rebirth of change

Chapter 82 Chen Kangjie, Thank You

Chapter 82 Chen Kangjie, thank you

After school started, Chen Kangjie was facing the first transfer of school, and he had to go to the special zone to study the fifth grade.

Knowing that Chen Kangjie was going to transfer to another school, the classmates and teachers were very sad.Everyone has been with Chen Kangjie for so long, and they are already a little dependent on him. The third class that Chen Kangjie belongs to is not only the best in academic performance, but also the best in discipline. The teacher is the most worry-free, and the students are very happy.Now that Chen Kangjie was going to transfer to another school, everyone was naturally very reluctant to part with him, with sad expressions reflected on everyone's faces. In order to have a relatively intact ending, the class held a simple farewell party for Chen Kangjie.

"Students, due to some special reasons, the study committee member of our class, Chen Kangjie, has to leave the big family of our class. I believe that all the students will feel very heavy. In fact, I am the same as everyone." Speaking of this, maybe it is Wanting to heighten the atmosphere, or feeling really uncomfortable inside, Chen Hongmei's voice sank, and after a pause, she continued: "In the past three years, great changes have taken place in our class, and the students have also undergone great changes. With the help of Chen Kangjie, the students who had poor academic performance in the past have made great progress. The students who were naughty and mischievous in the first and second grades are now sensible and polite. Our class, every time in the school In the past three years, we have won many honors, civilized classes, mobile red flags, excellent classes, outstanding young pioneers, etc., all of which are not only the efforts of the students, but also the excellent performance and solidarity of Chen Kangjie. Character and character are inseparable, although he will leave us temporarily, but I believe that everyone will always regard him as a good teacher and helpful friend, and he will always be a member of our third class." Speaking of this, Chen Hongmei turned to Chen Kangjie who was sitting in the first row , "Here, I wish Cheng Kangjie student progress in future studies, health and happiness."

Chen Kangjie did not sit next to Ma Wei today, because in terms of establishment, he no longer has a place in this class. A small part of his status is now a classmate of everyone, and a large part of his status is a guest instead. Moreover, he needs to be on stage Let me say a few words, so today is the first time Chen Kangjie sat in the first row in this class.

Hearing Chen Hongmei's deep words on stage and seeing her solemn expression, Chen Kangjie was also a little sad.

"Next, if any students have something to say to Chen Kangjie, they can stand up by themselves." Chen Hongmei scanned the classroom and found that everyone's expressions were very melancholy, so she said lightly.

After Teacher Chen finished speaking, the students below all looked at me and I looked at you. They seemed to have something to say, but they were waiting for someone to take the lead.

"Old Wen..., thank you for helping me and encouraging me. I used to study very badly. It was you who kept helping me with tutoring, which made me get good grades again and again. You will always be my best partner. In the future Without you sitting next to me, I will continue to work hard, woo woo woo...", the first one to stand up was Chen Kangjie’s old partner, Comrade Ma Wei. In the class, he called Chen Kangjie’s little boy for the first time in class name.The two of them have played together since they were young, and their relationship is very deep. Moreover, not only has his academic performance improved steadily in the past few years, he has also entered the top ten in the class in this year's final exam, and his childhood is still very nourishing, and he never worries about running out of snacks Chen Kangjie took care of all the pocket money for playing and playing.

It was obvious that Ma Wei was very sad.He was very excited. After speaking, not only was his voice choked up, but he also cried in the end. Although he wiped his tears with his sleeve after crying, no one would laugh at him today. Everyone understood his mood.

"Chen Kangjie, thank you. When you gave us tutoring, you taught us a lot of truths, so that we not only learned knowledge, but also learned a lot of other things. I, I, I... wish you all the best in the future." Stand up this time It was a female classmate—Chen Juan, the one who scored zero in Mathematics in the last semester before Chen Kangjie was born again. be more patient.Now her grades in the third class are still relatively low, but if she is placed in other classes, she is already in the middle and upper reaches.At the end she also wept.

"Chen Kangjie, thank you for your help to our class. Although your academic performance has been better than mine since the second grade, I admire you very much, not only for your perfect marks every time, but also for your selflessness and dedication. You have done a lot of things that I, the monitor, did not do, and I wish you well, be happy."

Although Wang Hongjuan, the class leader of the beauty class, had a bit of a problem with Chen Kangjie at first, but it was the heart of a little girl. Later, driven by Chen Kangjie, the whole class studied hard, chasing each other, especially the poor students in the last two rows. They all caught up, and Wang Hongjuan's slight unhappiness disappeared. She felt that Chen Kangjie was indeed better than herself, at least it was absolutely impossible for her to do it.When talking about "blessing you", Wang Hongjuan also paused for a moment, her throat a little choked.

