Chen Jing stood up from the seat and looked left and right in bewilderment. Just now, she was worried that her excitement was too intense, and she was afraid of giving the Chinese a very rude image. Now she saw those foreigners one by one. It suddenly became more intense than her, it's no wonder she didn't feel puzzled and strange.

"Xiao Jing, do you think your brother is very popular all of a sudden?" Ouyang Zhenhua, who was sitting beside him, asked Chen Jing with a smile.

"Yeah, this is really weird, Brother Ouyang, why do you think?" Chen Jing and Ouyang Zhenhua have known each other for many years, and they know that he and Chen Kangjie are very close, so they speak more casually.

"Hey, didn't you see it on the big screen?" Ouyang Zhenhua pouted towards the big screen erected on the stadium on the right.

Chen Jing immediately turned her head to look, but she didn't see anything special, they were all English names. She turned her head again and saw He Wanrong and Tan Meiyun smiling at her.

The English name of "<" caught her eyes. In this group, only Chen Kangjie represented China in the competition. Doesn't this mean that Chen Kangjie is "".

If Chen Jing hasn't figured it out yet, it means she's too stupid.

With a "buzz", Chen Jing stayed on the spot dumbfounded. He couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe that his younger brother was the one who wrote the novel, and his family and sisters still snatched the novel "Harry Potter". Just watch it.

"No wonder he didn't read it when I lent it to him. It turned out he wrote it himself." Chen Jing frowned and thought to himself.

"Miss, please sit down and don't block us, okay?" A black uncle behind shouted at Chen Jing.

"Oh, oh, sorry", Chen Jing quickly apologized and sat down on her seat. Her mind is in a mess now. This surprise is too great. She hasn't tasted it all at once. How did it happen?Why did my younger brother suddenly gain the title of 'best-selling novelist'?At this time, she was looking at the field, but she didn't see anything in the scene in front of her, her brain was still in a daze, only the sounds around her were still going on and on.

"Did you already know?" Chen Jing, who suddenly came back, grabbed Ouyang Zhenhua's arm rudely and asked him.

"This... Ah, yes, don't you guys know?" Ouyang Zhenhua pondered for a while, pretending to be innocent and puzzled and asked back.

Ouyang Zhenhua's idea is very simple, he should deal with Shao Jie's family affairs by himself, and he will pick himself out first before talking about it.After a few days of contact, Ouyang Zhenhua knew that Chen Kangjie's sister was not easy to mess with, and Chen Kangjie would be a bit afraid, so why should he make trouble.

"Sister Wanrong, did you know this before?" Chen Jing left Ouyang Zhenhua behind and asked He Wanrong instead.

"Don't complain about me, I just found out, hehe, you have to complain, go back and complain about him yourself", He Wanrong waved her hand, pointing to Chen Kangjie who was running on the track and said, she also wanted to pick herself out .

He Wanrong was not wrong. She did not know much about Chen Kangjie's novel writing before, but after he found out, his reaction was not as great as Chen Jing's. After all, Chen Kangjie had not surprised her much.

"Okay, you all kept it from me... Humph, you bastard, let's see how I deal with you later, and you actually kept it from my family for so many years." Chen Jing opened her eyes wide and gritted her teeth, wishing she could grab and beat Chen Kangjie right now. .

Just when Chen Jing was amazed, astonished, puzzled and angry, Chen Kangjie completed his maiden Olympic race in front of tens of thousands of people. He ran 11.10 seconds without exerting much effort, ranking first in the group. Third, just in time to enter the next round.

This game is not exciting, after all, it is only the preliminaries, and everyone's results are not very good, but the impression is very deep, because it has been hidden before, with such a new identity, the new move appeared in the In front of the world, not only the audience at the scene saw it, but also people all over the world saw it through TV broadcast.

Moreover, when foreign TV broadcasting organizations broadcast the game, the commentators were excited and inexplicably focused on introducing Chen Kangjie, completely treating Chen Kangjie as the only focus of the game, and the two athletes with better results than him were directly ignored past.

Only when domestic CCTV was broadcasting, the narrator treated him like an ordinary athlete, and did not explain his status as a world-renowned best-selling novelist. I don't know if this is a deliberate arrangement by the propaganda department. There is no way to keep <'s identity, and it won't be long before everyone in the country will know about it.

The domestic audience, including those who knew Chen Kangjie, just didn't understand why the audience was so enthusiastic at this moment. After the game was over, why did they all stand up, applaud and shout?Are foreigners also so enthusiastic?It doesn't seem like that in my impression!

