In fact, how can Chen Kangjie have such great intelligence? He just knew in advance that the eight years of President KLD’s rule were the rare eight years of economic gold in the United States. This was later proved. This time lasted until the beginning of the 21st century, thus forming Peacetime is the longest period of economic growth in U.S. history.During this period, the deficit decreased, the surplus increased, the three major stock indexes on Wall Street hit record highs, and the unemployment rate decreased, making him one of the most successful presidents in the United States.

"Mr. Chen may be eligible to win the Nobel Prize in Economics," President KLD said while suppressing the surprise in his heart, looking at Chen Kangjie with bright eyes.

Chen Kangjie's heart tightened. What he was worried about was not the other party's words, but the other party's eyes. That kind of eyes seemed to have a smell of gunpowder. The eyes were frozen and warm, which sent a dangerous signal to Chen Kangjie.

If it was someone else, then Chen Kangjie would not take it too seriously at this moment, maybe he would laugh it off, and even radiate his contempt in turn. However, this person is the most powerful person in the world today, a man who controls the world The most powerful person, facing this kind of person, at this moment, Chen Kangjie still can't achieve the mentality of indifference.

"Mr. President, why did you ask me this today? Is it because of any purpose?" Chen Kangjie tried his best to soften his words, and at the same time, he also wanted to spy on the other party's direction.

President KLD did not immediately answer Chen Kangjie's question, but stood up from the sofa, with his hands behind his back, facing the window, looking at the green South Lawn outside, as if he was thinking about something.

Chen Kangjie turned his head sideways, and only half of Kld's body could be seen. The sun shone in and hit Kld's body, making him look taller when he was wearing a black shirt and black trousers. With his gray hair, Chen Kangjie felt a kind of disdain for the world The imposing manner, this imposing manner, is only possessed by the owner of this building at this time.This taste is not seen on TV.

"Because of my curiosity, curiosity about you, and because I want to know whether you will be a friend or a threat." After 20 seconds, kld turned around and said, and reached out to stop Chen Kangjie who was about to speak, "I know what you want to say What, maybe in the eyes of others, you are just an artist or a student, but I have read some of your materials, and there are too many things that confuse me. If you are a genius, then you are not an ordinary genius .From my personal point of view, I like you very much, it is true, including my family members, because in human history, there is too little such people, our life lacks miracles and surprises, when human beings lose these , It is very boring. However, my identity is the president, and the responsibilities and missions on my shoulders make me have to change the way of thinking about problems and the attitude of solving problems."

The meaning that kld wants to express is actually not particularly clear. Maybe politicians like this, but his core meaning is already behind the words, and a smart person can capture it with a little thought.

"Mr. President, do you think I'm a threat? I don't think I can threaten the national security of the United States." Chen Kangjie also stood up, and his words were cold and firm.

"No, I don't think so now, and maybe you won't either in a short time."

"If you think I will, will you take some extreme measures? I know that the CIA has these plans for many people," Chen Kangjie asked the most straightforward words.

Perhaps this time was the most frank conversation between the two, and both of them almost expressed what they wanted to express.

"It's not necessarily true, at least I don't have such an idea now, or we are friends now, don't you think so?" Kld spread his hands, and what he said was hard but soft, soft but hard.

"Yes, of course friends. True friends are based on interests, or on the basis of availability. Maybe I can do something for you someday, although you have your own national responsibilities , However, that is for the position of the president. For the combination of position and individual, you still have a historical responsibility to write a correct history for yourself and this absolutely free country.” Chen Kangjie took a small step back When it was time, it was also warning kld not to mess around, it would not be good for him.

Chen Kangjie knew what kld needed, so he hinted it, but he didn't want to be too weak.He believes that kld must know his identity and relationship in the country, coupled with Chen Kangjie's own economic strength, if he really does something, then the rebound from all aspects will definitely make him the most failed And the most notorious president ever.

There is no real political figure who does not care about his own historical value. Perhaps rationally out of certain emotions, he needs to seek the greatest benefit for the country, but in the depths of rationality and sensibility, there is also a kind of personal selfish appeal. This kind of appeal is not entirely about economic interests, but more about reputation and historical status. There are very few people who "would rather let the world down than let the world down on me". Seriously.

