rebirth of change

Chapter 840 I am a pure man

"Chen Kangjie, I think something is wrong with you these few months. You run away after class every day, and you don't go when you are told to play, and you basically don't participate in group activities. You can only see you in class. What is going on? What's the matter?" Wu Guozhang asked, resting his head on his right hand, holding a history textbook in his left hand, and leaning his entire upper body on the desk, staring lazily at Chen Kangjie with two eyes.

In the high school stage, after entering the second year of high school, the school will divide the classes into classes, based on the wishes of the students and their own interest in arts and sciences, and divide them into arts classes and science classes.Chen Kangjie's science scores are also very good. Whether it is physics or chemistry, he is the first in the class. It is very difficult for the teacher to deduct points every time he takes an exam.

But Chen Kangjie maintains a kind of inertia, which is not deliberate, but in a natural state.Before he was reborn, he was most afraid of science, especially chemistry. This kind of fear from the bottom of his heart, even after his rebirth, still remained, which caused him to choose liberal arts naturally when he was choosing. This choice has no logical considerations at all, it is a kind of spontaneous self-promotion.

Besides, Chen Kangjie didn't want to be a scientist or an engineer, and he wasn't suitable for diving headlong into the laboratory to face those instruments and equipment, so this choice was reasonable for him.

Because Chen Kangjie chose liberal arts, half of the students in the class also chose liberal arts, and only a few students who were really afraid of reciting those words chose science.Like Chen Kangjie, Wu Guozhang also had an inner dislike for science, and felt that reciting texts would be easier to deal with, so the two of them became deskmates again.

"You guy, are you annoying or not? You have asked many times. I have something to do, so I can't play with everyone this semester. I will make up for it after the summer vacation." Chen Kangjie glanced impatiently. He glanced at Wu Guozhang, with a helpless and ashamed expression on his face.

Today's question, Wu Guozhang asked it eight times if not ten times, not only him, but also Yao Yiyun and the others.Chen Kangjie doesn't explain much every time, it's not easy to explain at all.Even for Yao Yiyun and Shi Yi's birthday, Chen Kangjie only gave them presents, and couldn't accompany them to play.Because Chen Kangjie solemnly promised Niu Qihua and the others that he must train according to their time standards, he must be trustworthy, and he cannot fish for three days and spend two days in the sun.

Several times Wu Guozhang and the others also took measures to track Chen Kangjie to see what the hell he was up to, but it was strange that they never tracked him down.And it's a coincidence that they all followed up the department store and lost them.

In fact, it was Chen Kangjie's trick. He obtained the key to the stairs on the fourth floor of the department store by means of tricks.That door is usually not open at all, and the steel-supported staircase at the back door looks like it is embedded in the wall. This is the passageway used to get goods into the building, but after the elevator was repaired on the west side of the building a few years ago , the stairs in the back building are basically not used.

Every time Chen Kangjie got the message from the bodyguards that he was being followed, he turned into the department store. Anyway, when school was over in the afternoon, the department store was full of people with all kinds of customers. The tracking skills of the former classmates are really clumsy, and Chen Kangjie can easily get rid of them.From the stairs behind the door next to the miscellaneous room on the fourth floor, he leads to the back alley of the outer building, gets in the car waiting here, and arrives at the gymnasium without anyone noticing.So to this day, Wu Guozhang and the others don't know what Chen Kangjie is doing after school every day.

Not only his classmates had objections to this, but even the Mu family had objections to Chen Kangjie.Once again, Chen Kangjie met Wang Ying who went to buy green vegetables in the big vegetable market on the street. Chen Kangjie hadn't eaten at Mu's restaurant for a long time. Wang Ying invited him to eat, but Chen Kangjie refused.Chen Kangjie not only rejected Wang Ying, but also Mu Yuantu and Mu Ni. They both invited Chen Kangjie to her house to play and have dinner at the school gate, but the same, Chen Kangjie still politely declined, just stood and chatted with them. Just a few words.

Chen Kangjie's move made the Mu family think that he had something to say about their family, but they didn't know where the problem was anyway.In fact, Chen Kangjie's current training intensity is high and the standard is high. The nutritionist has specially designated a reasonable dietary standard. Only in this way can he ensure his daily needs for energy and nutrients. He cannot eat outside casually, so as not to disrupt this gradual process. System, this is what Chen Kangjie agreed to in the final training plan.

If Chen Kangjie went to Mu's house for dinner, how could he have the nerve to ask this dish to be made this way and that dish to be made that way, not to mention that Chen Kangjie would have to face the problem of doping testing.Some stimulants are taken by people actively, but some are not, such as pesticides and clenbuterol. Some of them contain stimulant ingredients, which will enter the body along with vegetables and meat. Once precipitation occurs, it is very easy It was detected, and it could only be regarded as doping.

