rebirth of change

Chapter 850 I Can't Keep My Identity

The 1996 Olympic Games will be held from July 7th to August 19th, and the duration is quite long. Chen Kangjie is here to compete this time, not to play. However, he has more time in the early stage, except in Atlanta on July 8th. In addition to the opening ceremony at the Olympic Stadium, his official game will not start until July 4, a week later, so he has enough time to relax.

During the free period in the early stage, he will have training, but it is all adaptive, not intensive training.

This is like a student taking an exam. If you have done enough preparation before the exam, then there is no need to do sudden cramming a few days before the exam.Therefore, for students who are fully prepared, it is a good thing to relax properly a few days before the exam. Even if they read books, it is just a simple review, and there is no need to do surprise reinforcement.

This athlete also has a similar meaning. As long as you have made preparations for training, before competitions, especially large-scale international competitions, you must adopt simple training in a relaxed and appropriate way, and it is more about maintaining muscle flexibility and Just adapt to the local environment.If you are not prepared before, then relying on these few days will not bring much use, and it is very likely to be self-defeating and cause muscle injuries and nerve pressure.

Chen Kangjie is currently in a fully prepared state. He only needs to train for two or three hours a day. Niu Qihua and the others will not interfere too much at other times. They need to give Chen Kangjie a relaxing environment.

So from the 15th to July 7th, Chen Kangjie would accompany Chen Jing to go out for a few hours every day. In addition to the Grant Park in front, they also went to Piedmont Park, the High Museum of Art, and the Atlanta Botanical Garden (olapavilion) )etc.

In order to let her sister know more about American life, Chen Kangjie also took her historically to the Buckhead District of Atlanta (Buckhead), which is the center of Atlanta’s mansions and nightlife, where there are many bars, nightclubs and performance venues .

Since it was during the Olympic Games, Atlanta's law and order was very good, Chen Kangjie and the others were not too worried about any accidents when they went to the Barclays District, not to mention that Chen Kangjie followed more than a dozen bodyguards back and forth.In the end, nothing unexpected happened, but the project did not see it either.The area suddenly became much more genteel thanks to the police crackdown, and they left after having a few drinks and a fashion show.

In fact, during the Olympics, Chen Kangjie would not bring his sister to such a place if it was normal.

On July 7th, Chen Kangjie couldn't play with Chen Jing anymore. After doing a short physical exercise in the morning, he had dinner with many friends at noon, and in the afternoon he was going to attend the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games tonight.

Even without Chen Kangjie, these people can still get tickets with their own abilities and strength, but they may not all choose to watch the scene. After all, not everyone is particularly interested in sports, such as Cameron Such a stubborn person, even if he wants to watch it, he may choose to watch TV at home with a beer, not necessarily on the spot.

But if Chen Kangjie wants to participate in the competition, that is a completely different concept. As a friend or subordinate, if he does not come to the scene to cheer, how can he show sincerity.

Chen Kangjie accompanied them to dinner, but the treat was not Chen Kangjie, but his local friend Dennis York, the owner of the rugby team he invested in, at Dennis York's villa in the northern suburbs.

For Dennis York, this deal is not a loss, but also a big profit.Among the dozens of people, none of them was a small person. Even if he had never heard of someone like Li Li, he was also a high-level executive in a big company, let alone a friend of Chen Kangjie.Dennis York could only wish for so many friends in the business and entertainment circles at once.

It stands to reason that the relationship between Chen Kangjie and Dennis York is not so good. There is actually a reason for introducing so many friends to him and introducing him to so many friends. On the one hand, Chen Kangjie feels that Dennis York The person is not bad, although he is a little rude, but he is bold and shrewd. Secondly, Chen Kangjie agreed to him very early on, and he will have dinner at his house on the day of the opening ceremony, but so many friends only came today. When they collide together, there is nothing wrong with it, and it becomes a pot.

Dennis York is no doubt a local snake in Atlanta. He did not know where he got the news that Chen Kangjie was going to participate in the Olympic Games, so he sent out an invitation a long time ago, asking Chen Kangjie to have dinner at his place on this day, which is considered a great trip for Chen Kangjie .Unable to resist his enthusiasm, Chen Kangjie agreed.

