The current train wagons are in short supply, and there is a shortage of them everywhere in the country. Some people with connections can make a fortune by selling the wagons directly. To transport so many cars out every day, the wagons needed are not a small amount, even if they are sold in the province. The Ministry of Railways is in contact with the Ministry of Railways. Tengfei Motor Company can only get 7000 wagons a day, which is a lot in the province. It is nearly 60 wagons a year, and each wagon is 40 tons. In terms of volume, this accounts for about [-] tons of capacity.

However, this still cannot meet the needs of Tengfei Motor Company. In the end, the company can only adopt three sets of measures to do this. Moreover, this cannot be achieved by relying on the strength of their company.

To a certain extent, these three plans have absorbed the previous experience of Master Kong.First, for South China and Southwest China, all vehicles are transported by car. Relatively speaking, the distance here is relatively short. Although the expressway has not been fully opened, goods can still be transported to the capitals of various provinces and several large cities through the national highway. In central cities, just for alternate transportation, the company needs to purchase at least 300 long-distance cars for transportation. According to the configuration of two drivers for each car, it needs to hire 600 drivers, which is not a small expense.

The second set of plans is to use train transportation for the Northeast, Northwest and North China regions with a distance of more than 00 kilometers, so that the value of the train leather can be maximized as much as possible.

The third set of plans requires the cooperation of the Berkshire Municipal Government and the upper management of Hongyuan Investment Company.

In order to meet the huge demand in the central and eastern China markets, the company decided to use water transportation, that is, to transport the vehicles to Berkshire first, and then transport the vehicles to major cities and ports along the lower reaches of the Yangtze River by means of freighters. After arriving in the local province, the rest is up to the agent, and Tengfei Motor Company will give a certain amount of transportation subsidies.

One of the great benefits of doing this is to reduce freight costs, because the cost of water transportation is cheaper than that of trucks and trains, and most importantly, it can solve the problem of insufficient transportation capacity.

Chen Kangjie didn't see any written information about these three plans. Ouyang Zhenhua called him and said. After listening to Ouyang Zhenhua's introduction, Chen Kangjie felt that it was feasible. In addition to meeting the company's own needs, it could also bring political achievements to He Baoguo , Moreover, not only Tengfei Motor Company can do this, but coy electronic technology companies and anycall communication companies can also do this. Their shipments have become larger and larger, and the current transportation situation is almost tight.

Years ago, Ouyang Zhenhua led a group of people to Berkshire to investigate possible cooperation opportunities, and this investigation group was nominally invited by He Baoguo.

This is not to bring He Baoguo to the opposite side of the Berkshire Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, but to who will get the most of the political achievements. At that time, ordinary people in the city could feel that Ouyang Zhenhua and other bosses were familiar with He Baoguo, which was unmatched by others. Ouyang Zhenhua would mention the pleasant cooperation experience with He Baoguo in the past, which was even more obvious to people. What's more, before leaving, Ouyang Zhenhua also paid a visit to He Baoguo, which can be said to have done a lot of face.

For all these actions, neither the secretary nor the mayor can say anything, because He Baoguo is in charge of attracting investment and infrastructure construction, and developing the economy is his job.Moreover, after listening to Chen Kangjie's suggestion, He Baoguo adopted the strategy of not offending either side, nor relying on any side. Anyway, he agreed with everyone, so he invited Ouyang Zhenhua and the others to come and investigate this matter. Said that He Baoguo had reported and asked for instructions to both the secretary and the mayor in advance, who could say anything about him, and he couldn't find a place to talk about it.

He Baoguo's current strategy is the best for him. It's a bit rare to live in. Everyone is worried that he will fall to the opposite side, and what he does is specific work. Except for the right-hand man in the field he is in charge of, the others will not interfere, and assume a posture that he will not cultivate his own power. He Baoguo has done this. What can the two bosses do? They can only support his work, let alone They can't just engage in struggle and low-level economic work. If the economy is too bad, they won't please anyone, and they may have to be punished. Now that someone is willing to fight this big bone, they are also optimistic about the success. Anyway, in the end They can all find a way to get a piece of the action.

Through that inspection, the delegation reached two industrial investment intention agreements and one donation intention agreement with the local area. There is a project that the delegation is interested in, but there are still many areas for discussion between the two parties.

The two industrial investment intention agreements are to inject capital into the Berkshire Shipbuilding Industry Company and the Berkshire Machine Tool Group to help them restructure and improve their R&D and production capabilities. The total capital injection amount is 11.3 billion US dollars, exceeding 90 billion yuan. 49% of the equity will be sold separately, and the general manager will be hired by the Hong Kong capital. As for the donation intention, it will donate 6800 million Hong Kong dollars to Berkshire University for basic research, especially focusing on power, polymer synthetic materials, and new materials. Energy research work.

