rebirth of change

Chapter 90 The Long-lost Sprite

Chapter 90 Long-lost Sprite

"I think what Mr. Liu and Mr. Pan said just now has some truth, but I think we can also start from the channel. We should formulate exclusive policies on provincial agents and distributors below the provincial level. We have the advantage of the first opportunity, so our agents are very powerful, and most of the agents also use our bidding method to choose municipal distributors, so excellent distributors are also in our system, but Now some distributors and a very small number of agents are also agents of Uni-President, so I think it is necessary for us to set an exclusivity threshold, to represent and distribute Master Kong, so that we can no longer do other similar brands, so that we Not only can you have high-quality market resources, but you can also increase the market cost and pressure on your opponents." After affirming the ideas of the two superiors, Lin Ling expressed her own views from the perspective of pure sales.It can be seen from this point that she is quite strict in handling things.

"I think we should increase our efforts in advertising, put some of CCTV's advertisements on local stations, so as to increase the coverage," Zhang Gan considered from the perspective of advertising.

"Everyone's ideas are good, but one thing is for sure, that is, the price cannot be reduced. Although the price reduction can hurt the other party, it also hurts ourselves. Before killing people, we should try our best to avoid things that hurt ourselves by [-]."

Chen Kangjie didn't really agree with Pan Guiren's opinion, but since it was a discussion, of course he was allowed to speak freely, immature thoughts were inevitable, and Chen Kangjie had to consider giving face to his subordinates, otherwise, who would dare to speak out his true thoughts in the future? .

"As the number one brand in the leading industry, we have the advantages of distribution channels, financial strength, brand awareness and consumer loyalty. When a leading brand uses various means of promotion, sales promotion and communication to create a certain scale of momentum, it is very easy It is easy to submerge the promotion and promotion efforts of competitors in our own promotion and promotion activities. We already have the advantage of CCTV advertising, and it is difficult for the advertising in the province to compete with CCTV at least at this stage. From this point of view , our momentum is to overwhelm them. So we don't have to worry about competition, or competition is a good thing for us, and spurs us to keep improving and innovating. I personally think that Mr. Liu's ideas and Mr. Lin's opinions can be used at the same time. The research and development department has been working for a while, so it's time to come up with something new?" Chen Kangjie continued to express his opinion after drinking tea.Moreover, it can be regarded as the final typesetting that determines the countermeasures.

"The R&D center has made a bowl of noodles according to your opinion. There are three packs of seasonings, and we have confirmed the size and pattern of the packaging with the packaging factory." Since the R&D center is close to the water factory, it is supervised by Pan Guiren , just now Chen Kangjie directly denied his idea, so he still felt a little unhappy, but he also thought that what Chen Kangjie said was reasonable, now that Chen Kangjie asked about research and development, of course he had to show it, at least prove that his working ability is still in place of.

"Okay, now that we have developed it, let's shoot a commercial. Anyway, we have so much time for commercials on CCTV. After half a year of high-intensity bombing, our bun noodles have become a household name, but we will divide some of them to serve bowls. In terms of taste, the R&D center strives to develop several more flavors to suit different groups of people,” Chen Kangjie made an arrangement.

"Okay, I will communicate with the technical staff of the R&D department, Master Jie, and what's more, the weather is cold now, and our mineral water sales have declined to a certain extent. See if the production has been reduced by a certain percentage. Now The research and development center has developed a carbonated drink that is different from cola, do you want to introduce this type?" Pan Guiren didn't want the beverage project he was responsible for to be too far away from the instant noodle part, so he suggested a new drink.

"Oh? Is there a new drink coming out? Do you have a sample? Get some to try." Chen Kangjie is quite interested in new things, especially the products of his own company. He doesn't like drinking dry soda all day long. , I always feel astringent in my mouth after drinking too much.

"Yes, I have it in my office, Mr. Jie, I'll pour you a glass." Liu Kai stood up and took out a glass bottle from the small freezer next to the desk, poured a glass of fizzy drink and handed it to Chen Kangjie.

It doesn't seem to have any color, but there are densely packed small bubbles on the wall of the cup that keep drilling up.

"Sprite?" Chen Kangjie took a sip, surprised that the taste was similar to the Sprite he drank before rebirth, and called out in one gulp.

"Sprite?", what is it, several people present looked at each other.

"Ah, this, I mean, I mean, this thing tastes ice-cold, like snowflakes sticking to the side of the cup, ahem." Chen Kangjie knew that he had slipped his tongue again, so the bull head was wrong Mazui explained.

