rebirth of change

Chapter 887 The Australian relationship has been established

The development of the high-tech city is indeed changing with each passing day, and different changes are taking place every day. Every year, new communities are built, and new streetscapes are added every year. Various styles of buildings have sprung up like mushrooms after rain. Look, it is colorful, clean and beautiful, all thanks to the high greening rate and high environmental protection determined at the beginning of the design.

"Jie Shao, the lakeside villas over there have been built, let's go over and have a look," Ouyang Zhenhua said on the plane, pointing in the direction of Minghu.

"Okay, Brother Qiang, remember what I told you? You can also buy a villa for your aunt, which is suitable for health preservation!" Chen Kangjie nodded, then turned to Xiong Ziqiang and said.

"Yeah, self-improvement, they are all internal prices, super cheap, as long as the cost is not an insider of the company, there is no such opportunity. Those villas are not for sale. In the future, if you buy a house indoors, you will need a lakeside house." The price of the villa," Ouyang Zhenhua also said.

At present, New World Real Estate has built many communities in the high-tech city, and now it is mainly supplied to internal personnel, and the price is extremely low.However, the construction of real estate for sale has already begun, and the price is expected to be more than twice as expensive as it is now.Now internal employees are buying, and high-end residential areas are only nearly 1000 yuan per square meter. In the next stage, ordinary houses sold outside will exceed 00. Ouyang Zhenhua and the others will use this method to invest in roads, schools, parks, greening, etc. part of it is earned back.

Of course, according to Chen Kangjie's opinion, the housing price in the high-tech city will be controlled within 3000 yuan.He resolutely opposes the exploitation of ordinary people by means of high housing prices, but this is another problem.If the housing prices here are not high, the urban environment is good, there are many high-tech enterprises, and there are many development opportunities, this will make many people run to buy houses here, then the supply and demand relationship will be balanced, and the market will be disrupted.

In response to this situation, after many consultations with the High-tech City, a method was introduced, that is, more than 70.00% of them will be targeted at high-tech R&D talents. The city will allow the landing and transfer of household registration, and will also give quotas for house purchases.Then there are investors, as long as they invest in high-tech enterprises here, they will also receive such preferential treatment.In addition, no matter how high the price is, other people can hardly buy a house here, they can only choose to rent, and the rent is not low.

In a word, Chen Kangjie wants to turn this place into a gathering place for high-tech enterprises and a place for high-tech talents to start businesses.In the high-tech city, except for the necessary service industry, only high-tech projects are introduced.Other low-tech or serious pollution projects will be rejected.Previously, a large state-owned petrochemical company planned to invest another 150 billion yuan, but was completely rejected because their industry did not meet the requirements.

In fact, for such a large investment, the province and the city really wanted it. Later, the project investment plan fell into Chen Kangjie's hands, and he tore it up.Since the rules of the game have been set in advance, there is no need to make compromises and adjustments above.

This is actually the difference between what the government does and what the enterprise does. The government is prone to change its policies for some reason. It is flexible at best, and unprincipled at worst.It stands to reason that it should be reversed. Enterprises are prone to change for the sake of profit, and the government should stick to the policy bottom line and the rules of the game, but in our country, it is so strange.

I heard that Chen Kangjie tore up the investment plan without saying a word. The province and the city also knew about Chen Kangjie's attitude, and they never said hello because of similar things. They knew that it was useless to say hello.

"Then I'll go and see. The money that Young Master Jie rewarded is still in the bank, and I can indeed buy something for myself," Xiong Ziqiang said shyly.

"And you guys, if you want to buy it, you have to hurry up, there are not many of them," Ouyang Zhenhua reminded the others.

"We don't need that. We can get a house at most. What kind of villa is it? If you are not used to living in it, even if you want to live in it, the captain will fix it. Let's live in it. Anyway, the villa is too big, and my aunt and the others can't live in such a big one." Land", Pang Hui was not polite at all, and he was not ashamed of what he said.

It’s not that Pang Hui and the others can’t afford it. No one who follows Chen Kangjie has a low income. Take Pang Hui and Dong Mingshu for example, they are both worth millions, but the lakeside villa only needs hundreds of thousands. They can totally afford it.It mainly depends on whether they like it or not, whether they are used to it or not.

"I don't care about these. Anyway, if I make a nest myself, I will have to marry a wife in the future. I can't let you follow me, and you won't even be able to find a wife in the end!" Chen Kangjie teased.

