rebirth of change

Chapter 883 What Are Your Plans?

After being touched by each other, the two lingered on the bed again, and then Chen Kangjie, who was thirsty, wanted to get up to get water.

"You lie down, and I'll get it for you." Lin Ling really wanted to be a good little daughter-in-law who waited on her for a while.

But she was powerless, before her upper body got up, her lower body was already hurting, "Ouch", the fierce battle still made her a little uncomfortable.

"Slap", Chen Kangjie slapped her on the side buttocks, "You better stay still, I'll take care of this little thing by myself... By the way, what do you want to drink?"

"There is everything in the refrigerator, give me a bottle of water, thank you", Lin Ling said to Chen Kangjie who got up, the defense and counterattack just now, especially the shouting, also made Lin Ling's mouth dry.

"Hehe", Chen Kangjie just smiled, and then went to get water.

Seeing Chen Kangjie's naked body opened the bedroom door and walked out, Lin Ling felt a sense of happiness and at the same time had a sense of illusion. All this happened a bit beyond the initial expectation, but it actually happened.

It was the first time for the two to get along clearly, even though their bodies were full of fatigue, they still didn't fall into a deep sleep.

That night, they chatted a lot between Lin Ling and Chen Kangjie. It was the first time that she walked into Chen Kangjie's life and past in a real and profound way. Only then did Lin Ling realize that Chen Kangjie's knowledge was much more extensive than she expected. Chen Kangjie's life is much more exciting than she knows, Chen Kangjie's experience is much more complicated than she knows, Chen Kangjie's ideal is much greater than she guessed, and Chen Kangjie's magic is much more surprising than she can imagine. . . . . . .

Because of the deep sexual relationship between each other, the emotion and relationship between each other were pulled to zero distance. Therefore, Chen Kangjie told Lin Ling more things, some of which she asked, and some of which Chen Kangjie knew and took the initiative to say.This should be a sign that two people have reached a deep trust in each other. Under normal circumstances, whether a person trusts another depends on whether he is willing to tell each other many secrets and truths in his heart.

Of course, Chen Kangjie didn't say a word about the fact that he was reborn. Perhaps he would never mention this to anyone. It was a super secret that he needed to keep alone.

"You mean to say that you have taught yourself foreign languages ​​since the second grade of elementary school? No wonder you bought so many books the first time you went out to a big city with your elder sister. I can't even think about it. Playing with mud." All night, Lin Ling was in the midst of surprise and amazement, and although the surprise was one lang after another, Lin Ling's nerves were still not fatigued, and she was interested in every secret Chen Kangjie uttered. strong.

"Yes, I will build a private library by myself in the future. Reading is a habit I have always maintained. Reading not only brings us knowledge, but more importantly, it can shape our spirit, enrich our emotions and guide us. Our future direction," Chen Kangjie said, resting his head on his hands and looking at the ceiling.

"Then how many foreign languages ​​do you know now?".

"Well, English is the best of course. Besides, the use of French, Spanish, Latin, and Russian is not a problem. Recently, I am learning Japanese and Korean," Chen Kangjie elaborated one by one.

"You are really a linguist. You have a talent for learning languages. I admire you, but there are so many things that I admire and amaze you. Your music, your sports, your movies, your... . . . ".

"Skills in bed?" Chen Kangjie accepted Lin Ling's words with a smile, "Hehe, don't you admire this?".

"Bad guy, why are you so explicit?" Lin Lingjiao said angrily, but she couldn't see any dissatisfaction on her face, instead it showed endless sweetness, "By the way, you also learned this from books? Why do I feel like you are an old hand?"

Could Chen Kangjie not be a veteran?Before rebirth, I had countless actual combat experiences, and I watched so many Japanese art films. It can be said that I have rich theoretical and practical experience.

Japan, an island country, is famous for many things. In terms of culture, apart from cartoons, anime, tea ceremony, and karate, it probably belongs to its AV movies.The AV of the island country is very popular and best-selling throughout East and Southeast Asia, and almost every young man has appreciated it.

Due to the relationship between cultural traditions and cultural thinking, the East was once far behind the West in terms of sex education, but I have to explain that the island countries have really made outstanding contributions to the world, especially Asia in this regard.In China, after the reform and opening up, most of the young men and women learned about the skills between the sexes from the island country AV. Japan has developed this into an art, operating and developing it in an industrial way.Therefore, at this point, Chen Kangjie admires and encourages Japan. It is rare to be able to appreciate Japan's rich and colorful male and female culture and technology while despising it.

