rebirth of change

Chapter 916 Nash's Meeting

"The purpose of making such economic concessions is for the sake of one's own ruling status. Would the Australians who value independent politics simply do this? Wouldn't it be so simple?" After listening to Chen Kangjie's words, Ouyang Zhenhua also thought about it.

Regarding Western politics, Ouyang Zhenhua may not have as much understanding and attention as Chen Kangjie, but he is not an ignorant person.Under normal circumstances, it is not impossible for officials who sell national interests in this way to appear in Western countries, but the chances of appearing are indeed relatively small, and their supervision is very strict.

"Don't think of them so noblely. Rights are a good thing. No matter where you are or in what kind of culture, rights are addictive like drugs. Once you have them, you don't want to give them up. It's just that the so-called Western civilized countries It’s nothing surprising that the regulation is a little better than ours. Just like elections, if there is not enough financial support and the help of big consortiums, it will be difficult for candidates to win the position with their passion alone... ...But what you said reminded me that you should try to find a way to investigate whether Richard Cotter and the others own shares in Rio Tinto?" Speaking of which, Chen Kangjie somewhat doubted that it would not be that simple, Because it seems that the Japanese side has benefited a lot, but Rio Tinto, which has the largest share in the joint venture, will benefit even more.

In Western countries, many political leaders are big entrepreneurs, and many are billionaires in their own countries.Their participation in politics, on the one hand, is to realize their own value and the pleasure of enjoying that kind of rights, and on the other hand, it is also to protect their own real interests. Many of them are agents of interest groups.Only those with great courage and conviction will serve the people sincerely, but there are very few such people.

The headquarter of Rio Tinto is in London, but they have extensive and profound interests in Australia, and the Australian business accounts for a considerable proportion of the group's business.Rio Tinto has two global headquarters, one in London and the other in Melbourne. In addition to the special relationship between Australia and the UK, Rio Tinto is actually regarded as an Australian company, otherwise they will not be successful in three years Acquisition of Australia's Northern Mining Company.

As the world's leading supplier of resource mining and mineral products, Rio Tinto will naturally have various relationships with many politicians. Without the support of the government, it will be difficult to achieve a big resource mining business.Chen Kangjie knows that many politicians own the shares of some big companies, so when they introduce policies, they will be biased. There have been many such examples in various countries around the world, so Chen Kangjie will have such a suspicion.

It is not easy for ordinary people to find out whether Richard Cotter and the others own shares in Rio Tinto, but it should not be too difficult for Chen Kangjie and the others.First of all, they started out in finance and have many professionals and channels in the international financial market. Secondly, Samidov and the others came out of the KGB. Although they used to focus on assassination, stealing data is not impossible. Third, I have strong funds and some corresponding reserves of high-tech talents. Whether it is buying or stealing from the Internet, there are certain opportunities.Fourth, they still have to hire survey companies in the United States. Those people also have certain experience in doing this and they are very capable.

"Jie Shao, do you suspect that they are also creating huge wealth for themselves?".

"It's not impossible. You get the information as soon as possible, don't hesitate to spend money and employ people, and if necessary, you can ask the United States to assist you." Chen Kangjie put away the photos and nodded.

"Okay", Ouyang Zhenhua was a little excited, as if he had already got the information about others, "If they really have shares in Rio Tinto, then maybe we can threaten them and see what they choose. Play us, that's the price."

"Threats are often despicable means, and they should not be used unless it is absolutely necessary. Once threats are used, no matter whether the two parties have reached an agreement or not, they will be at odds with each other. Sooner or later, problems will arise. To be honest, I just want to do it right now." Be clear about the matter, I don't want to threaten anyone, making enemies is far more difficult than becoming friends, I don't want to make enemies in Australia yet," Chen Kangjie turned around and said calmly after putting the photo away.

Chen Kangjie is always in a hurry in normal times, and often adopts some extreme methods to resolve problems. It seems that he uses force more often, but as a person with extraordinary wisdom, he knows how to combine hardness and softness, blindly Aggressive, only to be Don Quixote fighting windmills.

The next day after talking with Chen Kangjie, Jeffrey Nash brought four people to the hotel where Chen Kangjie and the others were staying early in the morning, but there was no one in the conference room. Jeffrey Nash was still a little angry and asked his secretary to call him, but They learned from Lisa that China no longer intends to negotiate.

In order to express his dissatisfaction, Ouyang Zhenhua didn't even answer the phone, but asked Lisa to reply.

