rebirth of change

Chapter 890 is Yangmou

"Ahem, let me tell you something." Niu Qihua coughed and said into the microphone cautiously, "To be honest, at the beginning, I was just looking forward to it, and there was no pressure, because when I was in junior high school, I found out that he was a good boy. Miaozi, I think he has a good talent in sports, especially in track and field. On the track and field, his specialty is only sprint, long jump and middle-distance running, and there are many, high jump is also good, he has a lot of space and potential, maybe In the future, he can try to make a breakthrough. Later, there will be pressure gradually. This pressure is not only from Chen Kangjie's identity, but also because if he is such a good seed, if he does not achieve results, we will feel that it is a waste of money and we will feel sorry. He is also sorry for ourselves."

Niu Qihua briefly described his relationship with Chen Kangjie before expressing their inner thoughts.

"Because of time constraints, the following is the last question, please seize this last opportunity for journalists who are still interested." Minister Xue began to issue an "ultimatum".

Chen Kangjie didn't want to be asked endlessly by them here, so before, he discussed with Minister Xue that he should control the number of questions and always keep some secrets, which is the greatest potential to attract people. , so attractive selling points are actually gradually decreasing, and Chen Kangjie is well aware of this truth.

In fact, no matter those who have asked questions or those who have not asked questions, they are still interested in asking Chen Kangjie. Therefore, after Minister Xue's voice fell, all the reporters raised their hands again.

In the end, Minister Xue clicked on a male reporter wearing glasses from South Korea's "Central Daily".In order to expand the "international" influence of this press conference, Minister Xue gave foreign journalists many opportunities.The relationship between China and South Korea has developed well in recent years and has become closer and closer.

In the domestic officialdom, there are generally two styles of thinking in foreign exchanges, one is to flatter foreigners, and the other is to fear foreigners.In terms of attracting investment, it is generally in a style of fawning on foreign investors. Under the same conditions, officials will generally give projects to foreign investors and reject domestic investors. I don’t know where they come from. Maybe they think that foreign investors are more standardized. Chen Kangjie guessed that most Most of the factor stories still feel that they have face. After all, foreign monks can chant scriptures, and they look better when they report the numbers.

In terms of public relations, there are xenophobia and xenophobia. Many officials are afraid of foreign journalists because they are not under the control of the domestic propaganda department, and they ask many direct questions, fearing that others will write indiscriminately.There are also some who like foreign journalists and feel that this is an opportunity to expand their "international" influence as well as the region, and to use this opportunity to brag about themselves.

"Mr. Chen Kangjie, there is a strange phenomenon in this Olympic Games. You yourself did not qualify for the Olympic Games, but you have the qualifications for three events. What is the reason for this? Is it unfair for athletes?" The South Korean reporter surnamed Park directly asked Chen Kangjie's right to compete, which was a very sharp old question.

However, Chen Kangjie also has his own method, which is to push this question out, "Sir, I think it is more appropriate for you to ask the Olympic Organizing Committee about this question, because it is related to myself, and I am inconvenient to answer it. As for other athletes Fairness, I can say a few words about it. In fact, I don’t know if it’s really unfair, because I still doubt whether there is absolute fairness in the world, and the Olympic Committee has relevant regulations. The organizing committee There are also corresponding procedures, and I think they all follow the rules." Chen Kangjie said that it was inconvenient to answer, but actually made a certain response from the side at this time.

As for this problem, it is almost no longer a problem, because the Atlanta Olympics is over, and it won’t be long before people will forget about it. At most, it will be mentioned when Chen Kangjie is mentioned in the future Olympic history. .

After the press conference was over, although the reporters were still enthusiastic and enthusiastic, many people even gathered around to prevent Chen Kangjie from leaving, and asked a lot of questions, but Chen Kangjie refused to answer them all. Under protection, he left the scene.

The next day, news about Chen Kangjie's press conference appeared in major TV media and newspapers. There were various comments. Generally speaking, most of them were positive. Only a few media were skeptical for grandstanding.He doesn't care what other people think about him, he just needs to know that most people see him positively.

Originally, Chen Kangjie would go to Australia after holding the press conference, but he had to postpone it for two days because the central government would hold a commendation meeting in the capital to commend individuals and teams that performed well in the Olympic Games. The most dazzling star is naturally indispensable, and the No. [-] chief will be present, and he must go by name at the end.

Chief No. [-] has spoken, so Chen Kangjie has to give this face, and if he has no time, he has to take time to go.

