The White House looks ordinary from the outside, but it is also the political core of the largest country. Even if the interior decoration is not magnificent, it is exquisite and has a historical style.Every item inside can be called a very high-quality collection, especially the unique and precious oil paintings on the wall and the lamps that are always kept bright. The tables, sofas and other items inside are all carefully made of high-quality materials , It will not be broken after a hundred years of use. Even if you retire, you must be close to the history museum, because every piece of wood has a hidden history.

After everyone chatted with each other for a few minutes, the President's wife and Mrs. Xiong were left to entertain Jon Gordon and Xiong Ziqiang, while Chen Kangjie accompanied the President and Stilwell to the small reception room next to them for a conversation.

"Mr. Chen, please sit down. I have always been very interested in you. I hope we can have a frank communication today." After entering the room, after Stilwell closed the door, kld and Chen Kangjie faced the two single seats beside the bed. Walking to the chair, before sitting down, President KLD said in a different tone from before.

Chen Kangjie didn't find it strange that kld knew part of his own details, it was completely a matter of course, if he really didn't know, Chen Kangjie would feel strange.

"Mr. President, I have always been quite honest with you, and I can understand your interest in me," Chen Kangjie said as he sat down and put his hands on the handle of the sofa in a soothing manner.

Chen Kangjie looked relaxed on the surface, but in fact his mind was spinning rapidly. When talking to these people, he had to be careful and pay attention to everything, and his words could not be too true or too false.If the words are too true, it is not in their own interests, and if the words are too false, they will offend the other party. It is still unknown whether they are enemies or friends.

"That's good, I hope to be friends with you, personal friends," President KLD took the lead to leave the scene.

But Chen Kangjie didn't take it too seriously. What these politicians said was similar to what lawyers said, and they were not so trustworthy.

"Of course, I wish I could be friends with Mr. President. In today's world, I don't think there is anyone who would not want to be friends with you."

From a global perspective, there are really few people who want to become enemies with the President of the United States. If they can become friends, there are not many people who can refuse.But Chen Kangjie's desire for that was not as strong as he said, otherwise he would not have refused to visit last time. Chen Kangjie's evaluation of this Mr. President was mixed.

At this time, Stilwell served the two fragrant and high-quality coffee. To a certain extent, he acted as a waiter.

"Mr. Chen has such talent and achievements at such a young age, I don't know what your future ideals are? Don't tell me that your future path is to be a real artist, haha, then I don't believe it", kld The president first blocked Chen Kangjie's excuse with one sentence.

"Indeed, huh, don't say you don't believe it, I don't believe it myself." Chen Kangjie picked up the coffee and stirred it in the cup with a silver spoon, "From a close point of view, I just want to play, as long as I can do it Go try it, don’t want to y) After getting a degree in International Relations from China Foreign Affairs University, you can study at Oxford University with the Rhodes Scholarships provided by the UK. In the eyes of ordinary people, such a degree is already very good, but then you enter Yale University, with a bachelor's degree in law."

"It seems that you know me very well, so what about from a distance?" President KLD also brought the coffee in his hand.

"You are now the president of the most powerful country, and the whole world knows about you. These are all the information published in the newspapers. In the long run, my ideal is to enjoy life. Luo Yin, a poet of the Tang Dynasty in our country, has a poem called There is a sentence in "Self-Rescue", which says, "I am drunk today when I have wine," Chen Kangjie said after taking a sip of coffee and putting it on the small redwood coffee table beside him.

"This poem sounds a bit decadent. It seems to say that people only care about the immediate and have no long-term plans. This shouldn't be in line with your character?".

"Mr. President is indeed a scholar-statesman. He really has a thorough understanding of our Chinese poetry. The meaning of the original poem is just like that." Life, know how to live, and enjoy life. My personality is very loose, without any grand ideals, unlike you, I guess you were 17 years old when you met President John F. Kennedy here as one of the national student representatives Do you want to live here? I don’t even want to be a civil servant, maybe I will go to a small island to live a secluded life after I get married,” Chen Kangjie replied, staring at President KLD.