As for which one is questionable, it is related to the transportation strategy of Tengfei Motor Company. The Berkshire Municipal Party Committee hopes that Ouyang Zhenhua and the others will invest 80 billion yuan to build a modern cargo port area. This is to cooperate with the construction of the Three Gorges that has been started for two years Moreover, the former old wharf is indeed becoming less and less suitable for the needs of current economic development.

The reason why Ouyang Zhenhua didn't agree immediately was because they hadn't demonstrated this project before, and Berkshire still required a controlling stake in such a large investment, which was completely unacceptable.

The reason why the two companies were willing to give up their controlling shares was because they had accumulated some technology in the past few decades, many equipment and factories were still usable, and there were a large number of older employees who needed to be resettled. Nearly 90 million of the 1 billion Will always be this one piece.To improve technology, make production more modern, and ensure product quality, you can't use crowd tactics. Many unnecessary managers and front-line workers who lack technical potential have to be diverted and transferred, so they need to be compensated and resettled. .A big state-owned enterprise is a big state-owned enterprise. There are not many other things, but the staff is quite large. As a result, more than 1 people need to be diverted. It is impossible to solve the problem of the way out of these [-] families without making large investments.

This is Chen Kangjie. If it is another company's capital injection, let alone this part of the money, it is worthy of the conscience of heaven and earth to say that the company's assets are not bargained.

However, the construction of the port area does not require any personnel resettlement. It is completely built in the suburban riverside. With so much money invested, the other party also asks for a controlling stake. Not to mention Ouyang Zhenhua does not agree, he would not agree to Chen Kangjie. Will they agree? They really saw that the previous investment was too straightforward, and they thought everything was so easy to slaughter. If they really thought that way, they would be very wrong.

No matter how much money there is, it can't be thrown away like this. A large group of people have worked hard to earn every penny, and they have taken a lot of risks.

He Baoguo didn't know this plan before it was proposed. When he proposed it, he didn't expect the secretary to speak so loudly. Fortunately, Ouyang Zhenhua didn't agree. If Ouyang Zhenhua agreed, He Baoguo would feel ashamed.

The secretary of the municipal party committee probably didn't seriously think that Ouyang Zhenhua and the others would agree. He just mentioned it casually. As for business, I ask for a lot of money, and you can pay back the money on the spot.

Now that Tengfei Motor Company has proposed such a strategy, if Ouyang Zhenhua wants to support it, he has to seriously consider the Berkshire Modern Freight Port Project.

Later, Ouyang Zhenhua in Hong Kong took the initiative to contact He Baoguo to discuss the project with him, and at the same time sent relevant experts to conduct on-site investigation and evaluation.

As soon as he changed hands, the credit was handed over to He Baoguo. While He Baoguo was slightly worried about the secretary's opinion of him, he also expressed his gratitude to Ouyang Zhenhua for his move.Because if this matter can be done, then He Baoguo will undoubtedly become the leader with the strongest economic development ability in Berkshire. No matter what the two bosses think of him, anyway, the cadres, the masses and the central government will definitely think so. Time, just finalize a few big projects, isn't this ability?If this is not ability, why is it so difficult for the previous people to make an investment of [-] billion [-] million?The key is that this does not require the country to pay for it, this is genuine gdp.

In fact, He Baoguo really didn’t need to worry. Not only would the secretary have nothing to do with him when he was shown such solid political achievements, but he also had to build a good relationship with him. Otherwise, he would have to bear the reputation of crowding out capable cadres.

Finally, after two more than three months of negotiation and evaluation, an agreement was finally reached. Hongyuan Investment Company independently invested 58 billion yuan to build a high-level modern cargo port area, occupying 80% of the shares, and the local government The government will not be able to intervene in the specific operation of the allocation of 3665 mu of land, and all relevant procedures to hold a [-]% stake.There is an additional condition in the back, that is, before the completion of the port area, the original terminal will help complete the transportation task of Tengfei Motor Company, because this is a top priority.

After completion, the length of the shoreline will exceed 400 meters, and it will be divided into two terminals, a car ro-ro terminal and a container terminal.The car roll-off capacity is 30 vehicles per year, the yard area reaches 32 square meters, and 500 teu of containers can be stacked at the same time. The annual throughput of containers reaches 126 million teu, and there are 9 container berths. tower.

The car ro-ro terminal was obviously built for the Tengfei Motor Company. Although the starting point was for the Tengfei Motor Company, due to this convenience, it later greatly promoted the development of the local auto industry. The second expansion doubled the roll-off capacity.

Seeing that the date of the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games was approaching, Chen Kangjie entrusted all matters related to the company to Ouyang Zhenhua.

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