Jeffrey Nash returned to the office of the Ministry of Commerce of Western Australia with some gloom. He was thinking about this sudden change all the way.

From the bottom of his heart, Jeffrey Nash knew very well that the negotiations with Ouyang Zhenhua and the others had no results, because the task given to him by Richard Cotter was to delay the time as much as possible. Under such a request, he did not The passion of any negotiation, so the further back, the more obvious the performance of perfunctory.

But now that the other party is not negotiating, it will be a little trouble for Jeffrey Nash.They negotiated with Ouyang Zhenhua in the hope that this would increase the pressure on the Japanese and quickly facilitate the completion of the negotiation. Now that Ouyang Zhenhua is not talking, Jeffrey Nash knows that this may affect the cooperation with Japan.

After thinking for a while, Jeffrey Nash still had no clue, and the irritability in his heart had not been completely resolved.However, if there is such a change, as a confidant, he still has to inform Richard Cotter immediately.

"What? They stopped negotiating?" Richard Cotter was obviously surprised to hear this unfortunate news.

"Yes, I have been clearly informed today. I went to the hotel, and none of them showed up," Jeffrey Nash said truthfully.

"Do you know why? Did they see through our plan? Otherwise, they would not be interested in such a big business. They give me the feeling that they need this business very much." During the phone call, Li Chad, Kurt so predicted.

Before Richard Cotter met Ouyang Zhenhua and the others for lunch, he wanted to see for himself how motivated Chen Kangjie and the others were. He gave a very positive answer, but now the answer was overturned by Ouyang Zhenhua's actions up.

"I don't know about this. I have been in contact with them according to your request, and I send people to negotiate with them every day." Jeffrey Nash didn't say that his performance of delaying time was too obvious. Said, that is tantamount to scolding.

"Okay, I know about this. You find a way to contact them, find out the reason, and keep the information confidential. I will be able to finalize a cooperation plan with the Japanese soon." Richard ordered and hung up the phone .

Jeffrey Nash stared at the election timetable on the wall with a telephone receiver in his hand, and there was an instant expression of anger on his face, but it was accompanied by worry and a touch of joy. This contradictory change , even if someone was sitting in front of him at this moment, they probably wouldn't be able to figure out what he was thinking.

Sitting alone in a daze for a while, Jeffrey Nash dialed the phone in front of him. He planned to call Ouyang Zhenhua himself.

However, Lisa still answered the call, and Lisa told President Ouyang to go on a tour.

"Miss Lisa, can you tell me why Mr. Ouyang terminated the negotiation?" Since Ouyang Zhenhua was not here, Jeffrey Nash hoped to get some information from the secretary.

"I'm not sure about this. President Ouyang didn't mention it to us, so I'm sorry." Lisa didn't answer the other party's question, but she still maintained due courtesy.

"Then can you tell me when President Ouyang will come back?" Jeffrey Nash continued to ask.

"I don't know much about this. I only know that President Ouyang will go to Brisbane after two days in Perth. He has some business to deal with, and then he will return to Hong Kong." Lisa's answer was a bit strange. When asked when Ouyang Zhenhua would come back, her words seemed a little too much, and some answers were irrelevant.

During the phone call, Jeffrey Nash didn't think there was anything wrong with Lisa's words. They stopped negotiating, and it was normal to choose to travel and go back. But after hanging up the phone, Jeffrey Nash felt that something was wrong.Why did you go to Brisbane?He hadn't heard that they had any business in South Australia. Going to Sydney, Melbourne or Canberra would make him feel normal. When Ouyang Zhenhua went to Brisbane to discuss business, Jeffrey Nash felt somewhat strange.

Jeffrey Nash originally wanted to tell Richard Cotter the news, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

Throughout the day, Jeffrey Nash did not leave his office. No one knew what he was doing, not even his secretary, because he had notified the secretary to keep other people and things from disturbing him. Thinking that the minister was thinking about China's refusal to negotiate, he also helped him block calls from two or three subordinates, work reports, and two companies.

When he was about to get off work, Nash called to find Ouyang Zhenhua, but he still couldn't find him. It wasn't until after six o'clock that Nash heard Ouyang Zhenhua speak English with an oriental flavor on the phone.

"Mr. Nash, I don't know what you are looking for?"

Ouyang Zhenhua thought that Jeffrey Nash wanted to ask why the negotiation was terminated, and he had thought up an excuse, but who knew it was not.

"I would like to ask you to meet in private, is that possible?"

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