Just as Chen Kangjie reached out to the doorknob to open the door, Lin Ling ran over desperately from behind and hugged him.

Lin Ling just hugged him without saying a word. Chen Kangjie didn't know what she meant, so he didn't continue to open the door, didn't ask anything, and just let her hug him quietly.

The two were glued together like two crossed sculptures, motionless.However, both of them could hear each other's breathing, and Lin Ling's breathing movements kept pushing her breasts against Chen Kangjie's back and rubbing them lightly.

This was originally an act without any color, but now it is summer, Chen Kangjie only wears a white short-sleeved shirt on his upper body, and Lin Ling's business attire is also a white shirt, which is thin, so any slight Actions can be really felt.

Chen Kangjie's body wasn't hot at first, but Lin Ling's hug seemed to be carrying an electric current. With her breathing, Chen Kangjie's body turned from cold to warm, and in the end, he felt more and more hot. He pulled the doorknob The hand was also melted away, and it was gently put down.

The most disappointing thing is his gun, which was as wilted as a balloon that has not been blown up just now, but now it is different. Finally, a small tent was erected in front of Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie annoyed himself in his heart, why is his concentration so poor?Just such a small physical contact can produce such a big reaction.Chen Kangjie can despise his little brother, but he can't control his inner desire, which is the purest and most instinctive desire of a man, especially for a man in the vigorous development period.

"You better let me go, so I will make mistakes." Chen Kangjie was really uncomfortable, he couldn't stand it anymore, and finally said as if begging.

At first, Lin Ling didn't understand what Chen Kangjie's words meant.He hugged Chen Kangjie just now because of an instinct, an instinct that didn't want Chen Kangjie to just turn around and leave, especially after hearing what Chen Kangjie said before leaving.

In fact, Lin Ling herself didn't fully understand why she hugged Chen Kangjie.Before Chen Kangjie spoke, while Lin Ling was short of breath, her mind was also full of thoughts.Now that Chen Kangjie is gone, maybe he will come to see him in the future, but it is also possible that they will become ordinary people with little relationship.Although she had various considerations and entanglements, starting from the bottom of her heart, if the relationship with Chen Kangjie ended like this, it was not the ending she particularly wanted, otherwise she would not have waited until this day.

Lin Ling even wondered if she was not brave enough, or if she was a failure emotionally. She recalled the scene with her boyfriend in college, and also recalled the details of her acquaintance with Chen Kangjie, although they got along together There is not much time, but Lin Ling still wants to piece together those fragments.

Now that Chen Kangjie interrupted her, Lin Ling woke up from her own thoughts, "What did you say?".

In fact, there was no need for Chen Kangjie to answer, because when Lin Ling let go, her right hand slid down from Chen Kangjie's chest and just hit the hard little guy.

Lin Ling's face turned red immediately, but she couldn't bear to feel disgusted in her heart, and she was still warm.

Chen Kangjie moved his body forward a little, pressed the guy down with his right hand, then turned around shamelessly and brazenly and said, "It's not all my fault, if it wasn't for your... clinging tightly to me, I wouldn't There will be such a reaction."

Chen Kangjie's words suddenly made Lin Ling brave. He looked directly at Chen Kangjie without avoiding it at all, as if he had made a certain decision in an instant, "Do you men react like this to all women? ?”.

"How could it be? That's okay? I don't know if other people are like that, but I only have... such a reaction to people I like."

Regardless of whether Chen Kangjie has the same characteristics as other men, he can only say this. Of course, it cannot be said that Chen Kangjie is completely lying.Although fair ladies are gentlemen, and men have a natural curiosity and interest in beautiful women, but for men who are determined and mature, it is true that not every woman will have colored thoughts.

The difference between humans and animals is that we are conscious social creatures, but also that we have the ability to screen and control in our hearts, and we don't have the same instincts as animals for anyone and everything.

"Then what if the other party is a beautiful and sexy woman?" Lin Ling asked provocatively.

"That's not true. If you don't think about anything, you will have nothing." This question was asked by other women before Chen Kangjie was reborn, and he answered it with ease, without blushing or heartbeat, but Lin Ling was like a dream His eyes made him a little unbearable.

Lin Ling looked at Chen Kangjie appreciatively for another three to five seconds, then suddenly threw herself into Chen Kangjie's arms, and tightly blocked Chen Kangjie's mouth with her lips.

Lin Ling's move made Chen Kangjie a little surprised. Although he had thought about such a result now, when it really came suddenly, Chen Kangjie was a little caught off guard. He raised his hands, wondering if he should hug her immediately, and said The teeth did not open the door completely.

