rebirth of change

Chapter 837: Inheritance of the Heavenly King

In 1996, there was another reason for Chen Kangjie not to attend the Grammy Awards, which was both joyful and sad.Because this year, if he goes, Chen Kangjie will stand on the stage of competition with his idol Michael Jackson. This is actually a scene that Chen Kangjie does not want to see. It's because he doesn't want to see his loss, and this loss may be caused by himself.

Dickens once commented on Britain during the Industrial Revolution, "It was the best of times, and it was also the worst of times."In fact, this sentence is not bad in the 90s. As far as the music industry is concerned, it is the best era, that is, during this period, you can see Michael Jackson's exquisite dances and stunning mvs, and at the same time you can enjoy long The changeable style of music can bring people passion and moving music.It is said that he is the worst era, that is because from 1996 onwards, Michael Jackson's music career will obviously go downhill. From 1996 to his death more than ten years ago, he only released one album.

In 1995, Jackson released the double-disc album "history" on June 6.Michael Jackson performed keyboards, synthesizers, drums, percussion and guitar on the history album. History gives people unlimited room for imagination. It mainly records Jackson's hardships and well-known struggles. Jackson has extraordinary achievements.

This album entered the Grammy and competed with Chen Kangjie's "bemylove".It's not that Chen Kangjie is confident, nor is it that Michael Jackson's "history" is not good, but that after years of silence, coupled with his age, his peak period has passed, and he lost to Chen Kangjie, who is on the rise. That is basically no suspense.

On behalf of Chen Kangjie, it was Monica Fan who received the award. In the most important award, the best album, "bemylove" and "history" were both shortlisted, but the final winner was Chen Kangjie's "bemylove". The judges felt that it was It is more artistic and more popular in the market.At that moment, although Michael Jackson was wearing his signature big sunglasses, Chen Kangjie in front of the TV could still feel his loss through the lens.

"First of all, I'm sorry. On behalf of Long, I have to say sorry to the organizers and friends of the conference. Due to study reasons, Long himself could not come to the scene in person. He entrusted me to convey a few words. First, that is, he is very grateful For the support and love of the fans, you are his best friends and best confidantes. Without you, there would be no him. Second, I would like to thank the judges for their hard work and superb ability to distinguish music and art. He is glorious and confident, thank you, thirdly, Long entrusted me to say a word to Mr. Michael Jackson, he said that you are his true idol, and the music artist he admires most is you. Thank you, thank you all", this is Fan Wenxuan's acceptance speech when accepting the award on behalf of Chen Kangjie.

In the previous words, every award recipient will be similar. Anyway, thanking the fans is a must. The last sentence entrusted by Chen Kangjie is not that he wants to comfort the lost Michael Jackson, but that he really admires him. Appreciate him, worship him, other people's pop king status is not a vain name, whether it is music, dance or mvs that have been spread around the world, they are all works of art that people appreciate and remember. The most important thing is that they are not like Chen Kangjie The same is plagiarism.Moreover, Chen Kangjie also admires Michael Jackson's character. Although he will have lawsuits and people will misunderstand him for a time, his love for children and his contribution to charity are unmatched by other artists .

Perhaps it was the consoling effect of Chen Kangjie's words, or maybe it was the uncle Jackson's state of mind, seeing through the gains and losses, and calmed down. When Fan Wenxuan walked off the stage with the trophy, Michael Jackson stood up and walked up to her to shake hands and say goodbye. Congratulations.For many fans, it would be great if Chen Kangjie was present at the scene in person at this moment. They feel a little regretful. They feel that if Chen Kangjie shakes hands with Jackson, it will be a gathering of two generations of kings, and it also heralds the inheritance and continuation of the king of pop.It's just that this is exactly what Chen Kangjie doesn't want to face yet.

On the 1996 Grammy, "" won the 96 Grammy "Best Music Short Film" award. And Chen Kangjie's harvest was much richer. In addition to "Best Album of the Year", he also won the "Best Music Video" award. Best Pop Male Singer", "Best Rock Male Singer", "Best Record of the Year", because this album has other languages ​​besides English, and they are all very popular songs, it also won the "Best World Record". Musicalbum" (usicalbum). Because the entire album was "composed" by Chen Kangjie independently, he also won a "Best Composer Award", "usicvideo) award.

Compared with the last time, in 1996, Chen Kangjie really came back with a lot of rewards, every award was heavy, which made Fan Wenxuan feel proud and excited every time he took the stage, but also felt embarrassed.Winning prizes and getting soft hands is the result everyone hopes for, but the Chinese cannot get rid of their reserved and humble nature after all.

The organizing committee was somewhat dissatisfied with Chen Kangjie's inability to accept the award in person. Last year, because of him, the National Academy of Recording and Science was widely criticized and received millions of letters of protest from around the world. It's a good year, given him so many awards, Chen Kangjie still didn't come, they still expect Chen Kangjie to come to the scene in person to say a few words of justice for the National Recording and Science Society of America and bring back the influence, who knew that this guy seemed to look down on The Grammys are still gone.

There is still no suspense, "Forrest Gump", which has only been released for a short time, will dominate the Oscars.Jon Gordon accepted the award on his behalf.

"Forrest Gump" beats "Braveheart" and "Apollo NO.13" for best picture, Tom Hanks beats "Far From Las Vegas" Nicolas Cage and "Death Row" Sean Penn once again won the crown of best actor.Chen Kangjie himself won his first Academy Award for Best Director, beating two rivals, Mel Gibson and Tim Robbins.He is the first Chinese to win this honor, and also the youngest award-winning director in Oscar history.Although he is Chinese, although he is young, he deserves this award. No one dares to say that the movie "Forrest Gump" is not qualified. This movie also established Chen Kangjie as a "genius director" name.

The "Best Photography" was shared by Carpenter and Burgess, and the "Best Costume Design" was won by Joanna Johnston. The most impressive thing is the one that Forrest Gump wears no matter where he goes. Plaid blue shirt, which seems to have become Forrest Gump's signature, even if people want to forget it. The "Best Dramatic Original Soundtrack" was also awarded for the use of dozens of pieces of music in "Forrest Gump". "Biography" defeated "Baby Pig", and Ken Ralston took the stage to accept the award. He led the post-production visual effects of this film.

Among the nominations received, "Forrest Gump" only lost to "The Usual Suspects" in "Best Original Screenplay". A lot of changes have been made, but the judges may feel that this is still not too original.

Even if it lost one, "Forrest Gump" still stands out from the crowd with 7 awards, which not only brought personal honor and achievements to Chen Kangjie and other cast members, but also brought great benefits to Miramax. development and reputation.The first point is that these award-winning people, no matter whether they belonged to Miramax before or not, Jon Gordon will keep them after winning the award. Only when there are enough excellent talents in an enterprise can it prosper.Second, more and more filmmakers will take the initiative to ask to join Miramax, because the income here is quite good, especially the actors and staff who collaborated with Chen Kangjie, they can get a good income from the box office. income.Third, Miramax has ample funds and can support many young directors and actors to create films. Before the acquisition, the company made a maximum of 4 films a year, but now, if the script is suitable, it can shoot 8 films.

The development of Miramax is also a great thing for Feiyang Entertainment in Hong Kong. It brings not only financial benefits, but more importantly, many filmmakers of Feiyang Entertainment can go to Hollywood to learn and learn from each other. The exchange of personnel between them became more and more frequent. Even in 1996, two films were planned to be co-produced. The director was from Hong Kong, but the actors and post-production personnel from Hong Kong and the United States participated.

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