"Give you an autograph? Hehe, Mr. Marshall, why did you think of asking me to autograph it for you?" Chen Kangjie looked at the cramped Marshall and smiled.

"Mr. Chen, I like the two novels you wrote very much, so...".

"Oh, I see, haha, no problem, have you brought the tools?" Chen Kangjie pondered for a while, and immediately understood where the problem was. <, this is a common practice, including the one printed on the back of the sportswear he prepared himself.Marshall, as a member of the foreign affairs department in charge of himself, of course knew about this situation.

When he was outside just now, due to his responsibilities and professional needs, Marshall had to maintain his own standard of service, and did not mention this topic. Now that he is in Chen Kangjie's room, which is a private space, he must seize this opportunity.

Marshall can be said to be a loyal fan of Chen Kangjie. Not only did Marshall like his two novels very much, but even Marshall bought an English translation of his "A Spring Story".

Seeing that Chen Kangjie readily agreed, Marshall quickly took out a copy of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" and a signature pen from the inner bag of his clothes. It seemed that this guy had already prepared for it.

Chen Kangjie took the English book, opened the title page, and signed a line in English on the blank space, "I wish Marshall all the best", and then put his name and date on it, and it was completed.

After receiving the book signed by Chen Kangjie, Marshall looked at it for a while, carefully closed it, and put it back in his suit inner bag, "Thank you, thank you, Mr. Chen, I hope you have a good time in Atlanta , I will cheer for your game."

"Thank you," Chen Kangjie smiled slightly.

Seeing that there is nothing else to do, it is time for Marshall to leave.Just when he was about to withdraw completely, Chen Kangjie said another word to him.

"Mr. Marshall, I hope you keep it secret. I don't want to be disturbed too much during this time."

"Mr. Chen, I understand. If you need any service, please call me anytime." After speaking, Marshall turned around happily and left.

Chen Kangjie got eight rooms, he lived in one, and there were seven more. All seven rooms were given to his bodyguards and three coaches, and some other entourage lived in ordinary rooms on the 9th floor.

On the day he just arrived, Chen Kangjie was going to find his sister, but he couldn’t go there yet. Just now, the head of the delegation informed that a flag-raising ceremony would be held in the Olympic Village at 12 o’clock sharp. After checking in, Chen Kangjie is not required to participate in other activities, but he cannot leave the flag-raising ceremony, which is a more solemn patriotic ceremony.

Chen Kangjie took a shower, took a short rest, and then changed into the red suit, white shirt, and white trousers that the Chinese delegation agreed to distribute with the national emblem printed on it. He even put on a red tie, which is a rare Standard, no one has special.For Chen Kangjie, regardless of whether it looks good or not, he has to wear it. After the opening ceremony, the delegation also wore this suit for the entrance ceremony.

Red is regarded as the national color of China, the symbol and spirit of a nation, so on solemn occasions, red can generally be seen in Chinese places.

Watching the five-star red flag rising slowly in the colorful sunshine with the majestic national anthem, Chen Kangjie standing in the last row was extremely excited. I believe that not only Chen Kangjie, but every descendant of Chinese people in a foreign country will feel this situation. My heart was agitated.

The national flag slowly climbed higher and higher, and its posture expanded more and more in the breeze. The whole body was dancing cheerfully with the movement of the airflow. It seemed that it was using its bodybuilding dance to the Chinese athletes under the flagpole. Warm up and encourage them, I hope they can show their level, ambition, and the heroism and unyieldingness of the Chinese nation in the next arena.

Two journalists from CCTV are carrying cameras to record the current scene. The pictures here will definitely appear in the major news in China today.

After attending the flag-raising ceremony, Chen Kangjie left the Olympic Village and went to the Peach Tree Plaza Hotel to visit Chen Jing.

During his stay in Atlanta, John Jimmy and the others had already prepared four vehicles for Chen Kangjie in advance, two sedans and two commercial vehicles, and Chen Kangjie also got four passes from Marshall, so that these vehicles can be used at will. Pass through the competition venues and the Olympic Village, Olympic Park and other places.

The room Chen Jing lived in was the one that Chen Kangjie stayed in for filming in Atlanta last time. Since the accommodation in Atlanta would be tight during the Olympic Games, Chen Kangjie and the others had already reserved several rooms three months in advance to be prepared. Anyway, this little rent Chen Kangjie didn't think much of it yet.

"Where did you go? I've been waiting for you for two days, and I'm almost bored to death. I don't know anything here, and they don't take me to play. It's boring." As soon as we met, Chen Jing murmured Holding Chen Kangjie's arm with his mouth, he complained.

