"Ahem", in order to hide his nervousness, Niu Qihua coughed twice, and after glancing at Chen Kangjie, he spoke into the microphone in front of him. "Actually, it is not easy for Chen Kangjie to achieve a little result. People who have not undergone that kind of training will not understand. It is very bitter and tiring. It lasts for several hours every day, and the sweat can flow down two bowls, and it is also very boring. No matter Whether it is Fengshui sunbathing or rainy weather, only a few of our staff will accompany him. His skin was relatively fair before, but now you can see that his complexion has almost turned into copper."

Although Niu Qihua's supplement is suspected of boasting about Chen Kangjie, what he said is also true. Especially in the half a year before the Olympics, Chen Kangjie was really miserable.

"Besides, he still trains in three events in rotation, with very little rest time," Lin Zhidong added in a timely manner.

The answer to this question is considered finished. Minister Xue directed the next question to continue. This time he clicked on a reporter from the "China Youth Daily". And it was very positive, leaving a very good impression on Minister Xue.

"Chen Kangjie, hello, I am very glad that I can ask you a question. As far as I know, you have not trained in the national team before, but you have adopted a private training method. We all know that it is not easy to train an Olympic champion Yes, it will cost a lot of manpower, material and financial resources, how do you support all of this, is it with your previous manuscript fee?" The question from the Youth Daily reporter is also quite in-depth.As the central media, it is not difficult to dig out such information points, just ask a few members or coaches of the national track and field team.

"This is a very good question. It can be seen that you have indeed made relevant work preparations. Hehe, thank you. Due to some reasons, I can't go to the national team to participate in the training camp, but I didn't use my own money. Our training funds are all from corporate sponsorship. As you have seen in this Olympic Games, Master Kong is the main sponsor of our national track and field team. They are actually my sponsors. Besides, there are other sponsors in the province. The company also intends to sponsor me. I am very grateful for the good deeds of these companies. I don’t think it is necessary to follow the national system in the stadium. If conditions permit, I don’t think it is a bad thing to develop individual sports. ", Chen Kangjie responded positively.

After Chen Kangjie finished answering, before Minister Xue could speak, the reporter from Youth Daily added eagerly, "Then will you shoot commercials for them?".

"Hehe", Chen Kangjie smiled, "If they need it and have a chance, we can't rule out this possibility."

This time Master Kong sponsored the national track and field team, which cost a lot of money. Two people from the national track and field team won gold medals, Chen Kangjie and Wang Junxia, ​​and she won the 5000m champion.

Generally speaking, this kind of sponsorship by enterprises is also a commercial act, and they also hope to get rewards through sponsorship, and the best way to get rewards is through advertising.Now Liu Kai of Master Kong's company has not talked about this matter. It may be because of Chen Kangjie that he did not mention it.

Chen Kangjie's answer in this way was tantamount to telling Liu Kai that if they needed an advertisement, he didn't mind doing it.

Minister Quan Xue gave the fourth question to the South China Morning Post in Singapore. <, I like these two characters very much. The question I want to ask is, do you know Long, he is also Chinese, as young as you, I think you are somewhat similar, how do you evaluate him? ".

This question is self-defeating, what does it mean to be somewhat similar, it is originally a person.Asking one self's opinion of another self is a tricky question, and it is enough to embarrass Chen Kangjie.

"You can call me whatever you want, I don't mind, but I can't answer the question you asked." Chen Kangjie really couldn't answer it. When he heard this question, his expression was a little ugly, and the three coaches also said the same thing. look at him.

At this time, everyone was paying attention to Chen Kangjie, or else they would be able to find some clues from Niu Qihua's weird faces.

"You can't answer, is it because you are worried about causing criticism?" the reporter added.

"That's right. Please ask the questions with focus, otherwise I really won't be able to answer," Chen Kangjie emphasized again.

Minister Xue didn't know much about Chen Kangjie. When he heard that question, he thought that Chen Kangjie would give Long a big compliment, because someone else would undoubtedly say a lot of praise. , I never thought that Chen Kangjie's light words would be rejected.

Why didn't Chen Kangjie answer? He didn't know, and he had nothing to do. He could only skip this question and let the reporters below ask questions.

