rebirth of change

Chapter 858 Where did the money go

If Chen Kangjie was an ordinary person, then the methods of those supernatural journalists would work. Both the Olympic Organizing Committee and the Chinese delegation would have to save face, but unfortunately, Chen Kangjie was not an ordinary person, and those methods did not apply to him.

For example, the Olympic Organizing Committee has signed an agreement with Chen Kangjie, and they are not allowed to disclose Chen Kangjie’s information at will, otherwise, they will have to pay high liquidated damages. Unless they get the permission of Chen Kangjie himself, otherwise, they can only announce it to the public Simple information, such as name, nationality, age, etc., and more detailed content are restricted, so when the reporter tried everything possible to inquire, the person in charge of external publicity of the Olympic Organizing Committee used an excuse not to disclose the athlete's identity at will. **.

Other people's lies are not lies, but Chen Kangjie's is. The reporters are dissatisfied, but it's okay, they just won't let go.

The media and reporters who put their ideas on the Chinese delegation also did not have any breakthroughs. Both the deputy head and the secretary-general have just learned the news. They really have nothing to comment. It is suggested that this matter should only be If you can find the head of the group, the head of the group should know the details, and the head of the group has much more power.

In fact, Director Wu, the head of the delegation, really didn't know the details in advance. Although they helped Chen Kangjie qualify for the Olympics, the submitted materials were not handled by them, but were handled by the foreign department. Call for further arrangements and instructions.

Regarding political tasks, Director Wu did not dare to make decisions without authorization. He could only do so after obtaining the authorization from above. Moreover, he also wanted to ask what was going on.

However, the response he received was very simple. Regarding the situation of Chen Kangjie, the upper echelons of the country did not say anything. As for the arrangement of the action, everything was done according to Chen Kangjie's wishes. In other words, Director Wu did not have the right to arrange reporters to interview Chen Kangjie, unless Chen Kangjie I want to.

Director Wu who hung up the phone was very depressed, what's going on?This doesn't mean he didn't ask anything, but after he calmed down, he seemed to have caught some useful information.That is, he has to understand that he cannot control Chen Kangjie, those administrative orders within the system do not work on Chen Kangjie, he only belongs to this group in name, but in terms of status and power, he is completely free, not only free, but also enjoys a high degree of freedom. confidentiality and privileges.

Since Chen Kangjie himself is not willing to take the initiative to accept interviews, Director Wu is naturally helpless, but as the highest-ranking official of the delegation, he cannot rudely reject those big media with great powers, but adopts a tactful and moderate approach , neither rejecting nor accepting, just saying that the timing is not right now, all the games are still in progress, and we will talk about it after all the games are over.

For Chen Kangjie, he has no plans to accept interviews at this time. Even if he wants to accept interviews, he will not choose Western media or domestic media at this time. No matter which one he chooses, it is not ideal for him. Because this involves the evaluation of him from the left and the right, and besides, the Strait crisis has just begun to subside.

The last time Chen Kangjie was interviewed by Streisand of HBO TV station, he promised her that he would not break his promise, and after that interview, the reaction from the West was very good, but there were some criticisms in China, and he felt that he did not appear in the domestic media in the first time. Instead, he chose a Western TV station, which is an expression of fascination with foreigners.

In fact, in the content of that interview, Chen Kangjie has always expressed his pride in his own national culture, but that interview in English, the program was not broadcast in China, some people think that Chen Kangjie's attitude is problematic.

In order to avoid these unwarranted troubles, if Chen Kangjie is willing to be interviewed with his true face for the first time, he will choose a neutral media, and no one will be offended anyway.

After Chen Kangjie's identity as a writer was exposed, the Chinese delegation was the most lively. Now like Tao Ming, they finally found an answer to why Chen Kangjie could get the Olympic ticket without participating in any competitions. They decided It was Chen Kangjie's identity that brought him privileges, and everyone talked about it.

Moreover, those reporters couldn't interview Chen Kangjie, so they simply came to interview his teammates. The answer can be imagined, no one can provide them with the answer they want, because none of them really know and understand Chen Kangjie.

Even in the face of so many difficulties, the interest of the reporters has not been greatly affected. The more this is the case, the more passionate they are, because this means that the news value is higher. They are still showing their talents in the Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea. Way to dig him out.

Originally, there was still a game in the evening, and Chen Kangjie wanted to keep resting and quiet at the moment. However, it was impossible for him to have such an environment. Before he returned to his dormitory room in the Olympic Village, Xiong Ziqiang had received countless phone calls.

When Chen Kangjie returned to his room, he had to answer one call after another. The first one was Chen Jing who was furious.