"Chen Kangjie, thank you. Although we had some unpleasant experiences, I, like the class monitor, admire you very much. Thank you for letting go of past suspicions. I hope to become friends with you."

The one who stood up next was Chen Kangjie who made a small report against Wang Xueping, Chen Kangjie's deputy squad leader, on the first day after his rebirth.Wang Xueping's expression and words are very sincere, in fact, how can Chen Kangjie care about those small conflicts, he is already a "big man" in his 30s, how can he be brooding over such trivial matters, which have long been forgotten It is also fate to be able to sit under the same roof and study for a few years, let alone the kind of six or seven-year-old child.So much so that after Chen Kangjie established authority in the class, he never targeted Wang Xueping and treated them equally.

"Chen Kangjie, thank you. I don't know what to say. Anyway, after you leave, we won't have fun anymore. I hope you can come and play with us when you have time." Zhang Jiahua stood up, stuck his head, and said melancholy.

Zhang Jiahua's words made Chen Kangjie dumbfounded, but it could be seen that this guy was quite upright.If it were in normal times, Zhang Jiahua would probably be criticized by the head teacher Chen Hongmei for openly advocating "playing" in class, but today Chen Hongmei did not feel any discomfort. She understood that Chen Kangjie was a good playmate in the first place, and their relationship More is built up during play.

"Chen Kangjie, thank you..."

"Chen Kangjie, thank you..."

Most of the students stood up and said something to Chen Kangjie, and without exception, they all started with these six characters. It seems that Chen Kangjie also helped, encouraged, or inspired all the students to some extent. In my heart, I recognized and hated Chen Kangjie very much.

"Next, let's ask Chen Kangjie to say a few words to everyone before leaving our class." As soon as the class teacher Chen Hongmei finished speaking, the whole class burst into applause.

The students had finished speaking. Even if Chen Kangjie was in his 30s, he couldn’t stand being so sensationalized. Chen Kangjie was moved by everyone’s simple and unpretentious words, and crystal tears overflowed from the corners of his eyes. Chen Kangjie gently wiped them away, and walked on podium.

"Students, I cherish and miss the days with you very much. Maybe this is the love in my previous life. I am very happy and happy to be a classmate, friend, and partner with you. You have brought me back a lot of memories He Tongzhen, although we will not be able to sit in the same classroom and study together in the future, I am still your classmate, friend and partner, and will always be."

Chen Kangjie relieved his mood, took a deep breath, and then said: "Hehe, there is no need for us to be so sad. We are not far apart. If you are free in the future, you can visit me anytime. Ah, I will definitely come to everyone, and I will come to see you when I have time. If there is anything I can help in the future, I will also be obliged. As the saying goes, there is no banquet in the world, not to mention, we may only be halftime Take a rest, hehe, as long as we all study hard, we may still be classmates in the same middle school and the same university." Chen Kangjie changed his voice and even laughed to relax everyone's mood , don't make the atmosphere too depressing.

"In the end, in addition to wishing everyone progress in their studies, I hope everyone can stick to their ideals, never stop, and be a kind person, a happy person, thank you, I will always miss you"

Chen Kangjie said some things that everyone didn’t understand very well, including Chen Hongmei, especially "love in the previous life" and "recovering a lot of memories", but no one paid attention to these, they all thought it was very good and very encouraging , very mature, and some young girls who have just started their love will still feel 'pornographic' and "so handsome". Everyone was infected by Chen Kangjie, and their mood calmed down a lot.

After Chen Kangjie finished speaking, he walked off the podium, and after a few words with Chen Hongmei, he planned to leave, but was persuaded by Chen Hongmei to stay, as if he still had something to do.

After Wang Hongjuan started, all the students stood up and sang "Young friends come to meet", "Young friends, let's meet, 'swing' the boat, the warm wind blows gently, and the flowers are fragrant , the birds chirping..."

Clapping while singing, this is a temporary program they made up, using this way to say farewell to Chen Kangjie and looking forward to the reunion.

Chen Kangjie bowed to everyone with a smile, waved his hand, turned around and walked out of the classroom. The moment he turned around, tears welled up in his eyes, and the beautiful and moving young singing voice kept coming from his ears. The corridor at the door of the classroom seemed like Very long, very long...

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