"Students, in a blink of an eye, our semester will be over in a blink of an eye. Time flies. Next, after you have passed the final exam, your life in the third year of high school will come to you." Before speaking, Gao Xuemei intentionally He glanced in Chen Kangjie's direction.

Wu Guozhang originally wanted to say something, but facing Gao Xuemei's gaze, he swallowed the words in his throat again.

"This semester, we still retain the title of 'Advanced Class Collective'. This is an honor that everyone has worked hard for. Here, I thank you all. The academic performance of the students is also improving steadily. I believe that in the coming year , everyone can enter the university they want to go to", Gao Xuemei continued to do his summary work, "However, in terms of class group activities, some are not ideal. The results of the school sports meeting fell from the first in the group to the second in the group. In the basketball game, our class did not win the top three, and only the class leader got No.2 in the keynote speech contest held in "Welcome to the Return of Hong Kong", and the results were not very satisfactory." When talking about these things, Gao Xuemei always intentionally He looked at Chen Kangjie.

The reason is very simple. Chen Kangjie did not participate in these activities. When the school sports meeting was held, Chen Kangjie was still filming "Forrest Gump". He gave up the basketball game by himself because he had to play dozens of games and had to practice with his teammates , Chen Kangjie didn't have that time.As for the speech contest, Chen Kangjie felt that it was of little significance to him. It was just a public political activity to improve students' knowledge and understanding of Hong Kong. Moreover, Chen Kangjie also felt that he, who would go to Hong Kong every year, Participating in this kind of competition is totally unfair to others, because except for Chen Kangjie, none of the other participants have visited the Pearl of the Orient. With practical experience and students who only have book knowledge, the victory is invincible.

Because of Chen Kangjie's abstention, the performance of the class organization activities dropped greatly. It would be a lie to say that Gao Xuemei had no opinion on Chen Kangjie at all.This semester, he was somewhat dissatisfied with Chen Kangjie, not only because of these, but also because Chen Kangjie, as a study committee member, did not take on the responsibility of helping the students with counseling and assistance. .

Gao Xuemei was a little annoyed, but he had nothing to do with Chen Kangjie. Not only was Chen Kangjie good at studying, he was very popular, but he also had a good background. Anything at home was handled directly through the principal. She couldn't afford it, and she couldn't understand it What is the background of Chen Kangjie's family? It's just that the principal has to tell her to take good care of Chen Kangjie every semester.

Gao Xuemei also tested Gui Mingming several times, but nothing came out of the test, and Gui Mingming didn't tell her anything.Besides, Gui Mingming is different now, and he is not in school every day.

At the beginning of this year, Gui Mingming had a title added to his head, the deputy director of the Municipal Education Bureau, but he still served as the principal of the No. [-] Middle School. Deputy Director, if he were to let it go, he would be a deputy district chief, and his other abilities were not so strong, so everyone felt that it was not so obvious. At least what he could feel was that his level of bureaucratic accent had improved a lot.

From Chen Qigang's point of view, he didn't promote Gui Mingming because of how much care he gave his children, but because the Third Middle School has really built well in the past few years.The library has been expanded, and the collection of books has suddenly increased to 25 volumes. The indoor sports field has also been demolished and rebuilt. The mathematics, physics and chemistry laboratories, and electronic classrooms have all been reorganized. The latest equipment and decoration have been adopted, and a music room and art room have been added. room.Six outdoor basketball courts and a standard football field have also been remodeled according to provincial standards.In order to free up land, the original three three-story student dormitories were also synthesized into a 12-story student apartment with an elevator, and even the cafeteria is connected together.The school's office environment has also changed a lot, and there is an additional multi-functional conference room, where general seminars and presentations are no problem.

The above are hardware construction, and the soft performance is also very eye-catching. Every year, the school grants 300 poor students tuition and accommodation fee reductions, and will give additional rewards to 1996 students who are outstanding in their studies.In the past two years, the enrollment rate of the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination has been greatly increased. According to Gui Mingming's guarantee to the Municipal Education Bureau, the enrollment rate of the college entrance examination in 80.00 must reach [-]%. There is no middle school in the whole city that has reached it, and even the best No. [-] middle school in the provincial capital is only not much higher than this number.

The achievement of this series of achievements did not just fall from the sky. They all need the support of funds. Without the support of funds, it is all nonsense.But what the city admired was that Gui Mingming didn't get a penny more financially, and all of it was done by raising funds by himself.