These two things are now widely adopted in China, and they just haven't exploded at this time, but the reborn Chen Kangjie knows it, so in order not to let the team's efforts go to waste, Chen Kangjie can only hold back .The food he eats now is grown in a special place and raised in captivity, and it needs to be tested before use. As a result, Ma Fangqin has reduced the number of times he buys vegetables, and many vegetables will be supplied to his home. If it is from the vegetable market Even Chen Kangjie couldn't eat the food he bought.

In short, now Chen Kangjie is living the most difficult life, which is the hardship and pain hidden behind the success. In this world, there is no casual success, and if you don’t experience wind and rain, where can you see a beautiful rainbow?His hard life will not end until the end of the Olympic Games, and before that he has to be careful not to be careless.

From this point, it can also be seen that Chen Kangjie's self-control is very strong. Of course, this is related to his mental age. He is in his early forties. If he does not have this self-control, it will be difficult to be reborn brilliantly.People often say that your enemy is not your opponent, but yourself.This sentence is very reasonable, otherwise it would not be regarded as the motto by so many successful people.

"But now the summer vacation is coming soon, our sophomore life is coming to an end, big brother, your skin has turned darker recently, and your muscles have become harder." When he was talking, Wu Guozhang threw down the book and pinched Chen Kangjie's forearm biceps.

"Let go of your stinky hands, I'm not a woman, what are you touching?" Chen Kangjie flicked Wu Guozhang's palm away, "I warn you, I'm not gay, I'm a pure man, a pure man What's wrong with being a little darker and a little firmer?" Chen Kangjie said confidently.

In fact, Chen Kangjie was completely tanned. On weekends, he had to practice under the sun. After dozens of days of exposure, even the whitest skin would be tanned. Masculine, light, not like before, the meaning of the little boy is stronger.

"Hey, hey, hey, how can I be like you? There are so many girls chasing after you, but you are indifferent. I think you are calling for catching a thief. If it were me, I would be morning. As the saying goes, this fair lady, A gentleman is a good man, only in this way can he show the true qualities of a young man, but you are good, just let it go for nothing, and you are ashamed to say that you are a pure man, is there a pure man like you?", being ridiculed by Chen Kangjie as a homosexual, Wu Guozhang did not Once done, immediately bring out the evidence of Chen Kangjie's "not close to women" to attack him.

吴国章说的也是,光是经过他的手传递到陈康杰那里的情书就起码二十封,陈康杰呢,不但不回,就连对方是谁也不打听,吴国章主动介绍还会挨揍,这让一向Wu Guozhang, who claims to be a slut in love, thinks it's a waste of money.However, Chen Kangjie's actions won the support of the female students in the class, especially Shi Yi and the others, who would scold Wu Guozhang for being troublesome.

As the saying goes, if you are willing to give up, you can only get it if you give up.Chen Kangjie really doesn't have the heart to provoke so many love debts. Love debts are easy to provoke, but when he pays them back, he is afraid that he will not be able to pay them back. Besides, he doesn't have time to fall in love now, so he just stays at a respectful distance.

"Didn't I just keep it for you, I'm a slut in love, there are so many girls, you can chase after them, but don't forget to study, hehe, be careful if someone improves and dumps you, haha", Chen Kangjie joked said.

"I chase?" Wu Guozhang asked, pointing to his nose, "do you think I am that kind of person? I go after my elder brother's woman? Hmph, I can't do it. I'm a slut in love, right? , but there is also a way to steal!" At this point, Wu Guozhang shook the hair on his forehead coolly, and then continued to say with a heartbroken look: "I just think that good cabbage is so wasted, it's a pity ah!".

"Hehe, I haven't been a big brother for many years", Chen Kangjie sang in a low voice, and only when he was with his classmates, Chen Kangjie would be so relaxed, temporarily forgetting his pressure and heavy identity, "Don't come here This set, if you like it, go after it, it has nothing to do with me, and I don’t know who to follow, so don’t use me as a shield.”

"I... Forget it, let's not talk, the head teacher is here, are you going to run again during the holiday?" Seeing Gao Xuemei, the head teacher of the liberal arts, walked into the classroom without talking, but Wu Guozhang still couldn't bear it. I asked another question.

"It's true that I won't be here this summer vacation. I will go out after the exam, but I should be able to come back after the summer vacation," Chen Kangjie replied with a low voice.

"Hey, it's good to have money. We can travel everywhere, but we will be miserable. We just stay here and can't go anywhere," Wu Guozhang said pitifully.

Chen Kangjie kicked him, "You should study hard. After you pass the university entrance examination, no one can stop you wherever you want to go."

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