Since they knew in advance that Chen Kangjie and the others were coming, Dong Mingshu and the others didn't go out and just waited in the hotel room.

As for Dong Mingshu and the others not taking Chen Jing out to play, there are practical considerations. On the one hand, they are not familiar with Atlanta. More importantly, it is safest to keep Chen Jing in the hotel. If they take her out, Leaving aside the dangerous things, if she lost the game just because she was active, then they would have no way to explain it to Chen Kangjie.Because of this, Dong Mingshu and the female bodyguard who was in charge of Tan Meiyun before came up with the safest and stupid way. If they didn't go, Chen Jing, who hadn't adapted to the American social environment, would definitely not dare to go out without permission, let alone the female bodyguard. The bodyguard and Chen Jing lived in a big suite.

"Miss, you are here to play, I am not, I am here to work, of course I have to do things, I don't do things, how can you come out here to play?" Chen Kangjie smiled helplessly, bringing Watching Chen Jing sit down on the red sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the room.

"But I didn't play anything. I just stayed in this room all day, like being locked in a birdcage." Chen Kangjie pulled out his hand and pushed Chen Kangjie, completely venting his anger On Chen Kangjie who was easily bullied by her.

"Is this room not good? The facilities are complete and luxurious, and it costs thousands of dollars a day. Look, from here, you can have a panoramic view of half of Atlanta. The scenery is not bad." Chen Kangjie stretched out his right hand. pointed.

"No matter how good a cage is, it's still a cage. I came all the way here just to live here? Then I might as well watch TV at home." Chen Jing stood up angrily, and stood in front of Chen Kangjie with her hips crossed, venting His dissatisfaction.

"Hehe, you are so angry that your nose is wrinkled. Why bother? Haha, I am here to play with you. Tell me, where do you want to go? I will go with you this afternoon? I am always satisfied." Right?" Chen Kangjie stood up, put his right hand on Chen Jing's shoulder and said with a smile.

"It's pretty much the same, you can go anywhere, you arrange it, you can do whatever you want, as long as it's fun." Chen Jing's face is like the sun raining in summer, the sun comes out before the rain wets the ground.Just now he was still frowning, but now he immediately turned into a happy face.

"Well, let me think about it..." Chen Kangjie hadn't had a good time in Atlanta, and he wasn't very familiar with it. He originally wanted to take Chen Jing to the cemetery to worship the two great men he worshiped last time, but He thought that his sister probably had no interest.

After pondering for a while, Chen Kangjie raised his head, "Well, let's not go to those related to the Olympics. Anyway, you are going to watch the games next. Where do you want to go then let Brother Shu and the others accompany you. Today I will go I will accompany you to Grant Park in the city, and after playing, I will accompany you to eat outside, what do you think?".

"Okay, okay, you go out and wait for me, I'll change clothes", Chen Jing nodded happily, and then pushed Chen Kangjie out.

"Your gray jeans look good. Why change them? They match your white T-shirt very well." Chen Kangjie put forward his own suggestion while being pushed out.

"It's so hot outside, what kind of jeans are you wearing, don't bother, go out quickly, I'll be ready in 5 minutes", Chen Jing showed her domineering again, and didn't take Chen Kangjie's opinion seriously at all.

Chen Kangjie smiled helplessly. He had no choice but to wait for her in the next room.

After a few minutes, Chen Jing came out wearing a light blue dress, with a small white belt tied around her waist, and a pair of lambskin half-heels. She was tied up high again, looking like a beautiful college student.

However, this outfit may be considered very beautiful and refined in China, but in the free America, it seems a little different. Chen Kangjie is wearing white casual clothes.But Chen Kangjie didn't say anything, let her do it, as long as she felt good-looking and comfortable.

A group of people drove to Grant Park, which is considered the largest park in Atlanta. In addition to dense and green flowers and trees, there are also many sculptures, both realism and postmodernism.In particular, there is also a large zoo and a children's zoo. Every holiday, many Atlanta citizens will come here to play.

Chen Jing who walked out of the hotel was like a sheep having fun on the prairie, one was curious, the other was also interested, running around, sometimes like the oriole that never gets tired, chirping in Chen Kangjie's ears non-stop, She kept asking, as if she felt that Chen Kangjie would understand many things and things she didn't understand.

Chen Kangjie was not only the accompanying tour guide, but also had to act as a photographer. In one afternoon, he took a total of 4 films. Of course, the siblings also took a lot of group photos.

After playing until the sunset, Chen Kangjie and the others left Grant Park and went to a roadside cafe not far away for dinner.

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