rebirth of change

Chapter 9 Joint Composition

Chapter 9 joint composition (this chapter is free)

"Hehe, Chen Kangjie, are you really going to sing for Lao Lao?

After music class this afternoon, as soon as He Wanrongfu walked out of the classroom, Chen Kangjie happily chased after him.

"Teacher He, I want to sing a song for you, please guide me."

He Wanrong thought that what the little guy said that day was not a real child's talk, and after a week, he "came to the door".

"Of course it's true, a man is a man, he must do what he says, especially for a beauty like you, Mr. He, how can you be perfunctory?"

Chen Kangjie held his head high, patted his chest and said boldly.

"Well, it's not suitable for the aisle here, let's go over there under the shade of the tree, and I'll listen to what song you, a little man, sing."

Teacher He pretended to be angry, and laughed after a moment.

When he arrived under the shade of the tree, Chen Kangjie followed his breath and began to sing "Do you know I'm waiting for you" with his immature unison.

At the beginning of listening to the first two sentences, He Wanrong still had a playful smile on her face, but when she continued to listen, her expression became shocked.I have never heard this song before. The expression of love between the words is so hot and straightforward, and it seems to be describing the depression of a secret love. The tone is also undulating, which is really beautiful.

"Who did you learn this song from? Why haven't I heard it?"

Just after Chen Kangjie finished singing, He Wanrong pulled his hand excitedly and asked eagerly.

"Mr. He, I made up this song myself. Is it nice?"

Chen Kangjie replied with a slightly proud smile.He Wanrong couldn't help but blushed when she heard the little guy's answer.I thought to myself, how can such a little guy arrange love songs to coax me?Do you like me?For a moment, He Wanrong felt absurd for her own thinking, how could this be possible, he was only six years old, and he was still his student.

Chen Kangjie caught a glimpse of He Wanrong in a daze, and took her hand, and He Wanrong came back to his senses.Chen Kangjie took Teacher He's hand, feeling very smooth and tender, and felt that "the beauty is not shallow", so he didn't let go.

"How can you write love songs for such a little guy? Do you know what liking is? It's still inexplicable."

He Wanrong shoved Chen Kangjie's shoulder, giggling and jokingly.

He Wanrong's smile almost made Chen Kangjie fascinated.Chen Kangjie's mental age is 30 years old, how can he stand the temptation of a top-notch beauty?The halazi is almost coming out again.

"You little pervert, what are you doing!"

"Mr. He, you are so beautiful."

Chen Kangjie blurted it out, and felt wrong just after he finished speaking, so he scratched his head and giggled.There was no other way, if he said the wrong thing, Chen Kangjie could only pretend to be innocent and cute.

The two were relatively speechless for a while.In the end, Chen Kangjie resolved the embarrassment.

"Mr. Chen, can you compose music for me, I don't know music theory"

"Okay, this song is so beautiful, I want to learn it too, just wait, I'll go to the office to get a pen and paper"

He Wanrong readily agreed to Chen Kangjie's request.

Chen Kangjie sang it several times, and explained the soundtrack to He Wanrong in detail based on the original version he had heard before. In order to be as similar to the original work as possible, Chen Kangjie even hummed the pause music between the lyrics.He Wanrong didn't doubt that there was him, she concentrated on her work.

In this grove, Chen Kangjie's first-hand "Steal" song was completed.After composing the music, He Wanrong felt that she had met a musical genius, such a little guy who had never studied music, was able to create such an excellent work, and few teachers in the music department had such quality!How did she know that Chen Kangjie was just a random pirate.

After receiving the music book handed over by He Wanrong, Chen Kangjie wrote in the lower right corner "Day Potato, who wrote the lyrics, and He Wanrong who composed the music".When He Wanrong saw it, she was a little moved, but she still didn't want to be greedy.

"Who is Big Potato? Is it your nickname? Chen Kangjie, this is not right. You wrote the lyrics and music, I just did it with a little effort." He Wanrong was amused by Chen Kangjie's stage name, but she still didn't forget to remind herself that she didn't have much credit .

"Day Potato is my stage name, hehe, Mr. He, how do I know what kind of song is it? I just made up and sang it randomly. You composed this song in the first place."