"You guy, why haven't you answered the phone for a long time? Are you playing big? Are you amazing?... Talk! What do you mean?" Chen Kangjie just connected the phone, and Chen Jing's growl sounded like Machine guns generally fired at Chen Kangjie.

The ear-piercing voice made Chen Kangjie quickly take the phone away from his ears, and when the voice on the other side became quieter, Chen Kangjie put the phone on his ear again, and replied helplessly: "Old sister, why don't I answer the phone? Since you called so urgently, it has already shown that you know the reason why I am inconvenient to answer the phone, why else are you calling? It is not to ask the teacher to blame."

"Then you mean to say that I was wrong? Huh?" Chen Jing was furious now, and immediately quit after hearing what Chen Kangjie said.

"No, no, that's not what I meant. How could you be wrong? Hehe, you're not wrong, it's me." Chen Kangjie managed to squeeze out a smile, showing a little flattery to make his attitude more correct.

"It's good if you know you're wrong, then tell me, where did you go wrong? Hmph, the secrecy work is done very well. You must know that there is no impenetrable wall. If you want people to know, you have to do nothing unless you do nothing about it. Be lenient, and be strict when resisting." Perhaps Chen Kangjie's attitude was not bad, and Chen Jing's tone was a little weaker.

Chen Kangjie didn't know whether to laugh or cry, didn't you ask and answer yourself, you asked what you knew, and you also "if you want people to know, you have to do nothing, be lenient when you confess, and strict when you resist", making yourself like a badass.

But Chen Kangjie couldn't say that, he is now a "sinner" and had to fight for leniency, so he said frankly: "Yes, I was wrong, I shouldn't hide it from you, I'm guilty, I regret it, I didn't mean it Yes, I just don’t want to affect you too much.”

"It wasn't intentional? You said it nicely, but you didn't want to influence us? I think you are dishonest." Chen Kangjie's attitude obviously failed to calmly accept Chen Jing.

"I really didn't do it on purpose, at least I didn't take the initiative. None of you asked me, did you ask me 'did you write this book'? No, no one asked me, I can't just report everything I do." Chen Kangjie was playing a rogue, and his words were true, but it really couldn't be understood that way.

"Fart, you brat is still arguing, do you have such logic?" Chen Kangjie's scoundrel aroused Chen Jing's anger again, "I have already told my family, are you planning to explain it to your parents? ".

"I think you are troublesome girl. I'm telling the truth. When I asked at home, I answered the same way." Chen Kangjie lay lazily on the big bed, looking like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water.

This was indeed the explanation Chen Kangjie had thought up, and it was also the truth. It was true that no one had asked him that way beforehand, and his starting point was really not to want his family to be affected too much.

"Where are you now? I came to find you, and I'm very dissatisfied with your explanation," Chen Jing said in a gentle tone.

Chen Kangjie will not be deceived, her tone is gentle, but the words she speaks are full of gunpowder. Chen Kangjie knows that she is not a good person. Moreover, the Olympic Village is not a place where tourists and reporters can enter casually. It's annoying enough, you're still messing with me, don't you still want to watch the game, after I've been busy for a few days, I'll take you to play again, okay?".

" can I care about watching the game now!...".

"Just watch the game slowly, ah, or I won't dare to take you out next time, just like this first, Dad has called several times, I'll answer it." After finishing speaking, Chen Kangjie put Chen Jing's The phone hung up.

Chen Qigang's voice was not as eloquent as Chen Jing's, but it seemed majestic and unquestionable, "Is what Ju Yan said true?".

"Well, yes", Chen Kangjie answered very simply.

"Then why didn't you tell the family for so long?"

"How should I say this? It's a little unclear. First, no one asks, so I want to keep it a secret. Second, I don't want to cause trouble. If you trouble me, I will trouble you too." Chen Kangjie said truthfully.

"Well, I believe this. Ouyang Zhenhua knew it from the beginning?"

"I know, the matter is entrusted to him, so sometimes I need to go abroad", Chen Kangjie did not hide this point.

"You are good at foreign languages, I know that, but I didn't expect it to be good enough to write books. You wrote novels just like you wrote songs, in order to make money?" Chen Qigang's tone was calm and calm, and he couldn't hear any discomfort.

"Hehe, knowing a son is better than a father, Dad, you are right, it is for making money", Chen Qigang said that, but Chen Kangjie felt relieved.

"I asked Chrysanthemum just now, and she said that the books you wrote sold well, so you must have made a lot of money, right? Where did the money go? Where did it go?".

It is difficult for Chen Kangjie to answer this question. The money has already multiplied countless times and turned into a huge astronomical figure.

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