rebirth of change

Chapter 824 Unexplainable

"Then that's it. Forget it. If you don't kidnap, you have to kidnap once. Brother Qiang, you can't let her see it, otherwise she will know it's me. I will lead him to the toilet in a while and lock her up first." Let's go," Chen Kangjie immediately made a decision.

Chen Mei knew about the relationship between Xiong Ziqiang and Chen Kangjie. If she recognized Xiong Ziqiang, she would basically be able to judge without seeing Chen Kangjie.

When Chen Mei walked into the aisle, she happened to see Chen Kangjie's back turning into the direction of the toilet, and she immediately followed.

The vast majority of toilets in China are divided into men and women, especially now, and some toilets shared by men and women will gradually appear in the future.

In the direction of the entrance and exit passage and the toilet is a relatively narrow aisle. There are only three rooms in it. The men's and women's toilets on the right and the miscellaneous room at the top. The miscellaneous room is mainly used to prevent some simple tools for cleaning and repair. There is no one at all. live.

Chen Mei followed and came in, but did not see Chen Kangjie. He looked around and concluded that Chen Kangjie must have entered the men's room, so she decided to wait and give him a wait and see.

At this time, people were still coming in and out of the bathroom one after another. Although it was a bit strange, Chen Mei still paid attention to everyone who appeared in front of her. Fortunately, the women's toilet was also next to it, so others would think that she was waiting for a female companion.

"Chen Mei, what are you doing here? Why don't you go in?".

"Well, who am I waiting for? Hehe, I'll be here soon, you guys go first." Occasionally, she met a classmate or two she knew, and she flickered in the same way.

But as time passed, fewer and fewer people came in and out, and Chen Mei became a little impatient.

"This guy, why did he go to the toilet for so long? Did he fall into the toilet? He didn't come out." Chen Mei complained to her younger brother Chen Kangjie in a cursed way in depression.

But it was useless for her to complain, even if she complained, Chen Kangjie would not show up and be caught by her.

Chen Mei raised her left hand to look at the watch. This watch was given by Chen Kangjie. The hour hand shows that 25 minutes have passed. No matter what convenience it is, it should be over. Pulling anything will not take half an hour.

She has not seen any students enter the bathroom for 5 minutes, and she has seen all the students who have entered the bathroom. I heard the staff arrange something with a loudspeaker.

"No, I have to go in and have a look." Chen Mei thought, if she didn't go in and see what happened, she wouldn't feel at ease.

She clearly saw Chen Kangjie's back turning in just now, this is not wrong, she is very firm, but she only saw the in, not the out, which made her very confused.

Chen Mei wanted to just open the door and go in, but she was afraid that there would be people inside, and it would be very embarrassing. It was a men's room.

After walking around in the men's room three times, Chen Mei thought of a good way to test out whether there was anyone inside.

She calmed down, took a deep breath, as if she was going to be a thief, after ten seconds, she calmed down, and then she shouted loudly: "Is there anyone else in the toilet? We will be shooting outside immediately, is there anyone else?" ?”.

After waiting for three seconds, but there was no reply, Chen Mei boldly knocked on the toilet door a few more times, "Is there anyone? Someone make a sound, hurry up, the filming will start soon."

Chen Mei felt that as long as she pretended to be a staff member, she could investigate in an open and honest manner.After repeated attempts twice, no voice answered her.

Not getting an answer strengthened her courage.She checked the outside again and found that there was really no one there, so she tiptoedly put her hand on the doorknob of the men's room, pushed the door open and went in. This was the first time Chen Mei entered the men's room.There is tension, there is freshness, and more importantly, she wants to find Chen Kangjie.

The toilet door usually has a self-closing device. Chen Mei went in and took two steps, and the toilet door closed itself with the help of a spring.

Chen Mei was looking for one tunnel after another inside. At this time, she was somewhat afraid and worried. She was not afraid of seeing Chen Kangjie, but was afraid that what she would see when she opened a small door was not Chen Kangjie but other male students. It's a shame.

Her luck was good and bad.The good thing was that none of the other male classmates were there, and the bad thing was that he also didn't find Chen Kangjie.

"Could it be that I've been caught off guard? I clearly saw the one coming in, why did it disappear? It disappeared for no reason? It can't be my eyesight?" Chen Mei began to doubt herself in her heart.

Since Chen Kangjie was not found, she had to leave quickly, otherwise it would be bad if a boy came in and knocked her down.

Here comes the trouble. Chen Mei couldn't open the toilet door, which could be opened lightly just now, and now she couldn't open it no matter how hard she tried.

