rebirth of change

Chapter 918 I Have This Idea

Jeffrey Nash was stunned for 30 seconds and did not speak. Ouyang Zhenhua's words made him somewhat surprised. Few bosses and subordinates have such a level of trust.

"Forgive me, please sit down, Mr. Ouyang, please, Mr. Chen, please sit down", Jeffrey Nash is indeed a person who has been in the officialdom for a long time, and he quickly walked out of the embarrassment, saying "Excuse me" After clarification, there was a sudden change of enthusiasm, and Chen Kangjie was treated with three points of courtesy.


"Thank you", Ouyang Zhenhua and Chen Kangjie thanked each other, and then sat down on the two red leather sofas generously.

Jeffrey Nash's study room is mainly red, but the color is different in shades.Two rows of crimson bookcases are leaning against the wall, filled with all kinds of books. The desk is also red, and it is still that kind of silvery red. It is placed neatly in front of the main bookshelf, closely following It is a revolving light red sofa chair. Opposite the desk is the purple single sofa that Chen Kangjie and the others are sitting on. Next to them is a wine cabinet, the color is orange. In the whole room, there are only two corner lamps. It's white, the shell of the table lamp is green, otherwise, even the floor is wooden red.

"Looking at the exterior wall, I thought Mr. Nash liked white, but I didn't expect that your study room is mainly red." Ouyang Zhenhua crossed his legs, raised his head slightly, scanned the room, and said casually.

"The color of the exterior wall was there when the villa was repaired. The surrounding villas are all in white tone. I didn't change it in order not to look awkward. But in fact, my favorite color is red. I think this color is more attractive. Vitality means vitality and upward." Jeffrey Nash opened the wine cabinet, turned around and said, and then continued to take out a bottle of red wine with a slightly yellowed label.

"We also like red," Chen Kangjie said.

"I know that almost all of you Chinese people like red, it seems that it is your lucky color and the symbol of your nation. As long as you celebrate the New Year, every house is mainly decorated with red." This color symbol of China is almost Everyone knows that even overseas, through the window of Chinatown, foreigners can have a deep understanding of Chinese culture.Jeffrey Nash put the wine bottle on the desk, took out a corkscrew, and opened the wine while talking.

In fact, we didn't like red that much before. Although symbols such as marriage, couplets, and window grilles were the main color, in ancient times, black was still a symbol of orthodoxy.It's just that after the founding of the People's Republic of China, due to the appearance of our national flag, national emblem, military flag and other red signs with national symbolic characteristics, red has spread on a wider range.On this basis, our country is called Red China.

"It seems that Mr. Nash knows us quite well. It seems that if we dig carefully, we have many similarities." Ouyang Zhenhua stared at Jeffrey Nash and said.

Jeffrey Nash slowly pulled out the wooden cork, and suddenly a tangy aroma of wine filled the air in the room. The wine molecules were mixed in the air and entered everyone's nasal cavity, giving people a very refreshing feeling. intuition.

"Yes, I think we have more in common. Let's first taste the wine that I have collected for more than 20 years. This is the petrus (Petrus) from 30 years ago. I have been reluctant to drink it. Today, it is fate. Let's share together", Jeffrey Nash handed the two half glasses of wine poured out of goblets to Ouyang Zhenhua and Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie and the others didn't help Nash with the wine, open the wine, pour the wine, or serve the wine just now. Chen Kangjie's status and role on the surface are a little lower, but they are guests, and they can wait for Nash to serve for them. More importantly, although the two Not an official, but whether it is Chen Kangjie or Ouyang Zhenhua, no one has a lower status than Nash.

"You don't have to drink it up and ask about the taste to know it's been a long time. You just opened it, and the strong aroma of wine has already rushed towards me," Ouyang Zhenhua said exaggeratedly.

Petrus is the first of the eight famous wineries in Bordeaux. It is the red wine with the best quality and the most expensive price in Bordeaux.The 30-year petrus is already very expensive, not to mention the [-]-year petrus, which is estimated to cost more than [-] yuan in synthetic RMB. Jeffrey Nash can share such a share, Chen Kangjie feels that it seems unreasonable, after all, their relationship It's not that intimate yet, and besides, there was a worry that the negotiations would break down.

"It's really good wine. People like me who don't know much about wine can drink it. Mr. Nash really spent a lot of money." Chen Kangjie shook the glass a few times, and said softly after taking a sip.

"Thank you for your compliments. It's interesting to share good wine with people who understand wine." Nash sat back behind his desk and took a sip himself with his head down.

Chen Kangjie glanced at Ouyang Zhenhua, so he was regarded as a person who knows how to drink?He was a little confused.Besides, there are many people who know wine in the world, so why not share good wine with them?

Ouyang Zhenhua naturally didn't understand what Nash said, and he didn't even notice that Chen Kangjie looked at him.

