rebirth of change

Chapter 817 To Las Vegas

Chen Kangjie himself didn't know whether others wanted to play conspiracy or conspiracy. If he didn't want his fate to be manipulated by others, he had to make some preparations. Everything was prepared, and he couldn't really be passive when the time came.When others play conspiracy, he plays conspiracy, when others play conspiracy, he plays conspiracy. Everything is reciprocal, soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, this is in line with Chen Kangjie's character.

After leaving the White House, the first thing Chen Kangjie did was to secretly contact Bob and tell him one thing, asking him to help find three top detective investigation companies in the United States.

"You don't need to come forward for this matter, you just need to inquire about it, and I will handle the specific matters myself." Among the trusted people, Bob is the person who understands the situation in the United States best, but this matter is not trivial, so he can only do it himself, which is inconvenient Delegate to others.

"Jie Shao, who are you going to investigate?" Bob became curious when he heard about this task.

"You don't have to worry about this. You must find someone with good confidentiality and resources. Famous ones are not necessarily good. I believe you know what to do," Chen Kangjie emphasized again.

In the next few days, Chen Kangjie has been busy filming the White House and the Lincoln Memorial. Thanks to the cooperation of Stilwell and kld, the part of the White House is actually not that difficult. Later, John Kennedy’s historical fragments and some visual techniques were added. Processing can pass.

The filming at the entrance of the Lincoln Memorial was extremely difficult to organize due to mobilizing [-] extras. In particular, it was necessary for everyone to maintain order on the shooting site. Explanation and thought work.

These extras are all local residents and some tourists, and they were able to mobilize them to come, thanks to the appeal of Chen Kangjie and Tom Hanks and the organizational capabilities of Miramax. In order to express their gratitude, each of them will Will get a reward of one hundred dollars and a movie ticket after the movie is released.

On both sides of the National Pagpool.

Before shooting, Chen Kangjie first looked at the 8.5-meter-high sitting white marble statue of Lincoln in the center of the memorial hall. On the wall behind the statue, four lines of characters were inscribed: isenshrinedforever (Lincoln will be immortal, forever in the hearts of the people).

After Chen Kangjie presented flowers and bowed, a staff member introduced the situation of the memorial hall to Chen Kangjie, including the history and process of construction. 36 white marble circular columns surround the memorial hall, symbolizing Lincoln's presidency. It owns 36 states, and the names of these states are engraved on the lintel of each colonnade.The walls are decorated with murals reflecting the emancipation of slaves, the Civil War between the North and the South, and symbols of justice and immortality, fraternity and charity.

"Isn't the Gettysburg Address engraved on the right wall?" Chen Kangjie asked the staff standing in front of a densely packed English wall.

"Yes, on November 1863, 11, four and a half months after the end of the Battle of Gettysburg in the American Civil War, Lincoln spoke at the unveiling of Gettysburg National Cemetery (ery) in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania A speech mourning the deaths of those who died at the Battle of Gettysburg, which lasted five and a half months. Lincoln's rhetorical and thoughtful speech went on to become one of the greatest speeches in American history."

. . . . . .

"Jie Shao, you seem to be very interested in American things!" Xiong Ziqiang whispered beside Chen Kangjie when he walked out of the Lincoln Memorial.

"Brother Qiang, I am not interested in American things, I am interested in all meaningful and valuable things. This is not because I flatter foreigners. We can be proud and proud of our own culture and traditions, but also Don’t really think that you are extraordinary. The United States can become the world’s most powerful country, there must be something inherent in it, what are those inner things, part of it is the thoughts contained in it), Chen Kangjie pointed back with his thumb He pointed and continued walking, saying, "Confucius is a great man, Han Feizi is a great man, the chairman is also a great man, and the sitting gentleman we visited just now is also a great man. There are many things in them that we can learn and absorb. The place".

. . . . . .

