rebirth of change

Chapter 914 Inner Mystery

The floor of this villa on the top of the cliff is not low. Jumping from the second floor is more than five meters high, and the bottom is covered with marble. Chen Kangjie and the others are very likely to be injured by jumping from the top without preparation. , but they landed unharmed.When Samidov called Chen Kangjie and received no response, he had already informed Xiong Ziqiang and Tan Jun to wait here. Therefore, with the help of the two of them, only the back of Alyosha's hand was scratched by the outer wall. A piece of skin was broken.

At this time, more than a dozen people were added to the villa, and the security force was suddenly strengthened. Fortunately, Da Muguang just came back, and many people followed him.After Chen Kangjie and the others landed, they bypassed the two security guards, and swiftly followed the original path and escaped over the wall.

Going down is easier than going up before. The rope is attached to the body, the foot is on the cliff, and it reaches the bottom after a few slides and jumps.

"Change clothes, let's continue walking back." In the bushes, Chen Kangjie finally breathed a sigh of relief, and he was the first to take off his black night clothes.

Arriving in beach attire and returning in nightwear may raise unnecessary suspicions in some.

The clothes they took off continued to be put into those bags and hidden in the bushes. At the right time, Samidov and the others would take them away.

Chen Kangjie and the others, who disappeared behind the boulder for more than an hour, reappeared on the beach, slowly, just like ordinary tourists. They walked and told jokes, which was very pleasant. Moreover, there were more people Three, Samidov and the others returned with Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie, who returned to the hotel, was a little excited. After all, they were not considered a loser in the competition with the Japanese, and they had also obtained key information. Unfortunately, those materials are still in the camera and cannot be seen now, otherwise, Chen Kangjie estimated that he would spend one night studying it.

However, it only took one day. On the evening of the second day, Chen Kangjie got the photos, and all the photos were enlarged so that they could be seen more clearly.

Ever since he got the photo, Chen Kangjie never left his hotel room, carefully studying the content shown on it word by word.

Through the investment framework agreement, Chen Kangjie knew that it was Mitsui & Co., Ltd., not them, who were indeed invited by Western Australia to participate in the investment at the first time. Moreover, the document also showed that Rio Tinto, as an investor in Australia, must participate. The minerals in this area are developed, and as for the ratio of the shares of the two parties, there is no word in it.In the framework agreement, Mitsui & Co., Ltd. sincerely expressed their great interest and sincerity in developing both sides of the Ashburton River. They even mentioned that in the next few years, the company's investment and construction focus will be on this area.

In this document, for the first time, Chen Kangjie clearly knew how big the area available for exploration was, 8,7 square kilometers, fully half of Qianzhou Province.Moreover, this framework agreement shows that Western Australia estimates that the amount of iron ore stored on both sides of the Ashburton River is 22.7 billion tons, not the figure of more than 40 billion tons that Chen Kangjie and the others got before. In other words, they will The goods to be sold were doubled.

Seeing this, Chen Kangjie gradually felt unhappy in his heart. He complained about Richard Cotter and the others, and he really used them as guns from the very beginning.

Unhappy, Chen Kangjie took out the contract drafted by the Japanese side and looked at it.

In the contract, there is obviously another investor, Sumitomo Metal.In this contract, Mitsui & Co. holds 36 percent of the shares, Sumitomo Metal holds 14.5 percent of the shares, and Rio Tinto holds 49.5 percent of the shares.In the past, when Japanese companies invested in the iron ore industry in Australia, most of them did not need to hold shares. It seems that this big piece of cake made the Japanese want to hold shares.

The reason why Chinese companies invest overseas is not as effective as Japanese companies. One of the major factors is that we have a controlling complex. Basically, we hope that the projects we invest in are controlled by ourselves. It's safe.

I don’t know if it’s a bit ironic, but in our reform and opening up, we also hope to control the foreign capital we bring in. In many industries, we are determined not to hand over control to foreign investors.It is estimated that this method of operation has created inertia, so that we cannot change our thinking when we go outside.Or there is a desire for control in our culture, the habitual possessive desire of the heavens and kingdoms that has been formed for thousands of years and cannot be changed for a while.

The reason why the Japanese invested abroad so smoothly and achieved good results has a lot to do with their flexible operation methods.They do not require holding shares in many industries, as long as they can participate in it.For example, investing in iron ore in Australia is the best example. Most of the Japanese mining companies are not controlling parties. Some Japanese companies hold the majority of shares, and they will not be concentrated in one company. Cooperation, the use of split shares to form the actual holding.This is much better in terms of form of expression, at least it will give people the illusion that no party has an absolute advantage.

