rebirth of change

Chapter 892 Visiting "Young and Dangerous"

In fact, what they said was true. As far as Chen Kangjie knew, most of the expressways in the country were not profitable even after many years, and only a few expressways in the eastern region were making good profits.

The income of expressways is greatly affected by several factors, such as project cost, management cost, financial expenses, traffic volume, and toll price. These factors critically affect whether the investment is cost-effective.

From the comparison between the east and the west, the construction cost of the expressway in the western region is often much higher than that in the eastern region, and the management cost is relatively higher. Due to the backwardness of the economy, the traffic flow is relatively low, and the financial costs are the same, although The toll fee will be slightly higher on mountainous expressways, but this will in turn affect the low traffic flow, resulting in a decrease in overall revenue.

By doing this comparison, anyone with a discerning eye will understand where the same investment will be more cost-effective.But those who said this, no matter what the reason was, they only said half of what they said.

In the past few years, the emancipation of the mind in China was still shy. With the passing of a generation, the new generation of the ruling team came up. From top to bottom, the emancipation of the mind is complete. Everything is based on money, and everything in various places is centered on economic construction. , from officials to civilians, everyone's eyes are on money.Everyone has learned to do direct economic calculations.

This is a good thing, which shows that everyone has a sense of urgency and the determination and desire to change the face of poverty and backwardness.But for some people, in addition to being able to calculate economic accounts, they should also be able to calculate public welfare accounts. If they only look at pure economic benefits, it may be seven or eighty years before the west catches up with the east. , It's so far away, I can't think of it.

The construction of expressways should not be purely for economic purposes. On the contrary, it should largely benefit the national economy, the people's livelihood and social benefits, with obvious strategic and public welfare purposes.

Some expressways are not feasible from an economic point of view, but from the point of view of social welfare undertakings, they have good social benefits.It can greatly promote commodity circulation, promote regional development and poverty alleviation, facilitate people's exchanges and foreign exchanges, and introduce new ideas and methods along the highway, etc.It's a pity that the relevant interest departments and personnel can't see it. Did they really not see it?I'm afraid not necessarily, but from the perspective of their respective interests, it is understandable to have such a biased understanding.

From a practical point of view, only Chen Kangjie is the most suitable person to invest in highways, and only he has the strength to maintain a certain income balance.This has to mention the financial cost, one of the key factors affecting the highway revenue.

Due to the huge investment in expressways, the investment in expressways can be billions or even tens of billions. Therefore, bank loans account for most of the investment in expressways in various places. Then there is a problem. If you have a bank loan, you have to repay the loan, which is important. What's more, the interest has to be added, which is a big mountain.

The annual interest rate of long-term loans of domestic banks is 6.39%. In the eastern region, a 100-kilometer four-lane expressway with an average construction cost of 6000 million yuan per kilometer costs as much as 3.8 million yuan to the bank every year.Chen Kangjie once remembered that the toll of an expressway in a large eastern province in 06 was 7 million yuan, but 4 million yuan was returned to the bank, more than half of which was taken by the bank, plus huge daily maintenance costs and The management expenses can only be barely profitable, and it is very difficult to recover the investment, which is the case in the east, let alone the west.

But this problem does not exist in Chen Kangjie. He will not seek bank loans, so there will be no financial expenses, and all the interest can be retained, which reduces his investment risks and expansion to a certain extent. In addition to investment income, even in the western region, he can barely maintain a balance of income and expenditure, and there is some guarantee for the recovery of investment. This is why Chen Kangjie will allow the toll to be lowered on the basis of national approval.As for the money from the bank, let them lend to the industrial and service industries, otherwise the western region is already poor enough, and if they bear such a huge interest burden, it will really make things worse.

"If you do that, the profit should be very small, and it may be difficult to recover the cost after many years. Have you considered this?" After lunch, Chen Kangjie and the old man fought in battle in the yard, and the old man was eating with a cannon When Chen Kangjie was killed as a pawn, he brought up what they said in the morning.

As long as Chen Kangjie comes, the old man will be in a good mood, so the health doctor and the old lady are willing to let him and Chen Kangjie do more activities, which is good for his health.

The old man is a little weak now, but his mind is not confused. He remembers and understands many things.

"It's okay, I have a solution. Besides, even if I can't recover the cost, it doesn't matter. My purpose is not to make money... I will straddle my horse and block your cannon. Let's see how you can run with this cannon." ", Chen Kangjie jumped over a horse obliquely, in this case, the cannon of the old man will either be eaten by a cart, or it will turn over Chen Kangjie's horse and eat his other pawn, and then be eaten by Chen Kangjie's zero horse Lose.

When other people play chess with him, the old man finds it boring if he is not good at chess. If he is good at chess, he will let him go, intentionally or unintentionally, in order to make him happy.Only Chen Kangjie is good at chess, and he won't give in, fighting normally, so now the old man thinks Chen Kangjie is the best chess friend.

