rebirth of change

Chapter 845 Sending off beyond specification

Chen Kangjie had previously promised to take Chen Jing to Atlanta, and he had to keep this promise, otherwise he would have a hard time living.

Like Ma Fangqin, Zhao Yuexiang was not very interested in politics, so she didn't care about what Chen Yuchang said at all, and now that Chen Kangjie interrupted her, she didn't care much about Chen Yuchang's words.

"I've prepared it a long time ago. I tidied it up at noon yesterday." Chen Jing, who was acting like a good girl today, sat beside Chen Kangjie and nodded fiercely.

Chen Kangjie only told Chen Jing when the date was approaching. She was so excited that she didn't sleep well for two consecutive nights. She was happy, excited, excited, nervous and worried.The happy and excited thing is that she can finally take a long trip, and she went to the United States on the other side of the Pacific Ocean to participate in the exciting Olympic Games. This is the most meaningful summer vacation activity for her.The nervousness and worry are also because of this trip. As Chen Jing who went abroad for the first time, it is impossible to say that she is not nervous. She will worry about whether her English is not good enough. She is also worried about the huge differences in living habits and culture. Fear that I will make a fool of myself and make a joke.

In fact, all of this is superfluous. With Chen Kangjie, how could he not be prepared to take care of his sister?

"Why? Why can swallows go but I can't? Why didn't you tell me in advance?" Chen Mei, who was sitting next to Chen Jing, had her face crossed, all her dissatisfaction and complaints were clearly written on her face, The upper teeth are biting the lower lip, which is really cute.

"Old sister, it's all my fault. When you made the decision, you went to college outside, so that would not disturb your studies. Anyway, it's all my fault. Next time, next time I will definitely invite you to watch the game." These sisters of mine, not only Chen Jing, he can't offend, but the others he still can't offend. Besides, this matter is indeed his problem, so please admit your mistake quickly.

"Next time? Who knows if you have a next time? Do you think anyone can participate in the Olympics? Huh!", because she couldn't go, so Chen Mei, who was already in a panic, couldn't say something nice , No matter what, she has to vent well, otherwise she will feel even more uncomfortable.

Chen Kangjie's training results are now being kept secret, and the entire team has not disclosed them to anyone. Not only his family doesn't know how his results are, but even the National Sports Commission doesn't know. The entire Olympic delegation, Chen Kangjie is like a halfway Killed strangers.Nominally he was a member of the delegation, but in the past, no one managed him in the organization.

"Old sister, you're wrong, aren't you cursing me? Are you happy that I didn't get good grades? Or maybe you don't want to go with me next time." It's flattery, and blindly giving in will only produce the effect of connivance, and it will not be able to stop the car.

"Chrysanthemum, you are so serious. You are so big, and you are still angry with Lao Wen. We should cheer him up. With Lao Wen's strength, why should he win a bronze medal or something? Otherwise, after so many years of training Wouldn't it be in vain?" The second sister, Chen Yufen, also helped Chen Kangjie to speak, and after a pause, she said, "You can't go even if I let you go now. You haven't got your documents yet. Do you still want to smuggle in?".

Seeing the Chen family's children bickering, Zhao Yuexiang didn't feel any discomfort, on the contrary, he was envious. Such a family seemed lively.She and He Baoguo have only one child, He Wanrong, and now this child is not at home, so the lives of the two of them seem a bit deserted. In Chen's house, I saw so many children talking and laughing, making noise and making noise. It's good, this is life, a warm family life.

Chen Yufen's character is like a man at home. Among her brothers and sisters, she is quite authoritative. After being told by her, Chen Mei stopped talking and lowered her head to play with her fingers. It can be seen that she wants to understand Yes, but not quite let go yet.

"Seriously, Lao Wen, do you have the courage to come back with a medal? If you return empty-handed, you'd be too shy." Chen Yuchang, who had recovered from the light challenge, smiled silly and asked Chen Kangjie road.

Before Chen Kangjie answered, his father Chen Qigang helped to speak: "Your younger brother is only 17 years old and has no experience. You should just go shopping for groceries. It is already very good if he can go. Sports is about participation, and friendship comes first." First, the competition is second." After Chen Qigang extinguished the cigarette in his hand, he turned to Chen Kangjie and said: "You go this time, it doesn't represent you personally, it doesn't matter whether you get results or not. Our ambition, but also to make more friends with outstanding athletes from other countries, in short, we must not do things that damage national dignity and national sentiment, remember?"

This friendship comes first and competition comes second, which is a noble saying, which is often advocated in China, especially the older generation.But friendship also requires strength, if you are too bad, who will talk about friendship with you, who will make friends with you?No one who goes to the Olympics really wants to win a medal.Chen Qigang's words have explained this problem himself. He told Chen Kangjie to make friends with outstanding athletes from other countries, but he didn't tell him to make friends with those who are in a mess.Winners and losers apply to almost any business.

