Alyosha replaced Chen Kangjie, first he stroked the wall slowly and carefully, and then put his ear against the wall and tapped lightly with his fingers.

Alyosha had already proved that the wall was also empty, but for a moment he could not find a way to open it.At this moment, Chen Kangjie and Alyosha were a little at a loss and went in circles.

"Come down, let's open the sofa and have a look, it doesn't make sense." In desperation, Chen Kangjie simply expanded the search area, not limited to the area covered by the word "Wu".

In order not to make a sound, they opened the sofa by two people lifting it with their hands instead of dragging it.This sofa does not look big, but it is very heavy to lift up. The rich Japanese chose the best material. It is estimated that there is either pure marble or nanmu underneath.Fortunately, Chen Kangjie was strong enough to gently lift it away with Alyosha.

After the sofa was moved away, Chen Kangjie turned his head and used the flashlight to search carefully the area that was covered by the sofa just now.In fact, there is no need to be so troublesome. As soon as his flashlight shines on it, he can already see a white rotary switch at the root of the wall, which is a bit like a timer button for a microwave oven.

Alyosha and Chen Kangjie crouched in front of the button, not knowing how to turn it. There was neither a scale nor a direction indicator on it.

According to common sense, it is inevitable to open the switch on the wall here, but we just have to find a way to open it.

"Forget it, it's useless to just study it, you still have to turn it to try it out," Chen Kangjie thought to himself, and then he stretched out his hand and twisted the rotation button to the left regardless of the amount.

I have to say that Chen Kangjie usually has bad luck when going out. If he gets involved in one thing, he will encounter another. In short, there are very few times when things go smoothly.But this time his luck is really good. The general equipment and household equipment are twisted to the right, but the design of the hidden compartment inside the wall is the opposite. If it is turned to the right, it will be an alarm. Screeching sirens sounded from every corner.Chen Kangjie just wanted to give it a try, so he didn't twist to the right.It's true that good luck and bad luck often go hand in hand.

As soon as the button was twisted, both Alyosha and Chen Kangjie could clearly feel the wall move.The surface of this folding fan wall is like the wallpaper being circled, it automatically rises up, revealing the real gray-blue wall color inside, along with a hole in the wall, the area is the same as that of the " "Wu" is almost the same, but unfortunately, there is also Cheng Liang's small safe inside. There are three dials and a handle on the safe, which looks very delicate.

"It's up to you, you have to open it no matter what." Chen Kangjie stretched out a hand to Alyosha, and then completely handed over the position to him.

At this juncture, Alyosha was not humble, and he started to get busy when he walked in front of the safe.It seems that opening a safe is similar to seeing a doctor in Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine pays attention to seeing, hearing, and asking. Alyosha just didn't ask, or he used other methods, and even took out a stethoscope to listen. He couldn't open the safe for a long time.

Chen Kangjie raised his hand to look at his watch. There was very little time for them. According to the information obtained before, Oki Hikaru and Richard Cotter would only meet for one hour and 10 minutes. Now Chen Kangjie and the others have been in for an hour. , the situation is quite urgent.

Although he was in a hurry, although there was not much time, Chen Kangjie did not urge Alyosha.He is well aware that this is a calm and technical job, and the more he urges, the more counterproductive it will be. Everyone will reduce their work efficiency after they get nervous.

After another 5 minutes, just when Chen Kangjie was not very hopeful and was about to suggest leaving, there was a crisp "ding", and Alyosha stubbornly opened the safe.

When Alyosha raised his head, Chen Kangjie could see clear beads of sweat on his forehead in the dim light. It seemed that he didn't use much physical strength, but he must have used a lot of mental strength, otherwise he wouldn't be so tired in the cool night. produce this effect.

Chen Kangjie didn't have the time and opportunity to praise Alyosha at this time, so he immediately reached into the safe and took out a few small documents inside to look through.

Don't look at the content, just looking at the title of the document is enough to make Chen Kangjie happy, because they found what they need.

In the safe, there are a total of three documents stored, one is the investment framework agreement signed between them and the Western Australian government, the second is a draft contract drafted by the Japanese side, and the third is very interesting. The report suggested that mineral resources hit the continent's economy.

Chen Kangjie didn't need to look carefully, and asked Alyosha to hold two flashlights to light him up, while he himself raised his camera and took pictures of these opened documents page by page.Since the light is not too bright, the camera will flash when in use, causing a small sound of "click" and "click".Chen Kangjie didn't care about this. It would be a pity if the content of such information could not be taken away.