"Mr. Nash, although your wine is good, I still want to ask, is it just for your good wine when we meet today?" Ouyang Zhenhua couldn't help it, and asked tentatively.

Everyone knows that when Nash meets them, it is unlikely that they will really get together and chat like friends. However, he has not said it all the time. Someone must break the conversation, otherwise it will be meaningless. In the world No matter how good the wine is, Ouyang Zhenhua can't afford it.

After hearing Ouyang Zhenhua's question, Jeffrey Nash didn't speak for a while, but just stared at Ouyang Zhenhua and Chen Kangjie with a glass of wine, as if he wanted to find something on their faces.Ouyang Zhenhua's face showed some anticipation, but from Chen Kangjie's face, he found nothing. Chen Kangjie was studying the color of the wine in the glass at the moment, as if he was only interested in that wine.

"Hehe, yes, aren't you going to South Australia? Let's get together and practice it for you. I remember that when you arrived in Perth, I was the one who greeted you." After a while, Nash laughed said.

"Thank you Mr. Nash, Mr. Ouyang, Mr. Nash is so polite. It seems that our trip to Perth was worthwhile. I always think that friends are more important than interests. Interests cannot be transformed into friendship, but friendship can bring unexpected benefits. There are opportunities When Mr. Nash arrives in Hong Kong, we must treat him well." Before Ouyang Zhenhua could speak, Chen Kangjie put the wine glass aside and said slowly.

Chen Kangjie was worried that Ouyang Zhenhua would continue to take the initiative to talk about such a topic. Although they were chatting at the moment, they were actually negotiating. Since it was a negotiation, whoever took the initiative might lose the initiative.It was Nash's appointment tonight, and Chen Kangjie didn't intend to take the initiative. That would make him appear passive.

Compared with patience, Chen Kangjie has never lacked it.

Nash originally thought that Ouyang Zhenhua would continue to ask something, but he didn't expect that Chen Kangjie interrupted him, and Ouyang Zhenhua stopped talking, which immediately disrupted his prediction.

Nash did have something to discuss with Chen Kangjie and the others, but he was still observing, somewhat hesitant.The reason why he didn't mention the negotiation with Ouyang Zhenhua later today was not only that it was a strategy for the negotiation, but also because he wanted to take the initiative and wait for Ouyang Zhenhua to take the initiative to talk.Through previous acquaintances, Jeffrey Nash knew that Ouyang Zhenhua and the others wanted to invest in Western Australia, otherwise they would not have continued to talk for so many days in patience.

"Then I would like to thank you in advance. I appreciate what Mr. Chen said. Friends are more important than interests. Interests are mutual use, but friends are mutual support." Jeffrey Nash stretched out his right palm and pointed at Chen Kangjie, smiling Said.

In fact, there is not much difference between the two sentences Jeffrey Nash said. Mutual use is also a kind of support. Mutual support may be for mutual use. identical.

"Mr. Chen is my think tank, hehe, he helped me make many of my decisions in advance, and his words are rarely unreasonable." Ouyang Zhenhua looked at Chen Kangjie and said.

Since Chen Kangjie wanted to participate directly, Ouyang Zhenhua seemed to further elevate Chen Kangjie's status from the side, so that he could speak freely.

"Oh? I can't tell that Mr. Chen is a wise man at such a young age. I don't know what Mr. Chen thinks about investing in Australia?" Jeffrey Nash's interest in Chen Kangjie further increased. After taking a sip, he will Putting down the wine glass, he looked at Chen Kangjie with his hands crossed.

"Well, I don't hide it. To be honest, investing in Australia is my suggestion to President Ouyang. Although Australia has a small population, it is a bit weak as a consumer market. However, Australia has a vast territory and rich resources. You can use these Play a more important role in international economy and trade. The Middle East has become the focus of the world due to its rich oil. With the rise of emerging economies, I think Australia can also play its strengths and achieve greater economic achievements and Benefits. Your resource endowment and the expectations of the public also determine that you will take this path, which is beneficial to you, to investors, and to a larger extent, to the integration of this region.  … ", since Jeffrey Nash asked, then Chen Kangjie is not polite, and said a lot of eloquence.He didn't exaggerate himself, nor weakened the other party, he said it realistically.

Chen Kangjie saw that Nash was exploring the way, so he had to give the other party a step. Only in this way can everyone's topics reach the intersection that they both need.

"Oh, thank you for your great opinion. Excuse me for asking at the wrong time. Are you going to South Australia to invest there?" Jeffrey Nash really walked down the steps given by Chen Kangjie.

"I have this idea, Western Australia does not welcome us, maybe South Australia will not be like this", Chen Kangjie has made the preparations, and Ouyang Zhenhua also knows what to say.

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