rebirth of change

Chapter 832 Introduction to Business

Chen Kangjie just sat and meditated for 3 minutes. Xiong Ziqiang didn't disturb him. After thinking about it, Chen Kangjie took another phone with a new number from Xiong Ziqiang and planned to call Ouyang Zhenhua to communicate.

"Jie Shao, what did you say, did Karabi call you?" Ouyang Zhenhua was also a little surprised when he heard the news.

"I'm not [-]% sure that it was him who played, but it should be similar. I only know him there. Isn't their training camp in Ethiopia?"

"Oh, then I didn't contact me. I guess I don't have my contact information. Would you like to call me back?".

"I want to return the call, but I heard from Brother Qiang that he hung up after ringing twice. This is a bit strange. I'll call later and ask what's going on? If it's really him looking for it, maybe something will happen." , Chen Kangjie replied.

"Jie Shao, do you still remember the last time I told you that myzh and the others plan to get the Ebola virus?" Ouyang Zhenhua once mentioned this matter when Chen Kangjie was filming in the United States.

"Remember, I know how to do it. By the way, did they send someone there?" Chen Kangjie's memory is so good, how could he forget it, but he was too busy these days, so he didn't pay attention to those news.

"I heard that Hideo Murakami has left Japan, maybe he went there. After he left Japan, we can't know his whereabouts immediately," Ouyang Zhenhua replied.

That's true, even though Chen Kangjie was paid, myzh and the others don't need to tell Chen Kangjie and them everything.Moreover, they felt that Chen Kangjie's money was given too easily, and they took it very easily. They were grateful at the beginning, and they reported many situations. Gradually, as the wings of the money offensive became full, this group of self-proclaimed gods , they didn't take Chen Kangjie and the others seriously.

In fact, Chen Kangjie didn't mind this very much. Anyway, he didn't intend to really control them. Moreover, those people were all lunatics, and they were not easy to control. For Chen Kangjie, as long as he controlled their direction, he wouldn't be able to It is enough to cause harm to oneself and one's own country, otherwise, Chen Kangjie doesn't mind to come forward to solve it personally, if he can kick the pavilion for the first time, Chen Kangjie has the ability to kick the pavilion for the second time.

The reason why Chen Kangjie funded that neurotic organization with indulgence is because he knew before his rebirth that the center of the organization's leader's myzh was in Japan, and the destructiveness they caused was basically here. Other countries can't enjoy it. Even if a certain organization has been developed in northern Russia, it has no intention of seeking local political interests. Otherwise, the Russian authorities will destroy it without hesitation.

"Oh, it turned out that their Manjushri Bodhisattva Zheng Taishi came out in person, so it seems that it is. As the chief scientist of their organization, since this person left Japan, it is basically because of the Ebola virus," Chen Kangjie told the village. Xiufu was no stranger, and they had dealt with each other face to face.

"Are they going to become a terrorist organization?" Since this virus is going to be developed, it is impossible to get it back for appreciation. It must be useful. Once this virus is used, it will inevitably cause huge casualties. Ouyang Zhenhua believes that only Terrorist organizations are so bold.

"Hehe, a terrorist organization? Oh, almost, it must have been a terrorist organization long ago, well, I know, let me handle this matter, and try to help them." Chen Kangjie felt a little gloating in his heart.

Chen Kangjie hung up Ouyang Zhenhua's phone, lit a cigarette, and called the missed call according to the caller ID. He hoped that it was really Karabi who answered the call, but it was strange that the phone kept busy and couldn't get through at all. , Tried several times, but the phone couldn't get through.

"It's so fucking weird, why can't I get through?" Chen Kangjie hung up the phone fiercely.

"Could something be wrong? You can call me."

Chen Kangjie handed the phone to Xiong Ziqiang indifferently, it was a bit strange, maybe it was because of his character outburst, Xiong Ziqiang actually dialed.Chen Kangjie was quite depressed, but first he listened to what Xiong Ziqiang and the other side had to say.

"Hello, who are you?".

"What are you talking about?" Xiong Ziqiang kept asking in English.

"Jie Shao, the other side chattered a lot, I can't understand." Xiong Ziqiang handed the phone to Chen Kangjie with a bitter face.

"Your English is pretty good already." Chen Kangjie answered the phone in doubt.

Because I often go out with Chen Kangjie, after so many years of study and contact, learning English is a necessary skill for Xiong Ziqiang and others around him, and it is already quite good. Chinese newspapers and periodicals are almost there.Every time they go abroad, the TV programs they watch are all in English.

"But they don't seem to speak English," said Xiong Ziqiang, frowning in embarrassment.

Chen Kangjie looked at Xiong Ziqiang with puzzled eyes, then put the mobile phone to his ear, and asked in English, "Hi, who is this?".

