Chapter 89 Unity

"There is another very important thing, which is to ask the professionals in the company to pay attention to the Skopper Company in the United States, which is a small company established last year. American and European computer experts, semiconductor experts, processor system experts, etc., especially Chinese scientists. Anyway, they have nothing to do now, so find something for them to do. We will introduce a large number of talents in this field in the future. Please pay attention.” , Chen Kangjie hesitated for a moment, and added a paragraph to Ouyang Zhenhua on the phone.

"Mr. Jie, why do you know so much? Pay attention to what these experts are doing? We are not in this field." Ouyang Zhenhua is very puzzled by Chen Kangjie's concern about these high-tech fields, and Hongyuan International does not have so much money to enter now. These industries.Besides, every other line is like a mountain.

"Didn't you say I'm a genius? Hehe, it's normal to know more. You think I bought so many books for display? These are the frontiers of the world and the hope for the future. I can't tell now, anyway. Just pay more attention, there is no harm." Chen Kangjie was only depressed for a moment, and then he understood Ouyang Zhenhua's thoughts, so he could only explain to him with a smile, otherwise he was afraid that he would not care.

"Oh, I understand, but even if these are the frontiers of the future, we don't have the funds to do them. I heard that these things require a lot of investment." Ouyang Zhenhua understands a little bit, but still has doubts. Expressed concerns.

"I said you are stupid. If you don't have the money to do it now, it doesn't mean you won't have the money to do it in the future. We haven't sent people to the Soviet Union yet. Quickly count the funds and let the people you recruited go to the Soviet Union to familiarize themselves with the situation. Contact Philkopski, and contact him when the time is right, there will be a lot of money waiting for you to move.”

Chen Kangjie's inconspicuousness towards Ouyang Zhenhua was indeed a bit of a headache, and he said angrily.

"Oh, I understand, I understand, I will arrange it immediately."

Anyway, I don't know if Ouyang Zhenhua really understood or pretended to understand, but he knew from the tone that Chen Kangjie was angry, so he dared to promise repeatedly.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Kangjie leaned on the sofa thinking, the future industry is in high technology, in the information industry, the current Intel, Microsoft, Dell, Motorola and other companies have made great achievements, it is very difficult to catch up ah.The second is energy. At least in the foreseeable century, energy is an indispensable economic resource. Whoever controls energy will control the foundation of economic development. However, the control of energy requires political and economic strength.

In fact, in general, every scientific and technological revolution is a patent and conversion revolution of energy. The steam engine replaces human and natural raw energy, and the electric motor replaces the steam engine, which increases the steam energy to electric energy. Even the development of the information industry is difficult It is to reduce energy consumption and improve work efficiency.Whoever can create a new and more efficient energy utilization technology in the future will be able to lead the fourth technological revolution and emerge as a new hegemon, just like Britain in the 19th century and the United States in the world.

While thinking, the phone rang.

"Hello, who am I looking for?" Chen Kangjie asked casually when he picked up the phone.

"Master Jie, it's me, Liu Kai, are you free? I have something to tell you," Liu Kai said a little impatiently on the phone.

"Don't worry, what's the matter, talk slowly", Chen Kangjie's heart tightened, feeling that there must be nothing good, Liu Kai is usually a calm person, so he shouldn't show such an impatient attitude.

"Jie Shao, it's like this. There is a strong competitor in the market, Taiwan's Uni-President Enterprise, and our market has already begun to be impacted." Liu Kai calmed down, realizing that the impatience just now was manifested in front of Chen Kangjie It really doesn't fit.

When Chen Kangjie heard that there was an additional competitor, he thought it was Dingxin at first, but it turned out to be Uni-President.After thinking about it for a while, Chen Kangjie understood that Tingxin’s brothers are still losing money, they don’t have the strength, and Uni-President is a big company. Seeing that Master Kong’s sales are so booming, it’s just as it should be. I mean, Chen Kangjie has advanced the domestic instant noodle market by three or four years, otherwise it would take 92 years to appear according to the original history.

"It's normal to have competitors, and others won't let us take such a big cake all by ourselves. It is estimated that there will be other competitors in the future. How about this, you let a car pick me up, I will go there, and we will meet and chat later", In Chen Kangjie's view, this kind of situation is indeed very normal. Nothing can be [-]% monopolized, let alone the food industry.

Not long after, a car from Master Kong's company stopped at the gate of the family compound, picked up Chen Kangjie who was already there, and drove straight back to the company.