Chen Kangjie also gave in before, but the old man was not happy, so he won't give in at all now, so both of them are happy.

"I've made a lot of progress. My cannon is finished, and I lose the long-range strike ability. It seems that I'm going to lose. It's all because I'm greedy for small profits and lose my head." That's what he said, but the old man didn't just disarm. Instead, he stared at the chessboard with reading glasses, trying to find a way to crack it.

Over the years, no matter what kind of difficulties he faced, the old man never gave up his faith.This spirit is also vividly displayed when he plays chess. This is an important reason why he has been able to make a comeback and climb to the top of power after all these years, and it can also affect the future and direction of this country.

Only this time, the old man was really cornered by Chen Kangjie. No matter how hard he tried, he was exhausted. In the end, he could only surrender. Chen Kangjie beat the old man for once.

On this day, Chen Kangjie only stayed at the old man's house for a few hours, and he left in the evening. He had to rush to Hong Kong in the evening, and flew from Hong Kong to Perth, the capital of Western Australia, tomorrow.

After owning his own private jet, the number of times Chen Kangjie took civil aviation planes was significantly reduced. Moreover, he is now so well-known to the outside world, which is also conducive to reducing the number of times he is harassed by the outside world.

When they arrived at Kai Tak Airport, Ouyang Zhenhua did not come to pick him up, but after Chen Kangjie came out of the VIP channel, Samidov and the others sent him to He Wanrong's villa.

This time, Chen Kangjie was not welcomed by He Wanrong, and there was no delicious food when he arrived, because He Wanrong was away and went to Southeast Asia to prepare for the concert. Chen Kangjie and the others could only let the nanny get some food to fill their stomachs.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Ouyang Zhenhua came to him.

"Jie Shao, we have to postpone it for a day. The governor of Western Australia is not feeling well and wants us to go the day after tomorrow." As soon as he entered the door, Ouyang Zhenhua reported as soon as he sat down.

"The day after tomorrow is the day after tomorrow. People eat whole grains. It's normal to have a headache. Anyway, there is no rush for this day and a half." Chen Kangjie said indifferently without doubting him.

"That's true, but you can only play by yourself tomorrow. I can't accompany you. There is a lot of work to prepare. The Australian Ministry of Commerce also needs to do some communication work. Look, are you resting in the villa or going around? Let's go," Ouyang Zhenhua said to Chen Kangjie, rubbing his tired back.

Ouyang Zhenhua and Chen Kangjie are very familiar partners and friends. Generally speaking, they are very natural and easy-going. This is also inseparable from Chen Kangjie's great trust in him.

"It's okay, you are busy with your work, I will take care of myself, I am no stranger to Hong Kong," Chen Kangjie waved his hand indifferently.

"Then you've been on a plane for several hours today, take a shower, go to bed early, and I'll come back later tomorrow. If there's any situation, I'll report to you as soon as possible." Ouyang Zhenhua stood up.

"Hehe, you've been busy all day and you're tired. Hurry up and go back to accompany sister Meiyun and nephew, don't worry about me." Chen Kangjie then stood up, walked up to Ouyang Zhenhua, and patted him.

When Ouyang Zhenhua was about to leave the villa, Chen Kangjie stopped him suddenly.

"Brother Ouyang, did Fan Wenxuan also go to Southeast Asia?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"Yeah, she went with Wan Rong, what's the matter? Do you need her?" Ouyang Zhenhua stopped and turned around.

"No, what can I ask her for? I don't plan to shoot my next movie right away. By the way, do you know what Liu Weiqiang has been doing these two days?".

"This... I really don't know. I'll call and ask later, and then I'll tell you." It is impossible for Ouyang Zhenhua to have the leisure and time to care about the situation of a staff member below. In terms of identity, Ouyang Zhenhua There is a big gap between Hua and Liu Weiqiang, so it is normal for Ouyang Zhenhua not to know what Liu Weiqiang is doing recently.

Not long after Ouyang Zhenhua left, he called Chen Kangjie back and said that Liu Weiqiang was filming the third part of "Young and Dangerous" "One Hand Covers the Sky" these two days, and he also told Chen Kangjie where they were filming.

From the perspective of efficiency, Ouyang Zhenhua should have called someone to ask someone in the car. He still attaches great importance to the information the boss wants.

Knowing that Liu Weiqiang was filming "One Hand Covers the Sky", Chen Kangjie immediately knew what he was going to do the next day, so he decided to visit the set. Chen Kangjie felt that especially staying at home, it would be better to go there.The series of movies about "Young and Dangerous" is also one of the types of movies that Chen Kangjie liked in his previous life, and Chen Kangjie has already watched "Young and Dangerous People in the Rivers and Lakes" and "Young and Dangerous: Raptors Crossing the River" completed in the first half of this year However, I feel that the taste has not changed, and I feel nostalgic for revisiting it.

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