He never thought that Lin Ling would be so bold and active, but the beauty was in his arms, the tongue was warm, and Chen Kangjie was burning in his body at this moment. No matter how good his concentration is usually, he couldn't resist now. It only took ten seconds. He was completely won over.

Chen Kangjie put his hands down and hugged Lin Ling's back, feeling her waist was slender and graceful, and played a French kiss in his mouth.

Lin Ling's girlish body fragrance kept getting into Chen Kangjie's nose with her breath. This fragrance was like a hallucinogen, which made Chen Kangjie's consciousness more and more faint, and his mind became more and more blurred. The feeling of floating.

Mentally he has softened, but physically he has become extremely hard, not only hard, but also a raging fire piercing through Chen Kangjie's body, and finally gathered under the dantian, making him very uncomfortable.

Every man with normal physiology and psychology should know what to do when he reaches this point, and Chen Kangjie is no exception.At this time, he couldn't care so much. His hands were not limited to stroking the opponent's back, but kept moving forward, grabbing a meat ball with one hand, and helping Lin Ling untangle it with the other hand. button.

Unbuttoning a woman is a technical job, and practice makes perfect.Chen Kangjie hasn't practiced in this area for many years, the skills in his hands are naturally unfamiliar, and he hasn't unlocked one for a long time.

Lin Ling scolded Chen Kangjie in her heart for being stupid, and Chen Kangjie himself was shy and anxious. In the end, Chen Kangjie, who was a gentleman, became rude, and with a "shua", he tore all the front of Lin Ling's shirt, and all the buttons were removed. up.

Lin Ling didn't mind Chen Kangjie's incomprehensible style and roughness. Instead, she felt a sense of excitement that she had never had before, very exciting, and felt that such a Chen Kangjie was more like a man.

This rough thing, once started, can't stop the car. With both hands, Chen Kangjie pulled out Lin Ling from the inside out, then picked her up by the waist, and strode towards her bedroom.

The arid land suddenly ushered in a heavy rain, and the land desperately absorbed this rare nectar.The bedroom was like a huge lang raised by a typhoon, slapping the boulders on the shore one by one. In the face of such a force, human beings can only be swallowed by it.Chen Kangjie and Lin Ling are like the night and the earth, merging with each other ecstatically. The night covers the earth, and the earth holds up the sky. Only between them, the violent storm lasts forever.

After a cloud and rain, it was already late at night.Chen Kangjie was lying flat with his arms around the exhausted Lin Ling, Lin Ling's head resting on his chest, and his arms around his waist.

Today is the most tiring and painful day for Lin Ling, but also the happiest and happiest day. For the first time, she truly feels that being a woman is so beautiful, and she will never forget it.

"You, don't feel sorry for him. The bottom hurts, and it may be swollen." Lin Ling said naturally like a little woman. At this moment, she had completely forgotten that Chen Kangjie was younger than her, and instead felt that she was Like a little wife.

"I'm sorry, I..." Lin Ling's complaint made Chen Kangjie a little embarrassed.

"Don't say sorry", Lin Ling stretched out the hand on her face to cover Chen Kangjie's mouth, "Don't say sorry in the future, I am willing, as a man, you should be more domineering, I like you to be domineering."

"Hehe", Chen Kangjie pushed Lin Ling's hand away, smiled wryly, and said badly, "You said this, don't regret it."

"For you, I won't regret it. Although we don't seem suitable and I have thought about many endings, it's all worth it. I won't put any pressure on you in the future, and I don't expect you to marry me , as long as you don't hate me, I hope we can still be together, even if we don't have a title, I don't care..." Perhaps the intensity just now completely diluted Lin Ling's previous anxiety and entanglement, allowing her to say Say something so straightforward.

Chen Kangjie was very touched by Lin Ling's words. Although he had promised, it was really not easy for Chen Kangjie to have a happy ending with him. After all, he had to go through the family hurdle at his age. .

Chen Kangjie kissed Lin Ling on the forehead, and then said: "Thank you, if you have confidence in me, please give me time, I believe I can handle it well, I will not let you down, if you never leave, I will live and die."

If it is said that what Lin Ling's words brought to Chen Kangjie was moving, then what Chen Kangjie's words brought to Lin Ling was erosion and selflessness that went deep into the bone marrow.Lin Ling hugged Chen Kangjie tightly, fearing that he would suddenly disappear. From this moment on, Lin Ling and even her heart no longer belonged to others.

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