Is Gui Mingming really capable of raising so much money?Obviously impossible, if he could raise money, he wouldn't have to be the principal, he would have already become the big boss by himself.These funds came from themselves. The two foundations under Chen Kangjie donated 400 million to the No. [-] Middle School in four batches. Those political achievements are supported by this powerful fund.If other middle schools want to achieve such a scale of construction, it is estimated that they will go there in ten years.

In this matter, there was a small misunderstanding between Gui Mingming and Chen Qigang.Gui Mingming himself knew his weight. He thought that the donations were introduced by Chen Qigang's relationship. He had to do it for his own children. He felt that only the secretary of the municipal party committee in the city had the ability and method, combined with the development of the six previous years, Gui Mingming strengthened his thinking.

On Chen Qigang's side, he also had a misunderstanding of Gui Mingming. He didn't pay for it financially, so he thought that the money was obtained by Gui Mingming's efforts in every possible way. For such a capable person, of course he wanted to promote him. I plan to practice him again, and let him go to be the executive deputy district chief or something during the Chinese New Year.

. . . . . .

"... I hope that students will continue to expand their participation in extracurricular activities while learning book knowledge, absorb as much useful knowledge as possible from various aspects, and exercise their all-round abilities. Only in this way can they achieve moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic Labor develops in an all-round way, you are the masters of the future society and the pillars of the country, so you have to be prepared in all aspects... After returning home, adjust your mentality to cope with tomorrow's exam." After a long time, Gao Xuemei did it Finished his semester summary.

Chen Kangjie himself could feel that more than half of Gao Xuemei's words were aimed at him, but he couldn't say anything, he could only smile, and he didn't say anything about whether it was right or wrong. He Yong, I hope she will understand if she sees her appearance in the Olympics on TV.

"Chen Kangjie, are you going to run again today? It's the last day of this semester, so you won't get together with everyone?" Before Gao Xuemei walked out of the classroom, Yao Yiyun stepped in front of Chen Kangjie in two steps.

Chen Kangjie originally wanted to say no more, but not only did Yao Yiyun and Wu Guozhang stare at him so hotly, several classmates also surrounded him, all with expressions of expectation, and today was the last day of this semester, he refused. It's really hard to say the words.

"Let me tell you, I forgive you for not going to my birthday. If you sneak out again today, you will be too mean." Seeing that Chen Kangjie didn't readily agree, Yao Yiyun added fire.

"Just now you said that you are a pure man, if you are a pure man, you go, why are you coy?" Wu Guozhang used the aggressive method to stir up trouble.

"Then how do you guys get together?" Chen Kangjie moved his lips twice, and finally uttered a sentence that did not disappoint everyone.

"A large swimming pool has been newly opened in Yaoshang Reservoir. The weather is so nice today. Let's go swimming. We have an exam tomorrow. Today is just a good time to relax," Yao Yiyun said while staring at Chen Kangjie.

It seems that they have already had this idea, not to mention, this idea is more attractive to men.

Chen Kangjie glanced at the few girls who would definitely go there from their expressions, and at this moment he suddenly remembered the words of Zhou Botong played by Liu Jialing molesting his disciples in "East and West", Well done, hehe, wow, the pectoral muscles are so strong, not bad, not bad".

"Are we going or not?" Yao Yiyun fiercely brought Chen Kangjie back from his imagination to reality.

"Go, you agreed, why don't you go?" Chen Kangjie put back the expression that hadn't smiled like Liu Jialing, and answered straightforwardly in order to cover up his "dirty" gaze just now.

Yaoshang Reservoir is the closest large artificial lake to Lost. As long as the weather is good, many citizens will go to play, and the Municipal Party School is also there, so the bus has already opened.

I heard that it was going swimming. Some students who planned to go home to review before were interested in advance. As a result, the number of places originally planned to be only 7 people was expanded to 21. Of course, Chen Kangjie is also going to take credit for it. Among the 14 people added, Eight of them are girls.

A group of people took a bus from the urban area to the square in front of the reservoir at a fare of [-] cents per person. The swimming pool called "Water Park" was built on the slope of the reservoir. It is still new. It seems that it has just been repaired not long ago. From a long distance, you can see three high-supported slides. There are people sitting on them in the sun and rushing down with the current. It is chic and exciting at the same time. Cool.

"It turned out to be in the open air! No wonder you chose this place," Chen Kangjie said stupidly.

"The indoor one is too small, not as big as this one, and the facilities are not as complete, and what's more, the indoor one is not as fun as the outdoor one," Shi Yi said happily standing aside.

"You can still sunbathe, right? Haha", Wu Guozhang made a malicious joke from the side.

"You're going to die, your mind is full of filth," Yao Yiyun behind him slapped Wu Guozhang's head.

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