rebirth of change

Chapter 856 What is this?

Chen Kangjie and his eight athletes from different countries and different skin colors stood at the starting point of their running according to their lottery numbers. Some of them took off their coats as soon as they entered the field, and some of them didn't. Chen Kangjie was still wearing a red sportswear Clothes.

Many people think that pure cotton sportswear is the best, and ordinary athletes also like to wear pure cotton sportswear. They will feel that it is comfortable to wear, good for stretching, and has strong sweat absorption performance, but in fact it is not the best, because of the sweat absorption performance. While strong, this is also its shortcoming.

Pure cotton sportswear has good sweat absorption, but poor air permeability. After a lot of sweat from the human body, the clothes will feel wet and stick to the body, making the skin gradually cold, which is not conducive to heat preservation. Especially in winter, if you wear pure cotton sportswear for exercise , more likely to catch a cold and cause a cold.

The sportswear that Chen Kangjie wears is not made of pure cotton. He chooses clothing made of polypropylene with good air permeability. This kind of clothing has a good moisture dissipation effect and is good for keeping the skin dry and refreshed.This is determined by his logistics support team after research and specially customized for him. He exercises a lot and sweat secretion is relatively strong.

"The athlete on track one is Gudrat Hasanguliyev from Azerbaijan...", the radio began to introduce the identities of the athletes one by one in French and English.

Anyway, Chen Kangjie didn't know these people, let alone the preliminaries, even in the finals, there were probably not many people he knew before.

Slowly introduced over there, but Chen Kangjie undressed in public, he had to take off his coat.Many athletes like to wear tight-fitting sportswear during sprint competitions. The purpose is to reduce air resistance, but Chen Kangjie does not. He thinks it will make his lower body unsightly. Wear the clothing styles uniformly approved by the competent national authorities, and our national team did not use tight-fitting sportswear this time, so Chen Kangjie can only obey.

Before and after Chen Kangjie's running clothes, his number has been pasted. Maybe it is related to his rebirth. The number Chen Kangjie got is a bit of a prank. In addition to appearing in "Tang Bohu Points Autumn Fragrance", he also used the numbers in many movies. What's interesting is that the qq number Chen Kangjie used before his rebirth ended with these four numbers. He also used 95 'Have been famous.

When he got this number, Chen Kangjie really couldn't laugh or cry, but he still likes this number quite a lot.

"The athlete on the [-]th run is Chen Kangjie from China. Let us give warm applause to welcome him to step on the field for the first time." As if worried that others would not pay attention to him, the voice on the radio added that extra sentence.

In fact, relying on the sound alone, few people would notice him, unless they were people who knew him, and the introduction was first in French, so it really didn't attract much attention. In the arena, only Ouyang Zhenhua and his group will cheer in a different way.

. . . . . .

"How? How? I said he was a student in our class. If you still don't believe me, the commentator even said his name, Chen Kangjie, Chen Kangjie from our class, huh, believe it or not?" Gao Xuemei shouted to her husband happily roared out.

In the past few days, Gao Xuemei has been paying attention to the news of the Olympic Games. After seeing the flashing footage of Chen Kangjie on the opening ceremony, she has been paying attention. Whenever there is a live broadcast, she will watch it, and she will not let go of the replay. , Chen Kangjie must be found out.

Before the introduction in the broadcast just now, Gao Xuemei saw Chen Kangjie taking off his clothes and getting ready for work on the phone screen, but his husband didn't believe it, saying that it might just be a resemblance, which made Gao Xuemei scold him for not being able to reach the Yellow River. .Now that Chen Kangjie was introduced, the live commentator of CCTV also said his Chinese name, and Gao Xuemei immediately refuted it.

Liu Yafu, who teaches at Minzu Middle School, was speechless. He stared at the TV screen for a while, then shook his head and said, "Why? How did the students in your class go to the Olympic Games? It doesn't make sense." .

"He's good at sports, what's impossible?" Gao Xuemei didn't think about it all of a sudden, and defended Chen Kangjie bluntly.

"Let's not talk about ability first, but as the head teacher, why don't you know? Huh? You didn't even get a little word of it beforehand! Isn't that strange?" Liu Yafu said with a sideways glance at Gao Xuemei.

"That's right!... There was no news at all beforehand, how could it be..." Gao Xuemei showed a puzzled face, and began to think.

. . . . . .

"Sister, it's really Brother Xiaojie, it's really him, he's so amazing, he can go and win glory for the country!" Mu Fang was ecstatic when he saw Chen Kangjie raising his right hand to greet the audience on TV, and jumped out of the sofa. Jumped up directly.

"Sit down, sit down, I saw it, take a good look", Mu Ni seemed not as excited as Mu Fang, she pulled her sister to sit down.

In fact, Mu Ni was also happy for Chen Kangjie, but there seemed to be a trace of depression in her delicate brows.

"Sister, what's wrong with you? Why don't you look very happy?" Mu Fang held Mu Ni's arm, keenly aware of Mu Ni's subtle reaction.