"Hi Chen Kangjie, I'm a reporter from Qianzhou TV Station. The question I want to ask is, it is said that you are about to enter the third year of high school, and you will soon face the college entrance examination. Under such circumstances, will you continue to train? Will you Attending the [-]th World Athletics Championships to be held in Athens, Greece next year? Also, what is your ideal university?" The female reporter from the provincial station asked three questions that were easy to answer.

"Thank you for your concern. After this Olympic Games, I plan to rest my body for a period of time, so that kind of high-intensity training will not be carried out for a period of time. Moreover, I want to emphasize here that the relevant large-scale international sports Competition, in principle, I only participate in the Olympic Games, because I can not be regarded as a very professional athlete, I want to maintain a variety of hobbies. For this reason, the [-]th World Cup will be held in Athens, Greece from August [-]st to August [-]th next year I will not participate in the track and field championship. As for your concern about my studies and asking me about my ideal university, this is really not easy to answer, because there are many good universities in the world, such as Harvard and Princeton in the United States, Cambridge and Oxford in the United Kingdom, Domestic Capital University, Shuimu University, and Hong Kong University are all good universities in my opinion. Maybe you are more concerned about which university I will go to study in the college entrance examination. This question is a bit early, and there is still nearly a year to go.”, Encounter For questions that are easy to answer, Chen Kangjie is willing to say more.

"Next question, please ask the lady in the white coat on the right, yes, that is the western lady in the fourth row." Minister Xue presided over the press conference and continued. <Susan, a correspondent stationed in China, you can tell from his address that his question will definitely not be about sports. I have read all of his works.If some novels are based on imagination, then it may not be possible to write current affairs works. Your "Spring Story" contains a lot of interpretations of contemporary Chinese politics, as well as unique insights into policy trends and economic prospects. Analysis, I would like to know how you write about these topics that are usually only concerned by political scientists or economic research institutes?Moreover, to be honest, after I read it carefully twice, I agree with the conclusive things you wrote. It has been verified for at least four years, and it is relatively correct. Moreover, your description of the Southern Tour in 92 is compared to the market. In terms of the materials that flow out, it is more detailed. I want to know why? ", when it comes to tricky questions, this CNN's Susan is not much less than others.

After hearing this question, Chen Kangjie didn't speak for a while, and seemed to be in a daze.In fact, Chen Kangjie's expression was a little numb, but his mind was spinning, hoping to find a suitable solution to deal with it.

"This reporter seems to care about me very much, and I am very grateful." After thinking for a while, Chen Kangjie replied, "I think that attention to national politics, policies and economy should not only be paid by political scholars or economics. The rights of scholars. As a citizen of China, I feel that I have every right to express my opinions on issues I care about, whether it is politics or economics. In the past, you always said that our country lacks freedom of speech. Now you The question raised seems to prove that we do not lack these things. My book "The Story of Spring" is still available in major bookstores in China today. It seems that it is still on sale in the United States and Europe without any restrictions. , this in itself can already explain some problems. I am not good at commenting on some of the conclusive conclusions in my book, so I leave it to you, or to others. I think that is fairer, and, I Here I don’t want to express and explain in detail what I wrote in the past, it’s meaningless.” Chen Kangjie replied that it’s over here, and when the other party asked him why he could describe the details of the southern tour in detail, Chen Kangjie directly skipped this question.

For the American reporter's question, Chen Kangjie took the approach of avoiding the important and taking the light of the light. Some questions, he couldn't be serious. The more serious he was, the more he would fall into the quagmire and couldn't get out.

The American female reporter seemed a little reconciled and wanted to continue asking, but Minister Xue had already signaled the staff to take away his microphone. She stood up without using the microphone and asked, "How can you describe those details in detail? Are you Didn't you participate?", but Chen Kangjie Jiazhuang didn't hear it.

"Hello, I'm a reporter from Oriental Morning Post. I want to ask the three coaches, do you feel pressured to coach Chen Kangjie?" Finally, a question came up that was not aimed at Chen Kangjie.

At this time, Chen Kangjie could be a good spectator. He glanced at his head easily and stared at Niu Qihua and the others to see how they would evaluate their relationship with him.

Niu Qihua looked back at Chen Kangjie, and instructed Tang Wei to speak first, but Tang Wei refused to accept it, and stretched out his left hand together with Lin Zhidong, asking Niu Qihua to speak first.

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