Just as Chen Kangjie exited the track, he was surrounded by a large number of reporters at the entrance to the rest area. Many of them were still out of breath. It seemed that he had just come from another position. He hoped to get the first place in the interview with him. One piece of information, even though Chen Kangjie and the others had prepared long ago, seven or eight coaches and bodyguards protected him, but there were too many reporters, it was difficult for them to move forward.

The athletes in the same group looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't understand how the change could be so fast. The opponent who was unknown just now became a popular figure in the blink of an eye.Especially the American athlete who ran first in the team. At first, he thought that these reporters were here to interview him, and he was ready to say something passionately. He never thought that they would treat him as if he did not exist and completely ignore him. , Even the local media in the United States did not interview him, and they all surrounded Chen Kangjie. <, hello, I'm a reporter from the Associated Press, how did you come up with the idea of ​​becoming an athlete?Are you the author of Harry Potter? ". <Reporter, you have been reluctant to appear in public before, why is that?".

"Mr. Chen, hello, I'm a reporter from "Central Daily". It was speculated that you wrote novels according to Western thinking because you live abroad. Is this true?".

"Hi, are you going to write novels again?".

"Hello, I'm a reporter from Le Figaro. There are so many readers all over the world who like you. What would you like to say to them? What are your expectations for participating in the Olympics?".

"I haven't heard that you want to be an athlete before, and you have never participated in any competitions. Why did you suddenly have such a change?".

"Can you tell us what is the purpose of your novel writing? What is your original intention and purpose of becoming an athlete this time?".

. . . . . .

A lot of long guns and short cannons shot and flashed at Chen Kangjie. The reporters asked all kinds of questions. At the beginning, Chen Kangjie was called by another name, and they also had a self-introduction. Later, all of them were simply omitted. , directly throw out the questions they are interested in.

Chen Kangjie kept silent all the time, did not answer any questions, just kept smiling.Only the head coach Niu Qihua helped him deal with it with incoherent speech and desperation.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the athletes still have competitions next, so it's not convenient to make any remarks now."

"Excuse me, I'm sorry, I have no comment right now", "Please don't interrupt, please don't interrupt, can you please give me some space?".

. . . . . .

In the end, it was Marshall who helped Chen Kangjie out of the siege. He recruited a multi-person staff to completely separate the reporters from Chen Kangjie and the others, so that Chen Kangjie was able to leave smoothly. < stepped on the runway as an identity, which is big news in itself, not to mention, everyone finally saw the true face, which is much better than what they tried to get news through Huashang Publishing Company and Li Wendong before but got nothing. <He took the lead in sending out the first special news about Chen Kangjie, "The world-renowned best-selling novelist turned into an athlete, appeared in the main stadium of Atlanta", and the picture of Chen Kangjie participating in the competition and refusing to be interviewed also repeatedly appeared on the screen. <, Associated Press, ITAR, NHK, BBC, Agence France-Presse, Reuters, Yonhap News Agency, Bloomberg News, CBS and other major global mainstream media and news organizations have also issued their own news within 16 minutes. news.

Chen Kangjie once again appeared in the news reports of major media. Because of the short time, they were sent out in the form of text messages or quick messages. Unlike the past, which only had text, this time not only the photos were distributed, but also clear videos.

< interviews, preferably exclusive interviews.

There are 15108 journalists participating in the coverage of this Olympic Games, and there are as many as 9413 broadcast journalists. Everyone is digging for all kinds of news, and most of the important news is released collectively, and there is nothing exclusive at all.Now that Chen Kangjie pops up like that, everyone understands that the first interview with him will be the most exclusive and major news. Its news value is not only that Chen Kangjie participated in the Olympic Games as an athlete, but also because he has never appeared before. In the media, there must be tens of millions of readers and fans around the world who are anxiously waiting for a reporter to provide further details.

Since Chen Kangjie did not accept interviews, well-connected reporters and organizations began to turn to two directions. On the one hand, they sought information from the Olympic Organizing Committee, and even asked them to arrange for Chen Kangjie to come. On the other hand, they sought the Chinese delegation, hoping that the delegation Large state-owned media organizations such as People's Daily and CCTV all made requests for the opportunity to interview Chen Kangjie.

Whether it can be published and broadcast is one thing, and whether it can be interviewed or not is another matter. No matter who it is, it is best to hold first-hand news points in their own hands.

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