"Young Master Jie, you must leave quickly. Da Muguang is back, and the convoy will enter the villa in one minute." Samidov's urgent voice came from Chen Kangjie's ear.

As soon as Basev and Lovsky, who were in charge of the front monitoring, saw the convoy returning from Da Muguang, they immediately reported to Samidov, and Samidov immediately reported to Chen Kangjie without any delay.

But at this time, Chen Kangjie couldn't leave. He had only taken half of the third document, and there were still more than ten pages left unphotographed.

As if Chen Kangjie didn't hear Samidov's warning, he didn't stop for a moment, and continued to shoot in an orderly manner. He only needs to give it another minute.

Samidov couldn't see Chen Kangjie at this time. After he issued the warning, he thought he would get a response from Chen Kangjie, but he didn't hear a sound.

"Jie Shao, leave quickly, Da Muguang and the others have arrived at the gate of the villa, and the gate of the villa has been opened." The tense Samidov once again sent out the other party's movements that he had grasped, no matter whether Chen Kangjie heard it or not. To Chen Kangjie.

Just when Da Muguang's motorcade entered the villa, Chen Kangjie had already finished what he wanted to do.Quickly sorted out the three documents and put them back. Alyosha then locked the safe.

Immediately, they were faced with two problems, first, how to lower the wall, and second, how did they get out?How is the situation outside? If those two braggarts are still at the door, then it will be a big problem for them.

There was no time for Chen Kangjie to think about it. Just now he opened this wall with the mentality of giving it a try. He could only do this at this gate. He squatted down and slightly twisted the button to the right, and the entire wall opened. The outside of the body is slowly lowered like a screen.

Chen Kangjie couldn't wait for it to fall to the bottom, so he and Alyosha started to lift the sofa back.

"Samidov, are the two people at the door of the study still there?" Chen Kangjie put down the sofa and asked eagerly.

"Jie Shao, I thought you didn't hear the warning message I gave. The two people at the door are gone. They went downstairs to meet Da Muguang, but you can't completely retreat from the original road now. Da Muguang has come to a place. It's in the corridor of the building," Samidov said to Chen Kangjie, staring at the monitor screen in front of him.

Without even thinking about it, Chen Kangjie opened the door of the study.Anyway, we had to get out of the study first, otherwise, there would be no place to hide inside, as long as someone entered, the two of them would be completely exposed.

Chen Kangjie walked through the hall he just passed by, thinking of the door to observe where Da Muguang and the others had gone, but he didn't need to observe at all, his body was leaning against the wall of the door, and he could hear the sound of conversation outside.

"Master Jie, you can only leave from the window of the hall now, hurry up, hurry up", Samidov quickly pointed out a way for Chen Kangjie to escape, the situation is really urgent, Chen Kangjie can feel Samidov There is a feeling of tightening in the voice.

At this time, every second is extremely critical, and there is no time for thinking, so Chen Kangjie can only make a quick decision.

There were two sets of sofas and a row of small reception tables between Chen Kangjie and the window. If they wanted to walk around without colliding with objects, they would have to waste two more seconds.I saw him supporting the wall of the sofa with both hands, and his body flew directly through the air. After completing two consecutive turning movements, he landed lightly in front of the inquiring window.

Alyosha is also very clever. When he saw Chen Kangjie flying towards the window, he knew that the only way at this time was to leave through the window. With a bow and a stretch, it went out of the window.Chen Kangjie's movements were not slower than his, and the same movements as Alyosha's were very quick and without leaving any traces, allowing his body to rush out.

Outside the window, there is only an extension of nearly five centimeters, and there is no way for a person to stand firmly. Chen Kangjie's feet can only stand on the extension with one-third of the heel.

At the moment when the two of them were about to jump under the impetus of inertia, they had to do one more thing, which was to close the window with their hands back, otherwise, there would be no silver 300 taels here, and the open window could already reveal No doubt someone has left here.

In terms of skill, Chen Kangjie is much more flexible than Alyosha. In addition, when he turned over, he thought of closing the window, so when he stepped on the outside of the window, his hand was already stretched out backwards. Push the window glass to the left.Alyosha only made this movement when his body began to fall, so he suffered a lot. He pushed the window shut, but his palm was too slow to retract, so he could only rub against the outer wall violently. When he landed, His mouth was already grinning in pain.

Just as Chen Kangjie and the others closed the windows tightly, Da Muguang walked into the hall with a group of entourages. The soft curtains blown up by the sea breeze hadn't completely fallen down vertically, but no one was paying attention at this time.

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