rebirth of change

Chapter 921 Reaching Cooperation

It took a long time for Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua to recover from looking at each other.

"I think this kind of thing must be very confidential. At least before he decides to quit, it is definitely a big secret. How did you know?" The news was shocking, but Chen Kangjie still wanted to further verify its authenticity.

"Indeed, it is indeed confidential. Prior to this, no more than four people knew about it. However, his examination was carried out at Maria Hospital. The doctor in charge happened to be one of my middle school classmates. We were together a few days ago. Drinking, he inadvertently revealed it to me. If my classmate didn't tell me, none of us colleagues would know about it," Jeffrey Nash said firmly.

If so, it's more believable.It is impossible for Richard Cotter to announce his illness before his own interests are achieved. That would cause unnecessary trouble and even hinder cooperation with the outside world.Internally, it is estimated that not many people will pay attention to a person who is about to die. If such news is not well hidden, there will definitely be trouble.Now that Jeffrey Nash knows about it, it will have such a deteriorating effect.

"Mr. Nash, how do you plan to cooperate with us? Richard Cotter will definitely conclude this deal before then, don't you plan to tear up the contract in the future?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked.

"It is not impossible to tear up contracts. We will abide by fair contracts, but only for personal interests. Of course, there is no need to respect contracts that harm the public interest. Of course, that is the next policy. As a civilized country ruled by law, it is best not to In that case, our image will be greatly damaged. The best way is to prevent their contracts from being signed before then conduct fair competition negotiations." Jeffrey Nash seems to have a certain clarity in his mind I thought about it.

"In this case, you can do it yourself. It seems that we are useless. You can achieve your goal by publishing the content of his illness and the relevant contract." Chen Kangjie pretended not to understand, and asked deliberately .

"Aren't you willing to invest in Western Australia?" Jeffrey Nash asked rhetorically.

"Of course I would, but as long as it is a fair competitive negotiation, we are very confident. Besides, I haven't found that we can help you. Basically, you can do what you said. Our only The choice is to wait for the opportunity of fair competition and negotiation," Chen Kangjie said without hesitation, facing Jeffrey Nash squarely.

Chen Kangjie's random interjection and the tone of his conversation gave Jeffrey Nash a feeling that Chen Kangjie was not like an assistant, but Ouyang Zhenhua was on the scene, so he couldn't have any thoughts.

"Hehe," Nash chuckled, turned sideways, and put his hands in his trouser pockets, "We all know that there is no absolute fairness in the world, and all fairness is relative. In international bidding and procurement, often It's not that the one with the strongest strength and the best price wins. Everyone knows the reason. Take it now, don't you have strength? You still have, but Mr. Cotter didn't negotiate with you, you just became what he gave It's just a bargaining chip for the Japanese to put pressure on. Isn't that enough to explain the problem? To be honest, Kurt and I are not personal enemies. Even if it is, I can do it on my own to block his political path Yes, but why should I do this? What good will it do me? Should I continue to be the Minister of Commerce or go to a certain position in a certain company? All this is unknown. I think, you know me If there is sincerity, we can cooperate, if not, then maybe I can find someone else to cooperate", although Jeffrey Nash did not fully explain the words, but the meaning is clear to each other.

From Nash's expression and behavior, it can't be seen that he meant to be joking.

"Please don't get me wrong, of course we have the sincerity to cooperate, otherwise we wouldn't have come to Perth, and we wouldn't have stood here blowing the sea breeze with you, right? We just don't know our mutual interests and personal What effort is needed, rights and responsibilities need to be equal, and only by clarifying their relationship can our cooperation be smooth and successful." Chen Kangjie also straight to the point clarified his thoughts and attitude.

"It's very simple, so let me just say that what you benefit from is to get the corresponding investment contract. I need your financial support. What I can get is that you help me become the governor of Western Australia. Only I can go one step further. You What is needed can be realized. This is a win-win cooperation. If I become the governor, I will share the benefits with the local residents as much as possible, so that everyone can share the development achievements of Western Australia. Very beneficial." Jeffrey Nash also faced Chen Kangjie's question frankly, expressing his thoughts without any concealment.

