rebirth of change

Chapter 893 This is our condition

"Mr. Lawrence, Australia is a big country. It should not be easy to become the head of a big country, and we don't know anything about politics. How can we help you become the prime minister? It seems impossible. Things, can we have so much energy? President Ouyang, what do you think?" Chen Kangjie didn't want to be hooked so easily.

"Yes, yes, yes, I think so too, Mr. Lawrence, why do you think we can do it?" Ouyang Zhenhua glanced at Chen Kangjie and nodded in agreement.

"Hehe, Mr. Chen, I heard from Mr. Nash that you are the assistant to President Ouyang, and you are very intelligent. Don't you understand?" Lawrence smiled and asked Chen Kangjie encouragingly.

"That's Mr. Nash's praise. I don't dare to take it, I don't dare to take it. Forgive me for my stupidity. I really don't understand it." Whether Chen Kangjie really understands it or not, he will say that.

"You can help Mr. Nash, how could you not understand how to help me? Hehe, you don't have doubts about my sincerity?" Lawrence finally took a big step in the clear direction.

"Mr. Lawrence, this is completely different. We and Mr. Nash have the same goal. We can work together on one thing to achieve the interests that both parties need. This makes us have a natural basis for cooperation. To be honest Yes, we do not doubt the sincerity of Mr., since we can sit face to face, there is no need to doubt it. But we still have to say that the important position of the head of a big country is really not something we businessmen dare to imagine." Chen Kangjie met Lawrence's Looking at the past, he said neither humble nor overbearing.

It stands to reason that Lawrence should be unhappy when Chen Kangjie said such a thing, but when Chen Kangjie finished speaking, Lawrence was not only not angry, but also seemed a little happy.

"Hehe, hehe, goals can reach the same goal. Besides, how do you know that we can't find the same goal? You are businessmen and I am a politician. It seems that we are not related, but in fact we are There are strong similarities, and the key is interests. As long as you search, you will be able to find the intersection of interests. Besides, even if you have obtained the mining rights of iron ore on both sides of the Ashburton River, in actual operation, if Without the cooperation of the federal government, it is very likely that you will be unable to move forward. It involves permits, land allocation, large-scale infrastructure construction, etc. These are all areas where the federal government can intervene." Lawrence's words can be said to be universal , but I have to admit that there is indeed a very real correctness.

A really good politician will not really be too far away from businessmen.It can be said that a government that does not respect entrepreneurs is terrible.It is often said that a big company is a kingdom, and this kingdom is even more influential than some small countries.With this foundation, the similarities between politicians and entrepreneurs are indeed very strong, and management methods can learn from each other. The most important thing is that they are both working hard for the benefit of a certain group of people. The population is less.

Jeffrey Nash was sitting by the side with his heart agitated. He couldn't get in the conversation and could only listen.Jeffrey Nash had all kinds of thoughts in his mind at this time, excited and curious.What is exciting is that although Ouyang Zhenhua and Lawrence have not yet reached a unified goal, it seems that everyone is already moving towards the direction of the alliance. At least they did not regard him as an outsider, otherwise they would not talk about it in his presence sensitive topic.

If you want to avoid Nash, it is really easy to do, and Lawrence can do it with an excuse.But he didn't want to do that. If he did that, the advantages would outweigh the disadvantages.First of all, Ouyang Zhenhua and the others were brought by Jeffrey Nash. Even if they avoided them, there was no guarantee that Ouyang Zhenhua and the others would not relay these words to Nash, which would instead bring unnecessary suspicion.Second, Lawrence wants to show his character. A person who dares to think and speak is at least half a gentleman. Only in this way can he win the trust and sincere cooperation of the other party and Nash.If he deliberately avoids Nash, he will leave a bad impression of crossing rivers and destroying bridges. Almost everyone is not ashamed of such an image.

What Lawrence was curious about was what kind of conditions Chen Kangjie and the others would put forward. In his mind, if he could really help Lawrence achieve his goal, and he became the head of a country, he would be able to open his mouth.In the end, he didn't expect Chen Kangjie and the others' request to be so strange.

