rebirth of change

Chapter 833 You Can Look East

In Chen Kangjie's view, if Karabi can't even find such a few people, then what qualifications do their father and son have to compete with others for state power!If you can't make any money at hand, it's better to kill it all at once, so as to avoid a more tragic end in the future.

"Let's think about it...we should be able to find them. We now have more than 2 guerrillas. It shouldn't be difficult, but does this matter need to be kept so secret? What is your relationship with them?" Tempting, Calabi will make money no matter what, but he also has many unknowns.

If it is in other places, maybe a hundred million dollars is not a big deal, but in this barren place where a hundred dollars may buy a human life, a hundred million dollars is a lot of wealth, and it may not be enough to help Karabi. They turned the tide of the battle, but at least they were able to support it by purchasing a batch of ammunition and food.

For those arms dealers, if you have no money, he will not give you a single bullet. They are so realistic.

"Of course, if you treat me as a friend, you will treat it as nothing. As for the relationship between me and them, I can't explain it to you. Anyway, it is both related and not related, so you just treat him as a fortune." It’s fine to do an unfamiliar business, as long as there is money to be made, why care so much?”, Chen Kangjie crossed his legs, looked at the stars in the sky and said, as if he was talking to the stars.

"Well, I'll keep it a secret. By the way, are you interested in visiting Africa?" Karabi sent an invitation to Chen Kangjie.

"Do you want to go to your motherland? It's so chaotic over there, there are wars everywhere, I'm still very worried about my safety, hehe, I'll come back when I calm down, as friends, I hope you can control the situation."

"Hey, the form is so easy to control. Although we have the support of the people to overthrow Zhuanzhi's rule, we don't have enough strength. How can we talk about it? The daily battles cause hundreds of casualties," Carabi said sadly. Said, but the truth is much more difficult than what he said.

Because the government forces have mastered the big cities and many mines, they have mastered the economic lifeline of the country. They are relatively economically affluent, and, being the current legal government, they have more channels for aid and weapons purchase. .They have some tanks, armored vehicles, large-caliber artillery, etc. Although the performance belongs to the products of 30 or 47 years ago, they are still heavy weapons. On the other hand, Calabi and the others basically focus on light weapons, heavy machine guns and The number of rocket launchers is not that many, and weapons such as ak[-] are not available to everyone in their camp.

If it weren't for the supporters from two or three surrounding countries, they probably would have finished the game long ago. Even so, the disparity in strength is still huge. Now many people are not very optimistic that their father and son can win this war. The civil war will be protracted. Due to the presence of foreign bases, it is almost impossible for them to be completely wiped out. They will always harass the deployment and patrols of government forces in the form of guerrillas.

"I believe that you will reverse the situation. I believe that your father, as a leader of the people, will definitely bring light and happiness to the country and the people. Maybe it is just the darkness before dawn for you," Chen Kangjie said without any falsehood. Say something encouraging.

"I hope, thank you for your encouragement and support," Carabi said lightly.His own confidence may not be as strong as Chen Kangjie's.

Chen Kangjie is a person who has been reborn. He knows the general trend of this period of history. On the other hand, Calabi is still in the process of creating history, and now is their most difficult time. Many difficulties and sufferings can only be experienced personally. Only people can understand that even if they are outsiders, they may not understand, and this kind of difficulty and suffering will hit people's confidence, so Calabi will not be so confident.

"As far as I know, the major countries directly don't care much about the situation in your country. If nothing else, it's hard to see the news. If you ask them for help, it may be a very difficult thing," Chen Kangjie said. The real situation. < news and browsing the mainstream media such as "New York Times" and "Washington Post", it is basically difficult to see the civil war in this West African country. Even if there is, it is not regarded as any major news. With a picture, that's all.

"We are actually at the edge of the structure of interests and rights. They don't have so many interests here, so of course they don't care much. My father went to Europe this year and only brought back 2000 million US dollars. The world is now focusing on the Middle East. , East Asia", Calabi is no stranger to international forms, even if he does not pay attention, his father must pay attention.

"If you can't look to the west, maybe you can look to the east. The earth is round, and many people can actually find the intersection of interests and the direction of thinking about problems. In fact, it doesn't have to be the same," Chen Kangjie said suggestively.