The commendation ceremony was held in the Great Hall of the People. In addition to athletes and coaches, more than 2000 people from all walks of life in the capital attended the ceremony. All the central government giants were also present. , the atmosphere can not be said to be warm.

At this commendation meeting, Chen Kangjie was awarded the honorary title of "Sports Hero". The lofty quality of glory immediately put Chen Kangjie very high.And Niu Qihua, Tang Wei, and Lin Zhidong also brought big red flowers to the rostrum. In addition to receiving the honorary certificate of "Excellent Coaches", they were also officially promoted to national coaches, and each received 5 yuan. $ cash rewards.

"Chief, it's fine for the media to talk about it, why are you doing this? Isn't this putting me on the fire!", Chen Kangjie said in a low voice when receiving the certificate from the No. [-] chief.

Chen Kangjie knew that the title of "Sports Hero" was not only an honor, but also a trouble.With such a high title, you have to set an example and be strict with yourself, and you can only get more medals in the future, otherwise you will smash your own brand.This was posted from above, and Chen Kangjie couldn't refuse it, but he felt a little weird in his heart.

"How could you be roasted on the fire? This is to carry forward your deeds and style, and inspire more young people. Today's young people lack such a spirit. You have to be a good example. Ah!", Chief No. [-] said with a smile, patting Chen Kangjie on the shoulder.

"Is it really like this? Why do I always feel that there is some kind of conspiracy in it?" Chen Kangjie said, frowning.

"Hehe, young man, you think too much. Even if there is, it's a conspiracy. We never use conspiracy against our own people. Don't have so many conspiracy theories. It's not good for young people." The head of the number didn't think it was disobedient, and still kept a slight smile.

Not only the No. [-] Chief, but the No. [-] Chief and the No. [-] Chief who stood beside him also looked at Chen Kangjie with a smile after listening to their conversation.

This is indeed a conspiracy adopted by the above, because Chen Kangjie's reputation is getting bigger and bigger, and more importantly, his inner strength is so strong that they are all a little bit stunned, so he intends to tie Chen Kangjie with a series of honors. live.Fame is invisible and intangible most of the time, but it is like an invisible rope that can firmly bind a person within a certain range. If you want to gain a good reputation, you must do something suitable, otherwise you will be cut off from the world and from the people.

In the Chinese cultural tradition, there is a custom of regarding fame as more important than life, and this habit of thinking is deeply imprinted, especially for literati.Although the morality of the world is gradually declining, for a true cultural person, such a tradition is still stubborn, and people call him a "strength of character".

Although Chen Kangjie is not a literati in the true sense, he is at least a cultural person with profound knowledge, written books, and active thinking.Therefore, when the central government feels that there is no way to reward Chen Kangjie materially, this is the only way to use it.In the history of mankind, if the top leaders want to tie a person, they must either use profit or reputation. In terms of direct economic benefits, Chen Kangjie has no shortage. He is not an official, so he has no way to get promoted, so he can only use reputation.

Before, Chen Kangjie spent tens of billions to sponsor the development and testing of the Beidou system, which made the superiors feel Chen Kangjie's great strength. Now, these are still beneficial, but they are also worried that Chen Kangjie will grow up, and there will be disadvantages. , so after discussing with several giants, they planned to use some methods to trap him.Anyway, a person with great influence and strength is always a double-edged sword. While people like it, it also brings worry.

In addition to attacking Chen Kangjie, the upper echelons also planned to attack Chen Qigang. They planned to adjust Chen Qigang's position appropriately to further secure Chen Kangjie.In this regard, there are two meanings. On the one hand, it is out of consideration for Chen Kangjie, and on the other hand, Chen Qigang’s work has been very effective. The local economy and people’s livelihood have been improved qualitatively. Move appropriately.

Chen Kangjie stood in front of Chief No. [-] on the rostrum. Except for the two people nearby, no one else knew what they were talking about. From the look of Chief No. [-], they thought it was the leader who was interviewing and encouraging Chen Kangjie. If they knew that one was complaining and the other was explaining, their eyeballs would probably drop.

"Really?" Chen Kangjie seemed a little worried.

"Indeed!" Chief No. [-] nodded solemnly.

Chen Kangjie looked at the other giants he knew, and everyone nodded slightly, including Zhao Zhibang. Only then did Chen Kangjie complete the certificate with both hands, and took a photo with Chief No. [-] as a souvenir.

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