"Mr. Lawrence, now that we've talked about this, let's open the window and talk straight. Let's go straight. We don't have any influence in Australia. You must know it, so we work hard on our contacts and other work. In fact, we really can’t help, but there is one thing we can do, that is funds. If you need funds, no matter how much you ask, we will do our best to cooperate. This is what our sincerity can express The biggest place", Ouyang Zhenhua stood up, paced a few times in front of the three of them, turned around, facing Chen Kangjie, with his back facing Lawrence and Jeffrey Nash, as if he was thinking, but there were not three seconds Clock, he turned and said frankly.

When Ouyang Zhenhua blocked the opponent's gaze, Chen Kangjie nodded slightly, and Ouyang Zhenhua knew exactly what to do.

"Hehe, Mr. Ouyang is straightforward enough, so I'll just say it straight." Lawrence stretched out two fingers, "I need two things. First, of course it is funds. This is not a political donation, it is illegal, Nash Sir, I know that we cannot accept large political donations, especially if such funds come from overseas. If possible, I hope you can invest in agricultural projects in Australia, including animal husbandry. Are you interested?".

"What about the second?" If there is a first, there will be a second. Regarding the first, Ouyang Zhenhua is noncommittal. He believes that after he finishes asking Lawrence, Chen Kangjie will definitely express his opinion.

"The second thing is to borrow your assistant to use it." Since the other party did not object to the first point, Lawrence went on to say the second point.

"Me?" Chen Kangjie pointed to his nose and asked in surprise, he never thought that Lawrence would connect him.

"Yes, that's right," Lawrence nodded firmly.

"Mr. Lawrence, the first point, I think we can discuss, invest in agriculture, it will bring good profits, I know that two-thirds of Australia's land is suitable for agricultural and animal husbandry production, but borrow my... Assistant, isn't this a little inappropriate!" Everyone was curious, and Jeffrey Nash was the same, but Ouyang Zhenhua could directly ask his doubts.

Just now, Chen Kangjie was still thinking about why Lawrence needed them to invest in agriculture. As a result, he thought of the two nicknames for Australia in geography. country', these two industries play a pivotal role in Australia, and they occupy a large share in foreign trade. Chen Kangjie and the others have already decided to invest in iron ore, so for the sake of the country's economy, Lawrence naturally wants Chen Kangjie and the others very much. also enter this field.On the other hand, since Australia is suitable for the development of the agricultural industry, there will be a considerable number of farmers. These are voters. Lawrence wants to lead the competition with other parties from the cities to the countryside.This question has not yet been figured out, Lawrence's second request has already made him lose his mind to think about it again, and he has to divert his thinking about why Lawrence made such an absurd request.

"Hehe, I think it's very suitable. It depends on whether Chen Kangjie is willing or not and whether Mr. Ouyang is fulfilled." Lawrence said with a mysterious smile.

The more determined Lawrence was, the more worried Chen Kangjie became. Suddenly, a thought flashed through his mind, "Does Lawrence know my identity?".

It seems that this is the only way to make sense, otherwise, it doesn't make sense anyway. What politician would need the help of an entrepreneur's assistant so much?Unheard of before.

Chen Kangjie guessed right. Lawrence did know that this unattractive and not very temperamental person in front of him had been made up. He was actually the sum of the famous and Chen Kangjie. As for how Lawrence knew, no one else knew.

"I don't have any opinion, I'm willing," Chen Kangjie first expressed his attitude so that Ouyang Zhenhua could speak freely.

"Mr. Chen has no objections, so I can only agree, haha. We have agreed to both of Mr. Chen's requests, so now it's time to talk about our demands." Ouyang Zhenhua knows how to cooperate with Chen Kangjie.

Lawrence stretched out his right palm, "It's natural, please say."

"Mr. Lawrence, you may not be willing to do something illegal. Let's do something that is a bit difficult but not illegal. We want to buy an island in Australia. This is our condition."

"Buy an island? It seems that you can do it now." Lawrence and Jeffrey Nash couldn't understand Ouyang Zhenhua's appeal. At this time, Nash rushed to make a speech.

Australia is surrounded by the sea and has many islands. Selling some worthless and inconvenient trails to wealthy businessmen has happened many years ago.This kills two birds with one stone. The government can not only get a lot of money, but also attract investment. Almost all wealthy businessmen who bought the island will consider making various investments in Australia and regard it as their second home. .That's why Nash said it's okay now.

Australia has a special committee to assess the value of the islands to be sold and decide whether the islands can be sold, but such a contract needs to be approved by the Prime Minister, so the Prime Minister has a considerable say in this.

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