"Oh, that's it, Master Jie, it seems that the 'Sprite' you mentioned just now is quite suitable for naming this new product," Lin Ling thought and suggested.

"Okay, the R&D department has done a good job, keep up the good work, this product will be available soon, but I have a suggestion, make the bottle green, don't use a white bottle, and the name, just use what Mr. Lin said just now The 'Sprite', let's try to go on the market before the year. Many people will consider buying some drinks during the Spring Festival. It’s bowl noodles. The slogan for bowl noodles is ‘Master Kong, this is the taste’, and for Sprite it’s ‘Share with happiness’”.Chen Kangjie quickly made arrangements.

Nowadays, people can buy only a few drinks during the Chinese New Year. If Sprite can be launched, it will not only increase the choice of Chinese people, but also divide a part of the market of Coca-Cola and Pepsi.Chen Kangjie didn't want the big cake of China to be swallowed by them.

"Jie Shao's these two advertisements are exquisite. Unexpectedly, Jie Shao blurted out without thinking, admire, admire", Liu Kai laughed and joked with Chen Kangjie. I admire their quick wit, but they wouldn't be able to do it.

"Mr. Liu, don't flatter me. I don't like this." Chen Kangjie also laughed. Liu Kai rarely jokes with him. Colleagues can get along with each other casually, which is what Chen Kangjie hopes to see.Besides, Chen Kangjie is completely naked and pirated. How can he be so quick-witted?

"Jie Shao, I think Miss He Wanrong is really more suitable for the beverage advertisement. Her fresh and refined appearance is just suitable for the name of 'Sprite', but why not find Chen Peisi and the others to continue filming the advertisement?" Zhang Qian feels that the atmosphere is comfortable now I learned a lot, so I also expressed my doubts.

"The reason is very simple. Now everyone has seen that Ms. He will definitely become popular in a short time, and it will be very popular. This year, she may enter the Spring Festival Gala. Her reputation will soon be no less than that of Chen Peisi. Moreover, the bowl of noodles Both Ms. He and Sprite have a bit of fashion meaning, Ms. He is relatively more suitable.” Chen Kangjie continued to smile and said: “More importantly, Feiyang Entertainment, where Ms. He works, is a subsidiary company of our Hongyuan International, and the wealth is not lost. Outsider field"

It was only then that everyone suddenly realized, no wonder Master Jie suggested He Wanrong to shoot these two commercials. They had never heard before that Feiyang Entertainment was actually a subsidiary company of Hongyuan International.

"Wow, Ms. He is actually... so if you say that, we are still colleagues? I also bought his album, which is great." Girls are more or less chasing celebrities, and Lin Ling is no exception .

"Hehe, let her sign for you when you have the chance."

Chen Kangjie's joke made everyone present laugh again.

"Jie Shao, then look at the production of mineral water?" Pan Guiren was more concerned about the production arrangement when he saw that his suggestion was adopted and he wanted to serve new drinks.

"I don't care about the specific things. Look at it yourself. How to produce can be adjusted according to market conditions. I believe you will do a good job." Chen Kangjie really doesn't want to spend time and energy on specific things. In the business, and if you can't even do this well, then you are a bit dereliction of duty.

"Okay, since Master Jie said so, let's do it. How to coordinate the production capacity, we will make adjustments according to the market reaction after the advertisement is broadcast." After all, Liu Kai is the general manager, and he does not want such a specific All affairs are handled by Chen Kangjie. Pan Guiren gave him the same suggestion a few days ago. It is because there are no new products on the market, and there are constant advertisements. The sales of mineral water are still considerable, and there is not much product backlog. , so he did not agree.

"However, Jie Shao, our instant noodle side has been adjusted to two shifts, and we work 16 hours a day. The market demand is too large, and the previous production capacity cannot be supplied. Therefore, I suggest that we also increase production lines to cope with the annual The greater needs of the future", Liu Kai is still very good at this point, knowing how to plan in advance, of course, that is also his scope of responsibility.

"I think it's okay. You can make a report and send it to President Ouyang for signature. It's a good thing. We really have to expand the scale in the next year, and we have to consider opening factories in other places, but the time may be delayed. , you should also pay attention to the places suitable for opening factories and understand the policies. This is not only to expand the supply market, but also to reduce our logistics pressure. Otherwise, our production capacity will be doubled or tripled, and the logistics will not be able to keep up or the cost will be too high. It’s too big, and it’s not worth it.” They happened to be here today, so I took this opportunity to vaccinate them in advance, lest they be unprepared when the time came.

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