rebirth of change

Chapter 888 What is the reason

"Cakes that are attractive enough should be fine. They may have invited me because of this. I promised the governor of Western Australia before that we plan to invest no less than 50 billion US dollars in the local area, and we are not a state-owned enterprise. , there is no investment barrier problem. When can you leave?".

"How about this, you give me two days, I promised to have a press conference, and we can leave after that press conference," Chen Kangjie thought while pinching his fingers.

"That's fine, I'll wait for you in Hong Kong first, and arrange people to do the preliminary work," Ouyang Zhenhua nodded and replied.

. . . . . .

Early the next morning, Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua left Zhucheng, one returned to Hong Kong to prepare to go to Australia, and the other returned to Liushuipan to fulfill their promises.

In the past few days, the reporters have been led around by comrades from the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee. Although some of them are sports reporters or entertainment reporters, quite a few of them are general reporters.To be honest, they had little interest in the interview arranged by the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, but there was nothing they could do. Chen Kangjie asked them to wait for three days, and they could only wait.Since I have nothing to do, I can only interview some local news and developments, and send some press releases back to the headquarters. As for whether it is published or broadcast, that is the matter above. Anyway, it proves that I am not sleeping here. .

Some of the press releases and materials sent back to the headquarters by these reporters were indeed not published and broadcast, but many were still released, which objectively played a very good role in publicizing the local popularity.

Chen Kangjie's press conference was arranged in the No. 100 conference hall of Mengting Hotel. This conference hall can accommodate more than [-] people, and it is just right for holding a press conference.

The press conference started at ten o'clock, but the reporters arrived early at nine o'clock. Many of them lived in Mengting Hotel, which was very convenient.

Chen Kangjie only entered the hotel at 9:55, one minute before the start of the press conference, and he entered the No. 1 conference hall, and the timing was just right.Well, of course you have to look like a big name.

Today Chen Kangjie did not meet with these reporters alone, he also brought his three coaches.Chen Kangjie didn't want to enjoy this opportunity to be famous by himself, besides, he was already very famous himself.

"Thank you, thank you all journalists for coming. You have worked hard and you have been waiting for a long time. Today we are honored to invite the Olympic champion and world-renowned writer Mr. Chen Kangjie and his coach to meet with you. It is really rare. Please welcome." After Chen Kangjie sat down, Minister Xue from the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee acted as the moderator of the meeting.

After a burst of applause, Chen Kangjie made some opening remarks before answering the question: "Because I just came back from a foreign game and I am quite tired, and because there are many things to deal with, such as the summary of the game, etc., I have not spared time to face everyone. , I’m really sorry. Today, I feel very honored to be able to communicate with you here. In fact, you may not know much about our place from afar. You have this opportunity to walk around and have a look. It's also very good. As the saying goes, one side supports the other side. Understanding this place is very helpful for the people who understand it. And I want to explain that these three are coaches and teachers that I respect very much. They have contributed a lot. Therefore, you are welcome to ask them questions and pay more attention to them. After all, I am a student. Next, I would like to answer your questions about some of my own affairs. However, I hope that the reporters and friends Don't ask questions about sex, or I won't answer."

That's what Chen Kangjie said in his last words, but the reporters don't care about the teachers and students, they only know who is famous and they interview and pay attention to whom, so most of the questions raised by the reporters are still aimed at him.

"Okay, now the press conference is officially started. Please raise your hands to ask questions." Minister Xue is about to start talking. Speaking of it, this is the first time that Minister Xue has been the host of a press conference so formally. They usually lack such skills. Opportunity to entertain so many journalists.

Before the press conference was held, Minister Xue and Chen Kangjie had communicated, and this communication made Minister Xue's point targeted.There are no more than two criteria. First, the media where the reporter works has released relevant local news in the past three days. Second, it is to concentrate on the big media as much as possible, which is conducive to obtaining good publicity effects.

After three days of being inseparable, the publicity department of the municipal party committee is already quite familiar with these reporters, and Minister Xue himself can recognize almost half of them. It is not difficult for reporters who can ask questions.

Chen Kangjie's idea is very simple, since you are not willing to pay attention to this place, then I don't need to give you a chance to pay attention to me.Moreover, he feels that such a reporter is no longer dedicated, and if you are not dedicated, then where are you going to stay?