"At that time, I only wanted to be a civil servant, but I didn't want to be a president. I didn't even dare to think about it." Kld waved his hand.

"But you did it, and you are the first president born after World War II."

"Hehe", kld smiled softly, "I want to know why you attacked the Soviet Union. You were so young at that time, how could you see all that?".

Chen Kangjie looked at kld without speaking for several seconds. He wanted to figure out what the other party meant by asking this question, but the other party's expression was unmoved, which made it difficult for him to grasp it. In the end, he could only say: "I am for money, why are you all? ".

As for how he saw all that, Chen Kangjie avoided talking about it. This is a question that cannot be answered with half-truths, so he simply fooled it.

"Us? This is politics, you must know it."

"I have no interest in politics, and I don't understand politics at all. I only have interests in my eyes."

"Long, as far as I know, your father was an official. How could you say you don't understand politics?" Stilwell interjected at this moment.

"Hehe, Mr. Stilwell, this seems a little inappropriate. Einstein is a physicist, so his children must understand physics? You are the president's aide and an excellent politician. Your children don't You must understand this, right? Besides, my father, a petty official who is as big as a sesame mung bean, is at most a good civil servant. Politics is something that big people play, such as you and Mr. President," Chen Kangjie retorted gently road.

"Mr. Chen, then how did you attack Japan later?" Kld glanced at Stilwell, and then asked Chen Kangjie again.

"That's still an interest, and, Mr. President, the word 'hands off' is regarded as a compliment. It should be called investment. How can I be able to make a move on a country by myself? It's just cheap to follow you." In this regard, Chen Kangjie did not deny or evade.

"How do you say that?" President KLD asked.

"Mr. President, didn't you just say that we need to be frank in our exchanges? Am I wrong? For a country like Japan, only one stronger than it can fight without a fight as stated in "The Art of War" In the past ten years, why has Japan’s economy not grown? Or where did the original growth go?” Chen Kangjie asked several questions in succession.

"Haha, you still say you don't understand politics? We did that for the stability of East Asia and for the sake of not repeating the mistakes of history," Kld said grandly.

Perhaps half of what he said is true. It is quite dangerous for a former militaristic country to master a large amount of wealth, but Chen Kangjie believes that the deeper purpose is for them to dominate the world and for Japan to continue to act as a pawn. To curb the role of China's rise.At the same time, this statement also reflects the reality that the United States has always been wary of little devils.

"That's good, everyone hopes that the world will remain peaceful forever," Chen Kangjie casually said something perfunctory.

"Long, can you tell me how much you have gained?" President KLD asked Chen Kangjie very seriously.

"Hehe, Mr. President, how much can I gain with just a little bit of energy? At most, it's just enough to eat and have fun. Mr. President, can you tell me how much you have gained?" Since the conversation, Chen Kangjie He always felt that he was in a passive position, and he began to change from passive to active.

From kld's questioning, Chen Kangjie got a very crucial piece of information, that is, the U.S. side has some control over their own actions, but they don't know the details, especially the final figures, which they almost don't know.With this information as confidence, Chen Kangjie felt more at ease.

President kld made an excuse to invite him to the side for a private talk, and Chen Kangjie knew that it would not be about those romances. If others wanted to know his bottom, he also wanted to find out the other side's bottom.

"Haha, interesting, I really want to tell you, but we don't have detailed statistics at all, and I don't know myself," kld said to Chen Kangjie foolishly.

"It turns out that this is the case. Although I don't know how many there will be, I think that if Mr. President can be re-elected, it will be enough for you to create a golden decade for the economy." He doesn't make any sense either.

Chen Kangjie's words surprised kld. What surprised him was not that Chen Kangjie had insight into some actions of the United States, but that Chen Kangjie's calculations were similar to his own.

Kld believes that Chen Kangjie has never seen those documents, because they are all at the highest level of confidentiality and will not be declassified until 50 years later.Then the rest can only be explained by Chen Kangjie's own calculations. This is exactly what surprised KLD.

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