rebirth of change

Chapter 917 The person I trust most

"Meet in private?", this time it was Ouyang Zhenhua's turn to figure out what Jeffrey Nash wanted.

"Yes, it's completely personal. It has nothing to do with work or negotiations. I don't know if Mr. Ouyang is interested." Jeffrey Nash said very seriously.

The more Jeffrey Nash behaved like this, the more uncertain Ouyang Zhenhua was. However, as a usual negotiating partner, Ouyang Zhenhua had no reason to refuse the invitation. The Chinese pay attention to business.More importantly, Ouyang Zhenhua and the others refused to negotiate again, not really giving up this place completely, but hoping that such a move would cause some unexpected reactions and test out some trends. Now that Nash has some abnormalities, Ouyang Zhenhua Of course, I want to know from him what kind of medicine they sell.

"Okay, no matter what, we have known each other for so many days, we are friends, before we leave, friends should get together," Ouyang Zhenhua said very nicely.

"Thank you, I hope we can really become true friends." Of course, Jeffrey Nash knew that Ouyang Zhenhua's words were polite, but he still said that, and he meant something.

Without knowing what Jeffrey Nash wanted to do, Ouyang Zhenhua couldn't comprehend the meaning of his words for a while, but from this simple sentence, Ouyang Zhenhua had some premonitions. Meetings should pay off dramatically.

"Hehe, I also hope, Mr. Nash, when and where do you think we will meet?" Ouyang Zhenhua looked very relaxed.

"As for the time, I hope the sooner the better, don't you guys want to leave, if you leave, it will be inconvenient, what do you think?" Jeffrey Nash hesitated and said.

Ouyang Zhenhua could hear the sound of the sea breeze on the other side from the phone. Fortunately, the quality of the call was not affected. He guessed that Jeffrey Nash was standing somewhere outdoors by the sea.

"That's right. I have time tonight. I have nothing to do in the hotel now." The other party said that the sooner the better, Ouyang Zhenhua wanted to know what kind of medicine was sold in Jeffrey Nash's gourd, so he decided to It is better to hit the sun than to choose the day.

"It's okay. Although I'm not familiar with Perth, I think I can find the place you mentioned." Ouyang Zhenhua decided to go there by himself.

As for how to get there, Ouyang Zhenhua was not worried. He didn't know the way, but he believed that someone under his command must know the way.Since it was a private meeting, why should Jeffrey Nash send someone to a hotel where there are many people coming and going.

After hanging up the phone, Ouyang Zhenhua immediately relayed Jeffrey Nash's words to Chen Kangjie verbatim.In fact, when they called, Chen Kangjie was nearby, but he could hear what Ouyang Zhenhua said, but he couldn't hear Nash's voice, so in order to increase Chen Kangjie's judgment, Ouyang Zhenhua had to describe it in detail again.

"After listening to your description, why do I feel that Jeffrey Nash doesn't seem to want to be your friend, but has something important to talk to you about?" After listening to Ouyang Zhenhua's story carefully, Chen Kangjie was silent After a while, he shook his head and said, it seems that many wise men like this.

"I also feel the same way, so I promise tonight. I really want to know what he is looking for me for? He didn't mention anything about the negotiations." Ouyang Zhenhua is not stupid, and many Chen Kangjie has a premonition that he has accumulated experience. Also have the same.

"I'll know when I see you, I'll go with you tonight."

"That's exactly what I mean. If you don't go, I'm somewhat uncertain." Chen Kangjie could go, and Ouyang Zhenhua couldn't wish for it. Otherwise, he couldn't make a decision when he encountered any critical matter. Very frustrating thing.

Jeffrey Nash said it was a private meeting, but Chen Kangjie and the others went this time, and there were quite a few people there, except for the local office leaders who were leading the way, Xiong Ziqiang, Tan Jun, Pang Hui and Samidov. Plus Ouyang Zhenhua and Chen Kangjie, there are seven people in total.This is already the most streamlined number of them.