As soon as Minister Xue's voice fell, a crowd of palms were raised in the crowd below the venue, and many people shouted "I ask questions, I ask questions".

"Please ask the second row to wear women's clothes. Yes, this is the female reporter friend in red." Director Xue directed the staff to hand the microphone to the young and beautiful female reporter. Chen Kangjie knew this person. Atlanta also interviewed him.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen, hello, I am Dong Yuerong, a reporter from CCTV. I interviewed you in Atlanta and left a deep impression on me. Today, I am very happy to see you here again. It is also possible to be the first to meet with you. You have a conversation." Dong Yuerong seemed really happy, and her tone of voice was a little excited. "My question is, people in China are paying attention to you now. After you return to China, do you feel that the surrounding environment has changed? Secondly, how did you manage to be both civil and military? And you still have such outstanding achievements."

Dong Yuerong actually asked two questions, but fortunately, these questions were within the scope of Chen Kangjie's ability to answer them.

"Thank you, Ms. Dong. I didn't expect you to come to our place. I am also very happy to meet you again." He was polite, and Chen Kangjie couldn't help being polite. Do you think the surrounding environment has changed? To be honest, the changes have been great, whether it is material or human. I remember that before I went out, the viaduct on Park Road was still under construction. Now you see, such a short period of time, unexpectedly It's finished, it will be open to traffic soon, hehe", Chen Kangjie started the advertisement in a joking tone.

"However, the biggest change is people. Before here, no one knew me, so it was very casual to go out and go out on the street. Now it is no longer possible. If I don't do shelter work, I can't hold back the enthusiasm of the citizens for me, which will make me I can't move an inch. I hope everyone will treat me with a normal heart, I just did what I should do, otherwise, if I am too enthusiastic, it will affect me." Chen Kangjie paused, and then answered Dong Yuerong's second question "As for you asking me how to achieve both civil and martial arts, I think it is because I made the choice of time, haha, if the three coaches asked me to do such hard training a few years ago, I am afraid it would not work, I am well developed It’s not enough, the body can’t bear it. Since the body is not good enough, so I have to develop my brain first and write short stories.”

Regarding the answer to the second question, Chen Kangjie played tricks, but this is the skill of dealing with the media. It must appear to have answered their questions, but cannot tell the truth, and cannot make the other party feel disgusted.

Dong Yuerong accepted Chen Kangjie's answer with a smile, she really did not dislike Chen Kangjie's joke.

"Next, please continue to raise your hand to ask questions," Minister Xue continued.In fact, Chen Kangjie didn't even need to speak, and he had already started to raise his hands after he finished his answer.

This time, Minister Xue clicked on a male reporter from Hong Kong.

"Hi, everyone, I'm a reporter from Hong Kong's "Xin Bao". What I want to ask is, what made Mr. Chen Kangjie achieve such an important success? No matter in the literary or sports world, your achievements are outstanding. It is groundbreaking and breakthrough, what is the reason for all this?", this question is very skillful and in-depth, although it is similar to Dong Yuerong's, it is not easy to answer.

"Are you asking me a question?" Chen Kangjie added because the other party didn't specify who would answer.

"Yes, yes," the Hong Kong reporter stood up and nodded repeatedly.

In fact, Chen Kangjie wanted to procrastinate for a little more time so that he could think more. This press conference held in China, due to the large number of domestic reporters and most of the foreign reporters who can speak Chinese, did not adopt the method of translation.

"You asked this question a bit so that I don't know how to answer it, haha... To be honest, I am a little surprised at my own small achievements. If someone told me many years ago that I could do this , then I wouldn’t believe it to death. However, it seems that everything is possible with regard to people. If I really have to say the reasons and reasons, then I think it stems from the quality that we Chinese have always followed, diligence In this world, there will be no legends about the pie in the sky. All success cannot be based on opportunism. The study of cultures, cultures from all over the world. In normal life, I seldom play games. When I was in elementary school and junior high school, reading books almost accompanied me through most of the time. I have to add that I have a pretty good memory , Ha ha. What’s more, I have maintained the habit of physical exercise for more than ten years, almost regardless of the weather. These exercises have given me a strong body, coupled with the strict requirements and meditation training of the three coaches, this ability I have made this little achievement... I think my coaches can add something to this question." Chen Kangjie's answer was mostly true, and a small part was false, and finally gave Niu Qihua and the others a chance to speak.

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