The most critical part of this scene is two places, one is Forrest Gump's speech, and in the middle of his speech, someone sabotages and unplugs the cable of the audio system.The other is that he and Jenny broke through the crowd and jumped into the reflecting pool to meet each other.For Chen Kangjie, he prefers the latter part. It is rare for Forrest Gump to fully express his love. In such a sacred place, under the eyes of everyone, after several years of precipitation, his love for Jenny has reached an explosion critical point.You can move forward no matter what.

In order to shoot this scene well, it took a total of two days and [-] hours to play back and forth seven times, three of which were due to the lack of cooperation of the extras, and three of which were because Chen Kangjie was not satisfied with the relationship between Tom Hanks and Robin White's movements were either too large or too small, or the emotions were wrong, and he didn't pass the test until the last time.

This was still filmed by Chen Kangjie. If it was another director, it would be considered pretty good if it took 28 hours.

At the beginning, Chen Kangjie personally stood up to guide, but as long as he stood up, the scene would not be able to work normally. The extras would definitely gather in large numbers, and those in front would surround him, wanting to get in touch with him , the scene was completely disrupted.Fortunately, his bodyguards and the security personnel at the scene were quite capable, otherwise he would have been torn into five pieces, but he escaped after going through a lot of embarrassment.This is also thanks to the fact that middle-aged people account for a relatively large proportion of extras. If teenagers account for a large proportion, then those people are not so rational, so they don’t care whether they are working on-site or not. They will do anything.

At the back, Chen Kangjie didn't dare to come out, and sat in the command car behind to watch and coordinate the command. If there was anything that needed adjustment and attention, he would tell Jedica, and then Jedica would convey and explain it.

The reason why Chen Kangjie's shooting is so fast is not only because he knows every detail of the plot, but also because he has a strong logistics support team.With the full support from top to bottom of Miramax, Chen Kangjie's crew has at least twice as many logistics personnel as other similar crews. When the things are ready, the small team led by the chief set designer Cindy has 23 people, and the funds are relatively sufficient. Chen Kangjie, who is the producer himself, has always taken an attitude of complete trust in the spending of small money. Even if he has to check the accounts, it is Li Li Help him finish.

After completing the work in Washington, the crew moved to Southern California, Arizona and Utah for filming, mainly where Forrest Gump traveled all over the United States. Of course, in the process, Forrest Gump stepped on shit Inadvertently coined the viral catchphrase "ithappens" (this happens a lot), which was later adapted into the slogan "****happens" (shit doesn't count).He also invented the smiley face on the T-shirt.

Chen Kangjie checked the information and found that the person who actually invented this pattern was Harvey Bauer (pany), a freelance designer in Worcester, Massachusetts. The pattern was designed at the request of the company's employees.Harvey Ball was paid $45 for the design.

Interestingly, neither the insurance company nor the designer Harvey Bauer has applied for a registered trademark for this pattern.In the original novel, there is no scene of Forrest Gump running all over the United States, so Chen Kangjie plans to apply for the registration of the trademark of the smiling face with eyes. The specific matters will be completed by Feiyang Entertainment after the filming is finished.

Chen Kangjie did not shoot the scene before Forrest Gump's run, but left it to Jedica and Roffman to complete. Chen Kangjie only personally shot the scene of Forrest Gump ending his journey across the United States in Monument Valley.

While the crew was busy working, Chen Kangjie was in Las Vegas in southern Nevada.Lived in the top villa of the MGM Grand Hotel opened in 1993 at the intersection of Las Vegas Boulevard and Tropical Road.

MGM Grand Hotel is modeled after the Italian Florentine villa in the 18th century. It is the largest hotel and entertainment city in Las Vegas, with 5034 guest rooms, 9500 customer service center, a garden banquet hall that can accommodate 30 people, and 350 functions. A complete meeting room can be held (meetings of up to 15000 people, his multi-purpose theater has [-] seats, which includes sauna, ball, swimming, fitness, catering, entertainment and almost all the services you need, and the decoration is extremely luxurious .

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