To Wang Mei's questioning, Chen Mei couldn't answer truthfully. She didn't want others to know that she had been imprisoned in the men's room for so long for no reason.

Now there are two things that puzzle her the most. The first is whether the person she saw was Chen Kangjie, and the second is why the door couldn't be opened by all means. It's too weird to be able to hook it off.

If it's weird, how can it be normal?Chen Mei couldn't figure out the first question. In that case, she couldn't stay and study how the door couldn't be opened tightly. But for the second question, she thought there was still a chance. She decided that if it was really Chen Kangjie, she planned to make him look good.

In fact, there is no ingenious technology at all. After Chen Mei entered, Xiong Ziqiang firmly held the door outside. One was a strong man who had been trained for many years to stretch out his hands, and the other was a frail girl who just studied. The power disparity is so great, how could Chen Mei pull the door open.

As soon as she got back to the dormitory, Chen Mei took the phone line and landed phone to the balcony.She didn't intend to let anyone know what she was talking about on the phone.

At this time, mobile phones were still very expensive luxury goods, and the Chen family's financial conditions could fully afford them. However, due to Chen Qigang's strict requirements, Chen Mei was not allowed to use mobile phones now, fearing that the wind of luxury would spoil her.Even though his sister and brother secretly gave Chen Mei thousands of pocket money, he still hasn't bought a mobile phone.

After entering the card number 1, she dialed her home phone number. Chen Mei wanted to ask her family members to find out where Chen Kangjie was.At this time, fixed-line telephones have been installed on a large scale in the university campuses and dormitories. If you use 1 card, the phone bill will be much cheaper. You can call each other on campus for 1 cents for 1 minute.

It's just that the phone rang for a long time and no one answered it. Chen Mei and Chen Jing both went to school, and Ma Fangqin didn't come back from shopping. How could anyone answer the phone.

Hanging up the phone, Chen Mei became more and more annoyed with today's events. After a little hesitation, she mustered up the courage to grab the phone again and called Chen Qigang's office.

Under normal circumstances, Chen Qigang doesn't want his family members to call the office directly to find him. If there is anything, they will talk about it after returning home from get off work.It's just that Chen Mei can't wait anymore, she really wants to know the result as soon as possible.

"Ju Xiang, why did you call here? What's the matter? Can you call home if you have something to do?" Chen Qigang answered the phone with a document in his hand, his tone was calm and majestic, and he could tell that he was not very satisfied.

"Father, I..., this..." Chen Qigang said in such a serious tone, Chen Mei didn't know what to say.

"What's the matter? Come on, I'll have to go out later. Is it not enough for living expenses? If not, ask your mother to call you 500 yuan." Chen Qigang thought that Chen Mei called from the capital to ask for money .

In fact, even if the family doesn't give her a penny, the pocket money in her hand will be all right for her to finish college. Chen Mei's current personal money is estimated to be no less than 500 yuan, so why would she care about [-] yuan?

"No, no, no, Dad, I just want to ask, is Lao Wen at home these days?".

"Oh, you're asking about that kid. He's not at home. He's attending classes in the United States, but he should be back soon." Chen Qigang flipped through the documents with one hand, and said casually with the phone in the other.

"Is he in America?".

"Yeah, I also asked him for a month's leave, what's the matter? Do you have something to do with him?".

"No, nothing, I'm just asking, he hasn't called me for a while, so just ask."

"I'll hang up if it's okay. By the way, remember to call home when you call in the future. This is the office and the place to work, ah!" Chen Qigang is busy, and he doesn't have much thought about the relationship between his children. to care.


Chen Mei hung up the phone in confusion, looked at the gymnasium in the distance, and felt erratic, did I really admit the wrong person?Vertigo and hallucinations?He is in the United States, how could he come to the capital? This is impossible.

In order to make herself feel better, Chen Mei tried her best to find some good reasons for herself, otherwise, thinking about what happened to her in the men's room, she would get angrier and angrier.

As for Chen Kangjie, he only escaped a small catastrophe temporarily, and his identity cannot be kept forever. When his family members know that Chen Kangjie is a long, Chen Mei also knows that she is not delusional this time. There's a price to pay, but that's another story.

"Jie Shao, is it a little too much for us to do this, locking your sister in the men's room for so long?" Back at the hotel, Xiong Ziqiang said nervously, it was done by him himself.

"It's already happened, what else can I do? I didn't expect her to become an extra. If I knew it, I would have found another venue." Chen Kangjie himself was helpless. He didn't want to do that, but he Had to do that, or he'd be in a lot of trouble.

"But she will know sooner or later." Dong Mingshu took out a glass of iced orange juice from the refrigerator and handed it to Chen Kangjie.