Liu Kai personally went up the stairs under the office building to pick up Chen Kangjie. Some high-level executives in the company knew that Chen Kangjie was a consultant of the head office, so they didn't think so. Anyway, they had seen President Ouyang Zhenhua give Chen Kangjie such courtesy before, but they just joined the company. The young girls who came here felt a little unnatural, and they all guessed who the child the general manager came to pick up in person, and they all agreed that it was the child of a high-ranking official.

The senior official they thought was not at the level of Chen Qigang, at least he had to be a city leader.The employees in Master Kong are very proud. Not only are the salaries high, but the provinces and cities are very concerned about it. The advertisements are constantly bombarded on CCTV every day. It is a foreign-funded enterprise. Ordinary people don’t pay attention to them at all. Relatives and friends asked Wherever I work, I always say "Master Kong Company" with great pomp. If nothing else, my relatives and friends will all show envy.

"Young Master Jie, should you go to your office or mine?" After entering the elevator, Liu Kai asked Chen Kangjie softly before pressing the elevator.

"Go to your place, I haven't been to that office for a long time," Chen Kangjie replied without shame.

Liu Kai led Chen Kangjie into his office, poured him a cup of tea, and both sat down in the reception area.

"When you were on the road just now, I called Pan Guiren, Zhang Qian, and the newly promoted sales director. They will be here soon, let's chat together." Liu Kai took this as an office meeting. The higher-ups called.

But that's good too, Chen Kangjie also wanted to meet with them by the way and learn about some of the company's situation.Chen Kangjie had just taken a sip of tea when the three of them came.

"Jie Shao, we were at the water plant just now, so we came late." Pan Guiren first explained to himself that he was "late". .

Only then did Chen Kangjie discover that the person who came in with Pan Guiren and Zhang Gan was actually a girl, and she was quite young, with a melon-shaped face and quite temperament, her hair was draped over her shoulders, and she was wearing professional attire. Well done, is this the sales director?

"Mr. Jie, let me introduce. This is our new sales director, Lin Ling." Seeing Chen Kangjie staring at Lin Ling, Liu Kai hurriedly introduced him. Chen Kangjie had never seen Lin Ling before.

"Hello, everyone, please sit down and chat." Chen Kangjie greeted Lin Ling generously and asked everyone to sit down on the sofa.

Lin Ling, who is usually very capable, is a little dizzy today. Didn't she say she came to a meeting? Why is she such a little guy? It seems that he is still the host.

Lin Ling hadn't met Chen Kangjie with Liu Kai and the others before. He had just joined the company not long ago, so he didn't quite understand Chen Kangjie's role.

Lin Ling nodded to Chen Kangjie, and found a seat opposite Chen Kangjie to sit down.

"Lin Ling, let me introduce the situation first. Young Master Jie is our Hongyuan International consultant. When President Ouyang is away, you can ask Young Master Jie to make decisions in case of major issues." Liu Kai has already noticed Lin Ling's gaffe today , so I took the opening opportunity to introduce Chen Kangjie clearly, lest she get confused.

A trace of surprise flashed across her eyebrows, and she quickly regained her composure. All of this was naturally captured by Chen Kangjie's eyes.Lin Ling and Liu Kai were taken aback by this introduction. It was unheard of for such a small consultant to be a consultant of the head office.In fact, this is mainly due to God, it is too cramped, and only arranges for Chen Kangjie to be reborn alone. If there are rebirths everywhere like many novels, Lin Ling might not be frightened.

"From the end of October, a kind of instant noodles named 'Unified' began to appear in the capital, Mingzhu City, Nanhe Province, Shonan Province and other places. Although the taste is not as good as ours, it is cheaper than ours, and it has begun to steal part of our market. After entering November, they increased their advertising investment in different provinces and started advertising promotion. We felt that this was a threat, so we reported to the company to find a solution," Lin Ling briefly introduced the situation.Shocked by Chen Kangjie's identity is nothing but horror, what should be done still has to be done.

"Let's talk about your opinions," Chen Kangjie motioned Lin Ling to sit down, and then calmly said to several executives, no expression could be seen on Chen Kangjie's face.

"Let me tell you, do I think we need to adjust the price? Otherwise, our price is 25% higher than theirs, which will have a big impact on customers, especially low- and middle-income customers." , Pan Guiren suggested to adjust the price as a follow-up.

"I don't think it's necessary to adjust the price for the time being. We are more advanced than them in terms of equipment, and the taste is better, and our advertising is so strong, which has determined that our cost will be higher than theirs. The price adjustment will affect our profit margin. I think we In terms of R&D, we should increase our efforts to launch more new varieties as soon as possible to enrich our product line.” Under the watchful eyes of Chen Kangjie, Liu Kai expressed his opinion, and Chen Kangjie was also noncommittal, and turned his attention to Lin Ling, the sales director.

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