Geoffrey Nash owns a two-story English-style villa in the 18th century. The entire exterior wall is white, surrounded by a large lawn, and there is a small fountain on each side of the main building. All are black metal fences. Since this is a hilly land, no matter whether you are upstairs or in the yard, you can overlook the blue sea.

Jeffrey Nash personally went to the garden to welcome Ouyang Zhenhua and the others. He was not surprised to see so many people getting off from the two cars. As a very powerful and wealthy businessman, he would never come alone wherever he went. Those who go alone always bring assistants and bodyguards, which is the most normal thing.

"Welcome, welcome. It is a great honor for Mr. Ouyang to visit the humble house today. Please come inside." Jeffrey Nash was very enthusiastic today.

This is not to say that he was indifferent when he greeted Ouyang Zhenhua and the others at the airport, he was also enthusiastic at that time, but it seemed more mechanical at that time, which was a need for external occasions.At this time, Ouyang Zhenhua could feel the sincerity in Nash's essential emotions. He always had a faint smile on his face, and his behavior was extremely natural and personal.

"Thank you. Although we have dealt with each other several times, this is the first time to visit the house. I am really sorry. I am sorry, please first." They all showed sincerity, and Ouyang Zhenhua naturally would not take the traditional Chinese Hidden politely.

If you were a Chinese, you would definitely be modest with Ouyang Zhenhua a few times. Jeffrey Nash is not very good at such politeness. Besides, he is a landlord, so he is not polite. Walking to the villa, it's a little like leading the way.

"I have two bottles of good wine in my study. Mr. Ouyang is also a wine lover. Today is a rare opportunity. I will take them out and let us taste them together," Jeffrey Nash said casually while walking.

The last time I attended Richard Cotter's banquet, after drinking the Lassi from Leowen Winery, Ouyang Zhenhua once said that he would take some back when he left. He became a wine lover.

"Hehe, then I can't wait for it. The wine in Mr. Nash's collection must be extraordinary. It seems that I am lucky today." Ouyang Zhenhua followed closely behind Jeffrey Nash.

Chen Kangjie has been following the two of them since he got off the car, without speaking, but while listening to their chat, he looked around and admired the manor in the night.In Australia, Nash's villa is not big, nor is it among the most luxurious.Due to Australia's vast land, small population, and the relatively high level of wealth of the local people, many rich people's villas are extremely luxurious.But compared to many ordinary houses, Nash's apartment is already pretty good, at least this is the Sunset Coast h with a superior location.

Jeffrey Nash's house also reflects his class status in Australia. It is not the top, but it still belongs to the upper class.The characteristic of this kind of person is that they succumb to the strong when there is no opportunity, and once the opportunity is presented in front of them, they also hope that they can become the top person, become the focus of everyone and the object of protection.People like them have close contacts with those at the top, and they also have the most personal understanding and envy. Unlike ordinary people, they are far away from top politicians and wealthy people. If they have ideas, it is also a boring luxury, because they simply cannot At that level, you can't even get close.

After entering the main building, although there were servants standing at the door, intending to provide high-quality services at any time, Jeffrey Nash, who led the way, did not stop, but continued to walk up the stairs. It seemed that he was going directly to his study.

Once inside the building, Xiong Ziqiang and the others don't have to follow closely. They can choose to visit around. On the one hand, it is inconvenient for them to continue to follow. Neither Chen Kangjie nor Ouyang Zhenhua said a word; on the other hand, they can use this to understand the safety of the villa. Performance and observation of various situations around.

Ouyang Zhenhua and Nash walked in front, chatting every sentence.Sure enough, Nash took Ouyang Zhenhua directly to the door of his study on the west side of the second floor.

Nash pushed the door open, and Ouyang Zhenhua and Chen Kangjie filed in.

"Mr. Ouyang...this...we are meeting in private..." Seeing that Chen Kangjie also followed in, Jeffrey Nash seemed a little unhappy, take a look Chen Kangjie, look at Ouyang Zhenhua again.

"He can know everything about me, whether it's private or business occasions, he can go wherever I can. This is the person I trust the most," Ouyang Zhenhua explained seriously.

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