rebirth of change

Chapter 855 The Preliminaries Begin

According to the schedule, Chen Kangjie's schedule on July 7 is very intensive. There are three games to participate in. At 26 o'clock in the morning, he will participate in the men's 100-meter preliminaries, and at 10:35 pm, there will be men's triple jump. In the qualifying round, 100 minutes later, at [-]:[-], I participated in the [-]-meter race. In short, the task is relatively heavy, and there is no room for sloppy. Although it is not the final, if you fail the previous competition, you will not be able to participate in the final. So the same is important.

Athletics is the earliest Olympic event, and it is also the biggest winner of gold medals. Historically, competitions have been held in the main stadium where the opening ceremony was held. Today, there are a large number of spectators, more than 8 people. Chen Kangjie got up early in the morning to make preparations.

"Jie Shao, today is your first appearance in an international competition. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Just keep your usual training results. I believe that you will have no problems at all in the preliminary competitions ahead." In the restaurant of the Olympic Village During the meal, Niu Qihua didn't put too much pressure on Chen Kangjie.

After they finished their meal, they had to rush to the arena immediately, to familiarize themselves with the on-site environment and make pre-match preparations.

"Well, I know," Chen Kangjie nodded peacefully while eating the steamed bun in front of him.

At this time, Chen Kangjie's heart was calm, he was not worried, nervous or excited. Before the competition, he adjusted his mentality to a relatively stable state. This was due to his consistent training after his rebirth, and he had seen many big scenes. , It is also a manifestation of his self-confidence. Once a person has strong self-confidence, he can be as stable as Mount Tai and not be surprised by changes.

"Jie Shao, I just got your grouping for today's competition, the 100-meter preliminaries, you are in the second group, as long as you can run into the top three, you can participate in the next round, let's check, your group is not What a strong opponent, the best results of the other seven people are not as good as your training results. You were in the first group of the triple jump in the afternoon. You were originally in the third group, but you will participate in the 100-meter race later , so our delegation adjusted you to the first group after communicating with the organizing committee and the International Association of Athletics Federations. There is a Cuban athlete in your group. What should this be translated into...?" , Lin Zhidong explained to Chen Kangjie with a dozen schedules, but his English was not very good, and he was not sure how to translate the Cuban athlete's English name accurately.

Tang Wei took a look and saw that the name filled in that line was yoelbiquesada, "Quesada, Quesada in Cuba".

Tang Wei has a graduate degree, and his English is relatively best, because a master's degree requires a foundation in English.

"Yes, this is Quesada. His previous results were good. He once won the championship in the Caribbean Games, and he also won No.4 in the track and field competition in Gothenburg..." Lin Zhidong continued Continue to explain through the information.

"Jie Shao, you don't need to perform very well in the triple jump, as long as you pass 17 meters, I don't really want you to be the focus all at once." Tang Wei is the coach of the long jump, so in this event, he has Absolute right to speak.

"Okay, I see." Chen Kangjie threw the last steamed bun into his mouth, then nodded and clapped his hands.

Because there are athletes from all countries, cultures and eating habits in the Olympic Games, restaurants will serve different kinds of food to meet the needs of different athletes.For athletes from the East, in addition to rice, steamed buns, and steamed buns, there are also various stir-fried dishes, soups, fruits, etc.These foods are strictly tested and safe.

There are strategies, tactics and tactics in any competitive game, even the simplest of running.Tang Wei hoped that Chen Kangjie could bear it first and wait until the finals before breaking out, lest other strong teams treat him as an opponent and attack him. As soon as <'s name is on the stage, it will inevitably attract attention. Even if the focus of attention is not on his sports performance, he cannot escape the fate of being stared at by everyone.

Today's weather is not bad, it is sunny to cloudy, with a slight breeze, and the sun is flickering, which makes people feel more comfortable.

After the meal, Chen Kangjie and his group followed the national track and field team to the Olympic main stadium under the leadership of the team leader. Marshall, as Chen Kangjie's service staff, also set off with the team. Among this group of yellow-skinned and black-haired oriental faces, he belonged to Relatively eye-catching.Fortunately, the competition was held in the United States, and there were foreigners everywhere, so he didn't appear too abrupt. <, I will cheer for you, I believe you will bring us miracles," Marshall whispered beside Chen Kangjie when he entered the venue to register and report.

It is common for foreigners to call people by their surname, and Marshall called Chen Kangjie that way.

"Thank you, I hope you won't be disappointed," Chen Kangjie smiled faintly.