For this dinner, Chen Kangjie didn't bring his sister with him, there were some things that she shouldn't know, it's better to let her know less.

"Thank you all for coming to join us. I am very grateful and hope that your work will not be affected." Chen Kangjie picked up a glass of red wine and stood at the top of the dining table to express his gratitude to everyone.

"Jie Shao, don't talk so much, what job is more important than watching your game now, haha", after everyone drank the wine in the cup, Ouyang Zhenhua said generously.

Watching Chen Kangjie walk along the way, creating one miracle after another, and now that Chen Kangjie is about to create the next miracle, how could Ouyang Zhenhua miss it.

Ouyang Zhenhua didn't know whether Chen Kangjie could achieve good results in the field, but according to the inertia of so many years, he knew that Master Jie would not fight that kind of unprepared battle.He believed that Chen Kangjie did not come here to really put friendship first and competition second. Chen Kangjie was not so open-minded and not so boring. He was [-]% with the goal of winning the gold medal.

Ouyang Zhenhua already has a blind sense of trust in Chen Kangjie. This inertia makes him think that if Chen Kangjie wants to do something, he will definitely succeed and will definitely succeed.

"Yeah, Xiaojie, there is really nothing more important than watching your game. If I hadn't agreed to a radio activity before, I would have come here two days ago. I am optimistic about you. I believe you will not let me Disappointed", He Wanrong smiled softly and looked at Chen Kangjie and said.

"Sister, you've already said that, how can I let you down, hehe, it's not bad for you to come today, my game won't start until the 26th." Chen Kangjie crossed his hands on the table, and this was his first time. For the first time, he showed the confidence and certainty of winning.

"Jie Shao, I didn't expect you to be so talented. I just found out yesterday. Oh my god, I was shocked. It's unbelievable. I didn't know that my favorite writer, singer and director was actually you. Be obedient, it’s like in a dream.” In desperation, he uttered a local dialect learned from his parents. <, looked at Fan Wenxuan again.

"Don't look at me like that, how dare I talk nonsense without your consent, then I can't take the responsibility." Thinking of the last time she threw a cup, Fan Wenxuan still had lingering fears, so before that, for She didn't mention Chen Kangjie's identity as her boyfriend. <'s identity cannot be preserved no matter what. If we had known this earlier, Chen Kangjie would have changed his English name casually.Since his identity could not be kept, there was no need for Chen Kangjie to continue to keep his secrets from some people.

In fact, Chen Kangjie can change his identity in the competition. According to his relationship, it is very easy to get another legal identity.If it was for personal honor, then he might do this, but since he is representing the country, Chen Kangjie doesn't want to leave flaws on it, and use a false identity to represent the country in the Olympic Games, no matter whether he really gets good results, anyway, in the future Ten times out of ten, it will be criticized, and it also lacks seriousness and solemnity.

"Hehe, I'm like a tiger, so what?" Chen Kangjie smiled sarcastically.

"Hey, long, can you stop using Chinese, we won't be able to understand it, that's wrong." Seeing that Chen Kangjie and the others were chatting enthusiastically, but he couldn't understand anything, Dennis York, as the host, couldn't bear it. Living.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, haha, I forgot that you don't understand Chinese, haha, let's use English." Speaking a language that others don't understand is indeed a bit rude, and Chen Kangjie hurriedly apologized.

"Lon's works, things that others can't get by all means, you can easily get it." Cameron thought of the cooperation with Chen Kangjie, and he was a little bit dumbfounded.

"Don't say you didn't think of this possibility at the beginning, you are so simple, I will look down on you. Hehe, besides, isn't my novel script adaptation worth that much?" Chen Kangjie didn't Take this seriously, Cameron is a businessman in addition to being a director.

"That's not true. Of course it's worth it. I'm very confident about the first film adaptation. It's just that as a friend, you should tell the truth."

"Don't complain, my family can't complain yet, they don't know these things so far, so, as friends, you are already very interesting," Chen Kangjie said with a thoughtful wave of his hand.

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