"I think this kind of life is very good. I follow Jie Shao all day, eat and drink, and don't worry about money. Besides, I don't think about those long-term things now. We are all running around to find a wife. I can’t keep it, it’s just a decoration, I’m not sure, I don’t know who got it for me, let’s talk about it when I retire!”, Pang Hui said in a carefree manner, which fits perfectly with his character.

"Isn't this what made me hurt you? This is wrong. You are all old and young. If you meet the right one, go after them. If you need my help, just say so. If you really get married, I will not only give you a big gift, And try to reunite you as much as possible," Chen Kangjie said reasonably.

Chen Kangjie has never been a selfish person, he will try his best to take care of ordinary people, let alone the people around him, he cannot be so selfish as to harm the happiness of others for his own benefit.

Chen Kangjie wants to do good deeds, but his brothers who get along day and night may not appreciate it, "Jie Shao, don't worry about us, can't we solve our affairs by ourselves?", Xiong Ziqiang patted Chen Kangjie, grateful Said.

It is really beautiful to appreciate Minghu Lake from the plane, and it is worthy of being a bright pearl on the plateau.The small boats of tourists on the clear and green lake are rippling against the breeze, and the mountains by the lake are either undulating or steep, all green and lush.By the lake, first there is a wind and rain promenade hidden among flowers and plants, which is nearly ten kilometers long. The main color is orange, which looks eye-catching and beautiful. Then there are those patchwork villas on the periphery, there are dozens of them. .

In order to protect the natural landscape and water quality of Minghu Lake, residential buildings are only allowed to be built on the east side, and no development is allowed in other places, so as to maintain its original ecological appearance. However, two trails have been built for tourists to visit on foot.

It turned out that there were some fishermen by the lake, they relied on fishing or fish farming for a living, but now they have changed their careers in order to protect the ecology of Minghu Lake.Excessive fishing has made it difficult to find wild fish in Minghu Lake, and excessive fish farming will damage the water quality. Therefore, according to the arrangement of the High-tech City Management Committee, these people have started tourism, or opened restaurants, or worked as locals. The boatman, and some sold small souvenirs.With the improvement of Minghu's environment, more and more people come to play, and their income is not worse than before.

After a tour in the air, Chen Kangjie and the others returned to the office of the New World Center.

"Mr. Jie, I've almost finished the things here. I'll go back tomorrow. Next, I'm going to Australia. Do you want to go too?" Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhen are the only ones in Chen Kangjie's office Hua is talking about things.

"Is the relationship established over there?" When talking about business, Chen Kangjie is more serious, and those jokes will be left behind by him.

"Yes, I was invited by the governor of Western Australia this time. At the same time, I will also meet with the Australian Minister of Commerce. The main purpose of this trip is to discuss investment in Western Australia," Ouyang Zhenhua said concisely.

"Since this is the case, then I will take a trip with you. I am interested in visiting Australia. Moreover, it is most beneficial to discuss investment with Australia, especially mineral resources investment. Remember the Christmas Island I told you Is it? If you have the opportunity, you must buy it.” Chen Kangjie has always maintained a strong interest in Australia, but he has never had the opportunity to go there.

The most attractive thing about Australia to Chen Kangjie is not its natural scenery and good living environment, but its rich mineral resources and the Christmas Island.

"Australia is rich in mineral resources, and there are large reserves of iron ore and gold mines. I sent three groups of experts to investigate before, and the answer I got was that it is not the best time to invest, but I trust your judgment. As for you I haven’t mentioned the Christmas Island I mentioned. If I go this time, I can mention it in person. It is said that there are people living there, and I don’t know if they will sell it.” Ouyang Zhenhua sat opposite Chen Kangjie, Said with crossed legs.

Chen Kangjie understood why those experts came to such conclusions, and the reasons were nothing more than two places.The first is the depreciation of the Australian dollar. If you invest in the industry, it means that the assets will shrink. The second is that the current mineral resources or iron ore prices are very low, only less than [-] US dollars per metric ton.When investing at this price, the efficiency of benefiting is relatively low.

However, Chen Kangjie had no choice. Perhaps it was the best choice at this time, and only at this time, the Australian government would welcome them.If they wait until everything is good news, they will lose the leverage to negotiate. Moreover, Little Japan has already invested in Australia, and its strategy is quite clever.

"I know the reason they said, but we can't wait, we have to go now, and we have to come up with a cake that is tempting enough. As for your saying that there are people living on Christmas Island, this is true, but the problem shouldn't be too big. Big, there are only 500 people above, most of them are Chinese, as long as they are given enough benefits and protection, there should be no objection, how can we say that we are of the same species,” Chen Kangjie said flatly.

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