"Hehe, talent, some people are born weak, some people are born with supernatural powers, I am the latter", Chen Kangjie said boldly and put gold on his face.

"You're really a queen who sells melons. I didn't expect you to be thick-skinned. I used it to praise myself." Lin Ling slapped Chen Kangjie on the chest, "By the way, I see you and that Hongyuan investment Many of the subordinate companies have very good relations, and the friendship with President Ouyang is also very close. What kind of relationship is it between you? I always feel that it will not be as simple as what is said outside."

Lin Ling had worked in Master Kong's company before, and she also knew Ouyang Zhenhua. In addition, she had heard a lot about the past from Chen Kangjie, so it was easy to have targeted doubts.

"Would you believe me if I said he was working for me?" Chen Kangjie said jokingly.

Lin Ling was taken aback, he didn't expect Chen Kangjie to ask her back like this, "You mean he is working for you?" She raised her head and looked at Chen Kangjie in disbelief.

"Do you believe it?" Chen Kangjie asked with a faint smile.

Lin Ling didn't answer right away. She first paid attention to Chen Kangjie's expression, and then recalled and comprehensively analyzed some information she knew and experienced, especially she remembered the scene where Chen Kangjie had a meeting with them to discuss Master Kong's response to Uni-President.

On Chen Kangjie's face, Lin Ling found no trace of his lying, and all signs showed that what Chen Kangjie said was not impossible.

"I believe," Lin Ling finally nodded and said uncertainly.

Lin Ling was not sure that it was completely normal, after all, it was more unacceptable than other things he did.It is unacceptable that an adult, a boss who has mastered several large companies, started working for a minor many years ago.Lin Ling thought to herself, if it was true, wouldn't those big companies all belong to Chen Kangjie?In the simplest calculation, Lin Ling can also infer that Chen Kangjie has at least hundreds of billions of net worth, which is something that subverts a person's normal understanding.

"Why do you believe it? Don't you think this is completely impossible?" Chen Kangjie asked further.

"I don't know why I believe it. Speaking of which, it's really impossible for such a thing to happen. However, in your case, is there a small number of things that happen but are impossible? I think there are already So many unbelievable things have really happened, so there are more things that are not reasonable, but also reasonable." Even if Lin Ling had some analysis, the one who supported her nodding was really This reason.

"Hehe", Chen Kangjie scratched Lin Ling's nose with a smile, noncommittal to his analysis, "What are your future plans?".

From Lin Ling's point of view, Chen Kangjie's smile agreed with her own analysis, and her heart was beating non-stop. No wonder Chen Kangjie had so much business knowledge and methods. It turned out that those were his enterprises.

Lin Ling thought about it again, yes, Chen Kangjie can be seen in all the companies she came into contact with, even Chen Yufen's Xuemeng Cosmetics Company was established through Chen Kangjie's promotion, but why did he have such an attitude? What about good business sense?How did he earn those astronomical sums of money in such a short period of time?Lin Ling couldn't figure it out, she couldn't figure it out anyway, but she didn't plan to ask this question any further. As a smart woman, she had to know as much as she could.

"Which plan do you mean?" Lin Ling responded to Chen Kangjie's question.

"Of course it's about your job. Do you plan to follow my sister, or go to... another company, maybe you can take care of yourself", Chen Kangjie said a little implicitly, but the meaning has been expressed clearly, that is, since you have already If she is my woman, then I will give you the right to choose.

"I... I'd better continue to work with your second sister! Xuemeng Company is developing rapidly now, and she can't handle it alone. This year, she signed up for a business management course, and the business is basically managed by me. If If I leave, the company may be in chaos," Lin Ling said after thinking for a while.

Due to the management pressure brought about by work, Chen Yufen and the others, who are not well-educated, had to strengthen themselves through learning.Moreover, her career also delayed her marriage. In the original history, Chen Yufen had already married and had children.

In addition, Lin Ling actually has another consideration. It is not a bad thing to work with Chen Yufen and manage a good relationship. Moreover, she speculates that Chen Kangjie should agree with her decision.

"Well, I respect your choice." Sure enough, Chen Kangjie really didn't want his second sister's company to fall into chaos, "However, if you want to do something else in the future, tell me, I will support you, I have this ability", Chen Kangjie said confidently.

"Then what are your plans in the future?" Now it was Lin Ling's turn to ask Chen Kangjie.

"Me? In the future? What kind of plans are you asking about?" Chen Kangjie didn't know if Lin Ling's question was about plans related to feelings, so he wasn't sure how to answer.

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