"This way we will be clear. It sounds good. I am very interested. Mr. Nash, I am a little curious. As the Minister of Commerce of Western Australia, you should have contacted many friends in the business world. How did you think of cooperating with us? How can we say that we haven't been dating for a long time?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked curiously.

"Well, there are several reasons. First, I think Chinese people are more kind, especially in foreign exchanges. We also have some Chinese investors here. They may use some clever means in business operations, but internally In terms of behavior and character, they are more kind, unlike people in other countries, they are the other way around, which I value more. Secondly, this cooperation needs a lot of help. If there is no very strong economy Strength is impossible. Among the businessmen I have contacted, both Japanese and Americans have this kind of strength, but the Japanese have already come together with Mr. Cotter, and I can’t go that way. The Americans let me I'm a little worried. Their laws and regulations are relatively strict. Besides, in terms of strategy, Americans like to do such things, but in terms of specific things, Americans tend to avoid them. This is their brilliance. Be the moral police first. Besides, large American companies do not have the urgent desire to invest in this area, and the distance is a bit far away. Third, that is time. Our time is limited. It is less than three months before the election in November. Such a short time Time no longer allows me to make many choices, and I must make a quick decision, because there is still a lot of work to be done, and I need to concentrate on it. Several factors are combined, and we got to know each other at this time. After talking and understanding for a few days, I If I find that we have a great possibility of becoming friends, then I think you will become my first choice in choosing a partner." Regardless of whether it is true or not, what Jeffrey Nash said is quite convincing anyway, and also It showed his true style, courage and ability.

"Mr. Ouyang, I think Mr. Nash is really our best choice. It is really hard to find someone as sincere and insightful as him." As an "assistant", Chen Kangjie is not suitable for making direct decisions , so the form of arcs was used to make suggestions to Ouyang Zhenhua with false intentions.

It can be said that Jeffrey Nash has basically convinced Chen Kangjie.After Chen Kangjie thought quickly, he had actually agreed with Nash's reasons.Perhaps in some cases, further verification is needed in order to be foolproof, but it is good for the two parties to reach some kind of framework oral agreement first.

When I came to Perth this time, I thought it would go well at first, but later I felt that the crisis was not small, and there was even a possibility of being eliminated. I never thought that there would be another village. Since Jeffrey Nash has such ambitions, I If their interests can be guaranteed, then there is really no reason to refuse to cooperate, and this opportunity seems to be great.

"I think so too," Ouyang Zhenhua glanced at Chen Kangjie, and then extended his right hand to Jeffrey Nash, "I hope we can cooperate happily, no matter what you need, we will try our best to cooperate, maybe nothing else, Funding must be guaranteed.”

Ouyang Zhenhua's words seemed very confident.

Jeffrey Nash stretched out his hands and held Ouyang Zhenhua's right hand tightly, "Thank you, I assure you that you will not regret today's cooperation, and the result will definitely be a win-win situation ".

Jeffrey Nash also released enough confidence, as if he had planned every step.

As far as our country is concerned, in its external affairs, it generally follows the principle of non-interference in other people's internal affairs.But in fact, this is a good way, but it may not be a good way. If we do not interfere with anything, our actions will sometimes be denied and our interests will not be maximized.Just look at the Americans. They adopt a strategy of general intervention. While they have won many opponents, they have also won the support of many people. Some people even support both opposition and support. benefit as much as possible.

Chen Kangjie's thinking is not stubborn, sometimes don't care too much about what others think, and don't care too much about your own image.We have always adopted a positive policy towards the world, but our image may not be good in the Western world. Americans have always been aggressive. Their image may not be bad in the world. As long as you have value, you will be valued. need.

In his heart, Chen Kangjie himself had calculated that what they had to do was basically to cooperate, and Jeffrey Nash had to do the work of the pawn. If he didn't do it, no one would be suitable for it.

Now that they have become allies with each other, some details of cooperation need to be briefly discussed.Maybe it solved everyone's worries and brought new hope. The three of them just stood there when they were not there, but they really walked while walking.For such a big event, most people would choose to chat in the study room instead of in the secret room, but the three of them chose to reach a perfect balance while strolling in the yard.

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