"Hehe, please sit down, please sit down, of course, I am not a reckless person, let's not talk about this, if you can come today, you are my friend, I will treat you to Alaskan cod fillet later, authentic Alaskan deep sea Cod", kld felt that his goal had been achieved, so he stopped talking about in-depth topics, and turned to the aspects of friendship and life.

"I have eaten cod in Japan, but I don't know how it would be different in the White House." Since the owner wanted to be friendly, Chen Kangjie naturally followed suit.

"What do they eat? They like to eat raw food so much, only uncivilized savages would eat that." It seems that kld doesn't like Japanese food that much.

In fact, when it comes to eating, Americans are really not very good at it. They are just a hodgepodge, and it is difficult to form their own unique food culture.If there is one, it is the fast food culture represented by junk food, such as ofood, arby, wendys, etc. These large catering companies all do fast food, and most of them focus on hamburgers.

In contrast, Japan's dining culture is more unique and strong.But Chen Kangjie is happy to see the president of the United States comment on the little devil in this tone.

"I don't like Japanese food either. My expectation now is to wait for a while to taste the Alaskan cod fillet you recommended. By the way, Mr. President, when can we come in and shoot tomorrow?".

"Mr. Stilwell will arrange it. In this regard, I have to listen to him, haha."

The president's time and itinerary are often in the hands of the office, which allocates and arranges according to the priorities. This is the same in China. From top to bottom or from bottom to top, you have to go through the office.

. . . . . .

Chen Kangjie had a lunch at the White House and left. The Alaskan cod fillet recommended by President KLD, Chen Kangjie thought it looked good, it was fried until golden and crispy, but the taste was very ordinary. Those seasonings and the sauce applied on the fish The predictions are a bit weak, if Chen Kangjie is asked to score, it will be 70 points at most.

Of course, after lunch, Chen Kangjie had to meet the president's daughter's request, and took a group photo with her alone, and took two commemorative photos with their family.Their meeting did not appear in any entertainment news or political news, and the only information showing that they had met were these photos with the White House as the background.

"Stilwell, what do you think of him?" In the afternoon, in his Oval Office, President KLD asked Stilwell who was sitting across from him and participated in the meeting.

"Witty, clever, and a little... mysterious," Stilwell replied after a moment's thought.

"There are many witty and clever children, but it is rare to have his kind of grandeur and calmness. He talked with me from the beginning to the end, and he did not show humility. I frightened him, but he did not panic. This kind of person, Really rare talent, if they use it well."

"Mr. President, are you talking about the top officials of China?"

"Of course, he's not American, so we can't use him."

"Then look, do you want to do something to him? Although he says he doesn't understand politics, it is completely clear that he has an extraordinary sensitivity to politics. If he enters politics in the future, it seems to be bad for us!" The Stilwell at this time is completely different from the Stilwell who introduced the White House to Chen Kangjie in the morning.

"There is no need for that for the time being. First of all, it will be decades later. Second, China has a complete official structure. Whether he really doesn't understand politics or not, but if he wants to embark on this path, he must complete it. It’s not easy to go through the road to official promotion. In the end, I found out that he really has goodwill towards us. You can see that the values ​​in his movie are completely in line with the mainstream understanding of our American society today. , and his music. We must be as tolerant as possible to a genius who has good intentions for the United States," President KLD held up the script of the movie "Forrest Gump".

"However, Japan is our ally, but he did it. The weakening of the Japanese economy is worse than expected. What if he starts to attack the economy of other allies in the future? It will disrupt the balance of events in East Asia." .

"Even if this is the case, he can only play Yangmou. The latest information from the CIA shows that his relationship with the high-level officials there is deeper than we imagined. Moreover, he is now a world famous person. I don't want to have a relationship with Mo Sorini is in the same camp. Let’s wait until next year’s elections. Last year we lost the Senate election. I have to go back to the center.” The staff can make suggestions, but the president has to think politically everything.

"He just promised to help you in the auxiliary election, do you think he will do that?" Stilwell was targeting Chen Kangjie's sentence "Maybe I can do something for you someday."

"I believe he will, we need this kind of middleman."

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