rebirth of change

Chapter 922 Cunning Kurt

On the third day after Chen Kangjie and the others reached a cooperation agreement with Jeffrey Nash, Australia's largest print media "The Australian" published a news about the cooperation between Western Australia and the Japanese in the development of the Ashburton River The news about cross-strait iron ore, under normal circumstances, is nothing but a normal publicity report, but this news has aroused widespread concern and discussion throughout Australia. The problem is that the contract between them has not been signed yet. The reporter exposed the relevant content of the contract, and the title of the information is also very eye-catching and attractive, called "Australia's public resources are sold at low prices".

Once this news was exposed, the whole country was boiling, especially in Western Australia, where protesters appeared in front of the Prime Minister's Office that day. Richard Cotter was suddenly pushed to the top of the wave, and immediately became the focus of national public opinion .

When he saw this newspaper, Richard Cotter was so angry that his hands were shaking. The core essence of this news was to push him to the cross of sinners and nail him up. Although the reporter did not mention his name, every sentence was He vaguely pointed the spearhead at him, and the meaning was very obvious.

Just as Richard Cotter was sitting in the study sulking and filtering out who leaked the news in his mind, his assistant knocked on the door and came in.

"What's the matter?" Richard Cotter was very upset that his thoughts were interrupted, and his tone was much stiffer than usual.

As an assistant, he is usually one of Richard Cotter's most trusted people. Generally, Cotter would not speak to him in such a tone, but today's situation is special. The assistant knows why Mr. Governor is upset, so he doesn't care After lowering his head to balance his mood, he raised his head and replied: "Sir, reporters from The Age and Perth News TV are outside to interview you."

"No, no, don't accept interviews, drive them out", Richard Cotter is in no mood to meet reporters now, at this moment he is most angry with reporters, he will not be in a good mood when he is angry Face those "nasty flies".

"Sir... I think it's better for you to meet and clarify some things. It should be a good thing for you... If you don't stand up, I'm afraid some slanderous charges will be confirmed." , Seeing that the governor was in a bad mood, as an assistant, he should push it out wisely, but the assistant didn't, so he hesitated for a while, and stood behind the door to put forward his own opinion.

There is a big difference between assistants and secretaries. Secretaries often cannot have their own ideas, as long as they perform the tasks assigned by the boss well.Assistants play the role of staff in many things. As a good assistant, you must have your own thinking and correct suggestions at critical times.Just like the "National Security Affairs Assistant" in the United States, this position is indeed an assistant's role, but it has considerable power. Many of the president's policies and ideas related to national security are the assistant's suggestions and ideas.

I have known Richard Cotter for many years, no matter whether the content reported in the newspaper is true or not, but as an assistant, he has to think and deal with it from the perspective of the boss as much as possible.It doesn't matter whether the boss likes to listen to such suggestions, he must know everything and say everything, and then he is qualified.

After the assistant finished his opinion, Richard Cotter didn't speak for a while. He leaned on the chair, staring at the ceiling with bright eyes and thinking. The assistant didn't leave, just stood at the door and waited quietly.

"Call Andrew Fisher here first." Two minutes later, Richard Cotter leaned his arms on the desk and said slowly. The annoying newspaper had already been thrown into the trash beside him. in the basket.

"Okay, sir," the assistant replied bluntly, turned around and went out, and helped Richard Cotter secure the door belt by the way.

After the assistant left, Richard Cotter began to think again. With such a change, he needed to think about many issues.

More than half an hour later, State Finance Minister Andrew Fisher came to Kurt's study.

"Andrew, sit down, we are in trouble, I think you already know it." At this moment, Richard Cotter calmed down a lot. Although he was a bit decadent, he felt that he was much more rational and calm.

Andrew Fisher sat down diagonally across from Kurt, his brows were frowned, his face was solemn, "Yes, I saw the newspaper."

"I believe this will not be leaked by you...", Richard Cotter stood up and said, Andrew Fisher wanted to defend himself, but was stopped by Cotter's right hand, "You Needless to say, the relationship between us, I know it can't be you, there are not many people who know about it, it is impossible for the Japanese to do stupid things, of course, it may not be the time to pursue these things now, what we have to do How to make up for it, the plan may change, but I hope the ending will be the same."

"Mr. Cotter, what do you need me to do?" Andrew Fisher straightened up slightly, with an attitude of listening to orders.