She couldn't pull it open, so she knocked it a few more times, but it still didn't work, the door didn't open, and no one outside responded to her.She is quite annoyed at this time, what can she do if she can't get out?She wanted to call for help, but wouldn't that embarrass herself? If someone came to save her, they would definitely ask her why she ran to the men's room. How could she answer?Did you say you were peeping or looking for your younger brother?No matter what the answer is, it will embarrass her and lose face.

"This old man, I'm locked in the toilet, the smell is stinky, and I will face embarrassment," Chen Mei scolded and kicked the door.

No matter how much he scolded and kicked, it was useless. Chen Kangjie didn't show up, and no one helped her. She still had to find a way out by herself.

Chen Mei thought about turning the window, but the window of the toilet was too high. To prevent peeping, the window of the toilet was more than two meters above the ground when it was built. She tried several times, but every time she jumped up, she only caught it with her fingers. The window sill, but she couldn't climb it, the wall was too slippery, and there was nothing to stand on, all attempts and efforts ended in failure.

The most convenient thing was to open the door, but she couldn't open it no matter how hard she tried.

"Is there anyone outside? Is there anyone?" After more than 40 minutes passed, Chen Mei's sense of tension and fear kept deepening, and now she had to call for help.

"Who can help open the door? Who can help me?".

I yelled loudly several times, but no one helped her, let alone help, no one answered.

At this time, an inspection sign was hung outside the toilet, and a "No Passing" card was erected in the passageway. Pang Hui, Dong Mingshu and Qian Degui were guarding the toilet, and no one was allowed to enter.As for Chen Kangjie, of course he was sitting in his director's seat directing the filming.

In order to save time, the audience spotted him when he directed the filming, and gave him warm cheers and applause. Some even asked questions loudly, such as whether he would also come to Capital University to study and so on.How could Chen Kangjie be in the mood to interact at this time? His sister was still locked in the toilet, and with a few words, he blocked the favored ones.

"I thank you for your welcome and great love. This is Capital University, known as the highest institution of higher learning in the Republic. You are all talented and talented people. We are working now, and we hope that everyone can have a rigorous working state. It is a manifestation of your quality and sense of responsibility. If I have the opportunity, I will interact with you, but now, please cooperate and let us finish the work well. I don’t want these foreigners to go back and say that the Capital University of China is nothing more than that , the students have no discipline and poor quality," Chen Kangjie said directly in Mandarin, and he believed that none of the American personnel present could understand Chinese.

The people of the country love face, and these days' favored people care about face even more than ordinary people.Chen Kangjie's previous words were to stabilize them, but the last two words were to block them by attacking them.

Sure enough, after Chen Kangjie finished speaking, the audience fell silent. They didn't want to be looked down upon by foreigners, and they had to fight to prove their quality and sense of responsibility.

Seeing that Chen Mei hadn't come back for a long time, Wang Mei was a little anxious. She was worried that Chen Mei would have an accident and wanted to look for it, but the staff had stopped all the extras from moving around. How many people have been spurned.

In the end, Wang Mei could only decide to look for Chen Mei after the filming was finished, to see where she went and whether she found her brother.

The last shot was not too long, less than 1 minute, so it wasn’t that difficult to shoot, but it didn’t reach the level of one shot.

He came again and again three times, and barely achieved the picture effect Chen Kangjie needed. Originally, he hoped to do it again, so that the audience would be more enthusiastic about the entrance of the "American" team, but thinking that his sister was suffering, Chen Kangjie stopped.

According to the original plan, after the filming is completed, it will be finalized, and the film will enter the post-production stage. At this time, Chen Kangjie is going to give a speech. Even if it is not for the audience, he should also say something to the crew at the same time, or Let's have a big group photo or something.

But there was nothing, just 30 seconds after he said "ok", the crew members couldn't see him, and only Jedika organized everyone to evacuate and evacuate.

Hearing the commotion outside, Chen Mei knew that the filming must have finished, and everyone left.She didn't open the door for 10 minutes. She couldn't open the door so many times, so she chose to give up.But now, out of instinct, she didn't even think about it, and opened the door like a conditioned reflex. After all, she still didn't want to be rescued from the men's room.

Strangely, the door opened with a slight pull.Chen Mei was puzzled, but she didn't have time to doubt and find out the truth.

"Are you so fast? Is it time to go to the toilet?" Chen Mei met a female classmate she knew who came to use the toilet.

"Well, ah! Ah! Yes", Chen Mei answered vaguely and not smoothly.

Chen Mei came to the entrance and exit corridor in a daze and met Wang Mei. Wang Mei took her hand and asked questions, but Chen Mei couldn't answer and explain the questions she asked fluently.

Undoubtedly, all this was done by Chen Kangjie. When he turned around, he didn't enter the men's room at all, but went into the miscellaneous room.

When he saw the fourth sister enter the men's room from the miscellaneous room, he immediately ran out to do his own work, leaving the rest to Xiong Ziqiang and the others.

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