After listening to it over there, there was a lot of chatter, and Chen Kangjie's foreign language skills were good enough, but he still didn't understand a sentence. The other party was not speaking English, French, or Spanish. Chen Kangjie could understand all these languages. of.

"What the hell, what are you talking about? It's almost like a savage, cooing and chirping." He couldn't understand, and Chen Kangjie was also depressed. At this time, Xiong Ziqiang pursed his lips and snickered. It's rare to see Master Jie so deflated.

On the phone, I can only tell that the other party is a young man, and he speaks very fast, but I don't know anything else.

Just when Chen Kangjie was about to hang up the phone in depression, he seemed to hear a sentence he could understand, and then the person answering the phone on the opposite side changed, which could be distinguished immediately from the voice.

"Hello, where are you calling from?" The other party spoke clearly in French.

"Damn, I can finally meet someone who speaks human language." Chen Kangjie was relieved, talking to others is not right, it is quite tiring work, "Are you Lakabi?".

After such a long time, and on the phone again, Chen Kangjie was not sure that the other party was Karabi, but for his own purpose, Chen Kangjie asked a guess in French.

"Yes, yes, I am. Are you Mr. Chen?" The other party's voice was a little excited. From this point, it can already be judged that he is Mr. Calabi, Chen Kangjie's old friend.

"That's right, I am, hehe, I haven't seen you for a few years, how are you?" Chen Kangjie felt relaxed and happy, and he lay on the grass and made a phone call.

"'s pretty good, how about you?" Although what he said was pretty good, but from the other party's pause and deep voice, Chen Kangjie knew that it might not be so good.

"Hahaha, there is nothing wrong with me, it's getting better and better. By the way, why did you call you just now and couldn't get through? Where are you? I didn't understand a word that the person who answered the phone just now said. What's the answer? What?" Chen Kangjie smiled heartily, and asked a few questions that he was curious about.

Chen Kangjie's smile shows that it echoes what he said, and it is really getting better and better.After separating from Calabi, Chen Kangjie got such a large sum of money from Japan, so it's really not good.

"Oh, I'm in Alba Minch, a small town in the southwestern part of Ethiopia. There are frequent power outages here. Just now, the telephone switchboard doesn't work. The young man is local, they speak Amharic, It's normal for you not to understand."Calabi explained.

"Oh, no wonder, it seems that your living conditions are very difficult!" Chen Kangjie stopped laughing, and his voice calmed down. He was suffering, and if he laughed, he would feel uncomfortable, thinking he was laughing at him.

"It's a bit difficult. It's far away from Addis Ababa, and we have problems with the replacement and maintenance of weapons. How can we have money to improve the living environment?" It feels a bit miserable to say it, but Chen Kangjie came from Kara In the thickened voice, I felt strong confidence and tenacity.

"Oh, old friend, what can I do?" The more difficult the other party was, the more Chen Kangjie needed, so he was overjoyed and asked directly.

"'s nothing, it's just that I haven't heard from you for a long time... I miss you a bit, so I called to ask about it. I remembered that it was a happy and beautiful memory when I was in Barcelona." Chen Kangjie Asked directly, even if Calabi had something in mind, he couldn't say it directly, he hesitated, and in the end he simply came to recall the past.

"Hehe, yes, especially teasing those Europeans together, it's really fun to think about it, by the way, old friend, seeing you so hard, I'm a bit too reluctant, so let's do this, I'll introduce a business to you , may be of some use to you.” Chen Kangjie understands that Calabi is too embarrassed to ask for help, and he doesn’t know how powerful Chen Kangjie is, so he simply uses a roundabout strategy, which can help to a certain extent and also , can also reflect your own strength.

"What kind of business? Is it easy to do?" Hearing that there is a business to do, Karabi became more interested, but he was still more cautious.

"It shouldn't be too difficult for you, do you know the Ebola River?"

"Of course I know, our guerrillas fought there."

"That's easy to handle. I believe you know about the Ebola virus. In the past few days, a group of Japanese are going there to develop this virus. You can help them complete it. The reward will be [-] million U.S. dollars." Chen Kangjie planned to help both sides.

"[-] million dollars?" Originally, the battle there was fierce and stalemate. Calabi wanted to say that it was very difficult, but when he heard that it was a reward of [-] million dollars, he immediately forgot about the difficulties.

"Yes, that's right, I am the guarantor," Chen Kangjie replied firmly.

"Which side will pay at that time? How will the group of people be contacted?".

"I paid the money, but you have to keep it secret for me, and you can't tell anyone. As for those people, you can find them by yourself. It is estimated that they have reached Africa now. I believe you have a way to find them, and I don't mind if you knock some more money out of them."

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