No matter how brilliant achievements he has made outside, Chen Kangjie doesn't have too much thought to care about it at this time. At this time, besides rest every day, he is doing training every day. None of them were able to attend the ceremony, only Ouyang Zhenhua went to express congratulations and inspect the situation in person.

It stands to reason that it doesn't take that much time for an automobile factory to go into production from establishment to production. Many domestic factories are fully put into production within a year or two, but Tengfei took more than a year longer than them.This problem arises because Tengfei Motors has high requirements for quality and R&D from the very beginning, which is related to Qi Junwu, who has a strong pursuit of quality and technology in his body after studying and working in Germany. He has a pedigree, and he cares very much about the stability of car quality and the mastery of core technologies.

At this time, domestic automobile factories are basically simple assembly workshops. The core technologies are all foreign, and even the models are not designed by themselves. They are completely copied from foreign brands, as long as some domestic parts and accessories are added. A car can be produced very quickly.At this time, what the country is pursuing is blindly fast and large. Specifically, for automobile factories, it is to see who has the largest annual output and who has the highest turnover. The rest of the indicators are all unimportant assessment categories. Of course, these The auto factories are also mainly state-owned.

Qi Junwu, who came from Dongfang Automobile Company, is very familiar with the operation and production process of domestic automobile companies. He understands that it is a short-sighted behavior. The positive value is not too great.

Now he owns a car company, and his superiors don't care how he manages it, and leave it to him to handle it. Under such circumstances, Qi Junwu certainly wants to realize his car ambition and build a car company according to his own understanding and pursuit. car company.Even after so long, a car has not been officially produced, Chen Kangjie doesn't care, Ouyang Zhenhua doesn't ask, anyway, they just do whatever they want.

Of course, this is not to say that they are so stupid that they don’t know anything about the situation, that’s not the case. They know that Tengfei Automobile Company is working hard all the time from the management to the technical team. In addition, the early construction time is not short, so It's normal to take a little extra time.

In Chen Kangjie's view, as long as the time is used for research and testing, it is worth spending a lot of money, because his goal is to produce cars that are not only beautiful, but also as cheap as Japanese and Korean cars while ensuring The same quality standards as in Europe and America, Chen Kangjie once entrusted Ouyang Zhenhua to bring two sentences when he inspected Tengfei Motor Company, "Quality is the foundation of survival, technology is the foundation of growth, and employees are the life of the company." Chen Kangjie I believe that as long as Qi Junwu and the others follow these points, the problem will not be too big. This is the core requirement he puts forward for his subordinate enterprises.

This "Tengfei" sedan belongs to the B-class car. It adopts a drop-shaped shape, which makes people feel its unparalleled smoothness. Waistline, widened front nose, simple arc profile of the roof, the whole vehicle has a grand and elegant appearance, and the interior design borrows a lot from German and Swedish standards, with fine workmanship. The basic model is equipped with four-door electric anti-trap Hand windows, four-way adjustable steering wheel, eight-speaker audio, rear sunshade curtains, rear seat center armrest, electric heated exterior mirrors, electric central door lock. High-level configuration includes: (imitation) mahogany decoration board, leather seats, automatic constant temperature air conditioning, six-disc cd player, electric eight-way driver's seat, cruise control system and so on.


另外一款2.8lv630气门发动机是为最高级别的“腾飞3”配置的。最大功率是140kw6000rpm,最大扭矩为260n.m3 0rpm,大扭矩带来的直接好处就是提速快,2.8l的“腾飞”0-100km提速时间是10.8秒。

Although this car is available in white and gray in addition to black, its appearance is quite satisfactory, and it is more popular with middle-aged people, but it may lose some of the young people's market.But this just shows that the choice of the marketing department of Tengfei Motor Company is not wrong.The power performance, overall design, safety concept, driving comfort, durability and durability of this car have surpassed the standard design of mid-range cars.The current car buyers are mainly middle-aged people, whether they are government officials or business people. In the 90s when cars were a typical luxury, there were very few young consumers. Only these successful people have the ability and ability to consume. need.