"Oh", for a while, Karabi couldn't quite understand what Chen Kangjie meant, so he simply responded, but what Chen Kangjie said was imprinted in Karabi's mind.

"Okay, let's stop here today. I'll wait for your good news. If you help them settle it, let me know and I'll transfer the money to you." Some words can only be clicked, Going on, maybe it's straightforward.

After hanging up the phone, Calabi did not leave the old wooden table with the black telephone set on it. At this time, he was slowly recalling Chen Kangjie's words. If you can't look west, you can look east. Calabi is still young. This sentence He thought for a long time that he still couldn't understand it well, but he seemed to have found another direction, like a ray of light before dawn, looming.He planned to have a chance to ask his father for advice.

Chen Kangjie threw the hung up phone to Xiong Ziqiang, got up and went home by himself. Now he can't do anything, and everything is waiting and watching.

At this time, a five-member team led by Hideo Murakami had arrived in Kampala at this time. They flew over from Johannesburg and planned to use the border of Uganda to enter the country and search for the virus they wanted.

Before coming, they spent a lot of money to find a guide, and also bribed a tribe, which will provide them with convenience.These people are responsible for leading them to find the source of that terrible poison. As for how to collect and store it, that is the business of these Japanese. Anyway, they brought the relevant equipment themselves. These equipment were purchased with the money sponsored by Chen Kangjie. .

They can only do this secretly, and they dare not ask the host country government for help, because this government has received some sponsorship from the Japanese government. If they find them, if they report the situation to the Japanese side, it will bring trouble to the organization Come to trouble, everything can only be done secretly.Before that, they had sent three people here once, but none of those three people could go back. It is said that they died here, so this time, Hideo Murakami went out in person.

In any case, Karabi and the others are also the biggest opposition force in the country where they are located. After getting the news in advance, it is difficult to find a few yellow people with obvious physical characteristics, because the traffic is blocked, dense forests and valleys intersect with rivers and lakes, But if you really want to find it, it is not difficult. No matter what they say, there are tens of thousands of guerrillas distributed in the east, back and south of the country. Once these forces are mobilized, they will be very powerful. Connected.

After discussing with his father, Calabi heard that there was a reward of [-] million US dollars, and the old Calabi attached great importance to it. The only thing he worried about was whether he could really get the money. In Calabi, he told the story of his acquaintance with Chen Kangjie, and patted With his chest guaranteed that Chen Kangjie would not break his promise, the old Calabi made up his mind to make this deal.

Soon the guerrilla organizations of the various opposition parties received the news that they were going all out to find a Japanese expedition, and the importance was raised to the same level as military combat.

This is risky. They are already in the battle, and they are still the weak side. When fighting the enemy, they have to find someone. This kind of distraction will bring unavoidable losses to the battle.Just like the Eighth Route Army back then, if it wanted to fight the Japanese army and cover the retreat of the masses, it would inevitably have to pay a price. This is equivalent to fighting on two fronts.This is why Calabi found it difficult when Chen Kangjie said it, but the subsequent offer of [-] million US dollars made him suppress the complaint of difficulty.

It was because they exposed some of the whereabouts and deployment of their own troops when they were looking for people. At the end of the summary, they found that they lost nearly 400 more casualties, which is equivalent to their total loss in a small battle. lose.This price is very high, because their strength is inherently weak, and these are veterans who have fought for a year or two.

As long as an army has money, it is easy to recruit recruits, but when fighting, veterans are still the backbone. Whether a battle can be won or not depends on the number of veterans and their combat literacy.The recruits may have undergone simple training, but when the guns are fired, it is not certain whether they will cry like ghosts or howl, let alone grasp the key points of the battle as soon as possible, or even disrupt their own camp in turn.

In any case, Karabi and the others finally found Hideo Murakami and the five of them in a small town [-] kilometers away from Kisangani, a small town in the east, after searching with all their might.

In order to get the deal into their hands, they shot and killed the guide and several of the tribe's followers before negotiating with the Japanese.Anyway, for them, killing a few people is not much different from killing two chickens. Only in this way, these Japanese will fall into a situation of isolation and helplessness.

Seeing his guide and entourage being killed, Murakami Hideo thought he was doomed. He felt that he would be the same as the last group of believers sent to complete this task. He would never return to Japan. Others regarded him as a god, but he I know very well that when a bullet goes in, a hole will also pop out.

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