While He Wanrong laughed at Chen Kangjie's funny stage name, she also knew it was not the case, so she refused to accept it.As a last resort, Chen Kangjie changed it to "Writing lyrics, composing He Wanrong, and Daying Potato". When He Wanrong saw this answer, she couldn't help this smart and cute little guy, and could only reluctantly accept it (actually, he could participate in the creation of such a work. , He Wanrong is still a little flattered).

After solving the signature problem, He Wanrong's interest came again.

"Chen Kangjie, what are you going to do with this song? Do you just sing and play at home?"

Chen Kangjie murmured in his heart, singing and playing by himself?Just kidding, do I need to write it out for singing and playing?Of course it is to make money.

"Mr. He, since you all think this song is good, why don't you share it with everyone? So I plan to send it to the record company to see if they will be interested."

Chen Kangjie was very generous.He Wanrong thought the same, if this song can spread, it will be considered a good story.I will not ask any more questions.Who knew that if she didn't ask, what Chen Kangjie said next made her terrified again.

"The domestic audiovisual company may not accept our work. I plan to send it to Hong Kong. I guess someone from the music company over there will like it. I heard that there is a record company called Rolling Stone that is not bad. Send it to us. try"


For people at this time, Hong Kong is a very far away place. Everyone envies and fears. The envy is knowing that Hong Kong is a big city and very prosperous. The fear is that Hong Kong is capitalism. It is easy to involve capitalism. Make a mistake.He Wanrong said in surprise.

"Yes, it's Hong Kong. Mr. He, I also made up a few other songs. If you are free these days, please help compose the song and send it together. That way the hit rate should be higher."

After being further shocked, He Wanrong wondered what song this little guy would have, would it be as good as this "Do You Know I'm Waiting for You".

After making an appointment for the next time to compose the music, each went home in separate ways.Chen Kangjie walked away with a smile on his face, as if he had completed some difficult task.

However, He Wanrong was restless all the way, riding on a lady's bicycle, and almost hit pedestrians twice.Sometimes I am curious about Chen Kangjie's performance, thinking of his funny "touch" when he stands and sings affectionately, I will smile in my heart, and sometimes hum a few lines of "Do you know I'm waiting for you", which I just learned, and hum a few lines Her face turned red again, like an unripe red apple.

"You girl, what happy things did you encounter today?"

Seeing her daughter open the door and enter the room happily humming a song she had never heard before, Zhao Yuexiang asked with a smile.

"Mom, I found a musical genius, he wrote the song I sang just now"

He Wanrong jumped up and held Zhao Yuexiang's hand and said with a smile.I want to share today's shock with my mother.

He Wanrong's mother, Zhao Yuexiang, is the deputy chief of the Logistics Department of the Mining Bureau. In fact, she is just a casual job. He Wanrong's father is He Baoguo, the executive deputy director of the Mining Bureau. rough work.I am 45 years old this year, but maybe due to the good living conditions and the ability to manage and dress up myself, so I look very young. Many people thought they were sisters when they walked arm in arm with He Wanrong on the street.

"Hehe, which family's child is it? You can write love songs for my girl, she's quite talented, bring me and your father back to see."

"Mom, what are you talking about? He's one of my students, he's only six years old."

Hearing her mother teasing her, she quickly pouted and defended.

Hearing that it was a child who was only six years old, Zhao Yuexiang was a little surprised at first, but soon asked with interest.Women seem to be born with the gossip gene.

Only then did He Wanrong tell Zhao Yuexiang the ins and outs of the matter. After hearing this, Zhao Yuexiang also became interested in this child. She and He Baoguo only had one daughter, He Wanrong, so they liked smart and cute little boys.

He Wanrong gave a brief introduction of Chen Kangjie to Zhao Yuexiang, and Zhao Yuexiang was amazed again and again.

"Then you bring this, oh, Chen Kangjie to our house to play some other day. I have met such a smart and talented little guy."

Zhao Yuexiang couldn't remember Chen Kangjie's name all of a sudden, but the smile on her face showed that she was really interested in this Chen Kangjie.Although she doesn't study music, she can be regarded as a cultural person in the city anyway, and her daughter's university is a music department, so she also knows that composing songs is not easy.

"Okay, let me see if he has time this weekend, I'll bring him to our house to play"

She was of course happy to hear that her mother was interested, because although she was a bit confused about this student, she liked this little guy more and more. He was smart, cute, calm and proud.

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