Tengfei Automobile Company has a new product, so Zhu Yutao's business is here again. In order to make a good job of this offline ceremony and increase the publicity effect, Shuangai Advertising Company, together with Feiyang Entertainment and CCTV, organized a large-scale event called "Welcome "Domestic quality products, promote China's brilliance", one sentence pushed Tengfei Motor Company to the top, which not only highlighted the excellent quality of this car, but also expressed the lofty aspirations of Tengfei people. Many artists from Feiyang Entertainment came to join in, including He Bowl of Rong.He Wanrong seldom participated in normal purely commercial activities, but Zhu Yutao was the inviter, and she was contributing to her hometown, so she still came.

In addition to the leaders of various provincial and municipal departments, the leaders of the Ministry of Electronics Industry, the China Automobile Manufacturers Association, the Ministry of Communications and other central departments and groups also attended the ceremony. I really don’t know what these people will think when they see this car. Anyway, they should Some people are happy and some are depressed.

Huang Zhenhua and the others should be on the happy side. Whether it is Huang Zhenhua, Tan Changguo, Sima Kuo, etc., they like this car very much when they see it. There was a car factory in the province before, but they will not be able to make it so good in ten or twenty years. I feel that this has given them a lot of ambition, and it will also leave a strong mark on their political achievements.

The leaders of departments like the Ministry of Communications came here purely as a formality. Whether the auto industry is developing well has nothing to do with them. They can come, which shows that they value it and give face. If they don't come, no one can say anything.Like the leaders of the Ministry of Electronics Industry and the Association of Automobile Manufacturers, their smiles are actually more or less not so sincere.None of the enterprises and member units they were in charge of managing before had mastered the core intellectual property rights of this project. If the production is good, it is the credit of the foreign joint venture. With its own hard work and special research, the company finally produced a product that can compete face to face with the world's outstanding automobile manufacturers at the same level. In fact, their face is not so decent, but this industry is closely related to their business scope. Relevant, so had to come.

The most embarrassing character is none other than the boss of Dongfang Motor Company. He came to congratulate him as a friendly company, and he also meant to have a good relationship with Qi Junwu.

In the past, when Qi Junwu was in Dongfang Motor Company, he was not fully reused. Now he has gone to a foreign company and started everything from scratch. Now the production film launched by him has caught up with the world's advanced models of the same type, and they have just cooperated with a French company In the cooperation, the models produced were still made by others 15 years ago, and the core parts of the engine are supplied by others. The domestic production is only the casing and seat tires.

In such a huge contrast, facing his former subordinates, the boss was neither happy nor sad, with mixed feelings, but when facing Qi Junwu, no matter what, he still had to squeeze out a comfortable smile.

In short, the leaders of Tengfei Automobile Company and the province showed their faces this time, and the rest is how to sell.

In fact, the current sales position is not a problem. The price of such a good car is only 13, and the expensive model is only 8. Compared with Santana, both the model and quality are much higher, and The price is only slightly higher than it, and the price/performance ratio is so good. It is no wonder that cheap and affordable cars are not easy to sell. On the day the first car was off the assembly line, it had already received an order of 17 units. The province has already decided, In the future, this car will be the main purchase of official vehicles for cadres from the department level to the department level.From the province to the enterprise, they are full of confidence in the market prospect of this car.

Now companies are worried about production issues.At present, many supporting enterprises have settled in Tengfei Motor City and can start production. Tengfei's own engine production line has also passed the test, but due to strict quality requirements, it is impossible to increase the production speed at once. Qi Junwu's goal is to ensure that the daily output is maintained at more than 600 vehicles.

Even so, the daily sales can be more than 6000 million, and the annual turnover is definitely quite objective.The saddest thing in the future is not those domestic companies that produce garbage cars, but companies like Volkswagen. Their market share will be severely squeezed, and the Santana brand will probably be the most affected.

The provincial and municipal governments also have their pressure, that is, they must try their best to help companies transport these goods. If there is sales, the goods cannot be delivered, which is sad. Since the expressway connecting the north and the south has not yet been opened, so the train transportation is now became a major approach.

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