"Let's talk about it when we know. We can't control that much now." Chen Kangjie poured down half a glass and shook his head.

"Jie Shao, your work is done, can you go back? Your leave has expired," Xiong Ziqiang asked.

"I'll go back the day after tomorrow. I'll have a meeting with the crew today. I'm going to see people tomorrow. Let's go the day after tomorrow. Hey, I'm really tired during this time. The sleep pattern is a bit reversed. When filming at night, I will rest for an hour. If the rest of the crew comes back, let me know." Chen Kangjie put the cup on the tempered glass coffee table, stood up and walked towards the bedroom.

He lived in a high-end suite in the Friendship Hotel, and the facilities are still very complete.

It took two hours for the rest of the crew to come back with equipment and items. The reason for the long delay was that many students gathered around Tom Hanks to ask for autographs, and asked the staff of the crew to inquire about Chen Kangjie's situation.

In the evening, Chen Kangjie booked the large restaurant of the Friendship Hotel. He wanted to invite all the crew members to eat boiled mutton. Of course, those extras were not included in this scope.

Before the meal, Chen Kangjie called Jedica, Roffman, Ken Ralston, Arthur Schmidt, Carpenter, Burgess and other key personnel to the room where he lived for a meeting.

Arthur Schmidt is the editor of this film, and Ken Ralston is in charge of visual effects. They just arrived from the United States yesterday. In the post-production stage, they have a lot of room to play, or in other words, that is mainly their job .

Since Chen Kangjie will not return to the United States, he cannot participate in the post-production, so there are many things that need to be explained clearly.

"...After you go back, you hope to hurry up and let this film meet the audience as soon as possible. In terms of special effects, the digital field is still our cooperative company. You have to be responsible for this part of Ralston. The company has already contacted you. , they will provide you with enough help in terms of personnel and technology, Jedika, Roffman, if the soundtrack by Aaron Silvestri is ready, let me play it first, and I will Let me tell you where the music should be interspersed. The piano piece "p" I wrote is placed at the beginning and end of the film. Arthur, I have written the order of the clips on this paper, of course Now, you can also make appropriate adjustments based on your professional opinion," said Chen Kangjie, handing a piece of paper to the editor Arthur Schmidt.

Because Chen Kangjie can't participate in the post-production, so he can only go through the structure of the film's fragments in a sequence, so that he won't deviate from the story and aesthetic structure of the original film. In terms of personality, Chen Kangjie is not such a rigid person, it is impossible to say no Others make a little change.

There are usually two results when there is a change. One is that the change is not as good as imagined before, but it may be better than what he needed before, so Chen Kangjie left a certain space. Anyway, it will be finalized, and he will review it in advance. The film will only be released if he sees it and thinks it is okay.

"During production, we must pay attention to the change of color. Many parts of our film are in black and white. At the same time, we must pay attention to confidentiality. We cannot leak out the samples before they are officially released. I will tell Jon about this later. Mr. Gordon, please call to communicate, in short, I hope that all of us can work together to create an excellent film,... ".

After Chen Kangjie spoke, several of them raised a few more questions, and Chen Kangjie helped them answer them one by one. The meeting didn't end until the effect Chen Kangjie needed was clearly understood.

For the hot pot that night, the staff on the Chinese side enjoyed it very much. They used Sunit sheep that had just been transported from the depths of the prairie. The meat was tender and low in fat. In addition to mutton, there were also lamb chops. The pots are made of mandarin ducks, both spicy and non-spicy. Of course, Chinese people who are used to chopsticks will enjoy it.

But those foreigners are more troublesome. If you eat hot pot with a knife and fork, in addition to being slow in efficiency, you will also be full of jokes. In the end, no matter whether you can use chopsticks or not, you will follow the Chinese next to you. Slowly, they will get used to it.

The next day, Chen Kangjie went to see the old man. Every time he went, Chen Kangjie would never go empty-handed. This time he brought a top-level nutritional product newly developed by usana, which can effectively prevent cancer and reduce cardiovascular diseases. The raw materials are actually very common. , that is, green tea, garlic, broccoli, tomato, etc., but due to the complicated process, it is difficult to extract in proportion, and the output is very small.This thing is a liquid, easy to drink for middle-aged and elderly people. A bottle of 150ml costs 37000 million US dollars. Chen Kangjie asked Bob to find a way to get a bottle. Ten bottles were brought to the old man this time. He plans to take the remaining ten bottles home. .

When Chen Kangjie arrived at Xishan Villa, the old man was resting. In order not to disturb the old man and let him take a rest, Chen Kangjie went to his study alone to look for books.

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