Chen Kangjie came in front of the three officials in charge of athlete registration. The three of them looked at the list of athletes in front of them, and then stared at Chen Kangjie almost at the same time. They were full of affection and curiosity, making him feel embarrassed.

"Excuse me, what's the problem?" Chen Kangjie was really uncomfortable, and the other party seemed to be looking at some diorama, so he reminded the other party. <? ", the middle-aged registrar sitting in the middle came to his senses and waved his hands quickly, but he was very puzzled.

"I wrote a novel, but that was a few years ago." Chen Kangjie smiled bitterly, and there was no need to hide anything, after all, his name was already in front of the other party.

"Mygod, it's unbelievable. According to the information, you are only 17 years old this year. A few years ago... you were less than ten years old!" A fat woman on the right raised her head and stared at Chen Kangjie with eyes turned in surprise.

"Hehe", Chen Kangjie smiled lightly, "Can you register for me?".

"Okay, of course, just wait a moment..." The official in the middle picked up a brush and began to write in front of himself. He was only halfway through writing, and he raised his head shyly, "Can you sign for me?" A name? My son likes you very much,... super like you!", perhaps because he was worried about Chen Kangjie's refusal, the other party strengthened his tone.

Under such circumstances, Chen Kangjie will not play big cards, and he can't play big cards. He still has a humble side in his bones, "It's okay, but I hope I don't make a fuss...hehe, I still want to compete." , Chen Kangjie turned his head and took a look. Apart from his coach and bodyguards, there were athletes from other countries waiting to sign in.

The implication of Chen Kangjie's words could not be more clear, if everyone came to ask him to sign, then his pre-match preparations would be helpless.

"Ok, ok, no problem", the other party made a gesture, filled out the form in front of him, then turned the form to face Chen Kangjie, handed him a pen, and at the same time wrote a new notebook issued by the Olympic Organizing Committee. Put it in front of Chen Kangjie, "Sign your name here, you can just read and write in the notebook, my son is Billy".

Today is the first day of the track and field competition, and their notebooks are still brand new and have not been used at all.

Chen Kangjie first signed his name at the bottom right of the form, then opened the notebook, and wrote on the first page, "Dear Billy, I wish you a happy day, I am glad you like me, July 1996, 7 ".

The other party had just happily put away his cousin and the notebook, and the two assistant officers on both sides of him immediately handed over their notebooks in a similar manner.

"My son and daughter's name is Alice. She also likes you very much. She used to fall asleep reading your novels. She is 22 years old this year."

"I asked for it for my niece. She is going to celebrate her birthday. I want to give her your message as a birthday present. I think she will be very happy."

It was impossible for Chen Kangjie to favor one person over another, and after satisfying each other's requirements one by one, he hurriedly withdrew and left.

"Young Master Jie, hehe, you have to sign for us later," Tang Wei joked as he accompanied Chen Kangjie to the athletes' lounge.

Chen Kangjie rolled his eyes at him, "Are you still kidding me? Do you think this is an honor? This is troublesome! Hey, it seems that I have a headache later."

If they are treated like this everywhere, no matter who they are, they will be very annoyed after a long time.

"Okay, let's be serious! Master Jie, do you want to change your clothes and run around the field to get used to it?" Niu Qihua slapped Tang Wei and asked Chen Kangjie.

"No need, I'll take a rest here, and after the first group is over, I'll go out for a run." Chen Kangjie shook his head.

"Then massage your legs."

Chen Kangjie had no objection to this opinion. He sat on a chair, stretched his legs, and placed them on the masseur's knees. The masseur just rubbed him to relax his muscles and speed up the blood flow.

During this period, Chen Kangjie also answered a phone call from his family, asking when he would play.

At 11 o'clock sharp, the first group of 100-meter preliminaries began.

The distance of 100 meters is very short. For these professional athletes, it takes only ten seconds.

After the results of the first group were counted, Chen Kangjie came on the stage. At this time, his jacket had not been taken off, and they had 3 minutes to adapt again.

Standing on the starting line of his fourth track, Chen Kangjie turned around and glanced around. The dense crowd of tens of thousands of spectators was calm. There was no simultaneous competition at this time, and their focus was on the 100-meter starting line. However, due to They didn't know him, so there wasn't much reaction. Only Chen Jing and He Wanrong saw Chen Kangjie with a calm face on the big screen, and they were very excited. Friends have responded enthusiastically.

Chen Kangjie stretched out his hands, pressed his legs, and then easily trotted about 50 meters with other athletes on the track, which was considered a warm-up.

"Athletes participating in the men's 100-meter preliminaries please stand at the starting point of their own track..." On-site instructions came from the radio.

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