"Thank you, thank you for looking up to me so much. This burden is really not light. Since the two leaders have entrusted me so much, it seems that I can't do it if I don't work hard. No matter what, I will definitely do my best. Can the goal you ask for be achieved? I can't guarantee that it will be achieved, but I will definitely correct my attitude, and I hope that the leaders will not be disappointed by then, hehe." I was so excited that I patted my chest and made a promise.The mature Chen Kangjie kept his words tight, and only expressed his attitude. Regarding the result, he did not promise anything. Before the implementation of the cash, everything is still variable, so it is better to be cautious.

The two leaders seemed to have expected that Chen Kangjie would say this, and they just smiled on their faces. Since Chen Kangjie had to catch a plane, he only chatted with them for about a minute. things.

The whole process was relaxed, kind, and close. It was not exactly like a real leader sending a real athlete. Who told them that they are very familiar with each other?

Not everyone wants to go to the capital, at least Chen Jing doesn't have to go. When she went to the capital, Chen Kangjie didn't have time to accompany her. Instead, it was a waste of time and increased the voyage.

In the entire team, only Niu Qihua and his three coaches will go to the capital with Chen Kangjie and set off with the national Olympic delegation. The rest of the team will be sent directly to Atlanta by special plane. Dong Mingshu will also set off with Chen Jing. For safety, for convenience, there will be a female bodyguard in Hong Kong, who is also equivalent to an assistant. Chen Jing's life will be arranged by them.

"When you arrive in Hong Kong, Sister Wan Rong will visit you. There will also be a sister over there who will be with you and take care of you. You have to listen to them along the way. Don't be willful. It's not like being in a foreign country. I'm later than you Two days later, when I arrive, I will accompany you to play again." When sending Chen Jing to the private plane, Chen Kangjie told his sister like a brother.

Chen Jing fixed her eyes on the plane parked in front of her, not paying attention to what Chen Kangjie had to say.

"Did you hear what I said? You have to listen to them." Chen Kangjie held Chen Jing's face in his hands and turned her head.

"Oh, I heard it, I heard it," Chen Kangjie replied absent-mindedly, and then expressed his suspicion, "I'll take a special plane? Whose plane is such a good plane? This is the treatment of the president."

"For your comfort, I borrowed it from President Ouyang. This is his car. How about it? Am I nice to you?" Chen Kangjie flattered.

In fact, this special plane belongs to Chen Kangjie himself. The global express xrs he newly ordered is usually placed in the hangar of the provincial capital airport, but it is handled in the name of Guohao Aircraft Company, and the user is Chen Kangjie. Hao Aircraft Company will pay the Provincial Airport Group 700 million yuan, which is about 800 yuan per day, and they will also be responsible for the usual maintenance. The pilot is recommended by Wei Liang. All three are first-level pilots in the Air Force. Both have more than [-] hours, absolutely rich experience.The flight attendant is no longer a Hong Kong lady, but a regular flight attendant hired by Ouyang Zhenhua from Hong Kong Dragon Airlines.

Now Chen Kangjie not only owns a Global Express xrs, but also the two ec155b1 helicopters he ordered at a cost of 155 million have arrived, one is placed on the roof of Mengting Hotel in Liushuipan, and the other is placed in the completed New World Center Building Top apron.If Chen Kangjie went out by himself this time, he would choose to take the ec1b[-] helicopter instead of a car. In order to complete the procedures for the two helicopters and get the provincial route, Chen Kangjie paid a lot of money.It's just that, even without the purchase of these two helicopters, Chen Kangjie would have paid the money. It just so happened that something happened that gave Chen Kangjie an excuse to pay, or in other words, he had been waiting for this opportunity.

From the second half of last year to the beginning of this year, cross-strait relations were extremely tense due to some remarks by the newly elected leaders on the other side of the strait. In order to deter the opposite side, the PLA held a series of large-scale naval, land and air military exercises and missile tests along the southeast coast.

Although the news in the news said that all the missiles hit their intended targets, Chen Kangjie knew that at least two of the missiles had missed their targets.

Why does this phenomenon occur?Why did our country's proud strategic forces make such mistakes?The reason is in the navigation system.The missiles launched must be guided by a navigation system so that they can point to where to hit. Currently, the GPS system developed and put into operation by the United States is the most widely used in the world. Since this system adopts open operation, it is also used in our country.This is exactly the case, and the intelligence after many years showed that it was the Yankees who tampered with this system, which prevented all the df15 missiles we launched from hitting.

