Xiaobin who quit, The situation became nine to ten, and Class Three's chances of winning increased by one point.

When Zhang Jiahua and Xiong Guangxin were in an inextricable battle, Chen Kangjie noticed that Gao Debo from the second class was entangled with Luo Bo from the third class, while looking at Zhang Jiahua's situation, looking for a powerful opportunity to kill the main force of the third class by surprise ( In his opinion, Zhang Jiahua is the main force of the third class, he has a sense of catching the thief first, not bad), he wanted to pray for the mantis to catch the cicada, but unfortunately his consciousness was captured by Chen Kangjie.Chen Kangjie leaned forward slowly, waiting for a "squirrel behind", just when he paralyzed Luo Bo and turned around to give Zhang Jiahua a sneak attack, Chen Kangjie suddenly got into trouble, and thrust out diagonally and vigorously pushed Gao Debo's waist, He lost his balance and fell to the ground at once.

Zhang Jiahua noticed Gao Debo's posture and location when he fell to the ground, and also deduced that he was attacked by surprise. Knowing that Chen Kangjie came to counter the sneak attack and saved his "life", Zhang Jiahua gave Chen Kangjie a grateful look.

Now class three's chances of winning are even greater, but they can't be taken lightly.In order to make a quick decision, Chen Kangjie joined Zhang Jiahua's battle group against Xiong Guangxin, two against one.Chen Kangjie also wanted to hit the opponent's morale and strength after taking Xiong Guangxin down. After all, Xiong Guangxin was the opponent's absolute main force.

Chen Kangjie's cockfighting skills are good, Zhang Jiahua and Chen Kangjie may not be able to take advantage of the cockfighting, and now the two of them jointly challenge Xiong Guangxin, just now Xiong Guangxin and Zhang Jiahua were tied, and now they have no chance of winning.Sure enough, the cooperation of Chen Kangjie and Zhang Jiahua caused Xiong Guangxin to stagger. In order to stand firmly, his hands had to leave his feet and let his feet stand on the ground.

As soon as Xiong Guangxin went there, the army was defeated like a mountain, and soon they were defeated one after another like dominoes.Under the attack of Ma Wei and another classmate, Chen Qiancheng also quickly surrendered.In this way, with the record of three classes and seven people still on hand, they won a complete victory.

After the battle, everyone lined up and lay down on their backs to rest.Twitter analyzes the reasons for the victory or defeat.Gao Debo said that it was Chen Kangjie who ruined his good deed, Luo Bo said it was because the third class was already good, Xiong Guangxin attributed the reason to his carelessness, Ma Wei concluded that the second class and the first class were too inferior, Chen Qiancheng said it was the third class lucky.Zhang Jiahua didn't speak, he wanted to, but he couldn't tell why he won.

"Actually, there are many reasons, but the key point is that our three squads are united and have better tactical coordination. You are a coalition composed of two squads, and you lack the tacit understanding of unity, so it is easy to be defeated individually. So no matter what we do in the future, We must be united, only in unity can we be invincible”

Chen Kangjie finally pointed out.They also have a vague understanding, as if it is really the case, but they don't understand it clearly.After all, what Chen Kangjie said was too human and profound.They also looked at Chen Kangjie with admiration, and seriously thought about what Chen Kangjie said.

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