Although Chen Kangjie didn't quite agree with his father's idea, he didn't intend to justify anything, and there was no way to justify this kind of thing, so he could only obediently agree: "I will definitely obey the teachings, and I will behave and act according to your requirements."

. . . . . .

After having lunch with his family, Chen Kangjie took Chen Jing and Xiong Ziqiang to the provincial capital, and then flew to the capital.Niu Qihua and the others had already left early.

After Chen Kangjie and the others arrived at the airport in the provincial capital, they saw that Huang Zhenhua and Tan Changguo were there, besides the two big bosses, Sima Kuo, Chen Jundong, Ma Mingyi, Yao Zhe and others were also accompanying them.

They came here specifically to see off Chen Kangjie. The other three athletes from the province had already rushed to the capital. Only Chen Kangjie was last in the queue because he had to wait until the exam was over.

Chen Kangjie sent Chen Jing aside, and went to the VIP room to meet these senior officials. On the car to the provincial capital, Chen Kangjie had already made three agreements with Chen Jing, and he had to listen to Chen Kangjie for this trip, otherwise there would be no next time.Chen Jing obediently agreed, which was rare, and promised to listen to everything.

"Uncle Huang, Uncle Tan, Secretary Sima, Secretary-General Chen, Mayor Ma, Secretary Yao, who are you? Is there a central leader coming to inspect?" As soon as they met, Chen Kangjie opened his mouth. He knew the answer, but he still wanted to joke.

"Little slicker, ask the question knowingly. With the leaders of the central government coming to inspect, can we still see you here? You are thinking beautifully!" Huang Zhenhua glared at Chen Kangjie with shining eyes, and there was a trace of displeasure on his face No.

"We are here specially to see you off," Tan Changguo continued Huang Zhenhua's words.

"Wow, how can this be done? Your general leaders are like this, it's not a shame to me, I'm really terrified and flattered!" Chen Kangjie hurriedly held hands and bowed to thank him.

Chen Kangjie wasn't just putting on a show, he really didn't know in advance that there would be so many leaders in the province to see him off, and it was Huang Zhenhua's secretary who invited him to the VIP room, so he knew it.

If they are here to see off the delegation from the province, then it is justified. It can be understood as a march or cheer for the athletes in the province, but they only send Chen Kangjie alone. To be honest, Secretary-General Chen Jundong alone is enough. up.Except for the central and state-level leaders or some special guests, there are really few people who can afford to be the secretary and governor of a province to see them off.

In fact, the two bosses came to see Chen Kangjie off for a reason. The first important reason was that the work of the two would change. Thanks to Chen Kangjie's assistance, the work of Qianzhou Province was highly appreciated by the central government. In recent years Economic development, infrastructure construction, people's living standards, science and education, etc. have all made great strides, especially economic growth achievements, which have basically exceeded 20.00% in recent years. Five, nine-year compulsory education has been implemented and popularized , In terms of colleges and universities and scientific research, thanks to sufficient financial support, the changes are simply changing. Four colleges and universities in the province have entered the 9 project list. Since the year before last, a large number of scientific researches have been successfully produced every year. They have abundant financial resources, and many national-level scientific research projects have been transferred to them. In addition to establishing first-class laboratories and introducing a large number of first-class experts and scholars from China, these universities have also hired many professors from overseas.Because of these, Huang Zhenhua may raise the central committee, and the vacant secretary is of course in Tan Changguo's pocket. He has already heard some accurate information from Mr. Tan.

Since my progress is due to Chen Kangjie, it is also appropriate to give it away to show my meaning. If the two bosses make a move, then a group of people below will follow suit.This is to move the whole body with one hair.

The second reason is that Niu Qihua and the others went to the province yesterday to go through some procedures, and Huang Zhenhua and Tan Changguo summoned them.When asked about Chen Kangjie's training results, the three coaches did not dare to hide anything and told the truth.

Being able to meet the secretary and the governor, the three of them were already so nervous that they dared not lie.This is also with Chen Kangjie. If they were in the past, they probably would never have such a rare opportunity in their entire life.

Now that they knew that Chen Kangjie would bring back good grades, the two of them had to express it all the more. Greeting him with the fact that it finally became a fact was better than seeing him off in advance. Sending charcoal in the snow and icing on the cake have very different meanings.

Sure enough, today Chen Kangjie showed a rare kind of respect and gratitude. If he greeted Chen Kangjie when he returned with honor, he probably wouldn't get such an attitude from him.

"Don't be humble. When you are on the field, perform well and outshine our Chinese national prestige. You must come back with a gold medal around your neck. It's not in vain for us to see you off." Huang Zhenhua stood in front of Chen Kangjie, posing After waving his hands, he patted Chen Kangjie on the shoulder and said.

"Yes, Xiaojie, there are not many athletes participating in our province, you have to play a leading role, and I'm waiting to drink your celebration wine!" Tan Changguo followed with kind encouragement.

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