"No, no, no, how could it be? Of course I'm happy." As if it was an instinct, Mooney denied it.

In order to match her words, Mu Ni also showed a smile on her face, but if you look carefully, you will find that her smile is a little embarrassed and intentional.Mu Fang didn't pay attention to this point. She was staring at the TV at this time, not looking at Mu Ni's expression, and looking forward to Chen Kangjie's historic maiden match, she said to herself: "Brother Xiaojie will definitely not let you We are disappointed and will definitely run well."

. . . . . .

"This damn guy, he ran to participate in the Olympics and didn't say a word. No wonder he couldn't see him during the holidays. It's really annoying!" Seeing Chen Kangjie on TV, Fan Xuexi pouted and cursed first, and then muttered softly: " I'll question you when you come back, and I'll ignore you if you don't explain clearly."

"Daughter, who are you scolding?" Fan Wentai, who was sitting next to him cutting watermelon, heard Fan Xuexi's words.

"It's this guy, my classmate, Chen Kangjie," Fan Xuexi said with a little embarrassment, gnashing her teeth.

Fan Xuexi felt that Chen Kangjie was contemptuous of her by doing this. Since he transferred to another school, their contacts have decreased a lot. This made Fan Xuexi unhappy in the first place. Now that Chen Kangjie is still hiding such a big surprise from her, how could she not get angry?

"Oh? He is Chen Kangjie?" Fan Wentai put down the watermelon knife and sat in front of the TV with a curious face.

Regarding Chen Kangjie's name, Fan Wentai only heard about it, but never saw it positively. After Fan Mark reminded him that time, Fan Wentai always wanted to meet Chen Kangjie, but they were busy with scientific research, and Chen Kangjie himself was also very busy, so he never had the chance. meet.At this time, Fan Wentai looked at it carefully and then nodded. He was very satisfied with the handsome Chen Kangjie.

Fan Wentai is still not very clear about the relationship between Chen Kangjie and Fan Xuexi, but he is also aware of it. From the current point of view, if something really happens to them, Fan Wentai probably will not object, because Chen Kangjie's resolute eyes and faint smile have already conquered He, together with the rumors about Chen Kangjie, created a wave of appreciation in his heart.

Fan Xuexi didn't care about Fan Wentai's thoughts. She changed her mind, immediately picked up the phone next to her, and called Deng Min to see if she knew in advance. If Deng Min knew in advance, she would hate Chen Kangjie to death. Among them, Deng Min is both a good friend and a competitor.

As a result, while Deng Min was surprised, of course she didn't know about it. On the phone, she complained to Fan Xuexi about Chen Kangjie, and what she said was similar to what Fan Xuexi heard when Fan Wentai heard it.

. . . . . .

"This stinky guy, what can he do? He even ran to participate in the Olympic Games. I'm really worried that he is going to embarrass us Chinese. If he runs last, see if I don't find a chance to beat you." Tuo Peixi clenched his fists , expressed dissatisfaction with Chen Kangjie on TV.

"You're talking nonsense again. How could Xiaojie be as miserable as you said? He is much more sensible than you. If you have a chance, you will know when you get to know each other." Tuo Zhihan, who was leaning on the sofa and recliner, said kindly.

Because of Chen Kangjie's competition, Tuo Zhihan rarely sat in front of the TV for a few days.When Chen Kangjie was about to set off, he called Tuo Zhihan, on the one hand to check on his health, and on the other hand, to tell himself that he was going to the competition.Tuo Zhihan still doesn't know about Tuo Peixi's kidnapping, nor does he know that Chen Kangjie and Tuo Peixi have actually met each other.

"Grandpa, you're biased, why do you always help him?" Tuo Peixi pouted, wrinkled her nose, and said coquettishly to Tuo Zhihan.

"Hehe, how can I help him? I'm not helping my relatives. He is very capable. Besides, you have never seen him before. How can you have such a big opinion on him?" Tuo Zhihan was admired by Tuo Acting like a baby makes me dumbfounded.

This time Tuo Peixi stopped talking, and she had to keep that matter a secret, so she pretended to watch TV seriously and didn't hear it. In fact, she was slandering in her heart at this time: "This guy who doesn't keep his word, last time he secretly If I run away, I will teach you a lesson if I have a chance."

In short, many people at home and abroad are paying attention to this unimportant game, and the performance of domestic audiences and foreign audiences is completely different, especially the more than 8 people at the scene.

At the beginning when his name was introduced, everyone didn’t react much, and everything was normal, so they treated him like any other ordinary athlete, but I don’t know who was the first to point at the English name printed on the big screen and shouted After one sound, it was really like a huge boulder being thrown into a calm pond, and it immediately caused a lang of jubilant cheers higher than a lang.

"What's going on here?" Chen Jing at the scene didn't understand what was going on.The sound at the scene was too noisy, she couldn't hear it clearly, but she was just surprised how suddenly so many audience members were so excited and excited as if they had been beaten to death.

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