Since the system is developed and managed by others, it is equivalent to the valve of the faucet in the hands of others. When it is opened, everyone can use it. Everything is in the hands of others.

In addition to the missile missing the target, there is also a detail that outsiders will know many years later, which somewhat panics the senior leaders of the People's Liberation Army.That is, when this series of incidents happened, the United States sent two aircraft carrier battle groups to cruise the east sea in order to back up the other side, which was also a direct deterrent.An aircraft carrier is a huge monster, especially the beautiful Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, which is a floating sea city, but such two big guys are still at the door of the house. The military did not track each other's movements, only knowing They are generally located in the area, but where exactly, they don't know anything.

For our own safety and the long-term interests of the country, we have to act.Otherwise, if something really happens, if you want to fight, it will be like fighting with the other party blindfolded, and it will be a strange thing if you can win.The basis of warfare under informationized conditions is the navigation system. Without this system, talking about informationized warfare is simply utopia.

The global navigation system is a strategic resource, which not only plays a key role in military use, but also has broad development potential and uses in the civilian economy, such as transportation, oil, water conservancy, aviation, fishery, disaster relief and mitigation, etc. will be used extensively.

It was also these two incidents that suffered losses that made the country make up its mind to get rid of the shackles of the US GPS and plan to develop its own navigation system.

Dozens of high-orbit geostationary satellites need to be put into the sky, a series of research needs to be developed, and a large number of equipment needs to be developed. The funds needed for this are tens of billions.At present, there are too many places where our country needs to spend money, but as far as the military is concerned, to develop and grow, to catch up with Western developed countries, the army, navy, air force, and missile forces all need a huge amount of money, and the procurement is still relatively large. Not counting, research and development alone will consume tens of billions of yuan every year.Under such circumstances, there must not be so much ample funds to support the navigation system project.

As the saying goes, people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. In the eyes of those big bosses, Chen Kangjie is famous for being rich. Since he is rich, it is logical to ask him for alms. Contribute to the country. Anyway, Chen Kangjie A lot has been written on this.

The first person who thought of looking for Chen Kangjie was No. 30 Chief Wei Zhonghua. The idea was his, but the words were said by Zhao Zhibang.After hearing this suggestion, Chen Kangjie would naturally not refuse. Apart from contributing to the country, it could also increase Zhao Zhibang's right to speak.Therefore, Chen Kangjie readily agreed to subsidize 250 billion U.S. dollars in the first five years, resulting in [-] billion RMB. If the results are fast in the first five years, then Chen Kangjie can also subsidize the same amount after five years.

Chen Kangjie also has a condition, that is, once this system can be used, he must have an independent port.The higher-ups also knew that his business was huge, and that commercial activities required scheduling and confidentiality, so they agreed to his request.

Chen Kangjie is so forthright, the higher-ups can't be stingy, when Chen Kangjie proposed to go through the formalities for two helicopters and open a route between Liushuipan and Zhucheng, the higher-ups not only readily agreed, but also expanded the route to The whole province, within the whole province, can fly freely. Even if he wants to fly to neighboring provinces, he only needs to notify half an hour in advance to get approval.

Of course, as in the past, Chen Kangjie will not donate the money directly to the military department, but will bring in the money through a series of foreign companies participating in large domestic state-owned companies. No matter how the money is allocated for other purposes, Chen Kangjie will It doesn't matter, anyway, he didn't participate in anything, and this is actually the result that the higher-ups want to see.

"Okay, this is my good brother." After happily speaking, Chen Jing kissed Chen Kangjie hard on the face.

Embarrassed, Chen Kangjie quickly took out a towel to wipe off the saliva on his face, and teased: "Old sister, don't do this next time, those who know you are my sister, those who don't know think you are my girlfriend ".

"You kid, you already have enough girlfriends. I know you've received a lot of love letters, from your class..." Chen Jing would never stop talking about this topic.

"Okay, okay, time is up, hurry up, the special plane also has a departure time", Chen Kangjie quickly stopped Chen Jing.

If she is allowed to continue talking, she can gossip for minutes.

After Chen Jing and the others took off, Chen Kangjie also boarded the civil aviation flight to the capital.

At the Capital International Airport, when Chen Kangjie got off the plane, two staff members from the National Sports Commission picked them up and took them to the concentrated residence of the National Olympic Delegation in a special car to meet other athletes. After participating in the expedition ceremony, I took the Olympic special plane to Atlanta on July 7.

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