"Before, I originally thought that after I left this post, I would hand over Western Australia to you for management. We have discussed this matter, and I will fully support you. Half of this contract is prepared for you. You know this. Only with a large amount of cash in hand can your governorship be stable and long-term, and voters will vote for you. As for repaying the debt, it is the responsibility of the successor, and it was foolproof Now that those bastards have messed up your plan, you may have to do the rest," Richard Cotter said earnestly like an elder to his younger generation.

Among all his subordinates, the person Richard Cotter trusted the most was Andrew Fisher, so he took over the financial power.Jeffrey Nash and Richard Cotter are still relatively close, otherwise he would not have served as the Minister of Commerce for more than five consecutive years, but the degree of intimacy is always lower than that of Andrew Fisher.

In Richard Cotter's plan, if he can no longer serve as the governor, he will arrange for his confidant Andrew Fisher to succeed him. Only in this way can he keep the fruits of his interests.

It stands to reason that there is no need for a person who has achieved such a high position as Richard Cotter and is not long in the world to be greedy for wealth and power. However, as long as you are a human being, you will have some ties. The problems of the East and the West are almost the same for all human beings.

The reason why Richard Cotter wants to make a large fortune before leaving is for his children and mistress. For a long time, Cotter felt that he was ashamed of his mistress and children, so he decided to leave It's time to make a fortune, and he also feels that this is not a deal that completely sells the interests of the whole people. He believes that the interest generated by more than 200 billion US dollars is enough to make up for the previous loss, and Western Australia also gained a lot of benefits.

"Sir, I thank you for supporting me so much. I am very grateful. No matter what the circumstances, I will follow your instructions and requirements to complete the task." Andrew Fisher bowed and said while touching his chest.This may be the reason why he was able to gain more trust from Kurt.

"Don't be so polite, we are good partners, we are sitting on the same boat right now, our honor and future are closely related," Richard Cotter waved to Andrew Fisher.

"Yes," Fisher nodded, and replied lightly and simply.

"You have to be on guard against Jeffrey Nash. That guy is actually quite cunning. I don't know if he has anything to do with such a thing, but you have to be cautious about him. Before we thought After the matter is completed, if there is any change, he will be withdrawn as a scapegoat. Now it seems that he has to be moved ahead of time. There are two advantages to doing this." Richard Cotter stood at the window, looking at the scenery outside Said to Andrew Fisher.

Richard Cotter was really scheming, he even found a replacement for the dead ghost.To put it bluntly, Jeffrey Nash is the Minister of Commerce of Western Australia, and he is in charge of all economic and trade negotiations. From this perspective, his identity is indeed perfect as a scapegoat. Richard Cotter can be light In one sentence, the blame was placed on him.

"What good?" Fisher asked.

"First, of course, we were taken out of this matter to show our innocence. He was in charge of the negotiations with the Japanese in the early stage. It is natural to push the responsibility, and there is no room for others to believe it. Secondly, it is able to help you eradicate this biggest competitor. In Western Australia, anyone who has the qualifications and ability to take on the responsibility of the governor, except you, is Jeffrey Nash. Only by letting him out first can you be in the top position." , it seems that Richard Cotter's words are all for the sake of Andrew Fisher.

Both the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Commerce are important departments of government agencies. Both Fisher and Nash have held their current positions for many years. No wonder Richard Cotter would classify Nash as Fisher's greatest enemy.

"To win the election, we need to make greater promises to the voters. However, according to our current financial revenue and expenditure, it is actually difficult to fulfill the promises made. Now that this project has encountered such difficulties, we are very happy. Difficult to advance, if you don’t get the money, you can’t give voters dividends and benefits, and it’s very difficult to implement.” As the finance minister, Fisher is very clear about the money in the hands of the government. Without money, it is difficult to move forward. It's the same situation no matter where you are.

"It doesn't matter. The Japanese have always cooperated with us. There is still a certain foundation. I will find a way to let the Japanese spend money to support you first, so that you can win the election. After you become the governor, you will make this If the project is implemented, in that case, everyone will benefit, and others will have nothing to say." Richard Cotter said the countermeasures he got after thinking for a long time.

This approach seems logical, but one thing is becoming obvious, that is, Andrew Fisher is very likely to become Richard Cotter's next scapegoat.Most of the benefits were taken by Kurt, but if there was an accident, it would be up to Fisher to resist.

"If this can be done, that's of course great, but what would the Japanese do?"

"They have no reason not to."

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