rebirth of change

Chapter 884 Same problem

"This, apart from feelings,... Emotions, you may find it difficult to figure it out for a while..." Lin Ling thought for a while and said with a smile.

"Hehe", Chen Kangjie also shook his head with a smile. What Lin Ling said was true to a certain extent. It is really difficult for Chen Kangjie to plan to know about his future relationship at this time.

"My plan is a bit ambitious... In fact, I have only one purpose and one reason for doing so many things, which is this country and this nation." Chen Kangjie closed his eyes, then opened them, and said calmly, "Maybe you think it's a little ridiculous, but I also think it's absurd. This should be a question for the big guys above. I'm a child, and it's enough to think about my own happiness and happiness. I shouldn't think so much This is not something that should belong to my scope. But... Gu Yanwu's "Rizhilu. Zhengshi" said, "There is a subjugation of the country, and there is a subjugation of the world. Distinguish between the subjugation of the country and the subjugation of the world?" Said: "Yi Changing the surname to the name is called the subjugation of the country; benevolence and righteousness are full, and as a result, the beasts cannibalize the human beings, and the people will eat each other, which is called the subjugation of the world. ... That is why you know how to protect the world, and then you know how to protect your country.Those who protect the country, the ruler and his ministers seek it out; those who protect the world, the humbleness of the common man and the responsibility have nothing to do with it'".

Chen Kangjie has a good memory, and he can recite almost all the books he has read.

"What do you mean by such a large passage of ancient prose?" Although Lin Ling is good at studying, in today's country, at least 98 out of [-] college students can no longer master ancient prose, which is really normal.

"In layman's terms, we often say that 'every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the world'. I, my family, and my friends all live in this land and are members of this nation. I think I have Responsibility allows everyone to live well. As the saying goes, "If the skin does not survive, the hair will be safe." If the country and the nation are not good enough, then where can we go as individuals? Big rivers have water, but small rivers can't. Can do it, of course, the reverse is also the same, the small river flows long, and the big river never stops," Chen Kangjie said with emotion.

Even though Chen Kangjie was lying down at this moment, the trembling in Lin Ling's heart could make her feel that Chen Kangjie was standing on the top of a mountain, looking down at the earth.The mountain wind blew past him, and it could only lift the hem of his clothes, but could not push his body.

"I never thought that this is your ideal. Nowadays, it is difficult for anyone to take this as an ideal," Lin Ling said with emotion.

"A certain celebrity said that a society always needs some weird people, some unusual people, hehe, only in this way can this society be progressive and complete," Chen Kangjie said jokingly.

"Which celebrity? Why haven't I heard this sentence before?" Lin Ling looked curious.

"You're lying, you've heard it, haven't you just finished it?" Chen Kangjie said solemnly.

"Ah?... Oh, you are talking about a famous person like you? Hehe, you are dead, you dare to play me..." After Lin Ling got angry, she began to beat Chen Kangjie's chest.

"Hahaha, if you dare to hit me, see if I don't scratch you..." Chen Kangjie pulled the quilt, and the two began to romp inside the quilt.

That night, Chen Kangjie slept very comfortably. Not only did he exercise a lot on the bed, but his body was relaxed.Also because he has told a lot of his secrets, it is actually very tiring and depressing to keep some secrets alone. When more people share certain things and ideas with him, it can also make people feel better. Happy and relaxed, understanding confidantes are hard to find.

. . . . . .

After returning from the six, Chen Kangjie also found the classmates of No. [-] High School for a reunion. After receiving such surprises and congratulations, Chen Kangjie also made some explanations when sending them gifts.

After Chen Kangjie gave Chen Qigang advice, the cadres and staff of the Liushuipan City Propaganda Department had the most fulfilling work in the past few days. Their propaganda department usually had nothing to do, and many people spent more than half of their time drinking tea and reading newspapers And chat to pass the time.In the past three days, according to the spirit of the instructions of Secretary Chen of the Municipal Party Committee, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the Minister of Propaganda personally made arrangements. All the comrades in the department were divided into four teams.

In the past three days, these reporters have interviewed many communities, factories, mines, shopping malls, schools, parks, villages and various government departments. They really feel the great changes in this city. The roads have been changed and widened. The buildings have become taller, the parks and shopping malls have increased, the countryside has become richer, the school buildings have become stronger and more beautiful, the cities are getting bigger every day, and the efficiency and service attitude of government departments have improved, etc. The reporters really feel that this It is a very promising city.Whether it's interviewing at the grassroots level or targeting the city's government cadres, everyone praises the work of the city's leaders.