This flexible operation method of the Japanese makes them more popular than Chinese enterprises. After all, just like us, most countries hope to protect their own interests and support their own enterprises while introducing foreign capital. .

Gather less to make more, and pile up sand to form a tower, just like the military saying that accumulating small victories into big victories.While we used to despise Little Japan and show off our culture and traditions, we made serious mistakes in tactics. The rules of the game are far from being set by us. In this case, we should actually adapt to others the rule of.Even if the other party gets a big benefit, it is a good choice if you can get a small benefit.

Chen Kangjie continued to study the investment contract formulated by the Japanese side. According to the contract amount, the investment target of the entire project was 45.4 billion US dollars, which was about the same amount as Chen Kangjie and the others were invited to invest.According to different shareholdings, the Japanese side will take out 23 billion US dollars in cash as investment.

Seeing this, Chen Kangjie was thinking, the Japanese really have a good plan, what a bargain this is.This is equivalent to only 2 dollars for a meal of iron ore. Where in the world is there such a good deal?

This is only the iron ore mining part, and in the part related to infrastructure, there is an additional investment of 40 billion US dollars.In the contract, there is a 1-kilometer railway, two 180-kilometer roads to be built, and a 40-kilometer aqueduct. In Chen Kangjie's view, even with these added, the deal is super cost-effective.It is only four dollars a ton. Of course, in the process, it will greatly help local employment and tax revenue, but this is also the price of Chinese cabbage. The Japanese only need to spend more than [-] billion US dollars to get it. Such a huge treasure, no wonder the Japanese side attaches great importance to it. Hikari Oki has not left after so many days. It seems that he will not leave until the cooperation is finalized.

Looking further down, Chen Kangjie saw an additional clause in the contract, which stated that Sakura Bank and Sumitomo Bank would provide the West Australian government with an interest-free loan of US$240 billion in installments, and the loan period would exceed one year.

"No wonder, this is somewhat reasonable. In terms of interest alone, the Japanese are equivalent to giving the Western Australian government more than 100 billion U.S. dollars," Chen Kangjie said to himself while lying on the bed.

Giving away more than 100 billion U.S. dollars for free, and getting a mining area with more than [-] million tons of iron ore, this transaction is cost-effective for both parties, one party has obtained huge profits, and the other party has received huge cash. Easy to handle.

In order to gain a deeper understanding of the situation inside, Chen Kangjie found a large amount of information about Western Australia to read on the second day. With the deepening of research, Chen Kangjie's mind gradually became clearer.

It turned out that although the liberal political party led by Richard Cotter came to power in the 90s and adopted active economic policies, Western Australia’s economy has made considerable progress and people’s livelihood has also improved greatly. basis of governance.However, with the decline of the Japanese economy in recent years, the economic situation of Western Australia has also faced considerable difficulties.

The first thing that bears the brunt is that the export of iron ore has not increased significantly for three years. If the demand decreases, it would be strange if the export can still increase.Secondly, the number of employed people in Western Australia has decreased, which has resulted in a higher unemployment rate. Moreover, many livelihood projects they promised when they came to power have not been fully realized, such as lowering tax rates, increasing education and medical care. Invest, increase welfare benefits for the elderly, provide more affordable housing, and more.

The emergence of these situations immediately brought a political turn, and the public began to doubt Richard Cotter's ability to govern, which led to a continuous decline in their approval rating. In the 1996 election, the Liberal party led by Richard Cotter only received 51% of the support rate, which is a lot lower than their 1992% support rate in 67. It can be It is said that their ruling status has reached the edge of the cliff.

Speaking of it, this is all the result of Chen Kangjie. His plan in Japan for several years really hit Japan's economy hard, which affected Australia, which has close economic and trade relations with Japan, and thus affected the status of those in power.

From this, Chen Kangjie understands why Richard Cotter and the others need an interest-free loan of 240 billion US dollars. With this money, they can fulfill their promises, greatly improve people's livelihood, and regain the support of voters. thereby consolidating its ruling position.

Small Japan is difficult now, but with the joint efforts of the two major consortiums, it is possible to get so much money, not to mention the profits of this project are really attractive. Anyone with a little bit of strategic vision will understand that the current iron ore The low price of stone will not last long, and it will soar up before long.The reason is that China's economy is growing strongly.

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