At first, they suspected that this was deliberately arranged by the government, but after they went to the street to conduct random interviews, they removed their doubts, because everyone said so, and everyone was very proud that they had a good secretary here. Mayor, you can do things, and you can do practical things.

Taking advantage of everyone's positive emotions, the propaganda department also arranged for reporters from CCTV and People's Daily to conduct exclusive interviews with Chen Qigang and Mayor Gong Huaigu respectively.

To be honest, this is the first time that Chen Qigang has been directly face-to-face with the big central media, and he has to answer their consistent questions.He was a little uncomfortable and reluctant at first, but thinking about what Chen Kangjie said about how to maintain a harmonious relationship with the media and its value, Chen Qigang still agreed and accepted an exclusive interview with a well-known CCTV program in his office.I have to say that there is a lot of credit for Chen Kangjie. The deputy director of the Propaganda Department and the director of CCTV have a good relationship with Chen Kangjie. Otherwise, if a leader of a prefecture-level city wants to enter such a national screen, that is It's really rare, even if there are some interviews, it's only one or two minutes at most, but this time, a full 2 minutes of interview time was given.

Gong Huaigu himself was excited and grateful. People's Daily, as the organ of our party, was able to interview him exclusively and planned to publish a full page. This is a very flattering thing.Gong Huaigu knew that this was an opportunity.The main leading cadres in the country will read this newspaper, and they will grasp the spirit and policy direction of the central government from this newspaper. Of course, the big bosses of the central government will also read it. That is to say, he can enter the eyes of more and bigger leaders. This is an excellent opportunity that will be extremely helpful for him to enter a higher-level job position in the future.

Regardless of whether it was Chen Qigang or Gong Huaigu, the first question the reporters asked was similar, starting with Chen Kangjie and asking them to comment on Chen Kangjie's significance to the city.The reporters in charge of the interview did not know that Chen Kangjie was the child of the interviewee, they were at ease, but Chen Qigang and Gong Huaigu were uncomfortable.However, it is also because of this relationship that the two comments on Chen Kangjie are different.

When arranging this interview, the above actually hinted that the reporters should not bother about Chen Kangjie's affairs, and should dig out more news from the perspective of work, career and the public, but the reporters still couldn't stop their curiosity about Chen Kangjie. Moreover, they feel that this is also a very good way of entry. There must be someone or something to attract the attention of the audience and readers, otherwise, if no one cares about the news, it will lose its value.

"If you want to comment on his significance to our city, I... To be honest, I really can't say it." At the beginning, Chen Qigang was a little stuck in the evaluation of his son. For him, this is A very strange thing, asking a father what his son means to the city he manages is indeed a rather embarrassing thing for Chen Qigang. Come on, the insider will say that he is Wang Po Sell ​​melons, sell yourself and boast.It's hard to say, people will also say that I am falsely modest and arrogant. The key is that people who don't know will scold themselves and feel that they are blind, and the audience will naturally push themselves to the opposite of Chen Kangjie. "In short, he is a good boy and very well-behaved. I am very proud. His achievements are all due to hard work and hard work. I... I admire him very much."

Chen Qigang's evaluation of Chen Kangjie was special. He didn't say anything exaggerated, and he didn't say anything bad. Anyway, for the audience in front of the TV, they always felt that the secretary of the municipal party committee's evaluation of Chen Kangjie was a little unreasonable. Others will definitely not finish it in such a simple few words, but will definitely raise him to a theoretical and symbolic level, especially for a region.

For example, Gong Huaigu’s evaluation is not like that. He was satisfied with the words of praise as soon as he opened his mouth, "Chen Kangjie is the pride of our city, our province, our country and even the whole of Asia. He has defended our honor and spiritual value. For our city , he is simply a brilliant business card for us, and plays an irreplaceable and excellent role in enhancing the popularity and reputation of our city. We have not had any well-known people here before, but we are not famous, and we are a blockbuster. Chen Kangjie is currently Not only women and children are well-known in China, but as far as I know, he is famous all over the world. We feel that he can completely become our image spokesperson, a model for young people, and a role model for everyone to learn from. He is such a person, In fact, he has a lot of cultural value and economic value. On our journey to realize the vision of 2000, he can not only provide spiritual motivation, but also play a role in promoting economic development. In the past two days, you may have also come into contact with us Many citizens should understand their feelings. In fact, my mood is the same as theirs. We are all equally excited. I agree with your media calling him a hero, a sports hero. I think he is really Our national hero . . . . ".

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